lit. to build a cart behind closed doors; to be overly subjective and disregard the outside world (idiom)
便车便車bian4 che1
to hitchhike
便车旅行者便車旅行者bian4 che1 lv3 xing2 zhe3
飙车飆車biao1 che1
street racing (motorbikes or cars)
殡车殯車bin4 che1
泊车泊車bo2 che1
to park (a vehicle) (loanword); parking; parked car
彩车彩車cai3 che1
float (in a parade)
踩刹车踩剎車cai3 sha1 che1
to step on the brake; to brake (when driving)
餐车餐車can1 che1
dining car; diner
槽车槽車cao2 che1
tanker (truck)
叉车叉車cha1 che1
forklift truck
柴车柴車chai2 che1
simple and crude cart (or chariot)
柴电机车柴電機車chai2 dian4 ji1 che1
diesel-electric locomotive
铲车鏟車chan3 che1
front loader (vehicle)
铲雪车鏟雪車chan3 xue3 che1
铲运车鏟運車chan3 yun4 che1
front loader (vehicle)
长途车長途車chang2 tu2 che1
long-distance bus; coach
长途汽车長途汽車chang2 tu2 qi4 che1
long-distance coach
敞车敞車chang3 che1
open wagon; flatcar
场地自行车場地自行車chang3 di4 zi4 xing2 che1
track cycling
敞篷车敞篷車chang3 peng2 che1
convertible car; open car
敞篷汽车敞篷汽車chang3 peng2 qi4 che1
convertible (car)
超车超車chao1 che1
to overtake (another car)
超级跑车超級跑車chao1 ji2 pao3 che1
supercar; abbr. to 超跑|超跑
车把車把che1 ba3
handlebar (bicycle etc); shaft (rickshaw etc)
车把式車把式che1 ba3 shi5
expert cart-driver; charioteer
车厂車廠che1 chang3
(bus, train etc) depot; car factory or repair shop
车臣車臣che1 chen2
Chechnya, a Russian region in the Caucasus; Chechen
车程車程che1 cheng2
travel time; expected time for a car journey
车城車城che1 cheng2
Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan
车城乡車城鄉che1 cheng2 xiang1
Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan
车窗車窗che1 chuang1
car window; window of vehicle (bus, train etc)
车床車床che1 chuang2
车次車次che1 ci4
train or coach service ("service" as in "they run 12 services per day between the two cities")
车带車帶che1 dai4
(vehicle) tire
车道車道che1 dao4
traffic lane; driveway
车到山前必有路車到山前必有路che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.; cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on
车到山前自有路車到山前自有路che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 zi4 you3 lu4
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.; cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直
车顶車頂che1 ding3
car roof
车斗車斗che1 dou3
open-topped container (mounted on a truck or cart) for carrying loads; dump box (of a dump truck); bucket (of a front loader); wheelbarrow
车队車隊che1 dui4
motorcade; fleet
车尔尼雪夫斯基車爾尼雪夫斯基che1 er3 ni2 xue3 fu1 si1 ji1
Nikolai Chernyshevsky
车房車房che1 fang2
garage; carport; (old) rickshaw room
车费車費che1 fei4
passenger fare
车份車份che1 fen4
vehicle rental fee paid by cab and rickshaw drivers
车份儿車份兒che1 fen4 er5
erhua variant of 車份|车份
车夫車夫che1 fu1
cart driver; coachman
车工車工che1 gong1
lathe work; lathe operator
车行車行che1 hang2
car-related business; car dealership; taxi company; (commercial) garage
车后箱車後箱che1 hou4 xiang1
car boot, trunk
车祸車禍che1 huo4
traffic accident; car crash
车籍車籍che1 ji2
a vehicle's registration information (Tw)
车架車架che1 jia4
cart; barrow; frame; chassis
车间車間che1 jian1
车库車庫che1 ku4
车厘子車釐子che1 li2 zi5
(American) cherry (loanword)
车里雅宾斯克車里雅賓斯克che1 li3 ya3 bin1 si1 ke4
Chelyabinsk town on the eastern flanks of Ural, on trans-Siberian railway
车辆車輛che1 liang4
车裂車裂che1 lie4
to tear off a person's four limbs and head using five horse drawn carts (as capital punishment); to tear limb from limb
车铃車鈴che1 ling2
bicycle bell
车流車流che1 liu2
traffic; rate of traffic flow
车龙車龍che1 long2
long queue of slow-moving traffic; tram
车轮車輪che1 lun2
车轮饼車輪餅che1 lun2 bing3
imagawayaki (sweet snack made of batter cooked in the shape of a car wheel, stuffed with azuki bean paste or other fillings)
车轮子車輪子che1 lun2 zi5
车马車馬che1 ma3
vehicles and horses
车门車門che1 men2
car door; door of bus, railway carriage etc
车模車模che1 mo2
car show girl; model who poses next to cars
