to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder

variant of 背

the back of a body or object; to turn one's back; to hide something from; to learn by heart; to recite from memory; unlucky (slang); hard of hearing

strokes 9
strokes after radical 5
暗背雨燕 暗背雨燕 an4 bei4 yu3 yan4
(bird species of China) dark-rumped swift (Apus acuticauda)

暗绿背鸬鹚 暗綠背鸕鶿 an4 lv4 bei4 lu2 ci2
(bird species of China) Japanese cormorant (Phalacrocorax capillatus)

鳌背负山 鰲背負山 ao2 bei4 fu4 shan1
debt as heavy as a mountain on a turtle's back

白背矶鸫 白背磯鶇 bai2 bei4 ji1 dong1
(bird species of China) common rock thrush (Monticola saxatilis)

白背兀鹫 白背兀鷲 bai2 bei4 wu4 jiu4
(bird species of China) white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis)

白背啄木鸟 白背啄木鳥 bai2 bei4 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos)

斑背大尾莺 斑背大尾鶯 ban1 bei4 da4 wei3 ying1
(bird species of China) marsh grassbird (Locustella pryeri)

斑背潜鸭 斑背潛鴨 ban1 bei4 qian2 ya1
(bird species of China) greater scaup (Aythya marila)

斑背燕尾 斑背燕尾 ban1 bei4 yan4 wei3
(bird species of China) spotted forktail (Enicurus maculatus)

斑背噪鹛 斑背噪鶥 ban1 bei4 zao4 mei2
(bird species of China) barred laughingthrush (Garrulax lunulatus)

背榜 背榜 bei1 bang3
to score last in an examination

背包 背包 bei1 bao1
knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack; blanket roll

背包袱 背包袱 bei1 bao1 fu2
to have a weight on one's mind; to take on a mental burden

背包客 背包客 bei1 bao1 ke4

背带 背帶 bei1 dai4
braces; suspenders; sling (for a rifle); straps (for a knapsack)

背负 背負 bei1 fu4
to bear; to carry on one's back; to shoulder

背黑锅 背黑鍋 bei1 hei1 guo1
to be made a scapegoat; to be unjustly blamed

背篓 背簍 bei1 lou3
a basket carried on the back

背逆 背逆 bei1 ni4
to violate; to go against

背头 背頭 bei1 tou2
swept-back hairstyle

背债 揹債 bei1 zhai4
to be in debt; to be saddled with debts

背板 背板 bei4 ban3
panel; back panel

背包游 背包遊 bei4 bao1 you2

背部 背部 bei4 bu4
back (rear part of the torso); back (the area of a vertebrate animal's body on either side of the backbone); (anatomy) dorsum

背侧 背側 bei4 ce4
back; back side

背城借一 背城借一 bei4 cheng2 jie4 yi1
to make a last-ditch stand before the city wall (idiom); to fight to the last ditch; to put up a desperate struggle

背带裤 背帶褲 bei4 dai4 ku4

背道而驰 背道而馳 bei4 dao4 er2 chi2
to run in the opposite direction (idiom); to run counter to

背地 背地 bei4 di4
secretly; in private; behind someone's back

背地风 背地風 bei4 di4 feng1
behind sb's back; privately; on the sly

背地里 背地裡 bei4 di4 li5
behind sb's back

背对背 背對背 bei4 dui4 bei4
back to back

背骨 背骨 bei4 gu3

背光 背光 bei4 guang1
to be in a poor light; to do sth with one's back to the light; to stand in one's own light

背后 背後 bei4 hou4
behind; at the back; in the rear; behind sb's back

背脊 背脊 bei4 ji3
the back of the human body

背景 背景 bei4 jing3
background; backdrop; context; (fig.) powerful backer

背井离乡 背井離鄉 bei4 jing3 li2 xiang1
to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (idiom)

背景虚化 背景虛化 bei4 jing3 xu1 hua4
background blurring (photography)

背景音乐 背景音樂 bei4 jing3 yin1 yue4
background music (BGM); soundtrack; musical setting

背靠背 背靠背 bei4 kao4 bei4
back to back

背阔肌 背闊肌 bei4 kuo4 ji1
latissimus dorsi muscle (back of the chest)

