to walk; to go; to run; to move (of vehicle); to visit; to leave; to go away; to die (euph.); from; through; away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走); to change (shape, form, meaning)

strokes 7
strokes after radical 0
败走 敗走 bai4 zou3
to run away (in defeat)

搬走 搬走 ban1 zou3
to carry

绑走 綁走 bang3 zou3
to abduct; to kidnap

暴走漫画 暴走漫畫 bao4 zou3 man4 hua4
rage comic

暴走鞋 暴走鞋 bao4 zou3 xie2
Heelys (roller shoes with wheels protruding slightly from the heel)

奔走 奔走 ben1 zou3
to run; to rush about; to be on the go

奔走相告 奔走相告 ben1 zou3 xiang1 gao4
to spread the news (idiom)

便步走 便步走 bian4 bu4 zou3
march at ease; route step

不胫而走 不脛而走 bu4 jing4 er2 zou3
to get round fast; to spread like wildfire

擦枪走火 擦槍走火 ca1 qiang1 zou3 huo3
to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun; (fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war

撤走 撤走 che4 zou3
to retire; to remove; to withdraw; to evacuate

吃不了兜着走 吃不了兜著走 chi1 bu5 liao3 dou1 zhe5 zou3
lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom); fig. you'll have to take the consequences

冲走 沖走 chong1 zou3
to flush away

出走 出走 chu1 zou3
to leave home; to go off; to run away

穿针走线 穿針走線 chuan1 zhen1 zou3 xian4
thread a needle

带走 帶走 dai4 zou3
to carry; to take away

掉头就走 掉頭就走 diao4 tou2 jiu4 zou3
to turn on one's heels; to walk away abruptly

东奔西走 東奔西走 dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3
to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about; to hopscotch; also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠

斗鸡走马 鬥雞走馬 dou4 ji1 zou3 ma3
cock-fighting and horse-racing (idiom); to gamble

夺走 奪走 duo2 zou3
to snatch away

反走私 反走私 fan3 zou3 si1
to oppose smuggling; anti-contraband (measures, policy etc)

贩夫走卒 販夫走卒 fan4 fu1 zou3 zu2
lit. peddlers and carriers; common people; lower class

饭后百步走,活到九十九 飯後百步走,活到九十九 fan4 hou4 bai3 bu4 zou3 - huo2 dao4 jiu3 shi2 jiu3
walk a hundred steps after each meal and you will live a long life (proverb)

放走 放走 fang4 zou3
to release; to set free; to allow (a person or an animal) to go; to liberate

飞觥走斝 飛觥走斝 fei1 gong1 zou3 jia3
to drink one's fill (idiom)

飞禽走兽 飛禽走獸 fei1 qin2 zou3 shou4
birds and animals; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air

飞檐走壁 飛檐走壁 fei1 yan2 zou3 bi4
to leap onto roofs and vault over walls (usually associated with martial arts)

飞鹰走马 飛鷹走馬 fei1 ying1 zou3 ma3
to ride out hawking (idiom); to hunt

飞针走线 飛針走線 fei1 zhen1 zou3 xian4
flying needle and running seam (idiom); skillful needlework

赶走 趕走 gan3 zou3
to drive out; to turn back

高飞远走 高飛遠走 gao1 fei1 yuan3 zou3
to fly high and run far (idiom); to leave in a hurry for a distance place

勾走 勾走 gou1 zou3
to steal (sb's heart)

好走 好走 hao3 zou3
bon voyage; god speed

河西走廊 河西走廊 he2 xi1 zou3 lang2
Hexi Corridor (or Gansu Corridor), a string of oases running the length of Gansu, forming part of the Northern Silk Road

轰走 轟走 hong1 zou3
to drive away

集体行走 集體行走 ji2 ti3 xing2 zou3
pedestrian group (e.g. of tourists etc)

疾走 疾走 ji2 zou3
to scamper; to scurry

架走 架走 jia4 zou3
to hustle sb away

剑走偏锋 劍走偏鋒 jian4 zou3 pian1 feng1
the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom); fig. unexpected winning move; unconventional gambit

剑走偏锋 劍走偏鋒 jian4 zou3 pian1 feng1
Jian Zoupianfeng, pseudonym of prolific modern novelist

剑走蜻蛉 劍走蜻蛉 jian4 zou3 qing1 ling2
the sword moves like a dragon-fly (modern idiom); fig. unexpected winning move; unconventional gambit

狡兔死走狗烹 狡兔死走狗烹 jiao3 tu4 si3 zou3 gou3 peng1
see 兔死狗烹

竞走 競走 jing4 zou3
walking race (athletics event)

