can; to be able to; might possibly; ability; (physics) energy

surname Neng

strokes 10
strokes after radical 6
爱莫能助 愛莫能助 ai4 mo4 neng2 zhu4
unable to help however much one would like to (idiom); Although we sympathize, there is no way to help you.; My hands are tied.

暗能量 暗能量 an4 neng2 liang4
dark energy (astronomy)

巴不能够 巴不能夠 ba1 bu4 neng2 gou4
avid; eager for; longing for; to look forward to

八仙过海,各显其能 八仙過海,各顯其能 ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 - ge4 xian3 qi2 neng2
see 八仙過海,各顯神通|八仙过海,各显神通

本能 本能 ben3 neng2

勃起功能障碍 勃起功能障礙 bo2 qi3 gong1 neng2 zhang4 ai4
erectile dysfunction (ED)

不可能 不可能 bu4 ke3 neng2
impossible; cannot; not able

不能 不能 bu4 neng2
cannot; must not; should not

不能不 不能不 bu4 neng2 bu4
have to; cannot but

不能抵抗 不能抵抗 bu4 neng2 di3 kang4

不能自已 不能自已 bu4 neng2 zi4 yi3
unable to control oneself; to be beside oneself

不以规矩,不能成方圆 不以規矩,不能成方圓 bu4 yi3 gui1 ju5 - bu4 neng2 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules

才能 才能 cai2 neng2
talent; ability; capacity

才艺技能 才藝技能 cai2 yi4 ji4 neng2

产能 產能 chan3 neng2
production capacity

超能力 超能力 chao1 neng2 li4
superpower; extrasensory perception

潮汐能 潮汐能 chao2 xi1 neng2
tidal power; tidal energy

逞能 逞能 cheng3 neng2
to show off one's ability; to boast one's merits

处理能力 處理能力 chu3 li3 neng2 li4
processing capability; throughput

大能 大能 da4 neng2

大学学科能力测验 大學學科能力測驗 da4 xue2 xue2 ke1 neng2 li4 ce4 yan4
General Scholastic Ability Test (college entrance exam in Taiwan)

大丈夫能屈能伸 大丈夫能屈能伸 da4 zhang4 fu5 neng2 qu1 neng2 shen1
A leader can submit or can stand tall as required.; ready to give and take; flexible

德薄能鲜 德薄能鮮 de2 bo2 neng2 xian3
little virtue and meager abilities (idiom); I'm a humble person and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修)

低能 低能 di1 neng2
incapable; incompetent; stupid; mentally deficient

低能儿 低能兒 di1 neng2 er2
retarded child; moron; idiot

地热能 地熱能 di4 re4 neng2
geothermal energy

电能 電能 dian4 neng2
electrical energy

定能 定能 ding4 neng2
to be definitely able (to do sth)

动能 動能 dong4 neng2
kinetic energy

动能车 動能車 dong4 neng2 che1
car with a new type of propulsion system (hybrid, hydrogen-powered etc)

读写能力 讀寫能力 du2 xie3 neng2 li4

妒能害贤 妒能害賢 du4 neng2 hai4 xian2
jealous of the able, envious of the clever (idiom)

妒贤忌能 妒賢忌能 du4 xian2 ji4 neng2
to envy the virtuous and talented (idiom)

多功能 多功能 duo1 gong1 neng2
multi-functional; multi-function

多功能表 多功能表 duo1 gong1 neng2 biao3
multifunction meter (e.g. for gas and electricity supply)

耳熟能详 耳熟能詳 er3 shu2 neng2 xiang2
what's frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom)

方能 方能 fang1 neng2
can then (and only then)

妨功害能 妨功害能 fang2 gong1 hai4 neng2
to constrain and limit successful, capable people

风能 風能 feng1 neng2
wind power

峰值输出功能 峰值輸出功能 feng1 zhi2 shu1 chu1 gong1 neng2
peak power output (of an electrical device etc)

辐射能 輻射能 fu2 she4 neng2
radiation energy (e.g. solar)

富贵不能淫 富貴不能淫 fu4 gui4 bu4 neng2 yin2
not corrupted by wealth and honors

妇女能顶半边天 婦女能頂半邊天 fu4 nv3 neng2 ding3 ban4 bian1 tian1
Woman can hold up half the sky; fig. nowadays, women have an equal part to play in society

