difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good

disaster; distress; to scold

strokes 19
strokes after radical 11
碍难 礙難 ai4 nan2
inconvenient; difficult for some reason; to find sth embarrassing

碍难从命 礙難從命 ai4 nan2 cong2 ming4
difficult to obey orders (idiom); much to my embarrassment, I am unable to comply

百般刁难 百般刁難 bai3 ban1 diao1 nan2
to put up innumerable obstacles; to create all kinds of difficulties (idiom)

本性难移 本性難移 ben3 xing4 nan2 yi2
It is hard to change one's essential nature (idiom). You can't change who you are.; Can the leopard change his spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)

比登天还难 比登天還難 bi3 deng1 tian1 hai2 nan2
lit. even harder than reaching the sky (idiom); fig. extremely difficult; far from an easy task

避难 避難 bi4 nan4
refuge; to take refuge; to seek asylum (political etc)

避难所 避難所 bi4 nan4 suo3
refuge; asylum

辩难 辯難 bian4 nan4
to debate; to retort; to refute

便难 便難 bian4 nan4
retort with challenging questions; debate

曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云 曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲 ceng2 jing1 cang1 hai3 nan2 wei2 shui3 - chu2 que4 wu1 shan1 bu4 shi4 yun2
there are no rivers to one who has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu (idiom); one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things

插翅难飞 插翅難飛 cha1 chi4 nan2 fei1
lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); fig. impossible to escape

长夜难明 長夜難明 chang2 ye4 nan2 ming2
lit. many nights under a harsh moon; long years of oppression (idiom)

出难题 出難題 chu1 nan2 ti2
to raise a tough question

从难从严 從難從嚴 cong2 nan2 cong2 yan2
demanding and strict (idiom); exacting

寸步难行 寸步難行 cun4 bu4 nan2 xing2
unable to move a single step (idiom); to be in an (extremely) difficult situation

寸步难移 寸步難移 cun4 bu4 nan2 yi2
see 寸步難行|寸步难行

寸金难买寸光阴 寸金難買寸光陰 cun4 jin1 nan2 mai3 cun4 guang1 yin1
An ounce of gold can't buy you an interval of time (idiom); Money can't buy you time.; Time is precious.

大难 大難 da4 nan4
great catastrophe

大难不死 大難不死 da4 nan4 bu4 si3
to just escape from calamity

大难不死,必有后福 大難不死,必有後福 da4 nan4 bu4 si3 - bi4 you3 hou4 fu2
one is bound for good fortune after surviving a great disaster (proverb)

刁难 刁難 diao1 nan4
to be hard on sb; to deliberately make things difficult

多难兴邦 多難興邦 duo1 nan4 xing1 bang1
much hardships may awaken a nation (idiom); calamity that prompts renewal

多灾多难 多災多難 duo1 zai1 duo1 nan4
to be plagued with misfortunes; precarious

躲难 躲難 duo3 nan4
to take refuge; to seek refuge from disaster

阿难 阿難 e1 nan2
Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple

阿难陀 阿難陀 e1 nan2 tuo2
Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple

发难 發難 fa1 nan4
to rise in revolt; to raise difficult questions

法网难逃 法網難逃 fa3 wang3 nan2 tao2
it is hard to escape the net of justice (idiom)

犯难 犯難 fan4 nan2
to feel embarrassed; to feel akward

非难 非難 fei1 nan4
reproof; blame

覆水难收 覆水難收 fu4 shui3 nan2 shou1
spilt water is difficult to retrieve (idiom); it's no use crying over spilt milk; what's done is done and can't be reversed; the damage is done; once divorced, there's no reuniting

高难 高難 gao1 nan2
extremely difficult; hard and dangerous; challenging

更仆难数 更僕難數 geng1 pu2 nan2 shu3
too many to count; very many; innumerable

孤掌难鸣 孤掌難鳴 gu1 zhang3 nan2 ming2
It's hard to clap with only one hand.; It takes two to tango; It's difficult to achieve anything without support.