背离 背離 bei4 li2
to depart from; to deviate from; deviation

背面 背面 bei4 mian4
the back; the reverse side; the wrong side

背谬 背謬 bei4 miu4
variant of 悖謬|悖谬

背囊 背囊 bei4 nang2
backpack; knapsack; rucksack

背叛 背叛 bei4 pan4
to betray

背叛者 背叛者 bei4 pan4 zhe3

背鳍 背鰭 bei4 qi2
dorsal fin

背气 背氣 bei4 qi4
to stop breathing (as a medical condition); (fig.) to pass out (in anger); to have a stroke

背弃 背棄 bei4 qi4
abandon; desert; renounce

背杀 背殺 bei4 sha1
(slang) (usu. of a woman) sb who looks stunning from behind; sb who has a great figure but not necessarily an attractive face; abbr. for 背影殺手|背影杀手

背山 背山 bei4 shan1
with back to the mountain (favored location)

背山临水 背山臨水 bei4 shan1 lin2 shui3
with back to the mountain and facing the water (favored location)

背时 背時 bei4 shi2
outdated; out of luck

背书 背書 bei4 shu1
to repeat a lesson; to learn by heart; to endorse a check

背水一战 背水一戰 bei4 shui3 yi1 zhan4
lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die

背诵 背誦 bei4 song4
to recite; to repeat from memory

背斜 背斜 bei4 xie2
anticline (geology)

背心 背心 bei4 xin1
sleeveless garment (vest, waistcoat, singlet, tank top etc)

背信 背信 bei4 xin4
to break faith

背信弃义 背信棄義 bei4 xin4 qi4 yi4
breaking faith and abandoning right (idiom); to betray; treachery; perfidy

背倚 背倚 bei4 yi3
to have one's back against; to lean against; to be backed up by (a mountain etc)

背阴 背陰 bei4 yin1
in the shade; shady

背影 背影 bei4 ying3
rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)

背影儿 背影兒 bei4 ying3 er5
erhua variant of 背影

背影杀手 背影殺手 bei4 ying3 sha1 shou3
(slang) (usu. of a woman) sb who looks stunning from behind; sb who has a great figure but not necessarily an attractive face; abbr. to 背殺|背杀

背约 背約 bei4 yue1
to break an agreement; to go back on one's word; to fail to keep one's promise

背运 背運 bei4 yun4
bad luck; unlucky

背着手 背著手 bei4 zhe5 shou3
with one's hands clasped behind one's back

背转 背轉 bei4 zhuan3
to turn away; to turn one's back to; (gymnastics etc) backspin

背字 背字 bei4 zi4
bad luck

裱背 裱背 biao3 bei4
to mount a picture; also written 裱褙

苍背山雀 蒼背山雀 cang1 bei4 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) cinereous tit (Parus cinereus)

笞背 笞背 chi1 bei4
to flog or whip the back

捶背 捶背 chui2 bei4
to massage sb's back by pounding it lightly with one's fists

搭背 搭背 da1 bei4
harness pad (on draught animal)

大金背啄木鸟 大金背啄木鳥 da4 jin1 bei4 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) greater flameback (Chrysocolaptes lucidus)

刀背 刀背 dao1 bei4
back of the knife

倒背如流 倒背如流 dao4 bei4 ru2 liu2
to know by heart (so well that you can recite it backwards)

倒背手 倒背手 dao4 bei4 shou3
with one's hands behind one's back

倒背手儿 倒背手兒 dao4 bei4 shou3 er5
erhua variant of 倒背手

点背 點背 dian3 bei4
(dialect) to be out of luck

点儿背 點兒背 dian3 er5 bei4
(dialect) to be out of luck

点子背 點子背 dian3 zi5 bei4
(coll.) to have a stroke of bad luck

垫背 墊背 dian4 bei4
to serve as a sacrificial victim; to suffer for sb else; scapegoat; to share sb's fate

吊带背心 吊帶背心 diao4 dai4 bei4 xin1
camisole (women's garment)

断背 斷背 duan4 bei4
homosexual, cf Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain

断背山 斷背山 duan4 bei4 shan1
Brokeback Mountain, film by Ang Lee

扼喉抚背 扼喉撫背 e4 hou2 fu3 bei4
lit. to strangle the front and press the back (idiom); fig. to occupy all key points (military)

耳背 耳背 er3 bei4
to be hearing impaired

帆背潜鸭 帆背潛鴨 fan1 bei4 qian2 ya1
(bird species of China) canvasback (Aythya valisineria)

