
strokes 14
strokes after radical 0
阿鼻 阿鼻 a1 bi2
Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells; fig. hell; hell on earth

阿鼻地狱 阿鼻地獄 a1 bi2 di4 yu4
Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells; fig. hell; hell on earth

白鼻心 白鼻心 bai2 bi2 xin1
palm civet (Paguma larvata)

白鼻子 白鼻子 bai2 bi2 zi5
cunning or sly person

北鼻 北鼻 bei3 bi2
baby (loanword)

鼻病毒 鼻病毒 bi2 bing4 du2
rhinovirus (common cold virus)

鼻出血 鼻出血 bi2 chu1 xue4

鼻窦 鼻竇 bi2 dou4
paranasal sinus

鼻窦炎 鼻竇炎 bi2 dou4 yan2

鼻儿 鼻兒 bi2 er5
eye; a hole in an implement or utensil for insertion

鼻垢 鼻垢 bi2 gou4
dried nasal mucus; booger

鼻骨 鼻骨 bi2 gu3
nasal bone

鼻甲骨 鼻甲骨 bi2 jia3 gu3
turbinate; nasal concha

鼻尖 鼻尖 bi2 jian1
tip of the nose

鼻疽 鼻疽 bi2 ju1

鼻孔 鼻孔 bi2 kong3

鼻口部分 鼻口部分 bi2 kou3 bu4 fen4

鼻梁 鼻梁 bi2 liang2
bridge of the nose

鼻黏膜 鼻黏膜 bi2 nian2 mo2
nasal mucous membrane

鼻牛儿 鼻牛兒 bi2 niu2 er5
hardened mucus in nostrils

鼻旁窦 鼻旁竇 bi2 pang2 dou4
paranasal sinus

鼻腔 鼻腔 bi2 qiang1
nasal cavity

鼻青脸肿 鼻青臉腫 bi2 qing1 lian3 zhong3
a bloody nose and a swollen face; badly battered

鼻青眼肿 鼻青眼腫 bi2 qing1 yan3 zhong3
a black eye (idiom); serious injury to the face; fig. a setback; a defeat

鼻塞 鼻塞 bi2 se4
a blocked nose

鼻屎 鼻屎 bi2 shi3
snot; nasal mucus

鼻水 鼻水 bi2 shui3
nasal mucus; snivel

鼻饲 鼻飼 bi2 si4
nasal feeding

鼻饲法 鼻飼法 bi2 si4 fa3
nasal feeding

鼻酸 鼻酸 bi2 suan1
to have a tingling sensation in one's nose (due to grief, pungent odor or taste); to be choked up

鼻涕 鼻涕 bi2 ti4
nasal mucus; snivel

鼻涕虫 鼻涕蟲 bi2 ti4 chong2
a slug; sb with a runny nose

鼻头 鼻頭 bi2 tou5
(dialect) nose

鼻息 鼻息 bi2 xi1

鼻息肉 鼻息肉 bi2 xi1 rou4
nasal polyp

鼻箫 鼻簫 bi2 xiao1
nose flute

鼻烟 鼻煙 bi2 yan1

鼻咽 鼻咽 bi2 yan1
nose and throat

鼻咽癌 鼻咽癌 bi2 yan1 ai2
cancers of the nose and throat; Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma NPC (medical)

鼻烟盒 鼻煙盒 bi2 yan1 he2

鼻烟壶 鼻煙壺 bi2 yan1 hu2
snuff bottle

鼻炎 鼻炎 bi2 yan2

鼻翼 鼻翼 bi2 yi4
the wing of the nose; ala nasi

鼻音 鼻音 bi2 yin1
nasal sound

鼻渊 鼻淵 bi2 yuan1

鼻韵母 鼻韻母 bi2 yun4 mu3
(of Chinese pronunciation) a vowel followed by a nasal consonant

鼻针疗法 鼻針療法 bi2 zhen1 liao2 fa3
nose-acupuncture therapy

鼻中隔 鼻中隔 bi2 zhong1 ge2
nasal septum

鼻子 鼻子 bi2 zi5

鼻祖 鼻祖 bi2 zu3
the earliest ancestor; originator (of a tradition, school of thought etc)

长鼻目 長鼻目 chang2 bi2 mu4
order Proboscidea (elephants and mammoths)

嗤鼻 嗤鼻 chi1 bi2
see 嗤之以鼻

嗤之以鼻 嗤之以鼻 chi1 zhi1 yi3 bi2
to snort disdainfully; to scoff at; to turn up one's nose

刺鼻 刺鼻 ci4 bi2
to assail the nostrils; acrid; pungent

打响鼻儿 打響鼻兒 da3 xiang3 bi2 er5
(of a horse etc) to snort

大红鼻子 大紅鼻子 da4 hong2 bi2 zi5
rhinophyma (red nose, often related to rosacea or excessive alcohol); brandy nose

蹬鼻子上脸 蹬鼻子上臉 deng1 bi2 zi5 shang4 lian3
lit. to climb all over sb; fig. to take advantage of sb's weakness

