variant of 碗

variant of 碗

bowl; cup

variant of 碗

strokes 13
strokes after radical 8
崩大碗 崩大碗 beng1 da4 wan3
gotu kola (Centella asiatica), herbaceous plant

擦碗布 擦碗布 ca1 wan3 bu4
dish cloth; tea towel

茶碗 茶碗 cha2 wan3

超级碗 超級碗 chao1 ji2 wan3
Super Bowl (American football championship game)

吃着碗里,看着锅里 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡 chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 - kan4 zhe5 guo1 li3
lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom); not content with what one already has; (of men, typically) to have the wandering eye

吃着碗里,瞧着锅里 吃著碗裡,瞧著鍋裡 chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 - qiao2 zhe5 guo1 li3
see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里

丢饭碗 丟飯碗 diu1 fan4 wan3
to lose one's job

饭碗 飯碗 fan4 wan3
rice bowl; fig. livelihood; job; way of making a living

盖碗 蓋碗 gai4 wan3
lidded teacup

烘碗机 烘碗機 hong1 wan3 ji1
dish dryer

金饭碗 金飯碗 jin1 fan4 wan3
secure and lucrative job

盘碗 盤碗 pan2 wan3
dishes; crockery; plates and cups

破碗破摔 破碗破摔 po4 wan3 po4 shuai1
lit. to smash a cracked pot; fig. to treat oneself as hopeless and act crazily

汤碗 湯碗 tang1 wan3
soup bowl

铁饭碗 鐵飯碗 tie3 fan4 wan3
secure employment (lit. iron rice bowl)

碗柜 碗櫃 wan3 gui4

洗碗 洗碗 xi3 wan3
to wash the dishes

洗碗池 洗碗池 xi3 wan3 chi2
kitchen sink

洗碗机 洗碗機 xi3 wan3 ji1

洗碗精 洗碗精 xi3 wan3 jing1
dishwashing liquid

香碗豆 香碗豆 xiang1 wan3 dou4
sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

找饭碗 找飯碗 zhao3 fan4 wan3
to look for a job