brain; mind; head; essence

strokes 13
strokes after radical 9
巴头探脑 巴頭探腦 ba1 tou2 tan4 nao3
to poke one's head in and pry (idiom); to spy; nosy

笔记本电脑 筆記本電腦 bi3 ji4 ben3 dian4 nao3
laptop; notebook (computer)

笔记型电脑 筆記型電腦 bi3 ji4 xing2 dian4 nao3
notebook (computer)

冲昏头脑 沖昏頭腦 chong1 hun1 tou2 nao3
lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally; to go to one's head

冲昏头脑 衝昏頭腦 chong1 hun1 tou2 nao3
lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally; to go to one's head

大脑 大腦 da4 nao3
brain; cerebrum

大脑死亡 大腦死亡 da4 nao3 si3 wang2
brain dead

电脑 電腦 dian4 nao3

电脑病毒 電腦病毒 dian4 nao3 bing4 du2
computer virus

电脑断层扫描 電腦斷層掃描 dian4 nao3 duan4 ceng2 sao3 miao2
CAT scan; CT scan

电脑辅助工程 電腦輔助工程 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 gong1 cheng2
computer-aided engineering

电脑辅助教材 電腦輔助教材 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 jiao4 cai2
computer-aided instruction

电脑辅助设计 電腦輔助設計 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4
computer-aided design

电脑辅助设计与绘图 電腦輔助設計與繪圖 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4 yu3 hui4 tu2
computer-aided design and drawing

电脑绘图 電腦繪圖 dian4 nao3 hui4 tu2
computer graphics

电脑企业 電腦企業 dian4 nao3 qi3 ye4
computer company; computer firm

电脑软件 電腦軟件 dian4 nao3 ruan3 jian4
computer software

电脑网 電腦網 dian4 nao3 wang3
computer network; Internet

电脑网路 電腦網路 dian4 nao3 wang3 lu4
computer network

电脑系统 電腦系統 dian4 nao3 xi4 tong3
computer system

电脑业者 電腦業者 dian4 nao3 ye4 zhe3
software developer

电脑语言 電腦語言 dian4 nao3 yu3 yan2
programming language; computer language

东方马脑炎病毒 東方馬腦炎病毒 dong1 fang1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2
eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus

动脑 動腦 dong4 nao3
to use one's brain

动脑筋 動腦筋 dong4 nao3 jin1
to use one's brains; to think

豆腐脑 豆腐腦 dou4 fu5 nao3
jellied tofu; soft bean curd

豆渣脑筋 豆渣腦筋 dou4 zha1 nao3 jin1
idiot; porridge head

肝脑涂地 肝腦塗地 gan1 nao3 tu2 di4
to offer one's life in sacrifice

戆头戆脑 戇頭戇腦 gang4 tou2 gang4 nao3
stupid (Wu dialect)

个人电脑 個人電腦 ge4 ren2 dian4 nao3
personal computer; PC

鬼摸脑壳 鬼摸腦殼 gui3 mo1 nao3 ke2
muddled; momentarily confused

鬼头鬼脑 鬼頭鬼腦 gui3 tou2 gui3 nao3
sneaky; furtive

横头横脑 橫頭橫腦 heng2 tou2 heng2 nao3
coarse and arrogant; always in the right

后脑 後腦 hou4 nao3
hindbrain; back of the head

后脑勺 後腦勺 hou4 nao3 shao2
back of the head

昏头昏脑 昏頭昏腦 hun1 tou2 hun1 nao3
confused; dizzy; fainting

家用电脑 家用電腦 jia1 yong4 dian4 nao3
home computer

间脑 間腦 jian1 nao3

绞尽脑汁 絞盡腦汁 jiao3 jin4 nao3 zhi1
to rack one's brains

绞脑汁 絞腦汁 jiao3 nao3 zhi1
to rack one's brains

精虫冲脑 精蟲衝腦 jing1 chong2 chong1 nao3
lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head; fig. overwhelmed by lust

愣头愣脑 愣頭愣腦 leng4 tou2 leng4 nao3
rash; impetuous; reckless

裂脑人 裂腦人 lie4 nao3 ren2

流脑 流腦 liu2 nao3
epidemic encephalitis

麦金塔电脑 麥金塔電腦 mai4 jin1 ta3 dian4 nao3
Macintosh (brand of computers made by Apple); Mac