浮力调整背心 浮力調整背心 fu2 li4 tiao2 zheng3 bei4 xin1
BCD; Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)

腹背相亲 腹背相親 fu4 bei4 xiang1 qin1
to be on intimate terms with sb (idiom)

弓背 弓背 gong1 bei4
to hunch over; to stoop; to arch one's back (upward)

勾肩搭背 勾肩搭背 gou1 jian1 da1 bei4
arms around each other's shoulders (idiom)

光背地鸫 光背地鶇 guang1 bei4 di4 dong1
(bird species of China) plain-backed thrush (Zoothera mollissima)

龟背竹 龜背竹 gui1 bei4 zhu2
split-leaf philodendron; Monstera deliciosa

汗流浃背 汗流浹背 han4 liu2 jia1 bei4
to sweat profusely (idiom); drenched in sweat

褐背地山雀 褐背地山雀 he4 bei4 di4 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) ground tit (Pseudopodoces humilis)

褐背鹟䴗 褐背鶲鶪 he4 bei4 weng1 ju2
(bird species of China) bar-winged flycatcher-shrike (Hemipus picatus)

黑背 黑背 hei1 bei4
German shepherd

黑背信天翁 黑背信天翁 hei1 bei4 xin4 tian1 weng1
(bird species of China) Laysan albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis)

黑背燕尾 黑背燕尾 hei1 bei4 yan4 wei3
(bird species of China) black-backed forktail (Enicurus immaculatus)

红背伯劳 紅背伯勞 hong2 bei4 bo2 lao2
(bird species of China) red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)

红背红尾鸲 紅背紅尾鴝 hong2 bei4 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) rufous-backed redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus)

红背蜘蛛 紅背蜘蛛 hong2 bei4 zhi1 zhu1
redback spider

后背 後背 hou4 bei4
the back (human anatomy); the back part of sth

虎背熊腰 虎背熊腰 hu3 bei4 xiong2 yao1
back of a tiger and waist of a bear; tough and stocky build

灰背伯劳 灰背伯勞 hui1 bei4 bo2 lao2
(bird species of China) grey-backed shrike (Lanius tephronotus)

灰背鸫 灰背鶇 hui1 bei4 dong1
(bird species of China) grey-backed thrush (Turdus hortulorum)

灰背椋鸟 灰背椋鳥 hui1 bei4 liang2 niao3
(bird species of China) white-shouldered starling (Sturnia sinensis)

灰背鸥 灰背鷗 hui1 bei4 ou1
(bird species of China) slaty-backed gull (Larus schistisagus)

灰背隼 灰背隼 hui1 bei4 sun3
(bird species of China) merlin (Falco columbarius)

灰背燕尾 灰背燕尾 hui1 bei4 yan4 wei3
(bird species of China) slaty-backed forktail (Enicurus schistaceus)

脊背 脊背 ji3 bei4

见背 見背 jian4 bei1
to pass away (lit., of the older generation); to be orphaned

教育背景 教育背景 jiao4 yu4 bei4 jing3
educational background

金背三趾啄木鸟 金背三趾啄木鳥 jin1 bei4 san1 zhi3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) common flameback (Dinopium javanense)

颈背 頸背 jing3 bei4

捐背 捐背 juan1 bei4
to die

靠背椅 靠背椅 kao4 bei4 yi3
high-back chair

蓝背八色鸫 藍背八色鶇 lan2 bei4 ba1 se4 dong1
(bird species of China) blue-rumped pitta (Hydrornis soror)

离乡背井 離鄉背井 li2 xiang1 bei4 jing3
to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)

栗背伯劳 栗背伯勞 li4 bei4 bo2 lao2
(bird species of China) Burmese shrike (Lanius collurioides)

栗背短翅鸫 栗背短翅鶇 li4 bei4 duan3 chi4 dong1
(bird species of China) Gould's shortwing (Heteroxenicus stellatus)

栗背短脚鹎 栗背短腳鵯 li4 bei4 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) chestnut bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus)

栗背奇鹛 栗背奇鶥 li4 bei4 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) rufous-backed sibia (Heterophasia annectans)

栗背岩鹨 栗背岩鷚 li4 bei4 yan2 liu4
(bird species of China) maroon-backed accentor (Prunella immaculata)

历史背景 歷史背景 li4 shi3 bei4 jing3
historical background

露背 露背 lou4 bei4
halterneck; backless (garment)