关关难过,关关过 關關難過,關關過 guan1 guan1 nan2 guo4 - guan1 guan1 guo4
to meet with great difficulties but pull through

海难 海難 hai3 nan4
perils of the sea

好借好还,再借不难 好借好還,再借不難 hao3 jie4 hao3 huan2 - zai4 jie4 bu4 nan2
see 有借有還,再借不難|有借有还,再借不难

好梦难成 好夢難成 hao3 meng4 nan2 cheng2
a beautiful dream is hard to realize (idiom)

恨海难填 恨海難填 hen4 hai3 nan2 tian2
sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom); irreconcilable division

患难 患難 huan4 nan4
trials and tribulations

患难见真情 患難見真情 huan4 nan4 jian4 zhen1 qing2
a friend in need is a friend indeed (idiom)

患难之交 患難之交 huan4 nan4 zhi1 jiao1
a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed

黄帝八十一难经 黃帝八十一難經 huang2 di4 ba1 shi2 yi1 nan4 jing1
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Eighty-one Difficulties, medical text, c. 1st century AD

毁家纾难 毀家紓難 hui3 jia1 shu1 nan4
to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (idiom)

积习难改 積習難改 ji1 xi2 nan2 gai3
old habits are hard to change (idiom); It is hard to throw off ingrained habits.

积重难返 積重難返 ji1 zhong4 nan2 fan3
ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard

急难 急難 ji2 nan4
misfortune; crisis; grave danger; critical situation; disaster; emergency; to be zealous in helping others out of a predicament

急人之难 急人之難 ji2 ren2 zhi1 nan4
anxious to help others resolve difficulties (idiom)

家家有本难念的经 家家有本難念的經 jia1 jia1 you3 ben3 nan2 nian4 de5 jing1
Every family goes through its problems. (idiom)

艰难 艱難 jian1 nan2
difficult; hard; challenging

艰难险阻 艱難險阻 jian1 nan2 xian3 zu3
untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)

见难而上 見難而上 jian4 nan2 er2 shang4
to take the bull by the horns (idiom)

江山易改,本性难移 江山易改,本性難移 jiang1 shan1 yi4 gai3 - ben3 xing4 nan2 yi2
it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character (idiom); you can't change who you are; Can the leopard change his spots?

江山易改禀性难移 江山易改稟性難移 jiang1 shan1 yi4 gai3 bing3 xing4 nan2 yi2
rivers and mountains are easy to change, man's character much harder

劫难 劫難 jie2 nan4

劫数难逃 劫數難逃 jie2 shu4 nan2 tao2
Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your doom is at hand.

介于两难 介於兩難 jie4 yu2 liang3 nan2
to be on the horns of a dilemma (idiom)

进退两难 進退兩難 jin4 tui4 liang3 nan2
no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation

进退为难 進退為難 jin4 tui4 wei2 nan2
no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation

靖难之役 靖難之役 jing4 nan2 zhi1 yi4
war of 1402 between successors of the first Ming Emperor

救难 救難 jiu4 nan2
to rescue; rescue (operation, workers)

君子一言,驷马难追 君子一言,駟馬難追 jun1 zi3 yi1 yan2 - si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1
a nobleman's word is his bond (proverb)

可共患难 可共患難 ke3 gong4 huan4 nan4
to go through thick and thin together (idiom)

空难 空難 kong1 nan4
air crash; aviation accident or incident

苦难 苦難 ku3 nan4

苦难深重 苦難深重 ku3 nan4 shen1 zhong4
deep grief; extensive sorrow

矿难 礦難 kuang4 nan4
mining disaster

困难在于 困難在於 kun4 nan2 zai4 yu2
the problem is...

困难 困難 kun4 nan5
difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation

罹难 罹難 li2 nan4
fatality; to die in an accident; to be killed

联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處 lian2 he2 guo2 nan2 min2 shi4 wu4 gao1 ji2 zhuan1 yuan2 ban4 shi4 chu4
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

两难 兩難 liang3 nan2
dilemma; quandary

临难 臨難 lin2 nan4
in peril; facing disaster

留难 留難 liu2 nan4
to make sth difficult; to create obstacles

落落难合 落落難合 luo4 luo4 nan2 he2
a loner; someone who does not easily get along with others

