tea; tea plant

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
矮地茶 矮地茶 ai3 di4 cha2
Japanese Ardisia herb; Herba Ardisiae japonicae

波霸奶茶 波霸奶茶 bo1 ba4 nai3 cha2
bubble milk tea (Taiwan); Boba milk tea; tapioca milk tea; see also 珍珠奶茶

博士茶 博士茶 bo2 shi4 cha2
rooibos tea

残茶剩饭 殘茶剩飯 can2 cha2 sheng4 fan4
spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal; crumbs from the feast

茶包 茶包 cha2 bao1
tea bag; (slang) trouble (loanword)

茶杯 茶杯 cha2 bei1
teacup; tea-glass; cup; mug

茶藨子 茶藨子 cha2 biao1 zi5

茶匙 茶匙 cha2 chi2

茶袋 茶袋 cha2 dai4
tea bag

茶道 茶道 cha2 dao4
Japanese tea ceremony; sado

茶点 茶點 cha2 dian3
tea and cake; refreshments; tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch

茶点时间 茶點時間 cha2 dian3 shi2 jian1
tea break; tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch

茶饭不思 茶飯不思 cha2 fan4 bu4 si1
no thought for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering; to have no appetite

茶饭无心 茶飯無心 cha2 fan4 wu2 xin1
no heart for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and suffering; to have no appetite

茶坊 茶坊 cha2 fang2

茶房 茶房 cha2 fang2
waiter; steward; porter; teahouse

茶缸 茶缸 cha2 gang1

茶垢 茶垢 cha2 gou4
tea stain (on the inside of a tea pot, tea cup etc)

茶馆 茶館 cha2 guan3

茶馆儿 茶館兒 cha2 guan3 er5
a teashop

茶褐色 茶褐色 cha2 he4 se4
dark brown; tawny

茶壶 茶壺 cha2 hu2

茶花 茶花 cha2 hua1

茶话会 茶話會 cha2 hua4 hui4
tea party

茶会 茶會 cha2 hui4
tea party

茶几 茶几 cha2 ji1
small side table; coffee table; teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)

茶碱 茶鹼 cha2 jian3

茶晶 茶晶 cha2 jing1
yellow quartz; topaz

茶经 茶經 cha2 jing1
the Classic of Tea, first monograph ever on tea and its culture, written by 陸羽|陆羽 between 760-780

茶具 茶具 cha2 ju4
tea set; tea service

茶陵 茶陵 cha2 ling2
Chaling county in Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan

茶陵县 茶陵縣 cha2 ling2 xian4
Chaling county in Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan

茶楼 茶樓 cha2 lou2
tearoom; teahouse; dimsum restaurant (Hong Kong)

茶马古道 茶馬古道 cha2 ma3 gu3 dao4
old tea-horse road or southern Silk Road, dating back to 6th century, from Tibet and Sichuan through Yunnan and Southeast Asia, reaching to Bhutan, Sikkim, India and beyond

茶马互市 茶馬互市 cha2 ma3 hu4 shi4
old tea-horse market between Tibet, China, Southeast Asia and India, formalized as a state enterprise under the Song dynasty

茶农 茶農 cha2 nong2
tea grower

茶钱 茶錢 cha2 qian2
tip; gratuity; money for tea

茶色 茶色 cha2 se4
dark brown; tawny

茶树 茶樹 cha2 shu4
tea tree; Camellia sinensis

茶水 茶水 cha2 shui3
tea prepared in large quantity using inexpensive tea leaves

茶隼 茶隼 cha2 sun3
kestrel; common Eurasian falcon (Falco tinnunculus)

茶碗 茶碗 cha2 wan3

茶胸斑啄木鸟 茶胸斑啄木鳥 cha2 xiong1 ban1 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) fulvous-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)

茶锈 茶鏽 cha2 xiu4
tea stain (on the inside of a tea pot, tea cup etc)

茶叙 茶敘 cha2 xu4
to take tea and chat; a small-scale informal gathering with tea and snacks

茶叶 茶葉 cha2 ye4
tea; tea leaves

茶叶蛋 茶葉蛋 cha2 ye4 dan4
tea egg (egg boiled with flavorings which may include black tea)

茶叶末儿 茶葉末兒 cha2 ye4 mo4 er5
tea leaves powder

茶艺 茶藝 cha2 yi4
the art of tea

茶余饭饱 茶餘飯飽 cha2 yu2 fan4 bao3
see 茶餘飯後|茶余饭后

茶余饭后 茶餘飯後 cha2 yu2 fan4 hou4
leisure time (over a cup of tea, after a meal etc)

