clock; o'clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell

handleless cup; goblet; to concentrate; variant of 鐘|钟

surname Zhong

strokes 9
strokes after radical 4
摆钟 擺鐘 bai3 zhong1
pendulum clock

编钟 編鐘 bian1 zhong1
set of bells (old Chinese music instrument)

晨钟暮鼓 晨鐘暮鼓 chen2 zhong1 mu4 gu3
lit. morning bell, evening drum, symbolizing monastic practice (idiom); fig. encouragement to study or progress

出钟 出鐘 chu1 zhong1
(of a prostitute) to do an outcall; to accompany a customer to their place

大本钟 大本鐘 da4 ben3 zhong1
Big Ben

点钟 點鐘 dian3 zhong1
(indicating time of day) o'clock

吊钟花 吊鐘花 diao4 zhong1 hua1
Chinese New Year flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus)

定时钟 定時鐘 ding4 shi2 zhong1
timer; timing clock; alarm clock

分钟 分鐘 fen1 zhong1

挂钟 掛鐘 gua4 zhong1
wall clock

黄钟毁弃瓦釜雷鸣 黃鐘譭棄瓦釜雷鳴 huang2 zhong1 hui3 qi4 wa3 fu3 lei2 ming2
lit. earthern pots make more noise than classical bells; good men are discarded in favor of bombastic ones (idiom)

机械钟 機械鐘 ji1 xie4 zhong1
mechanical clock

金钟 金鐘 jin1 zhong1
Admiralty, Hong Kong

警钟 警鐘 jing3 zhong1
alarm bell

空钟 空鐘 kong1 zhong5
diabolo; Chinese yo-yo

老态龙钟 老態龍鍾 lao3 tai4 long2 zhong1
doddering; senile

龙钟 龍鍾 long2 zhong1
decrepit; senile

秒钟 秒鐘 miao3 zhong1
(time) second

鸣钟 鳴鐘 ming2 zhong1
to toll a bell

暮鼓晨钟 暮鼓晨鐘 mu4 gu3 chen2 zhong1
lit. evening drum, morning bell (idiom); fig. Buddhist monastic practice; the passage of time in a disciplined existence

闹铃时钟 鬧鈴時鐘 nao4 ling2 shi2 zhong1
alarm clock

闹钟 鬧鐘 nao4 zhong1
alarm clock

钱钟书 錢鐘書 qian2 zhong1 shu1
Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998), literary academic and novelist, author of the 1947 novel Fortress Beseiged 圍城|围城

敲丧钟 敲喪鐘 qiao1 sang1 zhong1
a knell

敲钟 敲鐘 qiao1 zhong1
to sound a bell; (of a clock) to chime

情有独钟 情有獨鐘 qing2 you3 du2 zhong1
to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)

情有独钟 情有獨鍾 qing2 you3 du2 zhong1
to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)

三分钟热度 三分鐘熱度 san1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4
brief period of enthusiasm; flash in the pan

丧钟 喪鐘 sang1 zhong1

色钟 色鍾 shai3 zhong1
dice cup

上钟 上鐘 shang4 zhong1
to clock in for work

生物钟 生物鐘 sheng1 wu4 zhong1
biological clock

石英钟 石英鐘 shi2 ying1 zhong1
quartz clock

时钟 時鐘 shi2 zhong1

石钟乳 石鐘乳 shi2 zhong1 ru3

时钟座 時鐘座 shi2 zhong1 zuo4
Horologium (constellation)

数字时钟 數字時鐘 shu4 zi4 shi2 zhong1
digital clock

数字钟 數字鐘 shu4 zi4 zhong1
digital clock

甩钟 甩鍾 shuai3 zhong1
dice cup

台上一分钟,台下十年功 臺上一分鐘,臺下十年功 tai2 shang4 yi1 fen1 zhong1 - tai2 xia4 shi2 nian2 gong1
ten years of practice for one minute on the stage (idiom)