车奴車奴che1 nu2
car slave, sb forced to sacrifice quality of life to buy or maintain a car
车牌車牌che1 pai2
license plate
车皮車皮che1 pi2
wagon; freight car
车票車票che1 piao4
ticket (for a bus or train)
车钱車錢che1 qian2
fare; transport costs
车前草車前草che1 qian2 cao3
plantain herb (Plantago asiatica)
车身車身che1 shen1
body of automobile
车水马龙車水馬龍che1 shui3 ma3 long2
endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom); heavy traffic
车速車速che1 su4
vehicle speed
车胎車胎che1 tai1
车条車條che1 tiao2
spoke (of wheel)
车贴車貼che1 tie1
car allowance
车头相車頭相che1 tou2 xiang4
photo attached to the front of a hearse in a funeral procession
车位車位che1 wei4
parking spot; unloading point; garage place; stand for taxi
车厢車廂che1 xiang1
车箱車箱che1 xiang1
variant of 車廂|车厢
车行車行che1 xing2
traffic; to drive (i.e. travel in a vehicle)
车行道車行道che1 xing2 dao4
roadway; carriageway
车行通道車行通道che1 xing2 tong1 dao4
traffic passage
车辕車轅che1 yuan2
shaft (pulling a cart)
车载斗量車載斗量che1 zai4 dou3 liang2
lit. measured in cartloads and gallons; fig. by the barrowload (i.e. lots and lots); innumerable
车展車展che1 zhan3
motor show
车站車站che1 zhan4
rail station; bus stop
车照車照che1 zhao4
vehicle license
车辙車轍che1 zhe2
rut (of a wagon); track
车震車震che1 zhen4
lit. car shaking; car sex
车轴車軸che1 zhou2
车轴草車軸草che1 zhou2 cao3
honewort; Cryptotaenia japonica
车主車主che1 zhu3
vehicle owner
车子車子che1 zi5
car or other vehicle (bicycle, truck etc)
乘车乘車cheng2 che1
to ride (in a car or carriage); to drive; to motor
乘用车乘用車cheng2 yong4 che1
passenger vehicle
充车充車chong1 che1
to be transported to a distant place for penal servitude; to banish
(coll.) tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956; also written 鐺鐺車|铛铛车
铛铛车鐺鐺車dang1 dang1 che1
(coll.) tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956; also written 噹噹車|当当车
档车檔車dang3 che1
see 打檔車|打档车
倒车倒車dao3 che1
to change buses, trains etc
倒车倒車dao4 che1
to reverse (a vehicle); to drive backwards
倒车挡倒車擋dao4 che1 dang3
reverse gear
德国战车德國戰車de2 guo2 zhan4 che1
Rammstein (German metal band)
地方停车地方停車di4 fang5 ting2 che1
parking place
地排车地排車di4 pai3 che1
电车電車dian4 che1
电力机车電力機車dian4 li4 ji1 che1
electric locomotive
电瓶车電瓶車dian4 ping2 che1
battery-powered vehicle
吊车吊車diao4 che1
hoist; crane; elevator
吊车尾吊車尾diao4 che1 wei3
(coll.) lowest-ranking (student, participant etc); to rank at the bottom of the list; to finish last
动车動車dong4 che1
power car; multiple-unit train (abbr. for 動車組|动车组)
动能车動能車dong4 neng2 che1
car with a new type of propulsion system (hybrid, hydrogen-powered etc)
斗车斗車dou3 che1
hopper car; wheelbarrow
嘟嘟车嘟嘟車du1 du1 che1
tuk tuk (three wheeler taxi) (loanword)
独轮车獨輪車du2 lun2 che1
wheelbarrow; unicycle
堵车堵車du3 che1
traffic jam; choking
二等车二等車er4 deng3 che1
second class
二手车二手車er4 shou3 che1
second-hand car
发财车發財車fa1 cai2 che1
(Tw) mini truck; Kei truck
发车發車fa1 che1
departure (of a coach or train); to dispatch a vehicle
法兰克福车展法蘭克福車展fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 che1 zhan3
the Frankfurt Motor Show
翻车鱼翻車魚fan1 che1 yu2
ocean sunfish (Mola mola)
房车房車fang2 che1
recreational vehicle
纺车紡車fang3 che1
spinning wheel
粉车粉車fen3 che1
(Mary Kay Cosmetics) pink car
风车風車feng1 che1
pinwheel; windmill
风力水车風力水車feng1 li4 shui3 che1
wind-powered waterwheel
福特汽车福特汽車fu2 te4 qi4 che1
Ford Motor Company
赶车趕車gan3 che1
to drive a cart
高卡车高卡車gao1 ka3 che1
go-kart (loanword)
公车公車gong1 che1
bus; abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车; car belonging to an organization and used by its members (government car, police car, company car etc); abbr. for 公務用車|公务用车
公共汽车公共汽車gong1 gong4 qi4 che1
公共汽车站公共汽車站gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 zhan4
bus stop; bus station
公交车公交車gong1 jiao1 che1
public transport vehicle; town bus
