to stop (before completion); to cease; to suspend

strokes 15
strokes after radical 8
不辍 不輟 bu4 chuo4
incessant; relentless

辍笔 輟筆 chuo4 bi3
to stop writing or painting; to leave off writing midway

辍朝 輟朝 chuo4 chao2
to suspend business at the imperial court on account of a misfortune

辍耕 輟耕 chuo4 geng1
to stop plowing; to give up a life in the fields

辍工 輟工 chuo4 gong1
to stop work

辍食吐哺 輟食吐哺 chuo4 shi2 tu3 bu3
to stop eating and spit out

辍学 輟學 chuo4 xue2
to drop out of school; to leave off studying; to interrupt one's studies

辍演 輟演 chuo4 yan3
to stop performing a play; to interrupt a stage run

辍业 輟業 chuo4 ye4
to give up work; to give up one's profession

辍止 輟止 chuo4 zhi3
to stop; to leave off

时写时辍 時寫時輟 shi2 xie3 shi2 chuo4
to write for a bit then give up; to write in fits and starts

弦诵不辍 弦誦不輟 xian2 song4 bu4 chuo4
incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems (idiom)

中辍 中輟 zhong1 chuo4
to stop halfway; to give up halfway; interruption; suspension

作辍 作輟 zuo4 chuo4
now working, now stopping