membrane; film

strokes 14
strokes after radical 11
瓣膜 瓣膜 ban4 mo2
valve (biological)

半膜肌 半膜肌 ban4 mo2 ji1
semimembranosus (anatomy)

保鲜膜 保鮮膜 bao3 xian1 mo2
plastic wrap; preservative film; cling film

鼻黏膜 鼻黏膜 bi2 nian2 mo2
nasal mucous membrane

表面外膜 表面外膜 biao3 mian4 wai4 mo2
surface coat

薄膜 薄膜 bo2 mo2
membrane; film

残膜 殘膜 can2 mo2
leftover agricultural plastic (as waste or rubbish that needs to be disposed of or recycled)

处女膜 處女膜 chu3 nv3 mo2

笛膜 笛膜 di2 mo2
membrane which covers a hole in a flute and produces a buzzing tone

顶礼膜拜 頂禮膜拜 ding3 li3 mo2 bai4
to prostrate oneself in worship (idiom); (fig.) to worship; to bow down to

耳膜 耳膜 er3 mo2
eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane

覆膜 覆膜 fu4 mo2
membrane covering sth; coating

腹膜 腹膜 fu4 mo2
peritoneum (anatomy)

膈膜 膈膜 ge2 mo2
diaphragm (anatomy)

隔膜 隔膜 ge2 mo2
diaphragm (anatomy); distant (socially aloof); divided by lack of mutual comprehension; nonexpert

巩膜 鞏膜 gong3 mo2
sclera (white of the eye)

骨膜 骨膜 gu3 mo2
periosteum (membrane covering bone)

鼓膜 鼓膜 gu3 mo2
eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane

横膈膜 橫膈膜 heng2 ge2 mo2
diaphragm; also written 橫隔膜|横隔膜

横隔膜 橫隔膜 heng2 ge2 mo2

虹膜 虹膜 hong2 mo2
iris (of an eye)

护贝胶膜 護貝膠膜 hu4 bei4 jiao1 mo2
(Tw) laminating film; laminating pouch

护贝膜 護貝膜 hu4 bei4 mo2
see 護貝膠膜|护贝胶膜

滑膜 滑膜 hua2 mo2
synovial membrane; synovium

基质膜 基質膜 ji1 zhi4 mo2
basal plasma membrane

荚膜组织胞浆菌 莢膜組織胞漿菌 jia2 mo2 zu3 zhi1 bao1 jiang1 jun1
Histoplasma capsulatum

浆膜 漿膜 jiang1 mo2
serosa; serous membrane (smooth moist delicate membranes lining body cavities)

角膜 角膜 jiao3 mo2

角膜接触镜 角膜接觸鏡 jiao3 mo2 jie1 chu4 jing4
contact lens

角膜炎 角膜炎 jiao3 mo2 yan2
keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)

结膜 結膜 jie2 mo2
conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball)

结膜炎 結膜炎 jie2 mo2 yan2

巨细胞病毒视网膜炎 巨細胞病毒視網膜炎 ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2 shi4 wang3 mo2 yan2
Cytomegalovirus retinitis, a disease of the retina that can lead to blindness; CMV retinitis

脉络膜 脈絡膜 mai4 luo4 mo2
choroid (vascular layer of the eyeball between the retina and the sclera)

面膜 面膜 mian4 mo2
facial mask; cleanser; face pack; facial (treatment)

膜拜 膜拜 mo2 bai4
to kneel and bow with joined hands at forehead level; to worship

膜翅目 膜翅目 mo2 chi4 mu4
Hymenoptera (insect order including ants and bees)

膜孔 膜孔 mo2 kong3
hole in the body of a musical instrument, covered with a membrane which produces a buzzing tone

膜炎 膜炎 mo2 yan2
inflammation of membrane; membranitis

脑膜 腦膜 nao3 mo2
meninx; meninges; membranes lining the brain

脑膜炎 腦膜炎 nao3 mo2 yan2

内膜 內膜 nei4 mo2
inner membrane

黏膜 黏膜 nian2 mo2
mucous membrane

粘膜 粘膜 nian2 mo2
mucous membrane

农膜 農膜 nong2 mo2
agricultural plastic, used largely for creating greenhouses

气泡膜 氣泡膜 qi4 pao4 mo2
bubble wrap

视网膜 視網膜 shi4 wang3 mo2

瞬膜 瞬膜 shun4 mo2
nictitating membrane

塑膜 塑膜 su4 mo2
plastic film (abbr. for 塑料薄膜)

贴膜 貼膜 tie1 mo2
protective or tinted film (for LCD screens, car windows etc); facial mask (cosmetics)

外质膜 外質膜 wai4 zhi4 mo2
external plasma membrane

网膜 網膜 wang3 mo2
retina (anatomy)

微孔膜 微孔膜 wei1 kong3 mo2
microporous membrane

细胞膜 細胞膜 xi4 bao1 mo2
cell membrane

胸膜 胸膜 xiong1 mo2
pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs)

胸膜炎 胸膜炎 xiong1 mo2 yan2

眼角膜 眼角膜 yan3 jiao3 mo2

羊膜 羊膜 yang2 mo2
amniotic (fluid); amnion

羊膜穿刺术 羊膜穿刺術 yang2 mo2 chuan1 ci4 shu4

足底筋膜炎 足底筋膜炎 zu2 di3 jin1 mo2 yan2
plantar fasciitis (medicine)