鹅銮鼻 鵝鑾鼻 e2 luan2 bi2
Cape Eluanpi or Eluanbi, southernmost point of Taiwan Island

耳鼻咽喉 耳鼻咽喉 er3 bi2 yan1 hou2
ear nose and throat; otolaryngology

横挑鼻子竖挑眼 橫挑鼻子豎挑眼 heng2 tiao1 bi2 zi5 shu4 tiao1 yan3
to pick on sth incessantly (idiom); to criticize right and left

后鼻音 後鼻音 hou4 bi2 yin1
velar nasal; consonant ng or ŋ produced in the nose with the back of the tongue against the soft palate

棘鼻青岛龙 棘鼻青島龍 ji2 bi2 qing1 dao3 long2
Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, a 10 meter long hadrosaur with a single horn on its duck-billed snout

酒糟鼻 酒糟鼻 jiu3 zao1 bi2
rosacea (dermatological condition of the face and nose); brandy nose

酒渣鼻 酒渣鼻 jiu3 zha1 bi2
rosacea (dermatological condition of the face and nose); brandy nose

开山鼻祖 開山鼻祖 kai1 shan1 bi2 zu3

口鼻 口鼻 kou3 bi2
mouth and nose

哭鼻子 哭鼻子 ku1 bi2 zi5
to snivel (usually humorous)

老鼻子 老鼻子 lao3 bi2 zi5

类鼻疽 類鼻疽 lei4 bi2 ju1

类鼻疽单细胞 類鼻疽單細胞 lei4 bi2 ju1 dan1 xi4 bao1
Pseudomonas pseudomallei

流鼻涕 流鼻涕 liu2 bi2 ti4
to have a runny nose

流鼻血 流鼻血 liu2 bi2 xie3
to bleed from the nose; (fig.) to be sexually aroused

抹一鼻子灰 抹一鼻子灰 mo3 yi1 bi2 zi5 hui1
lit. to rub one's nose with dust; to suffer a snub; to meet with a rebuff

牛鼻子 牛鼻子 niu2 bi2 zi5
key point; crux; (old) Daoist (facetious)

喷鼻息 噴鼻息 pen1 bi2 xi1
to snort

碰一鼻子灰 碰一鼻子灰 peng4 yi1 bi2 zi5 hui1
lit. to have one's nose rubbed in the dirt; fig. to meet with a sharp rebuff

瓶鼻海豚 瓶鼻海豚 ping2 bi2 hai3 tun2
bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

扑鼻 撲鼻 pu1 bi2
to assail the nostrils (of fragrance and odours)

牵着鼻子走 牽著鼻子走 qian1 zhe5 bi2 zi5 zou3
to lead by the nose

前鼻音 前鼻音 qian2 bi2 yin1
alveolar nasal; consonant n produced in the nose with the tongue against the alveolar ridge

翘鼻麻鸭 翹鼻麻鴨 qiao4 bi2 ma2 ya1
(bird species of China) common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)

台湾叶鼻蝠 台灣葉鼻蝠 tai2 wan1 ye4 bi2 fu2
leaf-nosed bat

秃鼻乌鸦 禿鼻烏鴉 tu1 bi2 wu1 ya1
(bird species of China) rook (Corvus frugilegus)

挖鼻子 挖鼻子 wa1 bi2 zi5
to pick one's nose

下鼻甲 下鼻甲 xia4 bi2 jia3
inferior nasal conchae

香味扑鼻 香味撲鼻 xiang1 wei4 pu1 bi2
exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom)

象鼻山 象鼻山 xiang4 bi2 shan1
Elephant trunk hill in Guilin

擤鼻涕 擤鼻涕 xing3 bi2 ti4
to blow one's nose

仰人鼻息 仰人鼻息 yang3 ren2 bi2 xi1
to rely on others for the air one breathes (idiom); to depend on sb's whim for one's living

叶鼻蝠 葉鼻蝠 ye4 bi2 fu2
see 台灣葉鼻蝠|台湾叶鼻蝠

一把眼泪一把鼻涕 一把眼淚一把鼻涕 yi1 ba3 yan3 lei4 yi1 ba3 bi2 ti4
with one's face covered in tears (idiom)

一鼻孔出气 一鼻孔出氣 yi1 bi2 kong3 chu1 qi4
lit. to breathe through the same nostril (idiom); fig. two people say exactly the same thing (usually derog.); to sing from the same hymn sheet

异香扑鼻 異香撲鼻 yi4 xiang1 pu1 bi2
exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom)

印鼻 印鼻 yin4 bi2
decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a cord

鹰钩鼻 鷹鉤鼻 ying1 gou1 bi2
aquiline nose; Roman nose

疣鼻天鹅 疣鼻天鵝 you2 bi2 tian1 e2
(bird species of China) mute swan (Cygnus olor)

针鼻 針鼻 zhen1 bi2
the eye of a needle