lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom); fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities
保护神保護神bao3 hu4 shen2
patron saint; guardian angel
兵贵神速兵貴神速bing1 gui4 shen2 su4
lit. speed is a crucial asset in war (idiom); fig. swift and resolute (in doing sth)
have a smoke after each meal and you will surpass the immortals (proverb)
泛神论泛神論fan4 shen2 lun4
pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe
泛自然神论泛自然神論fan4 zi4 ran2 shen2 lun4
pandeism, theological theory that God created the Universe and became one with it
费神費神fei4 shen2
to spend effort; to take trouble; May I trouble you to...? (as part of polite request); Please would you mind...?
分神分神fen1 shen2
to give attention to sth; please give (some of your valuable) attention to my task; to be distracted
焚香敬神焚香敬神fen2 xiang1 jing4 shen2
to burn incense in prayer to a God
封神榜封神榜feng1 shen2 bang3
Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty vernacular novel of mythology and fantasy, very loosely based on King Wu of Zhou's 周武王 overthrow of the Shang, subsequent material for opera, film, TV series, computer games etc
封神演义封神演義feng1 shen2 yan3 yi4
Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty vernacular novel of mythology and fantasy, very loosely based on King Wu of Zhou's 周武王 overthrow of the Shang, subsequent material for opera, film, TV series, computer games etc
奉若神明奉若神明feng4 ruo4 shen2 ming2
to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere; to worship; to deify; to make a holy cow of sth; to put sb on a pedestal
谷神穀神gu3 shen2
harvest God
谷神星穀神星gu3 shen2 xing1
Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1801 by G. Piazzi
鬼斧神工鬼斧神工gui3 fu3 shen2 gong1
supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods; uncanny workmanship; superlative craftsmanship
鬼神鬼神gui3 shen2
supernatural beings
鬼使神差鬼使神差gui3 shi3 shen2 chai1
demons and gods at work (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation; curious coincidence
海神海神hai3 shen2
Emperor of the Sea; Neptune
河神河神he2 shen2
river god
横神经橫神經heng2 shen2 jing1
transverse commissure
狐鬼神仙狐鬼神仙hu2 gui3 shen2 xian1
foxes, ghosts and immortals; supernatural beings, usually fictional
护法神護法神hu4 fa3 shen2
protector deities of Buddhist law
化腐朽为神奇化腐朽為神奇hua4 fu3 xiu3 wei2 shen2 qi2
lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)
慌神慌神huang1 shen2
to get agitated; to panic
恍神恍神huang3 shen2
to be off in another world; to suffer a lapse in concentration
婚神星婚神星hun1 shen2 xing1
Ceres, an asteroid
活神仙似活神仙似huo2 shen2 xian1 si4
to live like the immortals (advertising real estate)
it's easier to invite the devil in than to send him away
全神灌注全神灌注quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4
variant of 全神貫注|全神贯注
全神贯注全神貫注quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4
to concentrate one's attention completely (idiom); with rapt attention
人格神人格神ren2 ge2 shen2
personal God; anthropomorphic God
忍者神龟忍者神龜ren3 zhe3 shen2 gui1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc
认知神经心理学認知神經心理學ren4 zhi1 shen2 jing1 xin1 li3 xue2
cognitive neuropsychology
日神日神ri4 shen2
