end; finish

strokes 11
strokes after radical 5
饱食终日 飽食終日 bao3 shi2 zhong1 ri4
to spend the whole day eating (i.e. not doing any work)

饱食终日,无所用心 飽食終日,無所用心 bao3 shi2 zhong1 ri4 - wu2 suo3 yong4 xin1
to eat three square meals a day and do no work (idiom); to be sated with food and remain idle

不可终日 不可終日 bu4 ke3 zhong1 ri4
to be unable to carry on even for a single day; to be in a desperate situation

不终天年 不終天年 bu4 zhong1 tian1 nian2
to die before one's allotted lifespan has run its course (idiom)

从一而终 從一而終 cong2 yi1 er2 zhong1
faithful unto death (i.e. Confucian ban on widow remarrying)

带着希望去旅行,比到达终点更美好 帶著希望去旅行,比到達終點更美好 dai4 zhe5 xi1 wang4 qu4 lv3 xing2 - bi3 dao4 da2 zhong1 dian3 geng4 mei3 hao3
It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

告终 告終 gao4 zhong1
to end; to reach an end

贯彻始终 貫徹始終 guan4 che4 shi3 zhong1
to follow through; to carry through to the end

过程比终点更美 過程比終點更美 guo4 cheng2 bi3 zhong1 dian3 geng4 mei3
The process is more beautiful than the outcome.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

剧终 劇終 ju4 zhong1
The End (appearing at the end of a movie etc)

临终 臨終 lin2 zhong1
approaching one's end; with one foot in the grave

临终关怀 臨終關懷 lin2 zhong1 guan1 huai2
palliative care

路上比终点更有意义 路上比終點更有意義 lu4 shang5 bi3 zhong1 dian3 geng4 you3 yi4 yi4
The road means more than the destination.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

靡不有初,鲜克有终 靡不有初,鮮克有終 mi3 bu4 you3 chu1 - xian3 ke4 you3 zhong1
almost everything has a start, but not many things have an end (idiom); don't start sth you can't handle

牡丹虽好,终须绿叶扶持 牡丹雖好,終須綠葉扶持 mu3 dan5 sui1 hao3 - zhong1 xu1 lv4 ye4 fu2 chi2
Although the peony is beautiful, it depends entirely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others.

年终 年終 nian2 zhong1
end of the year

年终奖 年終獎 nian2 zhong1 jiang3
year-end bonus

期终 期終 qi1 zhong1
end of a fixed term

曲终奏雅 曲終奏雅 qu3 zhong1 zou4 ya3
perfect finish (idiom)

善始善终 善始善終 shan4 shi3 shan4 zhong1
where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish.

慎终追远 慎終追遠 shen4 zhong1 zhui1 yuan3
to pay careful attention to one's parents' funerary rites

始终 始終 shi3 zhong1
from beginning to end; all along

始终不渝 始終不渝 shi3 zhong1 bu4 yu2
unswerving; unflinching

始终如一 始終如一 shi3 zhong1 ru2 yi1
unswerving from start to finish (idiom)

守一而终 守一而終 shou3 yi1 er2 zhong1
to be faithful to one's mate all one's life

寿终 壽終 shou4 zhong1
to die of old age; to live to a ripe old age; (fig.) (of sth) to come to an end (after a long period of service)

寿终正寝 壽終正寢 shou4 zhong1 zheng4 qin3
to die of old age; to die in one's bed at a ripe old age

私定终身 私定終身 si1 ding4 zhong1 sheng1
to make a pledge to be married, without parents' approval

送终 送終 song4 zhong1
to pay one's last respects

为德不终 為德不終 wei2 de2 bu4 zhong1
to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span

无疾而终 無疾而終 wu2 ji2 er2 zhong1
to die peacefully; (fig.) to result in failure (without any outside interference); to come to nothing; to fizzle out

遐终 遐終 xia2 zhong1

哑终端 啞終端 ya3 zhong1 duan1
dumb terminal

养老送终 養老送終 yang3 lao3 song4 zhong1
to look after one's aged parents and arrange proper burial after they die

一日为师,终身为父 一日為師,終身為父 yi1 ri4 wei2 shi1 - zhong1 shen1 wei2 fu4
lit. teacher for one day, father for ever (idiom)

以失败而告终 以失敗而告終 yi3 shi1 bai4 er2 gao4 zhong1
to succeed through failure; to achieve one's final aim despite apparent setback

忧苦以终 憂苦以終 you1 ku3 yi3 zhong1
worried to death (idiom)

有情人终成眷属 有情人終成眷屬 you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3
love will find a way (idiom)

有始无终 有始無終 you3 shi3 wu2 zhong1
to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span

有始有终 有始有終 you3 shi3 you3 zhong1
where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish.