落难 落難 luo4 nan4
to meet with misfortune; to fall into dire straits

蒙难 蒙難 meng2 nan4
to meet with disaster; killed; in the clutches of the enemy; to fall foul of; in danger

勉为其难 勉為其難 mian3 wei2 qi2 nan2
to tackle a difficult job (idiom); to do sth reluctantly

面临困难 面臨困難 mian4 lin2 kun4 nan2
to be faced with problems

面有难色 面有難色 mian4 you3 nan2 se4
to show signs of reluctance or embarrassment

明枪好躲,暗箭难防 明槍好躲,暗箭難防 ming2 qiang1 hao3 duo3 - an4 jian4 nan2 fang2
lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies

明枪易躲,暗箭难防 明槍易躲,暗箭難防 ming2 qiang1 yi4 duo3 - an4 jian4 nan2 fang2
lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies

魔难 魔難 mo2 nan4
variant of 磨難|磨难

磨难 磨難 mo2 nan4
a torment; a trial; tribulation; a cross (to bear); well-tried

没齿难忘 沒齒難忘 mo4 chi3 nan2 wang4
hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (idiom); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude

母难日 母難日 mu3 nan4 ri4
(old) birthday

难捱 難捱 nan2 ai2
trying; difficult

难熬 難熬 nan2 ao2
hard to bear; unendurable (pain, suffering)

难保 難保 nan2 bao3
hard to say; can't guarantee; difficult to protect; difficult to preserve

难不成 難不成 nan2 bu4 cheng2
Is it possible that ... ?

难不倒 難不倒 nan2 bu4 dao3
not to pose a problem for sb; cannot stump sb

难测 難測 nan2 ce4
hard to fathom

难缠 難纏 nan2 chan2
(usu. of people) difficult; demanding; troublesome; unreasonable; hard to deal with

难产 難產 nan2 chan3
difficult birth; (fig.) difficult to achieve

难吃 難吃 nan2 chi1

难处 難處 nan2 chu5
trouble; difficulty; problem

难辞其咎 難辭其咎 nan2 ci2 qi2 jiu4
cannot escape censure (idiom); has to bear the blame

难倒 難倒 nan2 dao3
to baffle; to confound; to stump

难道 難道 nan2 dao4
don't tell me ...; could it be that...?

难得 難得 nan2 de2
seldom; rare; hard to come by

难得一见 難得一見 nan2 de2 yi1 jian4
rarely seen

难点 難點 nan2 dian3

难懂 難懂 nan2 dong3
difficult to understand

难度 難度 nan2 du4
trouble; problem

难分难解 難分難解 nan2 fen1 nan2 jie3
to become caught up in an irresolvable situation (idiom)

难分难舍 難分難捨 nan2 fen1 nan2 she3
loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate

难搞 難搞 nan2 gao3
hard to deal with; hard to get along with

难怪 難怪 nan2 guai4
(it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that)

难关 難關 nan2 guan1
difficulty; crisis

难过 難過 nan2 guo4
to feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult

难喝 難喝 nan2 he1
unpleasant to drink

难混 難混 nan2 hun4
difficult to arrange

难记 難記 nan2 ji4
hard to remember

难解 難解 nan2 jie3
hard to solve; hard to dispel; hard to understand; hard to undo

难解难分 難解難分 nan2 jie3 nan2 fen1
hard to untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved; locked in battle

难堪 難堪 nan2 kan1
hard to take; embarrassed

难看 難看 nan2 kan4
ugly; unsightly

难控制 難控制 nan2 kong4 zhi4
hard to control

难免 難免 nan2 mian3
hard to avoid; difficult to escape from; will inevitably

难能可贵 難能可貴 nan2 neng2 ke3 gui4
rare and precious; valuable; remarkable

难舍难分 難捨難分 nan2 she3 nan2 fen1
loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate

难舍难离 難捨難離 nan2 she3 nan2 li2
loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate

难受 難受 nan2 shou4
to feel unwell; to suffer pain; to be difficult to bear

难弹 難彈 nan2 tan2
hard to play (of music for stringed instrument)

难逃法网 難逃法網 nan2 tao2 fa3 wang3
It is hard to escape the dragnet of the law; the long arm of the law