卷铺盖走人 捲鋪蓋走人 juan3 pu1 gai4 zou3 ren2
to pack one's things and leave

开走 開走 kai1 zou3
to go (of car, train etc); to drive off

看走眼 看走眼 kan4 zou3 yan3
to make an error of judgment; to be taken in

靠走道 靠走道 kao4 zou3 dao4
on the aisle (referring to seats on a plane etc)

靠走廊 靠走廊 kao4 zou3 lang2
next to the aisle; aisle (seat on aircraft)

离家出走 離家出走 li2 jia1 chu1 zou3
to leave home; to abandon one's family

临走 臨走 lin2 zou3
before leaving; on departure

领走 領走 ling3 zou3
to lead (sb, or an animal) away; to collect (e.g. a child left in sb's care beforehand); to take away

溜走 溜走 liu1 zou3
to slip away; to leave secretly

慢走 慢走 man4 zou3
Stay a bit!; Wait a minute!; (to a departing guest) Take care!

迷走神经 迷走神經 mi2 zou3 shen2 jing1
vagus nerve

拿走 拿走 na2 zou3
to take away

难走 難走 nan2 zou3
hard to get to; difficult to travel (i.e. the road is bad)

你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥 你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 ni3 zou3 ni3 de5 yang2 guan1 dao4 - wo3 guo4 wo3 de5 du2 mu4 qiao2
lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom); fig. you go your way, I'll go mine; you do it your way, I'll do it mine

撵走 攆走 nian3 zou3
to drive out; to oust

弄走 弄走 nong4 zou3
(coll.) to take (sth) away; to get rid of

拍拍屁股走人 拍拍屁股走人 pai1 pai1 pi4 gu5 zou3 ren2
to make oneself scarce; to slip away; to take a French leave

排走 排走 pai2 zou3
to drain away; to vent out

跑走 跑走 pao3 zou3
to escape; to flee; to run away

牵着鼻子走 牽著鼻子走 qian1 zhe5 bi2 zi5 zou3
to lead by the nose

抢走 搶走 qiang3 zou3
to snatch (esp related to a robbery)

驱走 驅走 qu1 zou3
to drive away

取走 取走 qu3 zou3
to remove; to take away

人往高处走,水往低处流 人往高處走,水往低處流 ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 - shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2
man seeks his way up just as water seeks its way down (idiom); one should constantly strive to make progress

三十六计,走为上策 三十六計,走為上策 san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 - zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4
Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best.; see also 三十六計|三十六计

三十六计,走为上计 三十六計,走為上計 san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 - zou3 wei2 shang4 ji4
see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策

送走 送走 song4 zou3
to see off; to send off

太空行走 太空行走 tai4 kong1 xing2 zou3

逃走 逃走 tao2 zou3
to escape; to flee; to run away

铤而走险 鋌而走險 ting3 er2 zou3 xian3
to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)

挺而走险 挺而走險 ting3 er2 zou3 xian3
variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险

拖走 拖走 tuo1 zou3
to drag away

瓦罕走廊 瓦罕走廊 wa3 han3 zou3 lang2
Wakhan Corridor, joining Afghanistan and China (Xinjiang), and dividing Tajikistan from Pakistan

无路可走 無路可走 wu2 lu4 ke3 zou3
nowhere to go; at the end of one's tether

行尸走肉 行屍走肉 xing2 shi1 zou3 rou4
walking corpse (idiom); zombie; person who lives only on the material level

行走 行走 xing2 zou3
to walk

一条道走到黑 一條道走到黑 yi1 tiao2 dao4 zou3 dao4 hei1
to stick to one's ways; to cling to one's course

一走了之 一走了之 yi1 zou3 liao3 zhi1
to avoid a problem by walking away from it; to quit

游走 遊走 you2 zou3
wandering; unfixed; to migrate

远走高飞 遠走高飛 yuan3 zou3 gao1 fei1
to go far; to escape to faraway places

正步走 正步走 zheng4 bu4 zou3
to march at parade step; March! (military command)

支走 支走 zhi1 zou3
to send sb away (with an excuse)

逐走 逐走 zhu2 zou3
to turn away; to drive away

抓走 抓走 zhua1 zou3
to arrest

走板 走板 zou3 ban3
to be off the beat; to sound awful (of singing); (fig.) to wander off the topic; (diving) to step toward the end of the board; approach

走宝 走寶 zou3 bao3
to miss an opportunity (Cantonese)