the Sun God; Apollo
入神入神ru4 shen2
to be enthralled; to be entranced
三叉神经三叉神經san1 cha1 shen2 jing1
trigeminal nerve
丧门神喪門神sang1 men2 shen2
messenger of death (cf Irish banshee); person bringing bad luck
煞神煞神sha4 shen2
demon; fiend
山神山神shan1 shen2
mountain god
神爱世人神愛世人shen2 ai4 shi4 ren2
the gods love the common people (idiom)
神奥神奧shen2 ao4
mysterious; an enigma
神笔神筆shen2 bi3
lit. divine pen; fig. outstanding writing
神不守舍神不守捨shen2 bu4 shou3 she4
abstracted; drifting off; restless
神不知鬼不觉神不知鬼不覺shen2 bu4 zhi1 gui3 bu4 jue2
top secret; hush-hush
神采神采shen2 cai3
expression; spirit; vigor
神采飞扬神采飛揚shen2 cai3 fei1 yang2
in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
神采奕奕神采奕奕shen2 cai3 yi4 yi4
in glowing spirits (idiom); bursting with life; radiating health and vigor
神差鬼使神差鬼使shen2 chai1 gui3 shi3
the work of gods and devils (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation; curious coincidence
神成为人神成為人shen2 cheng2 wei2 ren2
God became man
神池神池shen2 chi2
Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州, Shanxi
神池县神池縣shen2 chi2 xian4
Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州, Shanxi
神出鬼没神出鬼沒shen2 chu1 gui3 mo4
lit. Gods appear and devils vanish (idiom); to appear and disappear unpredictably; to change rapidly
神祠神祠shen2 ci2
神道神道shen2 dao4
Shinto (Japanese religion)
神的儿子神的兒子shen2 de5 er2 zi5
the Son of God
神殿神殿shen2 dian4
神雕侠侣神鵰俠侶shen2 diao1 xia2 lv3
The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸)
神雕侠侣神雕俠侶shen2 diao1 xia2 lv3
The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸); variant of 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣
神风特攻队神風特攻隊shen2 feng1 te4 gong1 dui4
kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)
神风突击队神風突擊隊shen2 feng1 tu1 ji1 dui4
kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)
神佛神佛shen2 fo2
Gods and Buddhas
神父神父shen2 fu5
Christian priest or clergyman; (spiritual) father
神甫神甫shen2 fu5
variant of 神父
神冈神岡shen2 gang1
Shenkang township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
神冈乡神岡鄉shen2 gang1 xiang1
Shenkang township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
神格神格shen2 ge2
神功神功shen2 gong1
miracle; remarkable feat
神工鬼斧神工鬼斧shen2 gong1 gui3 fu3
supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods; uncanny workmanship; superlative craftsmanship
神怪神怪shen2 guai4
spirits and devils (usually harmful); demon
神汉神漢shen2 han4
神乎其技神乎其技shen2 hu1 qi2 ji4
(idiom) brilliant; extremely skillful; virtuosic
神户神戶shen2 hu4
Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka
神话神話shen2 hua4
legend; fairy tale; myth; mythology
神化神化shen2 hua4
to make divine; apotheosis
神话故事神話故事shen2 hua4 gu4 shi5
mythological story; myth
神魂神魂shen2 hun2
mind; state of mind (often abnormal)
神魂颠倒神魂顛倒shen2 hun2 dian1 dao3
lit. spirit and soul upside down (idiom); infatuated and head over heels in love; fascinated; captivated
神机妙算神機妙算shen2 ji1 miao4 suan4
divine strategy and wonderful planning (idiom); clever scheme; supremely clever in his schemes
神迹神跡shen2 ji4
神家园神家園shen2 jia1 yuan2
spiritual home
神交神交shen2 jiao1
soul brothers; friends in spirit who have never met; to commune with