难题 難題 nan2 ti2
difficult problem

难听 難聽 nan2 ting1
unpleasant to hear; coarse; vulgar; offensive; shameful

难忘 難忘 nan2 wang4

难为情 難為情 nan2 wei2 qing2

难为 難為 nan2 wei5
to bother; to press sb, usu. to do sth; it's a tough job; sorry to bother you (polite, used to thank sb for a favor)

难闻 難聞 nan2 wen2
unpleasant smell; stink

难行 難行 nan2 xing2
hard to pass

难兄难弟 難兄難弟 nan2 xiong1 nan2 di4
lit. hard to differentiate between elder and younger brother (idiom); fig. one is just as bad as the other

难言之隐 難言之隱 nan2 yan2 zhi1 yin3
a hidden trouble hard to mention (idiom); sth too embarrassing to mention; an embarrassing illness

难以 難以 nan2 yi3
hard to (predict, imagine etc)

难以撼动 難以撼動 nan2 yi3 han4 dong4
unsusceptible to change; deeply entrenched

难以理解 難以理解 nan2 yi3 li3 jie3
hard to understand; incomprehensible

难以抹去 難以抹去 nan2 yi3 mo3 qu4
hard to erase; ineradicable

难以启齿 難以啟齒 nan2 yi3 qi3 chi3
to be too embarrassed to mention sth (idiom); to find it hard to speak about sth

难以忍受 難以忍受 nan2 yi3 ren3 shou4
hard to endure; unbearable

难以实现 難以實現 nan2 yi3 shi2 xian4
hard to accomplish; difficult to achieve

难以应付 難以應付 nan2 yi3 ying4 fu4
hard to deal with; hard to handle

难以置信 難以置信 nan2 yi3 zhi4 xin4
hard to believe; incredible

难以捉摸 難以捉摸 nan2 yi3 zhuo1 mo1
elusive; hard to pin down; enigmatic

难以自已 難以自已 nan2 yi3 zi1 yi3
cannot control oneself (idiom); to be beside oneself

难易 難易 nan2 yi4
difficulty; degree of difficulty or ease

难于登天 難於登天 nan2 yu2 deng1 tian1
harder than climbing to heaven (idiom)

难于接近 難於接近 nan2 yu2 jie1 jin4
(of people) difficult to approach; inaccessible

难住 難住 nan2 zhu4
to baffle; to stump

难走 難走 nan2 zou3
hard to get to; difficult to travel (i.e. the road is bad)

难经 難經 nan4 jing1
Classic on Medical Problems, c. 1st century AD; abbr. for 黃帝八十一難經|黄帝八十一难经

难民 難民 nan4 min2

难民营 難民營 nan4 min2 ying2
refugee camp

难兄难弟 難兄難弟 nan4 xiong1 nan4 di4
brothers in hardship (idiom); fellow sufferers; in the same boat

泥菩萨过江,自身难保 泥菩薩過江,自身難保 ni2 pu2 sa4 guo4 jiang1 - zi4 shen1 nan2 bao3
like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, can't guarantee his own safety; unable to save oneself, let alone others

排难解纷 排難解紛 pai2 nan4 jie3 fen1
to remove perils and solve disputes (idiom); to reconcile differences

排忧解难 排憂解難 pai2 you1 jie3 nan4
to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)

泼水难收 潑水難收 po1 shui3 nan2 shou1
water once spilt cannot be retrieved (idiom); irreversible change

骑虎难下 騎虎難下 qi2 hu3 nan2 xia4
if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway

千金难买 千金難買 qian1 jin1 nan2 mai3
can't be bought for one thousand in gold (idiom)

千军易得,一将难求 千軍易得,一將難求 qian1 jun1 yi4 de2 - yi1 jiang4 nan2 qiu2
Easy to raise an army of one thousand, but hard to find a good general. (idiom)

牵马到河易,强马饮水难 牽馬到河易,強馬飲水難 qian1 ma3 dao4 he2 yi4 - qiang3 ma3 yin3 shui3 nan2
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. (idiom)

千难万难 千難萬難 qian1 nan2 wan4 nan2
extremely difficult

千载难逢 千載難逢 qian1 zai3 nan2 feng2
extremely rare (idiom); once in a blue moon

强人所难 強人所難 qiang3 ren2 suo3 nan2
to force someone to do something

巧妇难为无米之炊 巧婦難為無米之炊 qiao3 fu4 nan2 wei2 wu2 mi3 zhi1 chui1
The cleverest housewife cannot cook without rice (idiom); You won't get anywhere without equipment.