摸不着头脑 摸不著頭腦 mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3
to be unable to make any sense of the matter; to be at a loss

脑病 腦病 nao3 bing4
brain disease; encephalopathy

脑波 腦波 nao3 bo1
brain wave; EEG

脑残 腦殘 nao3 can2
moronic; brainless; bonehead; retard

脑残粉 腦殘粉 nao3 can2 fen3
(slang) fanboy; fangirl

脑成像技术 腦成像技術 nao3 cheng2 xiang4 ji4 shu4
brain imaging technique

脑充血 腦充血 nao3 chong1 xue4
stroke; cerebral hemorrhage

脑出血 腦出血 nao3 chu1 xue4
cerebral hemorrhage

脑垂体 腦垂體 nao3 chui2 ti3
pituitary gland

脑卒中 腦卒中 nao3 cu4 zhong4
stroke; cerebral hemorrhage

脑袋 腦袋 nao3 dai4
head; skull; brains; mental capability

脑袋开花 腦袋開花 nao3 dai4 kai1 hua1
to blow one's brain out

脑岛 腦島 nao3 dao3

脑电波 腦電波 nao3 dian4 bo1
see 腦波|脑波

脑电图 腦電圖 nao3 dian4 tu2
electroencephalogram (EEG)

脑电图版 腦電圖版 nao3 dian4 tu2 ban3
electroencephalogram (EEG)

脑儿 腦兒 nao3 er5
brains (as food)

脑干 腦幹 nao3 gan4
brain stem

脑沟 腦溝 nao3 gou1
sulcus (groove or fissure dividing lobes of the brain)

脑瓜 腦瓜 nao3 gua1
skull; brain; head; mind; mentality; ideas

脑瓜儿 腦瓜兒 nao3 gua1 er5
erhua variant of 腦瓜|脑瓜

脑瓜子 腦瓜子 nao3 gua1 zi5
see 腦瓜|脑瓜

脑海 腦海 nao3 hai3
the mind; the brain

脑后 腦後 nao3 hou4
the back of the head; (fig.) the back of one's mind

脑回 腦回 nao3 hui2
lobe of the brain

脑脊液 腦脊液 nao3 ji3 ye4
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

脑际 腦際 nao3 ji4
mind; memory

脑浆 腦漿 nao3 jiang1

脑筋 腦筋 nao3 jin1
brains; mind; head; way of thinking

脑壳 腦殼 nao3 ke2
skull; (fig.) brain (mental capacity)

脑力 腦力 nao3 li4
mental capacity

脑力激荡法 腦力激盪法 nao3 li4 ji1 dang4 fa3
brain storming

脑力劳动 腦力勞動 nao3 li4 lao2 dong4
mental labor; intellectual work

脑瘤 腦瘤 nao3 liu2
brain tumor

脑门 腦門 nao3 men2

脑门子 腦門子 nao3 men2 zi5
forehead (dialect)

脑膜 腦膜 nao3 mo2
meninx; meninges; membranes lining the brain

脑膜炎 腦膜炎 nao3 mo2 yan2

脑内啡 腦內啡 nao3 nei4 fei1

脑瓢儿 腦瓢兒 nao3 piao2 er5
top of the head; crown

脑贫血 腦貧血 nao3 pin2 xue4
cerebral anemia

脑桥 腦橋 nao3 qiao2
pons Varolii (bundle of nerve fibers in the brain)

脑杓 腦杓 nao3 shao2
the spoon shape slope on the nape

脑勺 腦勺 nao3 shao2
back of the head

脑神经 腦神經 nao3 shen2 jing1
cranial nerves

脑室 腦室 nao3 shi4
ventricles of the brain

脑水肿 腦水腫 nao3 shui3 zhong3
cerebral edema

脑死亡 腦死亡 nao3 si3 wang2
brain death

脑髓 腦髓 nao3 sui3
brain tissue; gray matter; brain; medulla

脑损伤 腦損傷 nao3 sun3 shang1
brain damage

脑瘫 腦癱 nao3 tan1
cerebral palsy

脑图 腦圖 nao3 tu2
mind map

脑细胞 腦細胞 nao3 xi4 bao1
brain cell

脑下垂体 腦下垂體 nao3 xia4 chui2 ti3
pituitary glands (at the base of the skull)

