glory; honor; thriving

surname Rong

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
阿荣旗 阿榮旗 a1 rong2 qi2
Arun banner or Arongqi county in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

哀荣 哀榮 ai1 rong2
funeral pomp

爱慕虚荣 愛慕虛榮 ai4 mu4 xu1 rong2

安富尊荣 安富尊榮 an1 fu4 zun1 rong2
well-off and respected (idiom); to be content with one's wealth and position

八荣八耻 八榮八恥 ba1 rong2 ba1 chi3
Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral guidelines

本固枝荣 本固枝榮 ben3 gu4 zhi1 rong2
when the root is firm, the branches flourish

敝屣尊荣 敝屣尊榮 bi4 xi3 zun1 rong2
to care nothing for worldly fame and glory (idiom)

长荣 長榮 chang2 rong2
Evergreen (Group), Taiwan-based shipping and transportation conglomerate

长荣海运 長榮海運 chang2 rong2 hai3 yun4
Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan shipping line)

长荣航空 長榮航空 chang2 rong2 hang2 kong1
EVA Air, Taiwanese international airline

大东亚共荣圈 大東亞共榮圈 da4 dong1 ya4 gong4 rong2 quan1
Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japanese wartime slogan for their short-lived Pacific Empire, first enunciated by Prime Minister Prince KONOE Fumimaro 近衛文麿|近卫文麿 in 1938

得荣 得榮 de2 rong2
Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州|甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

得荣县 得榮縣 de2 rong2 xian4
Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

繁荣 繁榮 fan2 rong2
prosperous; booming (economy)

繁荣昌盛 繁榮昌盛 fan2 rong2 chang1 sheng4
glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving

光荣 光榮 guang1 rong2
honor and glory; glorious

光荣榜 光榮榜 guang1 rong2 bang3
honor roll

光荣革命 光榮革命 guang1 rong2 ge2 ming4
Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)

经济繁荣 經濟繁榮 jing1 ji4 fan2 rong2
economic prosperity

陆荣廷 陸榮廷 lu4 rong2 ting2
Lu Rongting (1858-1928), provincial governor of Guangxi under the Qing, subsequently leader of old Guangxi warlord faction

罗荣桓 羅榮桓 luo2 rong2 huan2
Luo Ronghuan (1902-1963), Chinese communist military leader

马荣 馬榮 ma3 rong2
Mayon (volcano in Philippines)

聂荣 聶榮 nie4 rong2
Nyainrong county, Tibetan: Gnyan rong rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区, central Tibet

聂荣县 聶榮縣 nie4 rong2 xian4
Nyainrong county, Tibetan: Gnyan rong rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区, central Tibet

荣昌 榮昌 rong2 chang1
Rongchang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

荣昌县 榮昌縣 rong2 chang1 xian4
Rongchang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

荣成 榮成 rong2 cheng2
Rongcheng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong

荣成市 榮成市 rong2 cheng2 shi4
Rongcheng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong

荣成湾 榮成灣 rong2 cheng2 wan1
Roncheng bay near Weihai 威海市 on north coast of Shandong

荣登 榮登 rong2 deng1
(of a list, music chart etc) to reach the top

荣格 榮格 rong2 ge2
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist

荣光 榮光 rong2 guang1

荣光颂 榮光頌 rong2 guang1 song4
Gloria (in Catholic mass)

荣归 榮歸 rong2 gui1
to return home with honor

荣归故里 榮歸故里 rong2 gui1 gu4 li3
to return home with honor

荣归主 榮歸主 rong2 gui1 zhu3
Gloria (section of Catholic mass)

荣河县 榮河縣 rong2 he2 xian4
Ronghe former county in 運城|运城, Shanxi, present Linyi county 臨猗縣|临猗县

荣华 榮華 rong2 hua2
glory and splendor

荣华富贵 榮華富貴 rong2 hua2 fu4 gui4
glory, splendor, wealth and rank (idiom); high position and great wealth

