to respect; to admire; to venerate; by the emperor himself

surname Qin

strokes 9
strokes after radical 4
阿克赛钦 阿克賽欽 a1 ke4 sai4 qin1
Aksai Chin, a disputed region in the Tibetan plateau

德钦 德欽 de2 qin1
Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

德钦县 德欽縣 de2 qin1 xian4
Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

何应钦 何應欽 he2 ying4 qin1
He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general

令人钦佩 令人欽佩 ling4 ren2 qin1 pei4

皮钦语 皮欽語 pi2 qin1 yu3

钦北 欽北 qin1 bei3
Qinbei district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市, Guangxi

钦北区 欽北區 qin1 bei3 qu1
Qinbei district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市, Guangxi

钦差 欽差 qin1 chai1
imperial envoy

钦定 欽定 qin1 ding4
compiled and published by Imperial command (old)

钦敬 欽敬 qin1 jing4
to admire and respect

钦命 欽命 qin1 ming4
Imperial order or edict (old)

钦奈 欽奈 qin1 nai4
Chennai, capital of southeast Indian state Tamil Nadu 泰米爾納德邦|泰米尔纳德邦; formerly called Madras 馬德拉斯|马德拉斯

钦南 欽南 qin1 nan2
Qinnan district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市, Guangxi

钦南区 欽南區 qin1 nan2 qu1
Qinnan district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市, Guangxi

钦佩 欽佩 qin1 pei4
to admire; to look up to; to respect sb greatly

钦羡 欽羨 qin1 xian4
to admire; to hold in high esteem

钦仰 欽仰 qin1 yang3
to admire and respect

钦挹 欽挹 qin1 yi4
to admire and respect; to look up to

钦州 欽州 qin1 zhou1
Qinzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi

钦州地区 欽州地區 qin1 zhou1 di4 qu1
Qinzhou prefecture in Guangxi

钦州市 欽州市 qin1 zhou1 shi4
Qinzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi

王钦若 王欽若 wang2 qin1 ruo4
Wang Qinruo (962-1025), Northern Song dynasty official

叶利钦 葉利欽 ye4 li4 qin1
Yeltsin (name); Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007) first post-communist president of Russia 1991-1999

尤尔钦科 尤爾欽科 you2 er3 qin1 ke1
Yurchenko (name); Natalia Yurchenko (1965-), Russian gymnast; Yurchenko, a type of jump-off for vaulting