involved; tangled; disorderly; confused; chaotic; Taiwan pr.

strokes 10
strokes after radical 4
步履紊乱 步履紊亂 bu4 lv3 wen3 luan4
to be in complete disorder

创伤后压力紊乱 創傷後壓力紊亂 chuang1 shang1 hou4 ya1 li4 wen3 luan4
post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD

紊流 紊流 wen3 liu2
turbulent flow

紊乱 紊亂 wen3 luan4
disorder; chaos

有条不紊 有條不紊 you3 tiao2 bu4 wen3
regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged

秩然不紊 秩然不紊 zhi4 ran2 bu4 wen3
to be in complete order (idiom)