仑背 崙背 lun2 bei4
Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan

仑背乡 崙背鄉 lun2 bei4 xiang1
Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan

绿背姬鹟 綠背姬鶲 lv4 bei4 ji1 weng1
(bird species of China) green-backed flycatcher (Ficedula elisae)

绿背林鹟 綠背林鶲 lv4 bei4 lin2 weng1
(bird species of China) fulvous-chested jungle flycatcher (Rhinomyias olivacea)

绿背山雀 綠背山雀 lv4 bei4 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) green-backed tit (Parus monticolus)

马背 馬背 ma3 bei4

芒刺在背 芒刺在背 mang2 ci4 zai4 bei4
feeling brambles and thorns in one's back (idiom); uneasy and nervous; to be on pins and needles

面朝黄土背朝天 面朝黃土背朝天 mian4 chao2 huang2 tu3 bei4 chao2 tian1
face to the ground, back to the sky

牛背鹭 牛背鷺 niu2 bei4 lu4
(bird species of China) eastern cattle egret (Bubulcus coromandus)

弃约背盟 棄約背盟 qi4 yue1 bei4 meng2
to abrogate an agreement; to break one's oath (idiom)

前胸贴后背 前胸貼後背 qian2 xiong1 tie1 hou4 bei4
(lit.) chest sticking to back; (fig.) famished; (of several persons) packed chest to back

敲背 敲背 qiao1 bei4
back-knocking massage

敲大背 敲大背 qiao1 da4 bei4
to have sex with a prostitute

敲小背 敲小背 qiao1 xiao3 bei4
to be masturbated by a prostitute

敲中背 敲中背 qiao1 zhong1 bei4
to receive oral sex from a prostitute

手背 手背 shou3 bei4
back of the hand

手心手背都是肉 手心手背都是肉 shou3 xin1 shou3 bei4 dou1 shi4 rou4
lit. both the palm and the back of the hand are made of flesh (idiom); fig. to both be of equal importance; to value both equally

死记硬背 死記硬背 si3 ji4 ying4 bei4
to learn by rote; to mechanically memorize

驼背 駝背 tuo2 bei4
hunchbacked; stooping; hunchback

驼背鲸 駝背鯨 tuo2 bei4 jing1
humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

弯腰驼背 彎腰駝背 wan1 yao1 tuo2 bei4
slouch; stoop; poor posture

违背 違背 wei2 bei4
to go against; to be contrary to; to violate

违信背约 違信背約 wei2 xin4 bei4 yue1
in violation of contract and good faith

纹背捕蛛鸟 紋背捕蛛鳥 wen2 bei4 bu3 zhu1 niao3
(bird species of China) streaked spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna)

相背 相背 xiang1 bei4
contrary; opposite

向背 向背 xiang4 bei4
to support or oppose

熊腰虎背 熊腰虎背 xiong2 yao1 hu3 bei4
waist of a bear and back of a tiger; tough and stocky build

椅背 椅背 yi3 bei4
the back of a chair

朱背啄花鸟 朱背啄花鳥 zhu1 bei4 zhuo2 hua1 niao3
(bird species of China) scarlet-backed flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum)

转背 轉背 zhuan3 bei4
to turn one's back; to turn around; fig. change in a very short time

紫背椋鸟 紫背椋鳥 zi3 bei4 liang2 niao3
(bird species of China) chestnut-cheeked starling (Agropsar philippensis)

紫背苇鳽 紫背葦鳽 zi3 bei4 wei3 yan2
(bird species of China) von Schrenck's bittern (Ixobrychus eurhythmus)

棕背伯劳 棕背伯勞 zong1 bei4 bo2 lao2
(bird species of China) long-tailed shrike (Lanius schach)

棕背黑头鸫 棕背黑頭鶇 zong1 bei4 hei1 tou2 dong1
(bird species of China) Kessler's thrush (Turdus kessleri)

棕背田鸡 棕背田雞 zong1 bei4 tian2 ji1
(bird species of China) black-tailed crake (Porzana bicolor)

棕背雪雀 棕背雪雀 zong1 bei4 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) Blanford's snowfinch (Pyrgilauda blanfordi)

走背字 走背字 zou3 bei4 zi4
to have bad luck

走背字儿 走背字兒 zou3 bei4 zi4 er5
erhua variant of 走背字