寝食难安 寢食難安 qin3 shi2 nan2 an1
lit. cannot rest or eat in peace (idiom); fig. extremely worried and troubled

清官难断家务事 清官難斷家務事 qing1 guan1 nan2 duan4 jia1 wu4 shi4
even an honest and upright official will have difficulty resolving a family dispute (proverb)

请神容易送神难 請神容易送神難 qing3 shen2 rong2 yi4 song4 shen2 nan2
it's easier to invite the devil in than to send him away

罄笔难书 罄筆難書 qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1
too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) (idiom); see also 罄竹難書|罄竹难书

罄竹难书 罄竹難書 qing4 zhu2 nan2 shu1
so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted; innumerable crimes (idiom); see also 罄筆難書|罄笔难书

人心难测 人心難測 ren2 xin1 nan2 ce4
hard to fathom a person's mind (idiom)

山难 山難 shan1 nan4
mountain accident

善财难舍 善財難捨 shan4 cai2 nan2 she3
to cherish wealth and find it hard to give up (idiom); refusing to contribute to charity; skinflint; miserly

奢入俭难 奢入儉難 she1 ru4 jian3 nan2
it is hard to become frugal after becoming accustomed to luxury (idiom)

奢易俭难 奢易儉難 she1 yi4 jian3 nan2
easy to become accustomed to luxury, hard to become accustomed to frugality (idiom)

受难纪念 受難紀念 shou4 nan2 ji4 nian4

受难 受難 shou4 nan4
to suffer a calamity; to suffer (e.g. under torture); distress

受难日 受難日 shou4 nan4 ri4
Good Friday

受难者 受難者 shou4 nan4 zhe3
sufferer; a victim of a calamity; a person in distress

死结难解 死結難解 si3 jie2 nan2 jie3
enigmatic knot hard to untie (idiom); thorny problem; intractable difficulty

死难 死難 si3 nan4
to die in an accident; to die for a just cause

死难者 死難者 si3 nan4 zhe3
victim of an accident; casualty; martyr for one's country

诵读困难症 誦讀困難症 song4 du2 kun4 nan5 zheng4

逃难 逃難 tao2 nan4
to run away from trouble; to flee from calamity; to be a refugee

逃灾避难 逃災避難 tao2 zai1 bi4 nan4
to seek refuge from calamities

天理难容 天理難容 tian1 li3 nan2 rong2
Heaven cannot tolerate this (idiom); intolerable behavior

天下无难事,只怕有心人 天下無難事,只怕有心人 tian1 xia4 wu2 nan2 shi4 - zhi3 pa4 you3 xin1 ren2
lit. nothing is difficult on this earth, if your mind is set (idiom)

吞咽困难 吞嚥困難 tun1 yan4 kun4 nan2
dysphagia (medicine)

万难 萬難 wan4 nan2
countless difficulties; extremely difficult; against all odds

万事起头难 萬事起頭難 wan4 shi4 qi3 tou2 nan2
the first step is the hardest (idiom)

危难 危難 wei1 nan4

为难 為難 wei2 nan2
to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage)

小洞不堵,大洞难补 小洞不堵,大洞難補 xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 - da4 dong4 nan2 bu3
If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard to repair (idiom); A stitch in time saves nine.

羞口难开 羞口難開 xiu1 kou3 nan2 kai1
to be too embarrassed for words (idiom)

羞愧难当 羞愧難當 xiu1 kui4 nan2 dang1
to feel ashamed (idiom)

殉难 殉難 xun4 nan4
to sacrifice oneself in a just cause; a victim of a disaster

阎王好见,小鬼难当 閻王好見,小鬼難當 yan2 wang2 hao3 jian4 - xiao3 gui3 nan2 dang1
lit. standing in front of the King of Hell is easy, but smaller devils are difficult to deal with (idiom)

咽下困难 嚥下困難 yan4 xia4 kun4 nan2
dysphagia (medicine)

耶稣受难节 耶穌受難節 ye1 su1 shou4 nan4 jie2
Good Friday

一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰 yi1 cun4 guang1 yin1 yi1 cun4 jin1 - cun4 jin1 nan2 mai3 cun4 guang1 yin1
lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom); fig. Time is precious and must be treasured.

