seed; species; kind; type; classifier for types, kinds, sorts

to plant; to grow; to cultivate

strokes 14
strokes after radical 9
矮杆品种 矮桿品種 ai3 gan3 pin3 zhong3
short-stalked variety; short straw variety

白色人种 白色人種 bai2 se4 ren2 zhong3
the white race

白种 白種 bai2 zhong3
the white race

拌种 拌種 ban4 zhong3
seed dressing

包衣种子 包衣種子 bao1 yi1 zhong3 zi5
seed enclosed in artificial capsule

变种 變種 bian4 zhong3
mutation; variety; variant

濒危物种 瀕危物種 bin1 wei1 wu4 zhong3
endangered species

濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约 瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 bin1 wei1 ye3 sheng1 dong4 zhi2 wu4 zhong3 guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4 gong1 yue1
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; CITES

兵种 兵種 bing1 zhong3
(military) branch of the armed forces

丙种射线 丙種射線 bing3 zhong3 she4 xian4
gamma ray

播种 播種 bo1 zhong3
to sow seeds; sowing; seed

补种 補種 bu3 zhong4
to reseed; to resow; to replant

采种 採種 cai3 zhong3
seed collecting

蚕种 蠶種 can2 zhong3
silkworm eggs

传种 傳種 chuan2 zhong3
to reproduce; to propagate

纯种 純種 chun2 zhong3

带种 帶種 dai4 zhong3
(coll.) to have character; to have guts; plucky

刀耕火种 刀耕火種 dao1 geng1 huo3 zhong4
slash and burn (agriculture)

多种 多種 duo1 zhong3
many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi-

多种多样 多種多樣 duo1 zhong3 duo1 yang4
manifold; all sorts; many and varied

多种维生素 多種維生素 duo1 zhong3 wei2 sheng1 su4

多种语言 多種語言 duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2

多种语言支持 多種語言支持 duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2 zhi1 chi2
multilingual support

各种 各種 ge4 zhong3
every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds

各种各样 各種各樣 ge4 zhong3 ge4 yang4
various kinds; all sorts

各种颜色 各種顏色 ge4 zhong3 yan2 se4
multicolored; a variety of colors

耕种 耕種 geng1 zhong4
to till; to cultivate

工种 工種 gong1 zhong3
kind of work in production (e.g. benchwork, foundry work etc)

狗杂种 狗雜種 gou3 za2 zhong3
son of a bitch; damn bastard

坏种 壞種 huai4 zhong3
bad kind; scoundrel

黄种 黃種 huang2 zhong3
yellow race

黄种人 黃種人 huang2 zhong3 ren2
yellow man; Mongoloid (old term)

混种 混種 hun4 zhong3
hybrid; mixed-breed

火种 火種 huo3 zhong3
tinder; source of a fire; inflammable material; (fig.) spark (of a revolution etc)

基本多文种平面 基本多文種平面 ji1 ben3 duo1 wen2 zhong3 ping2 mian4
basic multilingual plane (BMP)

假种皮 假種皮 jia3 zhong3 pi2
aril (botany)

接种 接種 jie1 zhong4
to vaccinate; to inoculate

浸种 浸種 jin4 zhong3
to soak seeds (to make them germinate)

警种 警種 jing3 zhong3
police classification; subdivision of policing activities (traffic, border guard, criminal etc)

绝种 絕種 jue2 zhong3
extinct (species); extinction

科学种田 科學種田 ke1 xue2 zhong4 tian2
scientific crop planting; scientific farming

蓝田种玉 藍田種玉 lan2 tian2 zhong4 yu4
a marriage made in heaven (idiom)

良种 良種 liang2 zhong3
improved type; good breed; pedigree

良种繁育 良種繁育 liang2 zhong3 fan2 yu4
stock breeding (biology)

留种 留種 liu2 zhong3
to keep a seed stock; seed held back for planting

轮种 輪種 lun2 zhong4
rotation of crops

芒种 芒種 mang2 zhong4
Mangzhong or Grain in Beard, 9th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-20th June

没种 沒種 mei2 zhong3
not to have the guts (to do sth); cowardly

灭绝种族 滅絕種族 mie4 jue2 zhong3 zu2

灭种 滅種 mie4 zhong3
to commit genocide; to become extinct; extinction of a race

灭种罪 滅種罪 mie4 zhong3 zui4

谬种 謬種 miu4 zhong3
error; fallacy; misconception; scoundrel; You swine!