荣获 榮獲 rong2 huo4
be honored with

荣景 榮景 rong2 jing3
period of prosperity

荣军 榮軍 rong2 jun1
abbr. for 榮譽軍人|荣誉军人

荣禄大夫 榮祿大夫 rong2 lu4 da4 fu1
a rank in government service

荣美 榮美 rong2 mei3

荣民 榮民 rong2 min2
retired soldier; veteran

荣任 榮任 rong2 ren4
to be appointed or elevated to a post

荣辱 榮辱 rong2 ru3
honor and disgrace; reputation

荣辱观 榮辱觀 rong2 ru3 guan1
precepts regarding what is honorable and what is shameful (in particular, refers to the Socialist Concepts on Honors and Disgraces, PRC official moral principles promulgated from 2006); abbr. for 社會主義榮辱觀|社会主义荣辱观; also known as the Eight Honors and Eight S

荣辱与共 榮辱與共 rong2 ru3 yu3 gong4
(of friends or partners) to share both the honor and the disgrace (idiom)

荣市 榮市 rong2 shi4
Vinh, Vietnam

荣威 榮威 rong2 wei1
Roewe (brand)

荣县 榮縣 rong2 xian4
Rong county in Zigong 自貢|自贡, Sichuan

荣幸 榮幸 rong2 xing4
honored (to have the privilege of ...)

荣耀 榮耀 rong2 yao4
honor; glory

荣毅仁 榮毅仁 rong2 yi4 ren2
Rong Yiren (1916-2005), PRC Vice President from 1993-1998, played an important role in opening Chinese economy to Western investors

荣誉 榮譽 rong2 yu4
honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary

荣誉博士 榮譽博士 rong2 yu4 bo2 shi4
honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae

荣誉博士学位 榮譽博士學位 rong2 yu4 bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4
honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae

荣誉教授 榮譽教授 rong2 yu4 jiao4 shou4
emeritus professor

荣誉军人 榮譽軍人 rong2 yu4 jun1 ren2
disabled soldier; serviceman wounded in action

荣誉学位 榮譽學位 rong2 yu4 xue2 wei4
honorary degree; (U.K. etc) honours degree

荣宗耀祖 榮宗耀祖 rong2 zong1 yao4 zu3
to bring honor to one's ancestors (idiom); also written 光宗耀祖

生荣死哀 生榮死哀 sheng1 rong2 si3 ai1
to be respected in life and lamented in death (idiom)

殊荣 殊榮 shu1 rong2
special glory; distinction; rare honor; one's laurels; it's a privilege (to meet you)

虽死犹荣 雖死猶榮 sui1 si3 you2 rong2
lit. although dead, also honored; died a glorious death

田中角荣 田中角榮 tian2 zhong1 jiao3 rong2
Tanaka Kakuei (1918-1993), Japanese politician, prime minister 1972-1974

万荣 萬榮 wan4 rong2
Wanrong county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi; Wanrong or Wanjung township in Hualian county 花蓮縣|花莲县, East Taiwan

万荣县 萬榮縣 wan4 rong2 xian4
Wanrong county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi

万荣乡 萬榮鄉 wan4 rong2 xiang1
Wanrong or Wanjung township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县, east Taiwan

新荣 新榮 xin1 rong2
Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市, Shanxi

新荣区 新榮區 xin1 rong2 qu1
Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市, Shanxi

欣欣向荣 欣欣向榮 xin1 xin1 xiang4 rong2
luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing; thriving

兴荣 興榮 xing1 rong2
to flourish; to prosper

虚荣 虛榮 xu1 rong2

虚荣心 虛榮心 xu1 rong2 xin1

衣锦荣归 衣錦榮歸 yi1 jin3 rong2 gui1
to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory

引以为荣 引以為榮 yin3 yi3 wei2 rong2
to regard it as an honor (idiom)

张国荣 張國榮 zhang1 guo2 rong2
Leslie Cheung (1956-2003), Hong Kong singer and actor

柘荣 柘榮 zhe4 rong2
Zherong county in Ningde 寧德|宁德, Fujian

柘荣县 柘榮縣 zhe4 rong2 xian4
Zherong county in Ningde 寧德|宁德, Fujian

尊荣 尊榮 zun1 rong2
honor and glory