台钟 檯鐘 tai2 zhong1
desk clock

套钟 套鐘 tao4 zhong1

骰钟 骰鍾 tou2 zhong1
dice cup

一见钟情 一見鐘情 yi1 jian4 zhong1 qing2
love at first sight (idiom)

原子钟 原子鐘 yuan2 zi3 zhong1
atomic clock

钟爱 鍾愛 zhong1 ai4
to treasure; to be very fond of

钟摆 鐘擺 zhong1 bai3

钟表 鐘錶 zhong1 biao3

钟表盘 鐘表盤 zhong1 biao3 pan2

钟楚红 鐘楚紅 zhong1 chu3 hong2
Cherie Chung (1960-), Hong Kong actress

钟点 鐘點 zhong1 dian3
hour; specified time

钟点房 鍾點房 zhong1 dian3 fang2
hourly rate hotel; love hotel

钟点工 鐘點工 zhong1 dian3 gong1
hourly worker; hourly job

钟鼎文 鐘鼎文 zhong1 ding3 wen2
bell-cauldron script; the 籀文 form of Chinese character used in metal inscriptions

钟馗 鐘馗 zhong1 kui2
Zhong Kui (mythological figure, supposed to drive away evil spirits); (fig.) a person with the courage to fight against evil

钟楼 鐘樓 zhong1 lou2
Zhonglou district of Changzhou city 常州市, Jiangsu

钟楼 鐘樓 zhong1 lou2
bell tower; campanile; clock tower; Bell Tower, historic attraction in Xian, Beijing etc

钟楼怪人 鐘樓怪人 zhong1 lou2 guai4 ren2
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo 維克多·雨果|维克多·雨果

钟楼区 鐘樓區 zhong1 lou2 qu1
Zhonglou district of Changzhou city 常州市, Jiangsu

钟面 鐘面 zhong1 mian4
clock face

钟鸣鼎食 鐘鳴鼎食 zhong1 ming2 ding3 shi2
extravagant lifestyle

钟鸣漏尽 鐘鳴漏盡 zhong1 ming2 lou4 jin4
past one's prime; in one's declining years

钟情 鍾情 zhong1 qing2
to fall in love; to love sb or sth dearly (lover, or art)

钟乳石 鐘乳石 zhong1 ru3 shi2

钟山 鐘山 zhong1 shan1
Zhongshan district of Liupanshui city 六盤水市|六盘水市, Guizhou; Zhongshan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi

钟山区 鐘山區 zhong1 shan1 qu1
Zhongshan district of Liupanshui city 六盤水市|六盘水市, Guizhou

钟山县 鐘山縣 zhong1 shan1 xian4
Zhongshan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi

钟室 鐘室 zhong1 shi4
belfry; clock room

钟头 鐘頭 zhong1 tou2

钟万学 鍾萬學 zhong1 wan4 xue2
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (1966-), Indonesian politician, governor of Jakarta (2014-)

钟祥 鐘祥 zhong1 xiang2
Zhongxiang county level city in Jingmen 荊門|荆门, Hubei

钟祥市 鐘祥市 zhong1 xiang2 shi4
Zhongxiang county level city in Jingmen 荊門|荆门, Hubei

钟祥县 鐘祥縣 zhong1 xiang2 xian4
Zhongxiang county in Hubei

钟繇 鍾繇 zhong1 yao2
Zhong Yao (151-230), minister of Cao Wei 曹魏 and noted calligrapher, said to have developed the regular script 楷書|楷书

钟乐 鐘樂 zhong1 yue4

钟罩 鐘罩 zhong1 zhao4
bell canopy

转钟 轉鐘 zhuan3 zhong1
past midnight

自鸣钟 自鳴鐘 zi4 ming2 zhong1
chiming clock

做一天和尚,撞一天钟 做一天和尚,撞一天鐘 zuo4 yi1 tian1 he2 shang5 - zhuang4 yi1 tian1 zhong1
as a monk for today, toll today's bell (idiom); to do one's job mechanically; to hold a position passively

座钟 座鐘 zuo4 zhong1
desk clock