走背字 走背字 zou3 bei4 zi4
to have bad luck

走背字儿 走背字兒 zou3 bei4 zi4 er5
erhua variant of 走背字

走避 走避 zou3 bi4
to run away; to escape; to avoid

走步 走步 zou3 bu4
to walk; to step; pace; traveling (walking with the ball, a foul in basketball)

走出 走出 zou3 chu1
to leave (a room etc); to go out through (a door etc)

走错 走錯 zou3 cuo4
to go the wrong way; to take the wrong (road, exit etc)

走道 走道 zou3 dao4
pavement; sidewalk; path; walk; footpath; aisle

走低 走低 zou3 di1
to go down; to decline

走地鸡 走地雞 zou3 di4 ji1
free-range chicken

走地盘 走地盤 zou3 di4 pan2
live betting; in-play wagering

走调 走調 zou3 diao4
out of tune; off-key

走掉 走掉 zou3 diao4
to leave

走丢 走丟 zou3 diu1
to wander off; to get lost

走动 走動 zou3 dong4
to walk around; to move about; to stretch one's legs; to go for a walk; to be mobile (e.g. after an illness); to visit one another; to pay a visit (go to the toilet)

走读 走讀 zou3 du2
to attend school as a day student

走访 走訪 zou3 fang3
to visit; to travel to

走风 走風 zou3 feng1
to leak (a secret); to transpire

走钢丝 走鋼絲 zou3 gang1 si1
to walk a tightrope (literally or figuratively)

走狗 走狗 zou3 gou3
hunting dog; hound; (fig.) running dog; lackey

走光 走光 zou3 guang1
to expose oneself; to be completely gone

走鬼 走鬼 zou3 gui3
unlicensed street vendor

走过 走過 zou3 guo4
to walk past; to pass by

走过场 走過場 zou3 guo4 chang3
to go through the motions

走好运 走好運 zou3 hao3 yun4
to experience good luck

走红 走紅 zou3 hong2
to be popular; to be in luck; to have good luck; to develop smoothly

走后门 走後門 zou3 hou4 men2
lit. to enter by the back door; fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels; back door or under the counter connections

走火 走火 zou3 huo3
to go off accidentally; to catch fire

走江湖 走江湖 zou3 jiang1 hu2
to travel around the country (as itinerant peddler or entertainer)

走近 走近 zou3 jin4
to approach; to draw near to

走进 走進 zou3 jin4
to enter

走开 走開 zou3 kai1
to leave; to walk away; to beat it; to move aside

走来回 走來回 zou3 lai2 hui2
to make a round trip; a return journey

走廊 走廊 zou3 lang2
corridor; aisle; hallway; colonnade; passageway; piazza; veranda

走漏 走漏 zou3 lou4
to leak (of information, liquid etc); to divulge

走漏消息 走漏消息 zou3 lou4 xiao1 xi5
to divulge secrets

走路 走路 zou3 lu4
to walk; to go on foot

走马 走馬 zou3 ma3
to ride (a horse); to go on horseback

走马到任 走馬到任 zou3 ma3 dao4 ren4
to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task

走马灯 走馬燈 zou3 ma3 deng1
lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节; fig. constant busy circulation of people

走马赴任 走馬赴任 zou3 ma3 fu4 ren4
to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task

走马观花 走馬觀花 zou3 ma3 guan1 hua1
lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing; fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation; to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information

走马看花 走馬看花 zou3 ma3 kan4 hua1
lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation; to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information

走马上任 走馬上任 zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4
to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task

走马章台 走馬章臺 zou3 ma3 zhang1 tai2
to go to the brothel on horseback (idiom); to visit prostitutes

走门路 走門路 zou3 men2 lu4
to use social connections; to toady to influential people

走门子 走門子 zou3 men2 zi5
see 走門路|走门路

走南闯北 走南闖北 zou3 nan2 chuang3 bei3
to travel extensively

走内线 走內線 zou3 nei4 xian4
insider contacts; via private channels; to seek influence with sb via family members (possibly dishonest or underhand)

走娘家 走娘家 zou3 niang2 jia1
(of a wife) to visit one's parental home

走票 走票 zou3 piao4
amateur performance (in theater)

走俏 走俏 zou3 qiao4
(a product) sells well; to be in demand

走亲访友 走親訪友 zou3 qin1 fang3 you3
to visit one's friends and relations

走亲戚 走親戚 zou3 qin1 qi5
to visit relatives

走禽 走禽 zou3 qin2
Ratitae (formerly Cursores) flightless birds such as ostriches

走去 走去 zou3 qu4
to walk over (to)