一木难支 一木難支 yi1 mu4 nan2 zhi1
lit. a single post cannot prop up a falling house (idiom); fig. one is helpless alone

一言既出,驷马难追 一言既出,駟馬難追 yi1 yan2 ji4 chu1 - si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1
lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept

一言难尽 一言難盡 yi1 yan2 nan2 jin4
hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly

疑难 疑難 yi2 nan2
hard to understand; difficult to deal with; knotty; complicated

疑难解答 疑難解答 yi2 nan2 jie3 da2
trouble shooting; solution to difficulties

疑难问题 疑難問題 yi2 nan2 wen4 ti2
knotty problem; intractable difficulty

疑难杂症 疑難雜症 yi2 nan2 za2 zheng4
dubious or hard-to-treat cases (medicine); hard cases

益觉困难 益覺困難 yi4 jue2 kun4 nan5
to find sth increasingly difficult

易守难攻 易守難攻 yi4 shou3 nan2 gong1
easily guarded, hard to attack

隐秘难言 隱秘難言 yin3 mi4 nan2 yan2
too embarrassing to mention

英雄难过美人关 英雄難過美人關 ying1 xiong2 nan2 guo4 mei3 ren2 guan1
even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beautiful woman (idiom)

有福同享,有难同当 有福同享,有難同當 you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 - you3 nan4 tong2 dang1
To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse

有借有还,再借不难 有借有還,再借不難 you3 jie4 you3 huan2 - zai4 jie4 bu4 nan2
return what you borrowed on time, you may borrow again next time (idiom)

欲壑难填 慾壑難填 yu4 he4 nan2 tian2
bottomless pit of desire (idiom); insatiable greed; carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment

遇难船 遇難船 yu4 nan2 chuan2

遇难 遇難 yu4 nan4
to perish; to be killed

遇难者 遇難者 yu4 nan4 zhe3
victim; fatality

灾难 災難 zai1 nan4
disaster; catastrophe

灾难片 災難片 zai1 nan4 pian4
disaster movie

灾难性 災難性 zai1 nan4 xing4

在家千日好,出门一时难 在家千日好,出門一時難 zai4 jia1 qian1 ri4 hao3 - chu1 men2 yi1 shi2 nan2
lit. at home, one can spend a thousand days in comfort, but spending a day away from home can be challenging (idiom); fig. there's no place like home

在所难免 在所難免 zai4 suo3 nan2 mian3
to be unavoidable (idiom)

遭难 遭難 zao1 nan4
to run into misfortune

责难 責難 ze2 nan4
to censure

真假难辨 真假難辨 zhen1 jia3 nan2 bian4
hard to distinguish real from imitation

政治避难 政治避難 zheng4 zhi4 bi4 nan4
political asylum

知难而退 知難而退 zhi1 nan2 er2 tui4
to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat (idiom); fig. to back out of an awkward situation; to get out on finding out what it's really like

知易行难 知易行難 zhi1 yi4 xing2 nan2
easy to grasp but difficult to put into practice (idiom); easier said than done

质难 質難 zhi4 nan4
to blame

擢发难数 擢髮難數 zhuo2 fa4 nan2 shu3
lit. as difficult to count as hair pulled from sb's head (idiom); fig. innumerable (crimes)

自身难保 自身難保 zi4 shen1 nan2 bao3
powerless to defend oneself (idiom); helpless

阻难 阻難 zu3 nan4
to thwart; to impede

左右两难 左右兩難 zuo3 you4 liang3 nan2
dilemma; quandary; Scylla and Charybdis; between the devil and the deep blue sea (idiom)

坐立难安 坐立難安 zuo4 li4 nan2 an1
unable to sit or stand still (out of nervousness etc) (idiom)