茶余酒后 茶餘酒後 cha2 yu2 jiu3 hou4
see 茶餘飯後|茶余饭后

茶庄 茶莊 cha2 zhuang1
tea shop

茶座 茶座 cha2 zuo4
teahouse; tea-stall with seats; tea-garden or teahouse seat

柴米油盐酱醋茶 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 chai2 mi3 you2 yan2 jiang4 cu4 cha2
lit. firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea; fig. life's daily necessities

长岛冰茶 長島冰茶 chang2 dao3 bing1 cha2
Long Island Iced Tea

春茶 春茶 chun1 cha2
tea leaves gathered at springtime or the tea made from these leaves

粗茶淡饭 粗茶淡飯 cu1 cha2 dan4 fan4
plain tea and simple food; (fig.) bread and water

格雷伯爵茶 格雷伯爵茶 ge2 lei2 bo2 jue2 cha2
Earl Grey tea

功夫茶 功夫茶 gong1 fu5 cha2
very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan

工夫茶 工夫茶 gong1 fu5 cha2
very concentrated type of tea consumed in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan; variant of 功夫茶

贡茶 貢茶 gong4 cha2
Gong Cha, international franchise selling Taiwan-style milk tea and smoothies etc, established in Kaohsiung in 2006

黑茶 黑茶 hei1 cha2
dark tea, a variety of fermented tea (e.g. Pu'er tea 普洱茶)

黑茶藨子 黑茶藨子 hei1 cha2 biao1 zi5
blackcurrant; cassis

红茶 紅茶 hong2 cha2
black tea

红茶菌 紅茶菌 hong2 cha2 jun1
kombucha (fermented tea)

红灌木茶 紅灌木茶 hong2 guan4 mu4 cha2
rooibos tea

花茶 花茶 hua1 cha2
scented tea

敬茶 敬茶 jing4 cha2
to serve tea (to guests)

菊花茶 菊花茶 ju2 hua1 cha2
chrysanthemum tea

拉茶 拉茶 la1 cha2
teh tarik, an Indian-style tea with milk (GM)

凉茶 涼茶 liang2 cha2
Chinese herb tea

龙井茶 龍井茶 long2 jing3 cha2
Longjing (tea)

绿茶 綠茶 lv4 cha2
green tea

绿茶婊 綠茶婊 lv4 cha2 biao3
"green tea bitch", a girl who seems innocent and charming but is actually calculating and manipulative

毛茶 毛茶 mao2 cha2
unprocessed sun-dried tea leaves used to make black or green tea

抹茶 抹茶 mo3 cha2
green tea powder (Japanese: matcha)

末茶 末茶 mo4 cha2
tea powder (matcha)

茉莉花茶 茉莉花茶 mo4 li5 hua1 cha2
jasmine tea

奶茶 奶茶 nai3 cha2
milk tea

南非茶 南非茶 nan2 fei1 cha2
rooibos tea

柠檬茶 檸檬茶 ning2 meng2 cha2
lemon tea

泡茶 泡茶 pao4 cha2
to make tea

烹茶 烹茶 peng1 cha2
to brew tea

品茶 品茶 pin3 cha2
to taste tea; to sip tea

普洱茶 普洱茶 pu3 er3 cha2
Pu'er tea from the Pu'er region of Yunnan

清茶 清茶 qing1 cha2
green tea; only tea (without food)

请喝茶 請喝茶 qing3 he1 cha2
(lit.) to invite to tea; (fig.) (of police etc) to interrogate sb about their subversive political activities and warn them against further involvement

热茶 熱茶 re4 cha2
hot tea

三茶六饭 三茶六飯 san1 cha2 liu4 fan4
lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes; to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)

沙茶 沙茶 sha1 cha2
satay (spicy peanut sauce), also spelled sate

山茶 山茶 shan1 cha2

山茶花 山茶花 shan1 cha2 hua1

烧茶 燒茶 shao1 cha2
to make tea

酥油茶 酥油茶 su1 you2 cha2
butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk)

沱茶 沱茶 tuo2 cha2
a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea 普洱茶, compacted into a bowl or nest shape; dome shaped tea-brick; caked tea

乌龙茶 烏龍茶 wu1 long2 cha2
oolong tea

玄米茶 玄米茶 xuan2 mi3 cha2
genmaicha; Japanese tea with added roasted brown rice

饮茶 飲茶 yin3 cha2
to have tea and refreshments; to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese)

早茶 早茶 zao3 cha2
morning tea

珍珠奶茶 珍珠奶茶 zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2
pearl milk tea; tapioca milk tea; bubble milk tea

珠茶 珠茶 zhu1 cha2
gunpowder tea, Chinese green tea whose leaves are each formed into a small pellet