wine doesn't make men drunk: men get themselves intoxicated. Lust does not overpower men: men surrender themselves to lust
酒醉酒醉jiu3 zui4
to become drunk
局部麻醉局部麻醉ju2 bu4 ma2 zui4
local anesthetic
局部麻醉剂局部麻醉劑ju2 bu4 ma2 zui4 ji4
local anesthetic
烂醉爛醉lan4 zui4
dead drunk; completely drunk
烂醉如泥爛醉如泥lan4 zui4 ru2 ni2
lit. as drunk as mud; completely drunk
麻醉麻醉ma2 zui4
anesthesia; (fig.) to poison (sb's mind)
麻醉剂麻醉劑ma2 zui4 ji4
narcotic; anesthetic
麻醉师麻醉師ma2 zui4 shi1
麻醉学麻醉學ma2 zui4 xue2
麻醉学者麻醉學者ma2 zui4 xue2 zhe3
麻醉药麻醉藥ma2 zui4 yao4
anesthetic; narcotic; chloroform
麻醉药品麻醉藥品ma2 zui4 yao4 pin3
麻醉状态麻醉狀態ma2 zui4 zhuang4 tai4
narcosis; narcotism; anesthesia; anesthesis
迷醉迷醉mi2 zui4
bewitched; intoxicated by sth
酩酊大醉酩酊大醉ming3 ding3 da4 zui4
dead drunk; as drunk as a lord
泥醉泥醉ni2 zui4
blind drunk; drunk as drunk can be
全身麻醉全身麻醉quan2 shen1 ma2 zui4
general anesthetic
如痴如醉如癡如醉ru2 chi1 ru2 zui4
lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); fig. intoxicated by sth; obsessed with; mad about sth
如醉如痴如醉如癡ru2 zui4 ru2 chi1
lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); intoxicated by sth; obsessed with; mad about sth; also written 如癡如醉|如痴如醉
使醉使醉shi3 zui4
to intoxicate
宿醉宿醉su4 zui4
陶醉陶醉tao2 zui4
to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in
我也是醉了我也是醉了wo3 ye3 shi4 zui4 le5
(Internet slang) I can't even...; Are you kidding me!; OMG!
我醉欲眠我醉欲眠wo3 zui4 yu4 mian2
lit. I'm drunk and would like to sleep (idiom); (used to indicate one's sincere and straightforward nature)
心醉心醉xin1 zui4
enchanted; fascinated; charmed
心醉神迷心醉神迷xin1 zui4 shen2 mi2
ecstatic; enraptured
一醉方休一醉方休yi1 zui4 fang1 xiu1
to get thoroughly drunk (idiom); to get plastered
针刺麻醉針刺麻醉zhen1 ci4 ma2 zui4
acupuncture anesthesia
纸醉金迷紙醉金迷zhi3 zui4 jin1 mi2
lit. dazzling with paper and gold (idiom); fig. indulging in a life of luxury
自我陶醉自我陶醉zi4 wo3 tao2 zui4
self-satisfied; self-imbued; narcissistic
醉鬼醉鬼zui4 gui3
醉汉醉漢zui4 han4
intoxicated man; drunkard
醉鸡醉雞zui4 ji1
chicken in rice wine; also translated drunken chicken
醉酒醉酒zui4 jiu3
to get drunk
醉酒驾车醉酒駕車zui4 jiu3 jia4 che1
drunk driving (very high blood alcohol concentration)
醉人醉人zui4 ren2
intoxicating; fascinating
醉生梦死醉生夢死zui4 sheng1 meng4 si3
as if drunk or entranced (idiom); leading a befuddled existence; in a drunken stupor
醉圣醉聖zui4 sheng4
the Sage of intoxication; refers to Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai 李白 (701-762)
醉态醉態zui4 tai4
drunken state
醉翁醉翁zui4 weng1
wine-lover; drinker; toper; drunkard
醉翁之意不在酒醉翁之意不在酒zui4 weng1 zhi1 yi4 bu4 zai4 jiu3
wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol; having an ulterior motive; to have other things in mind; with an ax to grind; accomplishing something besides what one set out to do