走人 走人 zou3 ren2
(coll.) to leave; to beat it

走入 走入 zou3 ru4
to walk into

走散 走散 zou3 san4
to wander off; to stray; to get lost

走色 走色 zou3 se4
to lose color; to fade

走山 走山 zou3 shan1
landslide; avalanche; to take a walk in the mountains

走扇 走扇 zou3 shan4
not closing properly (of door, window etc)

走神 走神 zou3 shen2
absent-minded; one's mind is wandering

走神儿 走神兒 zou3 shen2 er5
absent-minded; one's mind is wandering

走绳 走繩 zou3 sheng2
tightrope walking

走失 走失 zou3 shi1
lost; missing; to lose (sb in one's charge); to get lost; to wander away; to lose (flavor, freshness, shape, hair, one's good looks etc); to lose meaning (in translation)

走时 走時 zou3 shi2
(of a watch or clock) to keep time; (physics) propagation time; travel time (of a wave)

走势 走勢 zou3 shi4
tendency; trend; path

走兽 走獸 zou3 shou4
(four-footed) animal; beast

走水 走水 zou3 shui3
to leak; to flow; to catch on fire

走私 走私 zou3 si1
to smuggle; to have an illicit affair

走私货 走私貨 zou3 si1 huo4
smuggled goods

走私品 走私品 zou3 si1 pin3
smuggled product; contraband; pirate product

走索 走索 zou3 suo3
tightrope walking

走题 走題 zou3 ti2
to get off the main topic; to digress

走投无路 走投無路 zou3 tou2 wu2 lu4
to be at an impasse (idiom); in a tight spot; at the end of one's rope; desperate

走弯路 走彎路 zou3 wan1 lu4
to take an indirect route; to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method

走为上 走為上 zou3 wei2 shang4
If everything else fails, retreat. (idiom); see also 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策

走为上计 走為上計 zou3 wei2 shang4 ji4
see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策

走味 走味 zou3 wei4
to lose flavor

走味儿 走味兒 zou3 wei4 er5
erhua variant of 走味

走下坡路 走下坡路 zou3 xia4 po1 lu4
to go downhill; to decline; to slump

走险 走險 zou3 xian3
to take risks; to run risks

走乡随乡 走鄉隨鄉 zou3 xiang1 sui2 xiang1
(proverb) to follow local customs; When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

走相 走相 zou3 xiang4
to lose one's good looks

走向 走向 zou3 xiang4
direction; strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology); inclination; trend; to move towards; to head for

走向断层 走向斷層 zou3 xiang4 duan4 ceng2
strike fault (geology)

走向滑动断层 走向滑動斷層 zou3 xiang4 hua2 dong4 duan4 ceng2
strike-slip fault (geology); fault line where the two sides slide horizontally past one another

走心 走心 zou3 xin1
to take care; to be mindful

走形 走形 zou3 xing2
out of shape; to lose shape; to deform

走形儿 走形兒 zou3 xing2 er5
out of shape; to lose shape; to deform

走形式 走形式 zou3 xing2 shi4
to go through the formalities

走秀 走秀 zou3 xiu4
a fashion show; to walk the runway (in a fashion show)

走穴 走穴 zou3 xue2
(of itinerant entertainers) to tour, playing in many venues

走眼 走眼 zou3 yan3
a mistake; an oversight; an error of judgment

走样 走樣 zou3 yang4
to lose shape; to deform

走样儿 走樣兒 zou3 yang4 er5
to lose shape; to deform

走音 走音 zou3 yin1
off-key; out of tune (music)

走圆场 走圓場 zou3 yuan2 chang3
to walk around the stage (to indicate scene changes)

走运 走運 zou3 yun4
to have good luck; lucky; in luck

走着瞧 走著瞧 zou3 zhe5 qiao2
wait and see (who is right)

走资派 走資派 zou3 zi1 pai4
capitalist-roader; person in power taking the capitalist road, a political label often pinned on cadres by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution

走子 走子 zou3 zi3
a move (in chess)

走自己的路,让人家去说 走自己的路,讓人家去說 zou3 zi4 ji3 de5 lu4 - rang4 ren2 jia1 qu4 shuo1
Go your own way, let others say what they like. (popular modern cliche); Do it my way.

走卒 走卒 zou3 zu2
pawn (i.e. foot soldier); servant; lackey (of malefactor)

走嘴 走嘴 zou3 zui3
a slip of the tongue; to blurt out (a secret or stupid mistake)