to examine; to test; to check

strokes 23
strokes after radical 13
案验 案驗 an4 yan4
investigate the evidence of a case

巴氏试验 巴氏試驗 ba1 shi4 shi4 yan4
Pap test (medicine)

贝尔实验室 貝爾實驗室 bei4 er3 shi2 yan4 shi4
Bell Labs

布鲁克海文国家实验室 布魯克海文國家實驗室 bu4 lu3 ke4 hai3 wen2 guo2 jia1 shi2 yan4 shi4
Brookhaven National Laboratory

布鲁克海文实验室 布魯克海文實驗室 bu4 lu3 ke4 hai3 wen2 shi2 yan4 shi4
Brookhaven National Laboratory

测验 測驗 ce4 yan4
test; to test

察验 察驗 cha2 yan4
to examine

查验 查驗 cha2 yan4
inspection; to examine

超经验 超經驗 chao1 jing1 yan4
extra-empirical; outside one's experience

出入境检验检疫局 出入境檢驗檢疫局 chu1 ru4 jing4 jian3 yan4 jian3 yi4 ju2
entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau

戳穿试验 戳穿試驗 chuo1 chuan1 shi4 yan4
puncture test

大气层核试验 大氣層核試驗 da4 qi4 ceng2 he2 shi4 yan4
atmospheric nuclear test

大学学科能力测验 大學學科能力測驗 da4 xue2 xue2 ke1 neng2 li4 ce4 yan4
General Scholastic Ability Test (college entrance exam in Taiwan)

地下核试验 地下核試驗 di4 xia4 he2 shi4 yan4
underground nuclear test

点滴试验 點滴試驗 dian3 di1 shi4 yan4
spot check

非词重复测验 非詞重復測驗 fei1 ci2 chong2 fu4 ce4 yan4
nonword repetition test

国家质量监督检验检疫总局 國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局 guo2 jia1 zhi4 liang4 jian1 du1 jian3 yan4 jian3 yi4 zong3 ju2
AQSIQ; PRC State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

国家重点实验室 國家重點實驗室 guo2 jia1 zhong4 dian3 shi2 yan4 shi4
State Key Laboratories (university laboratories in PRC supported by the central government)

过去经验 過去經驗 guo4 qu5 jing1 yan4
past experience

核试验 核試驗 he2 shi4 yan4
nuclear test

核试验场 核試驗場 he2 shi4 yan4 chang3
nuclear test site

核试验堆 核試驗堆 he2 shi4 yan4 dui1
nuclear test reactor

后验概率 後驗概率 hou4 yan4 gai4 lv4
posterior probability (statistics)

化验 化驗 hua4 yan4
laboratory test; chemical experiment; assay

计时测验 計時測驗 ji4 shi2 ce4 yan4
time trial

检验 檢驗 jian3 yan4
to inspect; to examine; to test

检验医学 檢驗醫學 jian3 yan4 yi1 xue2
laboratory medicine

校验 校驗 jiao4 yan4
to check; to examine

校验码 校驗碼 jiao4 yan4 ma3
check digit

禁止核武器试验条约 禁止核武器試驗條約 jin4 zhi3 he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 yan4 tiao2 yue1
nuclear test ban treaty

经验 經驗 jing1 yan4
experience; to experience

经验丰富 經驗豐富 jing1 yan4 feng1 fu4
experienced; with ample experience

经验主义 經驗主義 jing1 yan4 zhu3 yi4

久经考验 久經考驗 jiu3 jing1 kao3 yan4
well tested (idiom); seasoned; veteran

勘验 勘驗 kan1 yan4
to investigate; examination

考验 考驗 kao3 yan4
to test; to put to the test; trial; ordeal

科学实验 科學實驗 ke1 xue2 shi2 yan4
scientific experiment

灵验 靈驗 ling2 yan4
efficacious; effective; (of a prediction) accurate; correct

流体核试验 流體核試驗 liu2 ti3 he2 shi4 yan4
hydronuclear explosion (HNE)

没经验 沒經驗 mei2 jing1 yan4

民意测验 民意測驗 min2 yi4 ce4 yan4
opinion poll

喷气推进实验室 噴氣推進實驗室 pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4 shi2 yan4 shi4
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California

全面禁止核试验条约 全面禁止核試驗條約 quan2 mian4 jin4 zhi3 he2 shi4 yan4 tiao2 yue1
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

