to sculpt; to carve; musical instrument (old)

to chase after; to seek; to do one's utmost to seek or procure sth; to recall

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
乘胜追击 乘勝追擊 cheng2 sheng4 zhui1 ji1
to follow up a victory and press home the attack; to pursue retreating enemy

奋起直追 奮起直追 fen4 qi3 zhi2 zhui1
to catch up vigorously; to set off in hot pursuit

紧追 緊追 jin3 zhui1
to pursue closely

君子一言,驷马难追 君子一言,駟馬難追 jun1 zi3 yi1 yan2 - si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1
a nobleman's word is his bond (proverb)

买笑追欢 買笑追歡 mai3 xiao4 zhui1 huan1
lit. to buy smiles to seek happiness; abandon oneself to the pleasures of the flesh (idiom)

你追我赶 你追我趕 ni3 zhui1 wo3 gan3
friendly one-upmanship; to try to emulate

穷追 窮追 qiong2 zhui1
to pursue relentlessly

慎终追远 慎終追遠 shen4 zhong1 zhui1 yuan3
to pay careful attention to one's parents' funerary rites

一言既出,驷马难追 一言既出,駟馬難追 yi1 yan2 ji4 chu1 - si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1
lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept

追奔逐北 追奔逐北 zhui1 ben1 zhu2 bei3
to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy

追本穷源 追本窮源 zhui1 ben3 qiong2 yuan2
to trace sth back to its origin

追逼 追逼 zhui1 bi1
to pursue closely; to press; to demand (payment); to extort (a concession)

追比 追比 zhui1 bi3
to flog; to cane (as punishment)

追捕 追捕 zhui1 bu3
to pursue; to be after; to hunt down

追补 追補 zhui1 bu3
a supplement; additional budget

追查 追查 zhui1 cha2
to try to find out; to trace; to track down

追打 追打 zhui1 da3
to chase and beat

追悼 追悼 zhui1 dao4
to mourn; to pay last respects; mourning; memorial (service etc)

追悼会 追悼會 zhui1 dao4 hui4
a memorial service; a funeral service

追悼文 追悼文 zhui1 dao4 wen2

追肥 追肥 zhui1 fei2
top soil dressing; additional fertilizer

追封 追封 zhui1 feng1
to confer a posthumous title

追风逐电 追風逐電 zhui1 feng1 zhu2 dian4
proceeding at a tremendous pace; getting on like a house on fire

追赶 追趕 zhui1 gan3
to pursue; to chase after; to accelerate; to catch up with; to overtake

追根 追根 zhui1 gen1
to trace sth back to its source; to get to the bottom of sth

追根究底 追根究底 zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3
to get to the heart of the matter

追根究底儿 追根究底兒 zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3 er5
erhua variant of 追根究底

追根求源 追根求源 zhui1 gen1 qiu2 yuan2
to track sth to its roots

追根溯源 追根溯源 zhui1 gen1 su4 yuan2
to pursue sth back to its origins; to trace back to the source; to get to the bottom of sth

追根问底 追根問底 zhui1 gen1 wen4 di3
lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth

追根寻底 追根尋底 zhui1 gen1 xun2 di3
see 追根究底

追购 追購 zhui1 gou4
a bounty; a reward for capturing an outlaw

追光灯 追光燈 zhui1 guang1 deng1
(theater) spotlight; followspot

追怀 追懷 zhui1 huai2
to recall; to bring to mind; to reminisce

追还 追還 zhui1 huan2
to recover (lost property or money); to win back

追回 追回 zhui1 hui2
to recover (sth lost or stolen); to get back

追悔 追悔 zhui1 hui3
to repent; remorse

追悔莫及 追悔莫及 zhui1 hui3 mo4 ji2
too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.

追击 追擊 zhui1 ji1
to pursue and attack

追缉 追緝 zhui1 ji1
to pursue; to be after; to hunt down (the perpetrator of a crime, an escaped prisoner etc)

追记 追記 zhui1 ji4
to award posthumously; to write down afterwards; retrospective account

追加 追加 zhui1 jia1
to add something extra; an additional increment; addendum; to append; an additional posthumous title

追歼 追殲 zhui1 jian1
to pursue and kill; to wipe out

追荐 追薦 zhui1 jian4
to pray for the soul of a deceased

追剿 追剿 zhui1 jiao3
to pursue and eliminate; to suppress

追缴 追繳 zhui1 jiao3
to recover (stolen property); to pursue and force sb to give back the spoils

追究 追究 zhui1 jiu1
to investigate; to look into

追客 追客 zhui1 ke4
avid fan who anxiously awaits new content

追念 追念 zhui1 nian4
to recollect

追蹑 追躡 zhui1 nie4
to follow the trail of; to track; to trace

追捧 追捧 zhui1 peng3
to chase after (a popular person or item); to pursue; popularity

追求 追求 zhui1 qiu2
to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo

追认 追認 zhui1 ren4
to recognize sth after the event; posthumous recognition; to ratify; to endorse retroactively

追杀 追殺 zhui1 sha1
to chase to kill

追上 追上 zhui1 shang4
to overtake

追述 追述 zhui1 shu4
recollections; to relate (past events)

追思 追思 zhui1 si1
memorial; recollection (of the deceased)

追思会 追思會 zhui1 si1 hui4
memorial service; memorial meeting

追溯 追溯 zhui1 su4
lit. to go upstream; to trace sth back to; to date from

追诉 追訴 zhui1 su4
to prosecute; given leave to sue

追诉时效 追訴時效 zhui1 su4 shi2 xiao4
period during which one can prosecute or sue sb; within the statute of limitation

追随 追隨 zhui1 sui2
to follow; to accompany

追随者 追隨者 zhui1 sui2 zhe3
follower; adherent; following

追索 追索 zhui1 suo3
to demand payment; to extort; to trace; to seek; to pursue; to explore

追亡逐北 追亡逐北 zhui1 wang2 zhu2 bei3
to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy

追尾 追尾 zhui1 wei3
to tailgate; to hit the car in front as a result of tailgating

追问 追問 zhui1 wen4
to question closely; to investigate in detail; to examine minutely; to get to the heart of the matter

追想 追想 zhui1 xiang3
to recall

追星族 追星族 zhui1 xing1 zu2
groupie (slang); idolator

追叙 追敘 zhui1 xu4
to recount what happened prior to events already known

追寻 追尋 zhui1 xun2
to pursue; to track down; to search

追询 追詢 zhui1 xun2
to interrogate; to question closely

追寻现代中国 追尋現代中國 zhui1 xun2 xian4 dai4 zhong1 guo2
In search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁

追忆 追憶 zhui1 yi4
to recollect; to recall (past times); to look back

追赃 追贓 zhui1 zang1
to order the return of stolen goods

追赠 追贈 zhui1 zeng4
to give to the departed; to confer (a title) posthumously

追逐 追逐 zhui1 zhu2
to chase; to pursue vigorously

追逐赛 追逐賽 zhui1 zhu2 sai4
pursuit race; chase

追踪 追蹤 zhui1 zong1
to follow a trail; to trace; to pursue

追踪报导 追蹤報導 zhui1 zong1 bao4 dao3
follow-up report

追踪调查 追蹤調查 zhui1 zong1 diao4 cha2
follow-up study; investigative follow-up

追踪号码 追蹤號碼 zhui1 zong1 hao4 ma3
tracking number (of a package shipment)

追尊 追尊 zhui1 zun1
posthumous honorific name