高分低能 高分低能 gao1 fen1 di1 neng2
high in score but low in ability (as a result of teaching to the test)

高能 高能 gao1 neng2
high energy

高能粒子 高能粒子 gao1 neng2 li4 zi3
high energy particle

高能量 高能量 gao1 neng2 liang4
high energy (physics)

高能烈性炸药 高能烈性炸藥 gao1 neng2 lie4 xing4 zha4 yao4
high explosive

高效能 高效能 gao1 xiao4 neng2
highly efficient; effectivity

高性能 高性能 gao1 xing4 neng2
high performance

各尽所能 各盡所能 ge4 jin4 suo3 neng2
each does his utmost (idiom); from each according to his means

更高性能 更高性能 geng1 gao1 xing4 neng2
high performance

功能 功能 gong1 neng2
function; capability

功能表 功能表 gong1 neng2 biao3
menu (software)

功能词 功能詞 gong1 neng2 ci2
function word

功能磁共振成像术 功能磁共振成像術 gong1 neng2 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4 shu4
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

功能集 功能集 gong1 neng2 ji2
function library

功能模块 功能模塊 gong1 neng2 mo2 kuai4
functional module

功能群 功能群 gong1 neng2 qun2
functional group

功能团 功能團 gong1 neng2 tuan2
functional group (chemistry)

功能性 功能性 gong1 neng2 xing4

功能性磁共振成像 功能性磁共振成像 gong1 neng2 xing4 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

官能 官能 guan1 neng2
function; capability; sense (i.e. the five senses of sight 視|视, hearing 聽|听, smell 嗅, taste 味 and touch 觸|触); faculty (i.e. specific ability)

官能基 官能基 guan1 neng2 ji1
functional group (chemistry)

官能团 官能團 guan1 neng2 tuan2
functional group (chemistry)

管理功能 管理功能 guan3 li3 gong1 neng2
management function

光能 光能 guang1 neng2
light energy (e.g. solar)

光能合成 光能合成 guang1 neng2 he2 cheng2

国际原子能机构 國際原子能機構 guo2 ji4 yuan2 zi3 neng2 ji1 gou4
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

过而能改,善莫大焉 過而能改,善莫大焉 guo4 er2 neng2 gai3 - shan4 mo4 da4 yan1
If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better (idiom)

耗能 耗能 hao4 neng2
to consume energy; energy consumption

核能 核能 he2 neng2
nuclear energy

核能源 核能源 he2 neng2 yuan2
nuclear power

恨不能 恨不能 hen4 bu5 neng2
see 恨不得

化学能 化學能 hua4 xue2 neng2
chemical energy

惠能 惠能 hui4 neng2
variant of 慧能

慧能 慧能 hui4 neng2
Huineng (638-713), the Sixth Patriarch of Chan Buddhism

活动能力 活動能力 huo2 dong4 neng2 li4
mobility; motility

积不相能 積不相能 ji1 bu4 xiang1 neng2
always at loggerheads (idiom); never able to agree with sb; unable to get on with sb

机能 機能 ji1 neng2

机械能 機械能 ji1 xie4 neng2
mechanical energy

极有可能 極有可能 ji2 you3 ke3 neng2
extremely possible; probable

技能 技能 ji4 neng2
technical ability; skill

佳能 佳能 jia1 neng2
Canon (Japanese company)

甲状腺功能亢进 甲狀腺功能亢進 jia3 zhuang4 xian4 gong1 neng2 kang4 jin4
hyperthyroidism; abbr. to 甲亢

节能 節能 jie2 neng2
to save energy; energy-saving

节能灯 節能燈 jie2 neng2 deng1
compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)

金钱不能买来幸福 金錢不能買來幸福 jin1 qian2 bu4 neng2 mai3 lai2 xing4 fu2
money can't buy happiness

金钱非万能 金錢非萬能 jin1 qian2 fei1 wan4 neng2
money is not omnipotent; money isn't everything; money can't buy you love

金钱万能 金錢萬能 jin1 qian2 wan4 neng2
money is omnipotent (idiom); with money, you can do anything; money talks

尽可能 儘可能 jin3 ke3 neng2
as far as possible; to do one's utmost

精明能干 精明能幹 jing1 ming2 neng2 gan4
able and efficient

精神官能症 精神官能症 jing1 shen2 guan1 neng2 zheng4

静坐不能 靜坐不能 jing4 zuo4 bu4 neng2
akathisia (condition of restlessness, a side-effect of neuroleptic antipsychotic drug); unable to sit still; hyperactivity; restlessness

