to run neck and neck; to keep pace with; to keep abreast of; on a par with one another
大驾大駕da4 jia4
imperial chariot; (fig.) emperor; (polite) you
大驾光临大駕光臨da4 jia4 guang1 lin2
we are honored by your presence
当驾當駕dang1 jia4
imperial driver
副驾驶副駕駛fu4 jia4 shi3
copilot; front passenger seat
副驾驶员副駕駛員fu4 jia4 shi3 yuan2
co-pilot; second driver
副驾驶座副駕駛座fu4 jia4 shi3 zuo4
front passenger seat
候驾候駕hou4 jia4
to await (your) gracious presence
驾崩駕崩jia4 beng1
death of king or emperor; demise
驾车駕車jia4 che1
to drive a vehicle
驾帆船駕帆船jia4 fan1 chuan2
驾鹤成仙駕鶴成仙jia4 he4 cheng2 xian1
to fly on a crane and become immortal
驾鹤西归駕鶴西歸jia4 he4 xi1 gui1
see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去
驾鹤西去駕鶴西去jia4 he4 xi1 qu4
lit. to fly on a crane to the Western Paradise; fig. to pass away (idiom)
驾鹤西游駕鶴西遊jia4 he4 xi1 you2
see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去
驾临駕臨jia4 lin2
to grace sb with one's presence; your arrival (honorific); your esteemed presence
驾龄駕齡jia4 ling2
length of experience as a driver
驾轻就熟駕輕就熟jia4 qing1 jiu4 shu2
lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress easy; a task that is so familiar one can do it with one's hand tied behind one's back
驾驶駕駛jia4 shi3
to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive
驾驶舱駕駛艙jia4 shi3 cang1
cockpit; control cabin
驾驶人駕駛人jia4 shi3 ren2
(car, van) driver
驾驶席駕駛席jia4 shi3 xi2
driver's seat; pilot's seat
驾驶员駕駛員jia4 shi3 yuan2
pilot; driver
驾驶证駕駛證jia4 shi3 zheng4
driving license
驾驶执照駕駛執照jia4 shi3 zhi2 zhao4
driver's license
驾艇駕艇jia4 ting3
to sail; to cruise; to pilot a ship
驾校駕校jia4 xiao4
driving school; abbr. for 駕駛學校|驾驶学校
驾驭駕馭jia4 yu4
to urge on (of horse); to drive; to steer; to handle; to manage; to master; to dominate
驾御駕御jia4 yu4
variant of 駕馭|驾驭
驾辕駕轅jia4 yuan2
to pull a carriage (of draft animal)
驾云駕雲jia4 yun2
to ride the clouds; fig. self-satisfied; arrogant
驾照駕照jia4 zhao4
driver's license
见驾見駕jian4 jia4
to have an audience (with the emperor)
酒后驾车酒後駕車jiu3 hou4 jia4 che1
driving under the influence
酒后驾驶酒後駕駛jiu3 hou4 jia4 shi3
driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI)
酒驾酒駕jiu3 jia4
DWI; driving while intoxicated
车驾車駕ju1 jia4
劳驾勞駕lao2 jia4
excuse me
凌驾凌駕ling2 jia4
to be above; to place above
銮驾鑾駕luan2 jia4
imperial chariot
劝驾勸駕quan4 jia4
to urge sb to accept a post; to urge sb to agree to do sth
三驾马车三駕馬車san1 jia4 ma3 che1
无人驾驶無人駕駛wu2 ren2 jia4 shi3
unmanned; unpiloted
晏驾晏駕yan4 jia4
to die (exclusively of the Emperor)
饮酒驾车飲酒駕車yin3 jiu3 jia4 che1
drink and drive (moderately high blood alcohol concentration)
御驾亲征御駕親征yu4 jia4 qin1 zheng1
the emperor leads his troops into battle (idiom); to take part personally in an expedition
征驾征駕zheng1 jia4
horses and wagons for an expedition; vehicles and horses used in battle
自驾汽车出租自駕汽車出租zi4 jia4 qi4 che1 chu1 zu1
self-drive car rental
自驾租赁自駕租賃zi4 jia4 zu1 lin4
self-drive hire (of a car etc)
醉酒驾车醉酒駕車zui4 jiu3 jia4 che1
drunk driving (very high blood alcohol concentration)
尊驾尊駕zun1 jia4
lit. your honored carriage; your highness; honored Sir (also sarcastic); you