beautiful sound; appeal; charm; vowel; rhyme; in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant)

strokes 19
strokes after radical 10
鼻韵母 鼻韻母 bi2 yun4 mu3
(of Chinese pronunciation) a vowel followed by a nasal consonant

别有韵味 別有韻味 bie2 you3 yun4 wei4
to have quite a lasting charm

步韵 步韻 bu4 yun4
to write a poem using another poem's rhymes

次韵 次韻 ci4 yun4
reply to a poem in the same rhyme

单韵母 單韻母 dan1 yun4 mu3
simple finals

儿化韵 兒化韻 er2 hua4 yun4
retroflex final; nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese

风流韵事 風流韻事 feng1 liu2 yun4 shi4
poetic and passionate (idiom); romance; love affair

风韵 風韻 feng1 yun4
charm; grace; elegant bearing (usually feminine)

风韵犹存 風韻猶存 feng1 yun4 you2 cun2
(of an aging woman) still attractive

复韵母 複韻母 fu4 yun4 mu3
compound final

广韵 廣韻 guang3 yun4
Guangyun, Chinese rime dictionary from 11th century, containing 26,194 single-character entries

集韵 集韻 ji2 yun4
Jiyun, Chinese rime dictionary with 53,525 single-character entries, published in 11th century

流韵 流韻 liu2 yun4
musical sound; flowing rhythm (of poetry); cadence

篇韵 篇韻 pian1 yun4
abbr. for Yupian 玉篇 and Guangyun 廣韻|广韵

气韵 氣韻 qi4 yun4
(of literature, art) distinct style; flavor; spirit; character

切韵 切韻 qie4 yun4
Qieyun, the first Chinese rime dictionary from 601 AD, containing 11,500 single-character entries

切韵 切韻 qie4 yun4
see 反切

神韵 神韻 shen2 yun4
charm or grace (in poetry or art)

声韵学 聲韻學 sheng1 yun4 xue2

同韵词 同韻詞 tong2 yun4 ci2
words with the same phonetic ending; rhyme

尾韵 尾韻 wei3 yun4

协韵 協韻 xie2 yun4
to rhyme

叶韵 叶韻 xie2 yun4
to rhyme; also written 協韻|协韵

押平声韵 押平聲韻 ya1 ping2 sheng1 yun4
to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)

压韵 壓韻 ya1 yun4
variant of 押韻|押韵

押韵 押韻 ya1 yun4
to rhyme; sometimes written 壓韻|压韵

音韵 音韻 yin1 yun4
music; rhyme and rhythm; initial, 音, and final and tone, 韻|韵, of a Chinese character; phoneme

音韵学 音韻學 yin1 yun4 xue2
Chinese phonetics (concerned also with rhyme in poetry)

余韵 餘韻 yu2 yun4
pleasant lingering effect; memorable stylishness; haunting tune; aftertaste (of a good wine etc)

韵白 韻白 yun4 bai2
form of rhymed baihua 白话 in Beijing opera

韵调 韻調 yun4 diao4
rhyme and tone; intonation

韵腹 韻腹 yun4 fu4
main vowel in diphthong

韵脚 韻腳 yun4 jiao3
rhyming word ending a line of verse; rhyme

韵律 韻律 yun4 lv4
cadence; rhythm; rhyme scheme; meter (in verse)

韵母 韻母 yun4 mu3
medial and final of a Chinese syllable (excluding initial consonant and tone); the rhyming part of a Chinese syllable; rhyme; vowel; character used in traditional phonetics to indicate value of rhyme; final sound; phoneme

韵目 韻目 yun4 mu4
rhyme entry; subdivision of a rhyming dictionary (containing all words with the given rhyme)

韵人韵事 韻人韻事 yun4 ren2 yun4 shi4
a charming man enjoys charming pursuits (idiom)

韵诗 韻詩 yun4 shi1
rhyming verse

韵事 韻事 yun4 shi4
poetic occasion; elegant situation; in literature, the cue for a poem

韵书 韻書 yun4 shu1
rhyming dictionary; traditional Chinese phonetic dictionary with words ordered first by four tones 四聲|四声 then rhyme 韻|韵 (i.e. medial consonant and final)

韵头 韻頭 yun4 tou2
leading vowel of diphthong

韵尾 韻尾 yun4 wei3
the rhyming part of a syllable; in a Chinese syllable, the medial vowel plus final consonant (if any)

韵味 韻味 yun4 wei4
implicit charm in rhyme or sound; hinted appeal; interest

韵文 韻文 yun4 wen2

韵语 韻語 yun4 yu3
rhymed language

韵致 韻致 yun4 zhi4
grace; natural charm

韵致 韻緻 yun4 zhi4
grace; natural charm

转韵 轉韻 zhuan3 yun4
change of rhyme (within a poem)