聚光太阳能 聚光太陽能 ju4 guang1 tai4 yang2 neng2
concentrating solar power (CSP)

抗药能力 抗藥能力 kang4 yao4 neng2 li4
drug-resistance (of a pathogen)

可能 可能 ke3 neng2
might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps

可能性 可能性 ke3 neng2 xing4
possibility; probability

劳动能力 勞動能力 lao2 dong4 neng2 li4
ability to work

力所能及 力所能及 li4 suo3 neng2 ji2
as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability; within one's powers

利他能 利他能 li4 ta1 neng2
Ritalin (brand name); methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD); also written 利他林

良知良能 良知良能 liang2 zhi1 liang2 neng2
instinctive understanding, esp. of ethical issues (idiom); untrained, but with an inborn sense of right and wrong; innate moral sense

零点能 零點能 ling2 dian3 neng2
zero-point energy (quantum mechanical vacuum effect)

领导能力 領導能力 ling3 dao3 neng2 li4
leadership (ability)

流变能力 流變能力 liu2 bian4 neng2 li4

没有什么不可能 沒有甚麼不可能 mei2 you3 shen2 me5 bu4 ke3 neng2
nothing is impossible; there's nothing impossible about it

没有生育能力 沒有生育能力 mei2 you3 sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4
infertile; unable to have children

美国能源部 美國能源部 mei3 guo2 neng2 yuan2 bu4
US Department of Energy (DOE)

难能可贵 難能可貴 nan2 neng2 ke3 gui4
rare and precious; valuable; remarkable

内能 內能 nei4 neng2
internal energy

能动性 能動性 neng2 dong4 xing4
initiative; active role

能否 能否 neng2 fou3
whether or not; can it or can't it; is it possible?

能干 能幹 neng2 gan4
capable; competent

能歌善舞 能歌善舞 neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3
can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a person of many talents

能够 能夠 neng2 gou4
to be capable of; to be able to; can

能彀 能彀 neng2 gou4
able to do sth; in a position to do sth; same as 能夠|能够

能级 能級 neng2 ji2
energy level

能见度 能見度 neng2 jian4 du4

能力 能力 neng2 li4
capability; ability

能量 能量 neng2 liang4
energy; capabilities

能量代谢 能量代謝 neng2 liang4 dai4 xie4
energy metabolism

能量守恒 能量守恆 neng2 liang4 shou3 heng2
conservation of energy (physics)

能耐 能耐 neng2 nai4
ability; capability

能屈能伸 能屈能伸 neng2 qu1 neng2 shen1
can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take; flexible

能人 能人 neng2 ren2
capable person; Homo habilis, extinct species of upright East African hominid

能弱能强 能弱能強 neng2 ruo4 neng2 qiang2
to be either weak or strong both have their purpose (idiom)

能上能下 能上能下 neng2 shang4 neng2 xia4
ready to take any job, high or low

能伸能屈 能伸能屈 neng2 shen1 neng2 qu1
can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take; flexible

能诗善文 能詩善文 neng2 shi1 shan4 wen2
highly literate; lit. capable at poetry, proficient at prose

能事 能事 neng2 shi4
particular abilities; one's forte

能手 能手 neng2 shou3

能说会道 能說會道 neng2 shuo1 hui4 dao4
can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab

能写善算 能寫善算 neng2 xie3 shan4 suan4
to be literate and numerate (idiom)

能言善辩 能言善辯 neng2 yan2 shan4 bian4
glib of tongue (idiom); eloquent

能源 能源 neng2 yuan2
energy; power source

能源短缺 能源短缺 neng2 yuan2 duan3 que1
energy shortage

能源危机 能源危機 neng2 yuan2 wei1 ji1
energy crisis

能愿动词 能願動詞 neng2 yuan4 dong4 ci2
optative verb

能者多劳 能者多勞 neng2 zhe3 duo1 lao2
it's the most capable people who do the most work (idiom) (intended as consolation for the overworked, or flattery when making a request etc)

欧洲原子能联营 歐洲原子能聯營 ou1 zhou1 yuan2 zi3 neng2 lian2 ying2

贫贱不能移 貧賤不能移 pin2 jian4 bu4 neng2 yi2
not shaken by poverty; to preserve one's ambitions although destitute