谬种流传 謬種流傳 miu4 zhong3 liu2 chuan2
to pass on errors or lies (idiom); the propagation of misconceptions

模式种 模式種 mo2 shi4 zhong3
type species (used to define a genus in taxonomy)

某种 某種 mou3 zhong3
some kind (of)

那种 那種 na4 zhong3
that; that kind of; that sort of; that type of

孬种 孬種 nao1 zhong3
coward; useless scoundrel

孽种 孽種 nie4 zhong3
bane of one's existence; vile spawn

配种 配種 pei4 zhong3
to breed; mating

配种季节 配種季節 pei4 zhong3 ji4 jie2
breeding season

频危物种 頻危物種 pin2 wei1 wu4 zhong3
endangered species

品种 品種 pin3 zhong3
breed; variety

情种 情種 qing2 zhong3
affectionate; an affectionate person

犬种 犬種 quan3 zhong3
dog breed

人种 人種 ren2 zhong3
race (of people)

人种差别 人種差別 ren2 zhong3 cha1 bie2
racial differences; racial discrimination

撒种 撒種 sa3 zhong3
to sow seeds

试种 試種 shi4 zhong4
test planting; crop grown on a trial basis

数种 數種 shu4 zhong3
numerous types; many kinds

树种 樹種 shu4 zhong3
tree species

套种 套種 tao4 zhong4
to interplant

特种 特種 te4 zhong3
particular kind; special type

特种兵 特種兵 te4 zhong3 bing1
commando; special forces soldier

特种部队 特種部隊 te4 zhong3 bu4 dui4
(military) special forces

特种警察 特種警察 te4 zhong3 jing3 cha2
SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics); riot police

特种空勤团 特種空勤團 te4 zhong3 kong1 qin2 tuan2
Special Air Service (SAS)

外来物种 外來物種 wai4 lai2 wu4 zhong3
an introduced species

亡国灭种 亡國滅種 wang2 guo2 mie4 zhong3
country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction

维基物种 維基物種 wei2 ji1 wu4 zhong3
Wikispecies, (species.wikimedia.org), online project to catalog all known species

文种 文種 wen2 zhong3
Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the state of Yue during Spring and Autumn period

物种 物種 wu4 zhong3

物种起源 物種起源 wu4 zhong3 qi3 yuan2
Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species"

险种 險種 xian3 zhong3
insurance type

亚种 亞種 ya4 zhong3
subspecies (taxonomy)

野种 野種 ye3 zhong3
(derog.) illegitimate child; bastard

一种 一種 yi1 zhong3
one kind of; one type of

乙种 乙種 yi3 zhong3
beta- or type 2

乙种促效剂 乙種促效劑 yi3 zhong3 cu4 xiao4 ji4
beta-2 agonist

乙种粒子 乙種粒子 yi3 zhong3 li4 zi3
beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron emitted by radioactive nucleus)

乙种射线 乙種射線 yi3 zhong3 she4 xian4
beta ray (electron stream from radioactive decay)

异种 異種 yi4 zhong3
hetero-; variety

引种 引種 yin3 zhong3
(agriculture) to introduce a new plant variety

引种 引種 yin3 zhong4
(agriculture) to plant an introduced variety

罂粟种子 罌粟種子 ying1 su4 zhong3 zi5
poppy seed

有色人种 有色人種 you3 se4 ren2 zhong3
colored races

有种 有種 you3 zhong3
to have guts; to have courage; to be brave

鱼种 魚種 yu2 zhong3

语种 語種 yu3 zhong3
language type (in a classification)