至始至终 至始至終 zhi4 shi3 zhi4 zhong1
from start to finish

终产物 終產物 zhong1 chan3 wu4
end product

终场 終場 zhong1 chang3
end (of a performance or sports match); last round of testing in the imperial examinations

终场锣声 終場鑼聲 zhong1 chang3 luo2 sheng1
the final bell (esp. in sports competition)

终成眷属 終成眷屬 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3
see 有情人終成眷屬|有情人终成眷属

终成泡影 終成泡影 zhong1 cheng2 pao4 ying3
to come to nothing (idiom)

终点 終點 zhong1 dian3
the end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus

终点地址 終點地址 zhong1 dian3 di4 zhi3
destination address

终点线 終點線 zhong1 dian3 xian4
finishing line

终点站 終點站 zhong1 dian3 zhan4
terminus; final stop on rail or bus line

终端 終端 zhong1 duan1
end; terminal

终端机 終端機 zhong1 duan1 ji1

终端用户 終端用戶 zhong1 duan1 yong4 hu4
end user

终而复始 終而復始 zhong1 er2 fu4 shi3
lit. the end comes back to the start (idiom); the wheel comes full circle

终傅 終傅 zhong1 fu4
last rites (Christian ceremony)

终极 終極 zhong1 ji2
ultimate; final

终结 終結 zhong1 jie2
end; conclusion; to come to an end; to terminate (sth)

终究 終究 zhong1 jiu1
in the end; after all is said and done

终局 終局 zhong1 ju2
endgame; conclusion; outcome; final part of a chess game

终老 終老 zhong1 lao3
to spend one's last years

终了 終了 zhong1 liao3
to end

终南 終南 zhong1 nan2
Zhongnan mountains, near Xi'an

终南捷径 終南捷徑 zhong1 nan2 jie2 jing4
lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut to a ministerial job (idiom); fig. to take a shortcut to promotion

终南山 終南山 zhong1 nan2 shan1
Zhongnan Mountains, near Xi'an; also known as the Taiyi Mountains

终年 終年 zhong1 nian2
entire year; throughout the year; age at death

终年积雪 終年積雪 zhong1 nian2 ji1 xue3
permanent snow cover

终期 終期 zhong1 qi1
terminal; final

终期癌 終期癌 zhong1 qi1 ai2
terminal cancer

终日 終日 zhong1 ri4
all day long

终身 終身 zhong1 shen1
lifelong; all one's life; marriage

终身大事 終身大事 zhong1 shen1 da4 shi4
major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)

终身俸 終身俸 zhong1 shen1 feng4
(Tw) retirement pay; pension

终身监禁 終身監禁 zhong1 shen1 jian1 jin4
life sentence

终审 終審 zhong1 shen3
final ruling

终审法院 終審法院 zhong1 shen3 fa3 yuan4
Court of Final Appeal

终生 終生 zhong1 sheng1
throughout one's life; lifetime; lifelong

终声 終聲 zhong1 sheng1
final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)

终生伴侣 終生伴侶 zhong1 sheng1 ban4 lv3
lifelong partner or companion

终天 終天 zhong1 tian1
all day long; all one's life

终天之恨 終天之恨 zhong1 tian1 zhi1 hen4
eternal regret

终于 終於 zhong1 yu2
at last; in the end; finally; eventually

终战 終戰 zhong1 zhan4
end of war; armistice; cf Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945

终战日 終戰日 zhong1 zhan4 ri4
armistice day; cf Japan's surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945

终止 終止 zhong1 zhi3
to stop; to terminate (law)

自始至终 自始至終 zi4 shi3 zhi4 zhong1
from start to finish (idiom)

最终 最終 zui4 zhong1
final; ultimate

最终幻想 最終幻想 zui4 zhong1 huan4 xiang3
Final Fantasy (video game)