thinking and pondering (idiom); to turn sth over in one's mind; to consider repeatedly
笔记本计算机筆記本計算機bi3 ji4 ben3 ji4 suan4 ji1
laptop; notebook (computer)
笔算筆算bi3 suan4
to do a sum in writing; written calculation
并行计算並行計算bing4 xing2 ji4 suan4
parallel computing
不划算不划算bu4 hua2 suan4
it isn't worth it; not cost-effective; not profitable; too expensive
测算測算ce4 suan4
to take measurements and calculate
重算重算chong2 suan4
to recalculate; to reckon again
筹算籌算chou2 suan4
to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board); to count beads; fig. to budget; to plan (an investment)
打算打算da3 suan4
to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
打算盘打算盤da3 suan4 pan2
to compute on the abacus; (fig.) to calculate; to plan; to scheme
打小算盘打小算盤da3 xiao3 suan4 pan2
lit. to count on a narrow abacus (idiom); petty and scheming selfishly; concerned with petty interests; selfish and uncaring of the interests of others; bean counter
电子计算机電子計算機dian4 zi3 ji4 suan4 ji1
electronic computer
反传算法反傳算法fan3 chuan2 suan4 fa3
back propagation algorithm
浮点运算浮點運算fu2 dian3 yun4 suan4
floating point operation
估算估算gu1 suan4
assessment; evaluation
国防预算國防預算guo2 fang2 yu4 suan4
defense budget
国际清算银行國際清算銀行guo2 ji4 qing1 suan4 yin2 hang2
Bank for International Settlements
合算合算he2 suan4
worthwhile; to be a good deal; to be a bargain; to reckon up; to calculate
核算核算he2 suan4
to calculate; accounting
划算划算hua2 suan4
to calculate; to weigh (pros and cons); to view as profitable; worthwhile; value for money; cost-effective
换算換算huan4 suan4
to convert; conversion; (in accounting, referring to currency conversion) translation
计算計算ji4 suan4
to count; to calculate; to compute
计算尺計算尺ji4 suan4 chi3
slide rule
计算复杂性計算複雜性ji4 suan4 fu4 za2 xing4
computational complexity (math.)
计算机計算機ji4 suan4 ji1
computer; (Tw) calculator
计算机比喻計算機比喻ji4 suan4 ji1 bi3 yu4
computer metaphor
计算机动画計算機動畫ji4 suan4 ji1 dong4 hua4
computer animation
计算机断层計算機斷層ji4 suan4 ji1 duan4 ceng2
CT, computed tomography (medical imaging method)
计算机辅助设计計算機輔助設計ji4 suan4 ji1 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4
CAD computer-aided design
计算机工业計算機工業ji4 suan4 ji1 gong1 ye4
computer industry
计算机集成制造計算機集成制造ji4 suan4 ji1 ji2 cheng2 zhi4 zao4
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
计算机科学計算機科學ji4 suan4 ji1 ke1 xue2
computer science
计算机科学家計算機科學家ji4 suan4 ji1 ke1 xue2 jia1
computer scientist
计算机可读計算機可讀ji4 suan4 ji1 ke3 du2
computer-readable; machine-readable
计算机模拟計算機模擬ji4 suan4 ji1 mo2 ni3
computer simulation
计算机模式計算機模式ji4 suan4 ji1 mo2 shi4
computer simulation
计算机制图計算機制圖ji4 suan4 ji1 zhi4 tu2
computer graphics
计算器計算器ji4 suan4 qi4
calculator; calculating machine
计算数学計算數學ji4 suan4 shu4 xue2
computational mathematics; numerical mathematics
结算結算jie2 suan4
to settle a bill; to close an account
结算方式結算方式jie2 suan4 fang1 shi4
settlement terms (accountancy, law)
精打细算精打細算jing1 da3 xi4 suan4
meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)
精算精算jing1 suan4
精算师精算師jing1 suan4 shi1
九章算术九章算術jiu3 zhang1 suan4 shu4
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art
就算就算jiu4 suan4
granted that; even if
决算決算jue2 suan4
final account; to calculate the final bill; fig. to draw up plans to deal with sth
老谋深算老謀深算lao3 mou2 shen1 suan4
rigorous schemes and deep foresight (idiom); astute and circumspect
逻辑演算邏輯演算luo2 ji5 yan3 suan4
logical calculation
满打满算滿打滿算man3 da3 man3 suan4
taking everything into account (idiom); when all is said and done
默算默算mo4 suan4
mental arithmetic; to figure out
能写善算能寫善算neng2 xie3 shan4 suan4
to be literate and numerate (idiom)
逆运算逆運算ni4 yun4 suan4
inverse operation; inverse calculation
年度预算年度預算nian2 du4 yu4 suan4
annual budget
盘算盤算pan2 suan4
to plot; to scheme; to calculate
掐算掐算qia1 suan4
to count with one's fingers; on the spot calculation