预防接种 預防接種 yu4 fang2 jie1 zhong4
prophylactic inoculation

育种 育種 yu4 zhong3
to breed; breeding

杂种 雜種 za2 zhong3
hybrid; mixed breed; bastard; son of a bitch

栽种 栽種 zai1 zhong4
to plant; to grow

栽种机 栽種機 zai1 zhong4 ji1
a mechanical planter (for rice, plants)

这种 這種 zhe4 zhong3
this; this kind of; this sort of; this type of

种差 種差 zhong3 cha1
determinant (characteristic of a species)

种畜 種畜 zhong3 chu4
breeding stock (of animal species); stud

种蛋 種蛋 zhong3 dan4
breeding egg

种公畜 種公畜 zhong3 gong1 chu4
stud; male breeding stock (of animal species)

种块 種塊 zhong3 kuai4
seed tuber

种类 種類 zhong3 lei4
kind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class

种麻 種麻 zhong3 ma2
distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)

种马 種馬 zhong3 ma3
stallion; stud horse

种脐 種臍 zhong3 qi2
hilum; omphalodium (botany)

种禽 種禽 zhong3 qin2
cock; male breeding poultry

种群 種群 zhong3 qun2
population (of a species); community (of animals or plants)

种仁 種仁 zhong3 ren2
seed kernel

种实 種實 zhong3 shi2
seed; seedpod; aril

种薯 種薯 zhong3 shu3
seed tuber

种系 種系 zhong3 xi4
evolutionary line; line of descent

种姓 種姓 zhong3 xing4
caste (traditional Indian social division)

种姓制 種姓制 zhong3 xing4 zhi4
caste system (traditional Indian social division)

种姓制度 種姓製度 zhong3 xing4 zhi4 du4
caste system

种种 種種 zhong3 zhong3
all kinds of

种子 種子 zhong3 zi5

种子岛 種子島 zhong3 zi5 dao3
Tanegashima, Japanese Island off Kyushu, the Japanese space launch site

种子选手 種子選手 zhong3 zi5 xuan3 shou3
seeded player

种子植物 種子植物 zhong3 zi5 zhi2 wu4
seed plant

种族 種族 zhong3 zu2
race; ethnicity

种族隔离 種族隔離 zhong3 zu2 ge2 li2

种族灭绝 種族滅絕 zhong3 zu2 mie4 jue2

种族歧视 種族歧視 zhong3 zu2 qi2 shi4
racial discrimination; racism

种族清除 種族清除 zhong3 zu2 qing1 chu2
ethnic cleansing

种族清洗 種族清洗 zhong3 zu2 qing1 xi3
"ethnic cleansing"; genocide

种族中心主义 種族中心主義 zhong3 zu2 zhong1 xin1 zhu3 yi4

种族主义 種族主義 zhong3 zu2 zhu3 yi4

种族主义者 種族主義者 zhong3 zu2 zhu3 yi4 zhe3
racist (person)

种地 種地 zhong4 di4
to farm; to work the land

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 zhong4 gua1 de2 gua1 - zhong4 dou4 de2 dou4
lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans (idiom); fig. As you sow, so shall you reap.; One must live with the consequences of one's actions.; You've made your bed, now must lie on it.

种花 種花 zhong4 hua1
to grow flowers; floriculture

种树 種樹 zhong4 shu4
to plant trees

种田 種田 zhong4 tian2
to farm; farming

种植 種植 zhong4 zhi2
to plant; to grow

种植体 種植體 zhong4 zhi2 ti3
implant (dentistry)

种植业 種植業 zhong4 zhi2 ye4

种植园 種植園 zhong4 zhi2 yuan2