surname Su

grain; millet; goose pimples

strokes 12
strokes after radical 6
包粟 包粟 bao1 su4
corn; maize

苞粟 苞粟 bao1 su4
corn; maize

布帛菽粟 布帛菽粟 bu4 bo2 shu1 su4
cloth, silk, beans and grain; food and clothing; daily necessities

沧海一粟 滄海一粟 cang1 hai3 yi1 su4
a drop in the ocean (idiom)

股栗肤粟 股慄膚粟 gu3 li4 fu1 su4
with shuddering thighs and skin like gooseflesh (idiom)

粟米 粟米 su4 mi3
corn; maize (dialect)

粟裕 粟裕 su4 yu4
Su Yu (1907-1984), PLA commander

脱粟 脫粟 tuo1 su4
grain kernel (after threshing and winnowing)

罂粟 罌粟 ying1 su4

罂粟种子 罌粟種子 ying1 su4 zhong3 zi5
poppy seed