妊娠试验 妊娠試驗 ren4 shen1 shi4 yan4
pregnancy test

实践是检验真理的唯一标准 實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準 shi2 jian4 shi4 jian3 yan4 zhen1 li3 de5 wei2 yi1 biao1 zhun3
Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)

实验 實驗 shi2 yan4
experiment; test; experimental; to experiment

实验室 實驗室 shi2 yan4 shi4

实验室感染 實驗室感染 shi2 yan4 shi4 gan3 ran3
laboratory infection

实验所 實驗所 shi2 yan4 suo3
laboratory; institute

实验心理学 實驗心理學 shi2 yan4 xin1 li3 xue2
experimental psychology

试验 試驗 shi4 yan4
experiment; test; to experiment; experimental

试验场 試驗場 shi4 yan4 chang3
experimental station

试验间 試驗間 shi4 yan4 jian1
test room

试验性 試驗性 shi4 yan4 xing4

水下核试验 水下核試驗 shui3 xia4 he2 shi4 yan4
underwater nuclear test

随堂测验 隨堂測驗 sui2 tang2 ce4 yan4
quiz (student assessment)

体验 體驗 ti3 yan4
to experience for oneself

体育达标测验 體育達標測驗 ti3 yu4 da2 biao1 ce4 yan4
physical fitness test (for school students etc)

完形测验 完形測驗 wan2 xing2 ce4 yan4
Gestalt test

先验 先驗 xian1 yan4
a priori (philosophy)

先验概率 先驗概率 xian1 yan4 gai4 lv4
prior probability (statistics)

效验 效驗 xiao4 yan4
(desired) effect; (expected) result; effective

验钞机 驗鈔機 yan4 chao1 ji1
a device used to check money and detect counterfeit bills

验钞器 驗鈔器 yan4 chao1 qi4
money counter and counterfeit detection machine

验电器 驗電器 yan4 dian4 qi4

验定 驗定 yan4 ding4
to test and determine; to examine; to assay

验方 驗方 yan4 fang1
a tried and tested medical prescription

验关 驗關 yan4 guan1
customs inspection (at frontier)

验光 驗光 yan4 guang1
optometry; to examine the eyes

验光法 驗光法 yan4 guang1 fa3
optometry; eyesight testing

验光配镜法 驗光配鏡法 yan4 guang1 pei4 jing4 fa3
optometry; eyesight testing

验光配镜业 驗光配鏡業 yan4 guang1 pei4 jing4 ye4
optometry; eyesight testing

验光师 驗光師 yan4 guang1 shi1

验核 驗核 yan4 he2
to check; to examine; to inspect

验货 驗貨 yan4 huo4
inspection of goods

验明 驗明 yan4 ming2
to ascertain; to identify; to verify (sb's identity etc)

验明正身 驗明正身 yan4 ming2 zheng4 shen1
to identify; to verify sb's identity; identification

验尿 驗尿 yan4 niao4
urine test

验票 驗票 yan4 piao4
to check tickets

验伤 驗傷 yan4 shang1
to examine a wound or injury (typically for forensic purposes)

验尸 驗屍 yan4 shi1
autopsy; postmortem examination

验尸官 驗屍官 yan4 shi1 guan1

验收 驗收 yan4 shou1
to inspect and accept; acceptance

验算 驗算 yan4 suan4
to verify a calculation; a double-check

验血 驗血 yan4 xue4
to do a blood test; to have one's blood tested

验孕棒 驗孕棒 yan4 yun4 bang4
home pregnancy test kit

验证 驗證 yan4 zheng4
to inspect and verify; experimental verification; to validate (a theory); to authenticate

验证码 驗證碼 yan4 zheng4 ma3
verification code; CAPTCHA, a type of challenge-response test (computing)

验资 驗資 yan4 zi1
capital verification; certification of registered capital

医疗经验 醫療經驗 yi1 liao2 jing1 yan4
medical expertise

医学检验 醫學檢驗 yi1 xue2 jian3 yan4
medical laboratory technology

医学检验师 醫學檢驗師 yi1 xue2 jian3 yan4 shi1
medical technologist

应验 應驗 ying4 yan4
to come true; to come about as predicted; to be fulfilled

语言实验室 語言實驗室 yu3 yan2 shi2 yan4 shi4
language laboratory

帧检验序列 幀檢驗序列 zhen1 jian3 yan4 xu4 lie4
frame check sequence (FCS)

证验 證驗 zheng4 yan4
real results; to verify

智力测验 智力測驗 zhi4 li4 ce4 yan4
intelligence trial; IQ test