凭本能做事 憑本能做事 ping2 ben3 neng2 zuo4 shi4
to follow one's nose

七项全能 七項全能 qi1 xiang4 quan2 neng2

奇能 奇能 qi2 neng2
special ability

奇能异士 奇能異士 qi2 neng2 yi4 shi4
extraordinary hero with special abilities; martial arts superhero

钱不是万能的没钱是万万不能的 錢不是萬能的沒錢是萬萬不能的 qian2 bu4 shi4 wan4 neng2 de5 mei2 qian2 shi4 wan4 wan4 bu4 neng2 de5
Money isn't everything but without money you have nothing. (idiom)

潜能 潛能 qian2 neng2
potential; hidden capability

钱能通神 錢能通神 qian2 neng2 tong1 shen2
money is all-powerful; money can move God

权能 權能 quan2 neng2

全能 全能 quan2 neng2
omnipotent; all-round; strong in every area

全知全能 全知全能 quan2 zhi1 quan2 neng2
omniscient and omnipotent

让贤与能 讓賢與能 rang4 xian2 yu3 neng2
to step aside and give a more worthy person a chance (idiom)

热能 熱能 re4 neng2
heat energy

人非生而知之者,孰能无惑 人非生而知之者,孰能無惑 ren2 fei1 sheng1 er2 zhi1 zhi1 zhe3 - shu2 neng2 wu2 huo4
Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?; We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈)

人工智能 人工智能 ren2 gong1 zhi4 neng2
artificial intelligence (AI)

认识不能 認識不能 ren4 shi5 bu4 neng2

任贤使能 任賢使能 ren4 xian2 shi3 neng2
to appoint the virtuous and use the able (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity

日本原子能研究所 日本原子能研究所 ri4 ben3 yuan2 zi3 neng2 yan2 jiu1 suo3
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

柔能克刚 柔能克剛 rou2 neng2 ke4 gang1
lit. the soft can subdue the hard

三项全能 三項全能 san1 xiang4 quan2 neng2

善能 善能 shan4 neng2
to be good at

社交才能 社交才能 she4 jiao1 cai2 neng2
social accomplishment

神经官能症 神經官能症 shen2 jing1 guan1 neng2 zheng4

肾功能 腎功能 shen4 gong1 neng2
kidney function

生产能力 生產能力 sheng1 chan3 neng2 li4
manufacturing ability; production capacity

生物能 生物能 sheng1 wu4 neng2

生物质能 生物質能 sheng1 wu4 zhi4 neng2

生育能力 生育能力 sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4
fertility; ability to have children

胜任能力 勝任能力 sheng4 ren4 neng2 li4

施主能级 施主能級 shi1 zhu3 neng2 ji2
donor level (semiconductor)

十项全能 十項全能 shi2 xiang4 quan2 neng2

势能 勢能 shi4 neng2
potential energy

书写不能症 書寫不能症 shu1 xie3 bu4 neng2 zheng4

熟能生巧 熟能生巧 shu2 neng2 sheng1 qiao3
with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect

水能 水能 shui3 neng2
hydroelectric power

水能源 水能源 shui3 neng2 yuan2
hydroelectric power

水能载舟,亦能覆舟 水能載舟,亦能覆舟 shui3 neng2 zai4 zhou1 - yi4 neng2 fu4 zhou1
lit. water may keep the boat afloat but may also sink it (proverb); fig. the people can support a regime or overturn it; if sth is used properly, one can benefit from it, otherwise it can do harm; things can be double-edged

素不相能 素不相能 su4 bu4 xiang1 neng2
unable to get along (idiom)

所能 所能 suo3 neng2
according to one's capabilities; what sb is capable of

太阳能 太陽能 tai4 yang2 neng2
solar energy

太阳能板 太陽能板 tai4 yang2 neng2 ban3
solar panel

太阳能电池 太陽能電池 tai4 yang2 neng2 dian4 chi2
solar cell

倘能如此 倘能如此 tang3 neng2 ru2 ci3
if it is possible (idiom)

特异功能 特異功能 te4 yi4 gong1 neng2
supernatural power; extrasensory perception

体能 體能 ti3 neng2
physical capability; stamina

推贤让能 推賢讓能 tui1 xian2 rang4 neng2
to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talented (idiom)