脑性痲痹 腦性痲痺 nao3 xing4 ma2 bi4
variant of 腦性麻痺|脑性麻痹; cerebral palsy; spasticity

脑性麻痹 腦性麻痺 nao3 xing4 ma2 bi4
cerebral palsy; spasticity

脑血管疾病 腦血管疾病 nao3 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4
cerebrovascular disease

脑血管屏障 腦血管屏障 nao3 xue4 guan3 ping2 zhang4
blood brain barrier

脑炎 腦炎 nao3 yan2
brain fever; encephalitis; meningitis

脑液 腦液 nao3 ye4
brain fluid

脑叶 腦葉 nao3 ye4
lobe of the brain

脑溢血 腦溢血 nao3 yi4 xue4
cerebral hemorrhage; stroke

脑胀 腦脹 nao3 zhang4
lit. brain swelling; dizzy; light-headed; intoxicated

脑涨 腦漲 nao3 zhang4
variant of 腦脹|脑胀

脑震荡 腦震盪 nao3 zhen4 dang4
(med.) cerebral concussion

脑汁 腦汁 nao3 zhi1

脑肿瘤 腦腫瘤 nao3 zhong3 liu2
brain tumor

脑中风 腦中風 nao3 zhong4 feng1
cerebral stroke

脑子 腦子 nao3 zi5
brains; mind

脑子进水 腦子進水 nao3 zi5 jin4 shui3
to have lost one's mind; crazy; soft in the head

脑子生锈 腦子生銹 nao3 zi5 sheng1 xiu4
lit. brains rusty; ossified thinking

脑子有泡 腦子有泡 nao3 zi5 you3 pao4
soft in the head; brainless; dumb

牛海绵状脑病 牛海綿狀腦病 niu2 hai3 mian2 zhuang4 nao3 bing4
bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE; mad cow disease

平板电脑 平板電腦 ping2 ban3 dian4 nao3
tablet computer (iPad, Android devices etc)

苹果电脑 蘋果電腦 ping2 guo3 dian4 nao3
Apple computer; Mac; Macintosh

丘脑 丘腦 qiu1 nao3

丘脑损伤 丘腦損傷 qiu1 nao3 sun3 shang1
thalamic lesions

日本脑炎 日本腦炎 ri4 ben3 nao3 yan2
Japanese encephalitis

森林脑炎 森林腦炎 sen1 lin2 nao3 yan2
forest encephalitis

傻头傻脑 傻頭傻腦 sha3 tou2 sha3 nao3
a fool

伤脑筋 傷腦筋 shang1 nao3 jin1
to be a real headache; to find sth a real headache; to beat one's brains

神舟电脑 神舟電腦 shen2 zhou1 dian4 nao3
Hasee (computer manufacturer)

石脑油 石腦油 shi2 nao3 you2

首脑 首腦 shou3 nao3
head (of state); summit (meeting); leader

首脑会谈 首腦會談 shou3 nao3 hui4 tan2
summit talks; discussion between heads of state

首脑会晤 首腦會晤 shou3 nao3 hui4 wu4
leadership meeting

首脑会议 首腦會議 shou3 nao3 hui4 yi4
leadership conference; summit meeting

手提电脑 手提電腦 shou3 ti2 dian4 nao3
portable computer

髓脑 髓腦 sui3 nao3
brains; gray matter

台式电脑 台式電腦 tai2 shi4 dian4 nao3
desktop computer

探头探脑 探頭探腦 tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3
to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)

探头探脑儿 探頭探腦兒 tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 er5
erhua variant of 探頭探腦|探头探脑

提神醒脑 提神醒腦 ti2 shen2 xing3 nao3
to refresh and clear the mind (idiom); invigorating; bracing

