to spin (hemp etc); merit; accomplishment; Taiwan pr.

variant of 績|绩; merit; accomplishment

strokes 11
strokes after radical 8
败绩 敗績 bai4 ji4
to be utterly defeated; to be routed

成绩 成績 cheng2 ji4
achievement; performance records; grades

成绩单 成績單 cheng2 ji4 dan1
school report or transcript

成绩卓然 成績卓然 cheng2 ji4 zhuo2 ran2
to achieve astounding results (idiom)

丰功伟绩 豐功偉績 feng1 gong1 wei3 ji4
glorious achievement (idiom)

功绩 功績 gong1 ji4
feat; contribution; merits and achievements

关键绩效指标 關鍵績效指標 guan1 jian4 ji4 xiao4 zhi3 biao1
key performance indicator (KPI)

绩溪 績溪 ji4 xi1
Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城, Anhui

绩溪县 績溪縣 ji4 xi1 xian4
Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城, Anhui

绩效 績效 ji4 xiao4
performance; results; achievement

绩优股 績優股 ji4 you1 gu3
gilt-edged stock; blue chip stock

佳绩 佳績 jia1 ji4
good result; success

考绩 考績 kao3 ji4
to check up on sb's achievements

伟绩 偉績 wei3 ji4
great acts

未来业绩 未來業績 wei4 lai2 ye4 ji4
future yield (of investment)

勋绩 勳績 xun1 ji4

业绩 業績 ye4 ji4
achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results

战绩 戰績 zhan4 ji4
military successes; (fig.) success; accomplishment

政绩 政績 zheng4 ji4
(political) achievements; track record