神经神經shen2 jing1
nerve; mental state; (coll.) unhinged; nutjob
神经氨酸酶神經氨酸酶shen2 jing1 an1 suan1 mei2
neuraminidase (the N of virus such as bird flu H5N1)
神经病神經病shen2 jing1 bing4
mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case
神经大条神經大條shen2 jing1 da4 tiao2
thick-skinned; insensitive
神经毒素神經毒素shen2 jing1 du2 su4
神经官能症神經官能症shen2 jing1 guan1 neng2 zheng4
神经管神經管shen2 jing1 guan3
neural tube (embryology)
神经过敏神經過敏shen2 jing1 guo4 min3
jumpy; nervous; oversensitive
神经胶质神經膠質shen2 jing1 jiao1 zhi4
glial cell; neuroglia
神经胶质细胞神經膠質細胞shen2 jing1 jiao1 zhi4 xi4 bao1
glial cell (provide support to neuron); neuroglia
神经科神經科shen2 jing1 ke1
神经生物学神經生物學shen2 jing1 sheng1 wu4 xue2
神经失常神經失常shen2 jing1 shi1 chang2
mental aberration; nervous abnormality
神经衰弱神經衰弱shen2 jing1 shuai1 ruo4
(euphemism) mental illness; psychasthenia
神经索神經索shen2 jing1 suo3
nerve cord
神经痛神經痛shen2 jing1 tong4
neuralgia (medicine)
神经突神經突shen2 jing1 tu1
nerve process
神经外科神經外科shen2 jing1 wai4 ke1
神经网神經網shen2 jing1 wang3
neural net
神经网路神經網路shen2 jing1 wang3 lu4
neural network (artificial or biological)
神经网络神經網絡shen2 jing1 wang3 luo4
neural network
神经细胞神經細胞shen2 jing1 xi4 bao1
nerve cell; neuron
神经系统神經系統shen2 jing1 xi4 tong3
nervous system
神经纤维神經纖維shen2 jing1 xian1 wei2
神经纤维瘤神經纖維瘤shen2 jing1 xian1 wei2 liu2
神经性神經性shen2 jing1 xing4
neural; mental; neurological
神经性毒剂神經性毒劑shen2 jing1 xing4 du2 ji4
nerve agent; nerve gas
神经性视损伤神經性視損傷shen2 jing1 xing4 shi4 sun3 shang1
neurological visual impairment (NVI)
神经学神經學shen2 jing1 xue2
神经学家神經學家shen2 jing1 xue2 jia1
神经元神經元shen2 jing1 yuan2
神经原神經原shen2 jing1 yuan2
neuron; also written 神經元|神经元
神经元网神經元網shen2 jing1 yuan2 wang3
neural network
神经症神經症shen2 jing1 zheng4
神经质神經質shen2 jing1 zhi4
nervous; on edge; excitable; neurotic
神龛神龕shen2 kan1
shrine; niche; household shrine
神枯神枯shen2 ku1
spiritual desolation
神劳形瘁神勞形瘁shen2 lao2 xing2 cui4
to be completely drained both emotionally and physically (idiom)
神力神力shen2 li4
occult force; the power of a God or spirit
神灵神靈shen2 ling2
god; spirit; demon; occult or supernatural entities in general
神龙汽车神龍汽車shen2 long2 qi4 che1
Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobile Company Ltd
神马神馬shen2 ma3
mythical horse; Internet slang for 什麼|什么
神秘神秘shen2 mi4
mysterious; mystery
神秘莫测神祕莫測shen2 mi4 mo4 ce4
mystery; unfathomable; enigmatic
神秘主义神秘主義shen2 mi4 zhu3 yi4
神妙神妙shen2 miao4
marvelous; wondrous
神庙神廟shen2 miao4
temple (nonspecific)
神妙隽美神妙雋美shen2 miao4 juan4 mei3
outstanding and elegant; remarkable and refined
神明神明shen2 ming2
deities; gods
神魔小说神魔小說shen2 mo2 xiao3 shuo1
supernatural novel; novel of ghosts and goblins
神木神木shen2 mu4
Shenmu County in Yulin 榆林, Shaanxi
神木县神木縣shen2 mu4 xian4
Shenmu County in Yulin 榆林, Shaanxi
神奈川神奈川shen2 nai4 chuan1
Kanagawa, Japan
神奈川县神奈川縣shen2 nai4 chuan1 xian4
Kanagawa prefecture, Japan
神鸟神鳥shen2 niao3
supernatural bird
神农神農shen2 nong2
Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝 and creator of agriculture
神农本草经神農本草經shen2 nong2 ben3 cao3 jing1
Shennong's Compendium of Materia Medica, a Han dynasty pharmacological compendium, 3 scrolls
神农架神農架shen2 nong2 jia4
Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei
神农架地区神農架地區shen2 nong2 jia4 di4 qu1
Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei
神农架林区神農架林區shen2 nong2 jia4 lin2 qu1
Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei
神农氏神農氏shen2 nong2 shi4
Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝 and creator of agriculture in China; followers or clan of Shennong 神農|神农
神女神女shen2 nv3
The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by 吳永剛|吴永刚
feudal term of praise for ruler, king or emperor; general term for saint in former times; term for God during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國|太平天国; Holy Spirit (in Christian Trinity)
圣神降临聖神降臨sheng4 shen2 jiang4 lin2
Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celebrating the Holy Spirit)
圣神降临周聖神降臨週sheng4 shen2 jiang4 lin2 zhou1
失神失神shi1 shen2
absent-minded; to lose spirit; despondent
十大神兽十大神獸shi2 da4 shen2 shou4
the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC Internet censorship)
视神经視神經shi4 shen2 jing1
optic nerve
视神经盘視神經盤shi4 shen2 jing1 pan2
optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)
视神经乳头視神經乳頭shi4 shen2 jing1 ru3 tou2
optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)
守护神守護神shou3 hu4 shen2
protector God; patron saint
水神水神shui3 shen2
river God
死神死神si3 shen2
mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper) in charge of taking the souls of those who die; (fig.) death
祀神祀神si4 shen2
to offer sacrifices to the gods
搜神记搜神記sou1 shen2 ji4
In Search of the Supernatural, compilation of legends about spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, written and compiled by 干寶|干宝 in Jin dynasty
太阳神太陽神tai4 yang2 shen2
Sun God; Apollo
太阳神计划太陽神計劃tai4 yang2 shen2 ji4 hua4
the Apollo project
太阳神经丛太陽神經叢tai4 yang2 shen2 jing1 cong2
solar plexus chakra
淘神淘神tao2 shen2
troublesome; bothersome
提起精神提起精神ti2 qi3 jing1 shen5
to raise one's spirits; to take courage
提神提神ti2 shen2
to freshen up; to be cautious or vigilant; to watch out; stimulant to enhance mental performance; stay-awake drug; agrypnotic
提神剂提神劑ti2 shen2 ji4
stimulant; psychostimulant; agrypnotic
提神醒脑提神醒腦ti2 shen2 xing3 nao3
to refresh and clear the mind (idiom); invigorating; bracing
天神天神tian1 shen2
god; deity
土神土神tu3 shen2
earth God
团队精神團隊精神tuan2 dui4 jing1 shen2
group mentality; collectivism; solidarity; team spirit
瘟神瘟神wen1 shen2
demon personifying pestilence
无神论無神論wu2 shen2 lun4
无神论者無神論者wu2 shen2 lun4 zhe3
五瘟神五瘟神wu3 wen1 shen2
five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence; cf four horsemen of the apocalypse
material and spiritual culture; matter and mind; material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted into Deng Xiaoping theory from 1978)
希腊神话希臘神話xi1 la4 shen2 hua4
Greek mythology
希神希神xi1 shen2
Greek mythology; abbr. for 希臘神話|希腊神话
亵渎神明褻瀆神明xie4 du2 shen2 ming2
to blaspheme; to commit sacrilege
心安神闲心安神閑xin1 an1 shen2 xian2
with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)
心驰神往心馳神往xin1 chi2 shen2 wang3
one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or person; to long for; infatuated; fascinated
