variant of 雕, to engrave

to carve; to engrave; shrewd; bird of prey

bird of prey

strokes 16
strokes after radical 8
凹雕 凹雕 ao1 diao1
to engrave; to carve into

白腹海雕 白腹海鵰 bai2 fu4 hai3 diao1
(bird species of China) white-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)

白腹隼雕 白腹隼鵰 bai2 fu4 sun3 diao1
(bird species of China) Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata)

白肩雕 白肩鵰 bai2 jian1 diao1
(bird species of China) eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca)

白尾海雕 白尾海鵰 bai2 wei3 hai3 diao1
(bird species of China) white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

贝雕 貝雕 bei4 diao1
shell carving

冰雕 冰雕 bing1 diao1
ice sculpture

草原雕 草原鵰 cao3 yuan2 diao1
(bird species of China) steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)

雕版 雕版 diao1 ban3
a carved printing block

雕弊 雕弊 diao1 bi4
variant of 凋敝

雕敝 雕敝 diao1 bi4
variant of 凋敝

雕虫小技 雕蟲小技 diao1 chong2 xiao3 ji4
insignificant talent; skill of no high order; minor accomplishment

雕虫篆刻 雕蟲篆刻 diao1 chong2 zhuan4 ke4
literary trifles; minor skill

雕花 雕花 diao1 hua1
carving; decorative carved pattern; arabesque

雕具座 鵰具座 diao1 ju4 zuo4
Caelum (constellation)

雕镌 雕鐫 diao1 juan1
to engrave (wood or stone); to carve

雕刻 雕刻 diao1 ke4
to carve; to engrave; carving

雕刻家 雕刻家 diao1 ke4 jia1

雕刻品 雕刻品 diao1 ke4 pin3

雕阑 雕闌 diao1 lan2
carved railings

雕梁画栋 雕梁畫棟 diao1 liang2 hua4 dong4
richly ornamented (building)

雕零 雕零 diao1 ling2
variant of 凋零

雕落 雕落 diao1 luo4
variant of 凋落

雕漆 雕漆 diao1 qi1
carved lacquerware

雕饰 雕飾 diao1 shi4
to carve; to decorate; carved; decorated

雕塑 雕塑 diao1 su4
a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to carve

雕像 雕像 diao1 xiang4
sculpture; (carved) statue

雕鸮 鵰鴞 diao1 xiao1
(bird species of China) Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo)

雕谢 雕謝 diao1 xie4
variant of 凋謝|凋谢

雕楹碧槛 雕楹碧檻 diao1 ying2 bi4 kan3
carved pillar, jade doorsill (idiom); heavily decorated environment

雕琢 雕琢 diao1 zhuo2
to sculpt; to carve (jade); ornate artwork; overly elaborate prose

短趾雕 短趾鵰 duan3 zhi3 diao1
(bird species of China) short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus)

凤头鹰雕 鳳頭鷹雕 feng4 tou2 ying1 diao1
(bird species of China) crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)

浮雕 浮雕 fu2 diao1
relief sculpture

浮雕墙纸 浮雕牆紙 fu2 diao1 qiang2 zhi3
anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper)

虎头海雕 虎頭海鵰 hu3 tou2 hai3 diao1
(bird species of China) Steller's sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)

花雕 花雕 hua1 diao1
Shaoxing yellow wine

金雕 金鵰 jin1 diao1
(bird species of China) golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

精雕细刻 精雕細刻 jing1 diao1 xi4 ke4
lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work with extreme care and precision

老雕 老鵰 lao3 diao1

林雕 林鵰 lin2 diao1
(bird species of China) black eagle (Ictinaetus malaiensis)

林雕鸮 林鵰鴞 lin2 diao1 xiao1
(bird species of China) spot-bellied eagle-owl (Bubo nipalensis)

漆雕 漆雕 qi1 diao1
carved or engraved lacquerware

浅浮雕 淺浮雕 qian3 fu2 diao1

蛇雕 蛇鵰 she2 diao1
(bird species of China) crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela)

射雕英雄传 射鵰英雄傳 she4 diao1 ying1 xiong2 zhuan4
Legend of the Condor Heroes, wuxia (武侠, martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸 and its screen adaptations

神雕侠侣 神鵰俠侶 shen2 diao1 xia2 lv3
The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸)

神雕侠侣 神雕俠侶 shen2 diao1 xia2 lv3
The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸); variant of 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣

石雕 石雕 shi2 diao1
stone carving; carved sculpture

微雕 微雕 wei1 diao1
a miniature (carving)

乌雕 烏鵰 wu1 diao1
(bird species of China) greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga)

乌雕鸮 烏鵰鴞 wu1 diao1 xiao1
(bird species of China) dusky eagle-owl (Bubo coromandus)

靴隼雕 靴隼鵰 xue1 sun3 diao1
(bird species of China) booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus)

牙雕 牙雕 ya2 diao1
ivory carving

一箭双雕 一箭雙鵰 yi1 jian4 shuang1 diao1
lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom); to kill two birds with one stone

鹰雕 鷹雕 ying1 diao1
(bird species of China) mountain hawk-eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis)

渔雕 漁雕 yu2 diao1
(bird species of China) lesser fish eagle (Ichthyophaga humilis)

玉带海雕 玉帶海鵰 yu4 dai4 hai3 diao1
(bird species of China) Pallas's fish eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus)

棕腹隼雕 棕腹隼鵰 zong1 fu4 sun3 diao1
(bird species of China) rufous-bellied eagle (Lophotriorchis kienerii)