brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy; brushwork; style of drawing or writing
不触目不觸目bu4 chu4 mu4
触处觸處chu4 chu4
触地得分觸地得分chu4 di4 de2 fen1
to score a try (sports); to score a touchdown
触电觸電chu4 dian4
to get an electric shock; to be electrocuted; electric shock
触动觸動chu4 dong4
to touch; to stir up (trouble or emotions); to move (sb's emotions or worry)
触斗蛮争觸鬥蠻爭chu4 dou4 man2 zheng1
constant bickering and fighting (idiom); constantly at each other's throats; struggle for personal gain
触发觸發chu4 fa1
to trigger; to spark
触发器觸發器chu4 fa1 qi4
flip-flop (electronics)
触发清单觸發清單chu4 fa1 qing1 dan1
trigger list
触发引信觸發引信chu4 fa1 yin3 xin4
an impact detonator
触犯觸犯chu4 fan4
to offend
触感觸感chu4 gan3
tactile sensation; touch; feel
触击觸擊chu4 ji1
to touch; to tap; to contact; (baseball) to bunt
触及觸及chu4 ji2
to touch (physically, one's feelings etc); to touch on (a topic)
触技曲觸技曲chu4 ji4 qu3
触礁觸礁chu4 jiao1
(of a ship) to strike a reef; (fig.) to hit a snag
触角觸角chu4 jiao3
antenna; feeler
触景伤情觸景傷情chu4 jing3 shang1 qing2
circumstances that evoke mixed feelings (idiom)
触景生情觸景生情chu4 jing3 sheng1 qing2
scene which recalls past memories (idiom); evocative of the past; reminiscent; to arouse deep feelings
触觉觸覺chu4 jue2
touch; sense of touch
触控板觸控板chu4 kong4 ban3
触控笔觸控筆chu4 kong4 bi3
stylus pen
触控点觸控點chu4 kong4 dian3
pointing stick (for notebook computer)
触控屏幕觸控屏幕chu4 kong4 ping2 mu4
触控式萤幕觸控式螢幕chu4 kong4 shi4 ying2 mu4
触控萤幕觸控螢幕chu4 kong4 ying2 mu4
touchscreen; touch panel
触类旁通觸類旁通chu4 lei4 pang2 tong1
to comprehend (new things) by analogy
触毛觸毛chu4 mao2
触酶觸酶chu4 mei2
catalase (enzyme)
触媒觸媒chu4 mei2
catalyst; to catalyze
触楣头觸楣頭chu4 mei2 tou2
variant of 觸霉頭|触霉头
触霉头觸霉頭chu4 mei2 tou2
to have a stroke of bad luck; unlucky
触媒作用觸媒作用chu4 mei2 zuo4 yong4
触摸觸摸chu4 mo1
to touch
触摸板觸摸板chu4 mo1 ban3
touchpad; trackpad
触摸屏觸摸屏chu4 mo1 ping2
触摸屏幕觸摸屏幕chu4 mo1 ping2 mu4
触目觸目chu4 mu4
eye-catching; conspicuous; obtrusive; striking; sticking out
触目惊心觸目驚心chu4 mu4 jing1 xin1
lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking; horrible to see; a ghastly sight
触目伤心觸目傷心chu4 mu4 shang1 xin1
distressing sight (idiom)
触怒觸怒chu4 nu4
to anger sb; to enrage
触碰觸碰chu4 peng4
to touch; (fig.) to touch on (a matter)
触屏觸屏chu4 ping2
触手觸手chu4 shou3
触手可得觸手可得chu4 shou3 ke3 de2
within reach
触手可及觸手可及chu4 shou3 ke3 ji2
within reach
触腕觸腕chu4 wan4
cephalopod tentacle
触线觸線chu4 xian4
to cross the line; to overdo something; to commit a crime
触须觸鬚chu4 xu1
tentacles; feelers; antennae
触诊觸診chu4 zhen3
body palpation (diagnostic method in TCM); tactile examination
触肢觸肢chu4 zhi1
羝羊触藩羝羊觸藩di1 yang2 chu4 fan1
lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom from Book of Changes 易經|易经); impossible to advance or to retreat; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation
抵触抵觸di3 chu4
to conflict; to contradict
牴触牴觸di3 chu4
variant of 抵觸|抵触
点触點觸dian3 chu4
to tap; to touch (a touchscreen)
多点触控多點觸控duo1 dian3 chu4 kong4
multi-touch (computing)
感触感觸gan3 chu4
one's thoughts and feelings; emotional stirring; moved; touched
角膜接触镜角膜接觸鏡jiao3 mo2 jie1 chu4 jing4
contact lens
接触接觸jie1 chu4
to touch; to contact; access; in touch with
接触不良接觸不良jie1 chu4 bu4 liang2
loose or defective contact (elec.)
接触器接觸器jie1 chu4 qi4
灵感触发图靈感觸發圖ling2 gan3 chu4 fa1 tu2
mind map
碰触碰觸peng4 chu4
to touch
切触切觸qie4 chu4
osculation (higher order tangency)
突触突觸tu1 chu4
突触后突觸後tu1 chu4 hou4
性接触性接觸xing4 jie1 chu4
sexual encounter
羊触藩篱羊觸藩籬yang2 chu4 fan1 li2
lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom from Book of Changes 易經|易经); impossible to advance or to retreat; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation
一触即发一觸即發yi1 chu4 ji2 fa1
could happen at any moment; on the verge
一触即溃一觸即潰yi1 chu4 ji2 kui4
to collapse on the first encounter; to give way at once