to grasp; to hold; to maintain

surname Bing

strokes 8
strokes after radical 3
秉笔 秉筆 bing3 bi3
to hold the pen; to do the actual writing

秉笔直书 秉筆直書 bing3 bi3 zhi2 shu1
to record faithfully

秉承 秉承 bing3 cheng2
to take orders; to receive commands; to carry on (a tradition)

秉持 秉持 bing3 chi2
to uphold; to hold fast to

秉公 秉公 bing3 gong1
justly; impartially

秉公办理 秉公辦理 bing3 gong1 ban4 li3
conducting business impartially (idiom); to act justly

秉性 秉性 bing3 xing4
innate character; natural disposition; attitude

秉烛 秉燭 bing3 zhu2
variant of 炳燭|炳烛

戴秉国 戴秉國 dai4 bing3 guo2
Dai Bingguo (1941-), a Chinese politician and professional diplomat

公秉 公秉 gong1 bing3

施秉 施秉 shi1 bing3
Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州, Guizhou

施秉县 施秉縣 shi1 bing3 xian4
Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州, Guizhou

一秉虔诚 一秉虔誠 yi1 bing3 qian2 cheng2
earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devoutly