头儿脑儿 頭兒腦兒 tou2 er5 nao3 er5
leading figure; bigwig; lion; nabob; pooh-bah

头昏脑闷 頭昏腦悶 tou2 hun1 nao3 men4
fainting and giddy; one's head spins

头昏脑眩 頭昏腦眩 tou2 hun1 nao3 xuan4
dizzying; it makes one's head spin

头昏脑涨 頭昏腦漲 tou2 hun1 nao3 zhang4
variant of 頭昏腦脹|头昏脑胀

头昏脑胀 頭昏腦脹 tou2 hun1 nao3 zhang4
giddy; one's head spins

头脑 頭腦 tou2 nao3
brains; mind; skull; (fig.) gist (of a matter); leader; boss

头脑发胀 頭腦發脹 tou2 nao3 fa1 zhang4
swelling of the head (physical condition); fig. swellheaded; conceited

头脑简单四肢发达 頭腦簡單四肢發達 tou2 nao3 jian3 dan1 si4 zhi1 fa1 da2
all brawn no brains

头脑清楚 頭腦清楚 tou2 nao3 qing1 chu5
lucid; clear-headed; sensible

头晕脑涨 頭暈腦漲 tou2 yun1 nao3 zhang4
variant of 頭暈腦脹|头晕脑胀

头晕脑胀 頭暈腦脹 tou2 yun1 nao3 zhang4
dizzy and light-headed

土头土脑 土頭土腦 tu3 tou2 tu3 nao3
rustic; uncouth; unsophisticated

微电脑 微電腦 wei1 dian4 nao3

委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒 委內瑞拉馬腦炎病毒 wei3 nei4 rui4 la1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus

西方马脑炎病毒 西方馬腦炎病毒 xi1 fang1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2
western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus

膝上型电脑 膝上型電腦 xi1 shang4 xing2 dian4 nao3
laptop (computer)

洗脑 洗腦 xi3 nao3
to brainwash

下丘脑 下丘腦 xia4 qiu1 nao3
hypothalamus (anatomy)

小脑 小腦 xiao3 nao3
cerebellum (part of the brain)

囟脑门 囟腦門 xin4 nao3 men2
fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)

胸大无脑 胸大無腦 xiong1 da4 wu2 nao3
(having) big boobs but no brain; bimbo

一股脑 一股腦 yi1 gu3 nao3
all of it; lock, stock and barrel

一古脑儿 一古腦兒 yi1 gu3 nao3 er5
variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿

一股脑儿 一股腦兒 yi1 gu3 nao3 er5
erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑

乙脑 乙腦 yi3 nao3
meningitis B; epidemic encephalitis B; Japanese encephalitis; abbr. for 乙型脑炎

乙型脑炎 乙型腦炎 yi3 xing2 nao3 yan2
meningitis B; epidemic encephalitis B; Japanese encephalitis

榆木脑壳 榆木腦殼 yu2 mu4 nao3 ke2
bullet-headed; stubborn

杂谷脑 雜谷腦 za2 gu3 nao3
Zagunao river in Sichuan, tributary of Minjiang 岷江

杂谷脑镇 雜谷腦鎮 za2 gu3 nao3 zhen4
Zagunao town in Li county 理縣|理县, Sichuan

贼头贼脑 賊頭賊腦 zei2 tou2 zei2 nao3
lit. to behave like a thief; furtive; underhand

樟脑 樟腦 zhang1 nao3
camphor C10H16O

樟脑球 樟腦球 zhang1 nao3 qiu2
camphor balls; moth balls

樟脑丸 樟腦丸 zhang1 nao3 wan2
camphor balls; moth balls

掌上电脑 掌上電腦 zhang3 shang4 dian4 nao3
handheld computer; PDA (personal digital assistant); Pocket PC

掌握电脑 掌握電腦 zhang3 wo4 dian4 nao3
PDA; Personal Digital Assistant

丈二和尚,摸不着头脑 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦 zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 - mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3
lit. like a three-meter high monk, you can't rub his head (idiom); fig. at a total loss

丈二金刚摸不着头脑 丈二金剛摸不著頭腦 zhang4 er4 jin1 gang1 mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3
see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑

针头线脑 針頭線腦 zhen1 tou2 xian4 nao3
needle and thread; sewing implements; needlework; (fig.) unimportant thing

政府首脑 政府首腦 zheng4 fu3 shou3 nao3
head of state; government leader

置之脑后 置之腦後 zhi4 zhi1 nao3 hou4
to banish from one's thoughts; to ignore; to take no notice

桌上型电脑 桌上型電腦 zhuo1 shang4 xing2 dian4 nao3
desktop computer