万能 萬能 wan4 neng2
omnipotent; all-purpose; universal

万能梗 萬能梗 wan4 neng2 geng3
Airedale terrier

万能梗犬 萬能梗犬 wan4 neng2 geng3 quan3
Airedale terrier

万能曲尺 萬能曲尺 wan4 neng2 qu1 chi3
universal bevel (to measure angles)

万能钥匙 萬能鑰匙 wan4 neng2 yao4 shi5
master key; skeleton key; passkey

未能 未能 wei4 neng2
cannot; to fail to; unable to

未能免俗 未能免俗 wei4 neng2 mian3 su2
unable to break the custom (idiom); bound by conventions

无能 無能 wu2 neng2
incompetence; inability; incapable; powerless

无能为力 無能為力 wu2 neng2 wei2 li4
impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless

无人能及 無人能及 wu2 ren2 neng2 ji2
nobody can compete with; unmatched by anybody; without rival

无所不能 無所不能 wu2 suo3 bu4 neng2

五项全能 五項全能 wu3 xiang4 quan2 neng2

悟能 悟能 wu4 neng2
Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒 or Zhu Wuneng, Pigsy or Pig (in Journey to the West)

贤能 賢能 xian2 neng2

效价能 效價能 xiao4 jia4 neng2
potency; titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)

效能 效能 xiao4 neng2
efficacy; effectiveness

性能 性能 xing4 neng2
function; performance

秀才不出门,能知天下事 秀才不出門,能知天下事 xiu4 cai5 bu4 chu1 men2 - neng2 zhi1 tian1 xia4 shi4
a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)

异能 異能 yi4 neng2
different function

艺能界 藝能界 yi4 neng2 jie4
show business

庸碌无能 庸碌無能 yong1 lu4 wu2 neng2
mediocre and incompetent

有可能 有可能 you3 ke3 neng2
possible; probable; possibly; probably; may; might

有能力 有能力 you3 neng2 li4

有钱能使鬼推磨 有錢能使鬼推磨 you3 qian2 neng2 shi3 gui3 tui1 mo4
lit. money will make the Devil turn millstones (idiom); fig. with money, you can do anything you like

语言能力 語言能力 yu3 yan2 neng2 li4
verbal ability

欲罢不能 欲罷不能 yu4 ba4 bu4 neng2
want to stop but can't (idiom); to be unable to stop oneself; to feel an urge to continue

元语言能力 元語言能力 yuan2 yu3 yan2 neng2 li4
metalinguistic ability

原子能 原子能 yuan2 zi3 neng2
atomic energy

原子能发电站 原子能發電站 yuan2 zi3 neng2 fa1 dian4 zhan4
atomic power station

再生能源 再生能源 zai4 sheng1 neng2 yuan2
renewable energy source

载重能力 載重能力 zai4 zhong4 neng2 li4
weight-carrying capacity

怎能 怎能 zen3 neng2
how can?

知错能改 知錯能改 zhi1 cuo4 neng2 gai3
to recognize one's mistakes and be able to reform oneself (idiom)

职能 職能 zhi2 neng2
function; role

执政能力 執政能力 zhi2 zheng4 neng2 li4
governing capacity

只能 只能 zhi3 neng2
can only; obliged to do sth; to have no other choice

智能 智能 zhi4 neng2
intelligent; able; smart (phone, system, bomb etc)

智能卡 智能卡 zhi4 neng2 ka3
smart card

智能设计 智能設計 zhi4 neng2 she4 ji4
intelligent design (religion)

智能手机 智能手機 zhi4 neng2 shou3 ji1

智能障碍 智能障礙 zhi4 neng2 zhang4 ai4
intellectual disability; cognitive disability; learning disability; mental retardation

中国国家原子能机构 中國國家原子能機構 zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 yuan2 zi3 neng2 ji1 gou4
China Atomic Energy Agency (CAEA)

中国核能总公司 中國核能總公司 zhong1 guo2 he2 neng2 zong3 gong1 si1
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)

猪悟能 豬悟能 zhu1 wu4 neng2
Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒 or Zhu Wuneng, Pigsy or Pig (in Journey to the West)

总能 總能 zong3 neng2
total energy

尊贤使能 尊賢使能 zun1 xian2 shi3 neng2
to respect talent and make use of ability (Mencius)

作证能力 作證能力 zuo4 zheng4 neng2 li4