心荡神驰心蕩神馳xin1 dang4 shen2 chi2
to be infatuated with
心旷神怡心曠神怡xin1 kuang4 shen2 yi2
lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed
心领神会心領神會xin1 ling3 shen2 hui4
to understand tacitly (idiom); to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly
心领神悟心領神悟xin1 ling3 shen2 wu4
to understand tacitly (idiom); to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly
心神心神xin1 shen2
mind; state of mind; attention; (Chinese medicine) psychic constitution
心神不安心神不安xin1 shen2 bu4 an1
to feel ill at ease
心神不宁心神不寧xin1 shen2 bu4 ning2
to feel ill at ease
心神不属心神不屬xin1 shen2 bu4 zhu3
see 心不在焉
心神恍惚心神恍惚xin1 shen2 huang3 hu1
perturbed (idiom)
心神专注心神專註xin1 shen2 zhuan1 zhu4
to concentrate one's attention; to be fully focused
心醉神迷心醉神迷xin1 zui4 shen2 mi2
ecstatic; enraptured
信神者信神者xin4 shen2 zhe3
a believer
形神形神xing2 shen2
body and soul; physical and spiritual; material form and internal spirit
凶神兇神xiong1 shen2
demon; fiend
凶神恶煞兇神惡煞xiong1 shen2 e4 sha4
fiends (idiom); devils and monsters
雅拉神山雅拉神山ya3 la1 shen2 shan1
Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan
雅拉香波神山雅拉香波神山ya3 la1 xiang1 bo1 shen2 shan1
Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan
严岛神社嚴島神社yan2 dao3 shen2 she4
Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
眼神眼神yan3 shen2
expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect)
眼神不好眼神不好yan3 shen2 bu4 hao3
to have poor eyesight
眼神不济眼神不濟yan3 shen2 bu4 ji4
to have poor eyesight
养神養神yang3 shen2
to rest; to recuperate; to regain composure
夜神仙夜神仙ye4 shen2 xian1
night owl; late sleeper
一神教一神教yi1 shen2 jiao4
monotheism (belief in a single God)
一神论一神論yi1 shen2 lun4
monotheism; unitarianism (denying the Trinity)
疑神疑鬼疑神疑鬼yi2 shen2 yi2 gui3
to suspect everyone; overly suspicious
迎神赛会迎神賽會ying2 shen2 sai4 hui4
folk festival, esp. involving shrine or image of God
悠然神往悠然神往you1 ran2 shen2 wang3
thoughts wandering far away
有精神病有精神病you3 jing1 shen2 bing4
有神论有神論you3 shen2 lun4
theism (the belief in the existence of God)
有神论者有神論者you3 shen2 lun4 zhe3
theist (believer in one or more Deities)
元神元神yuan2 shen2
primordial spirit; fundamental essence of life
月亮女神号月亮女神號yue4 liang5 nv3 shen2 hao4
SELENE, Japanese lunar orbiter spacecraft, launched in 2007
月女神月女神yue4 nv3 shen2
Moon Goddess
运神運神yun4 shen2
to concentrate; to think what you're doing
灶神灶神zao4 shen2
Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen
灶神星灶神星zao4 shen2 xing1
Vesta, an asteroid, second most massive object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1807 by H.W. Olbers
真神真神zhen1 shen2
the True God
怔神儿怔神兒zheng1 shen2 er5
lost in thought; in a daze
智神星智神星zhi4 shen2 xing1
Pallas, an asteroid, discovered in 1802 by H.W. Olbers
中间神经元中間神經元zhong1 jian1 shen2 jing1 yuan2
中枢神经系统中樞神經系統zhong1 shu1 shen2 jing1 xi4 tong3
central nervous system, CNS
装神弄鬼裝神弄鬼zhuang1 shen2 nong4 gui3
lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify; to deceive people; to scam
自律神经系统自律神經系統zi4 lv4 shen2 jing1 xi4 tong3
autonomic nervous system
自拍神器自拍神器zi4 pai1 shen2 qi4
selfie stick
自然神论自然神論zi4 ran2 shen2 lun4
deism, theological theory of God who does not interfere in the Universe