to inspect; to check

surname Ji

to bow to the ground

strokes 15
strokes after radical 10
钩稽 鈎稽 gou1 ji1
variant of 鉤稽|钩稽

钩稽 鉤稽 gou1 ji1
to explore; to investigate; to audit (accounts, books etc)

滑稽 滑稽 hua2 ji1
comical; funny; amusing; old pr. ; huaji, a form of comedy performance popular in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang

荒诞无稽 荒誕無稽 huang1 dan4 wu2 ji1
ridiculous; unbelievable; absurd

荒谬无稽 荒謬無稽 huang1 miu4 wu2 ji1
completely ridiculous and unfounded

荒唐无稽 荒唐無稽 huang1 tang2 wu2 ji1

稽查 稽查 ji1 cha2

稽查人员 稽查人員 ji1 cha2 ren2 yuan2

稽查员 稽查員 ji1 cha2 yuan2
inspector; ticket inspector

稽古 稽古 ji1 gu3
to learn from the ancients; to study the classic texts

稽古振今 稽古振今 ji1 gu3 zhen4 jin1
studying the old to promote the new (idiom)

稽核 稽核 ji1 he2
to audit; to verify; to examine; auditing

稽颡 稽顙 qi3 sang3
to kowtow (touch the forehead to the floor)

税捐稽征处 稅捐稽征處 shui4 juan1 ji1 zheng1 chu4
Taipei Revenue Service (tax office)

无稽 無稽 wu2 ji1

无稽之谈 無稽之談 wu2 ji1 zhi1 tan2
complete nonsense (idiom)