公路自行车公路自行車gong1 lu4 zi4 xing2 che1
road cycling
公主车公主車gong1 zhu3 che1
ladies bicycle
共行车道共行車道gong4 xing2 che1 dao4
carpool lane
购物车購物車gou4 wu4 che1
shopping cart
购物手推车購物手推車gou4 wu4 shou3 tui1 che1
shopping cart
罐车罐車guan4 che1
tanker truck; tanker wagon
过山车過山車guo4 shan1 che1
roller coaster
豪华轿车豪華轎車hao2 hua2 jiao4 che1
limousine; luxury carriage
黑车黑車hei1 che1
unlicensed or unofficial taxi; unlicensed motor vehicle
后车架後車架hou4 che1 jia4
luggage carrier (bicycle)
候车室候車室hou4 che1 shi4
waiting room (for train, bus etc)
候车亭候車亭hou4 che1 ting2
bus shelter
后车之鉴後車之鑒hou4 che1 zhi1 jian4
lit. warning to the following cart (idiom); don't follow the track of an overturned cart; fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy
Kuchar Nahiyisi or Kuche county in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang
库车县庫車縣ku4 che1 xian4
Kuchar Nahiyisi or Kuche county in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang
快车快車kuai4 che1
express (train, bus etc)
快车道快車道kuai4 che1 dao4
fast lane
矿车礦車kuang4 che1
miner's cart; pit truck
垃圾车垃圾車la1 ji1 che1
garbage truck (or other vehicle)
拦车攔車lan2 che1
to thumb a lift; to hitchhike
缆车纜車lan3 che1
cable car
老牛拉破车老牛拉破車lao3 niu2 la1 po4 che1
see 老牛破車|老牛破车
老牛破车老牛破車lao3 niu2 po4 che1
lit. old ox pulling a shabby cart (idiom); fig. slow and inefficient
老山自行车馆老山自行車館lao3 shan1 zi4 xing2 che1 guan3
Laoshan Velodrome, a Beijing 2008 Olympics venue
老爷车老爺車lao3 ye5 che1
classic car
勒勒车勒勒車lei1 lei1 che1
wagon (yoked to beast of burden)
冷藏车冷藏車leng3 cang2 che1
refrigerated truck or wagon
列车列車lie4 che1
(railway) train
列车员列車員lie4 che1 yuan2
train attendant
列车长列車長lie4 che1 zhang3
conductor; train manager
灵车靈車ling2 che1
龙车龍車long2 che1
imperial chariot
龙骨车龍骨車long2 gu3 che1
water wheel
骡马大车騾馬大車luo2 ma3 da4 che1
mule and horse carts
履带车履帶車lv3 dai4 che1
a caterpillar track vehicle
旅居车旅居車lv3 ju1 che1
motorhome; RV (recreational vehicle)
绿皮车綠皮車lv4 pi2 che1
green train (slow, noisy, unairconditioned train with forest green livery and yellow trim that ran on the Chinese railway system from the 1950s, phased out in the early 21st century)
马车馬車ma3 che1
cart; chariot; carriage; buggy
满嘴跑火车滿嘴跑火車man3 zui3 pao3 huo3 che1
(idiom) to have a glib tongue; to talk big
慢车慢車man4 che1
local bus or train; slow train with many stops
旄车旄車mao2 che1
an ancient war chariot
免费搭车免費搭車mian3 fei4 da1 che1
free riding (economics)
面包车麵包車mian4 bao1 che1
van for carrying people; taxi minibus
摩拜单车摩拜單車mo2 bai4 dan1 che1
Mobike, operator of an app-driven bicycle-rental business in China, established in 2015
摩托车摩托車mo2 tuo1 che1
motorbike; motorcycle (loanword)
摩托车的士摩托車的士mo2 tuo1 che1 di1 shi4
motorcycle taxi
末班车末班車mo4 ban1 che1
last bus or train; last chance
内燃机车內燃機車nei4 ran2 ji1 che1
欧车前歐車前ou1 che1 qian2
psyllium (genus Plantago)
跑车跑車pao3 che1
racing bicycle; sporting bicycle; sports car; logging truck; on the job (of a train conductor)
lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy
前车之鉴前車之鑒qian2 che1 zhi1 jian4
to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)
前车主前車主qian2 che1 zhu3
previous owner (of a car for sale)
前移式叉车前移式叉車qian2 yi2 shi4 cha1 che1
reach truck
藒车藒車qie4 che1
a variety of aromatic herb used as a fragrance or bug repeller (old)
轻车简从輕車簡從qing1 che1 jian3 cong2
(of an official) to travel with little luggage and just a small escort; to travel without ostentation
轻车熟路輕車熟路qing1 che1 shu2 lu4
lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom); fig. to do sth routinely and with ease; a walk in the park
区间车區間車qu1 jian1 che1
shuttle bus (or train); train or bus traveling only part of its normal route
人车混行人車混行ren2 che1 hun2 xing2
pedestrian-vehicle mixed use
人力车人力車ren2 li4 che1
人力车夫人力車夫ren2 li4 che1 fu1
rickshaw puller
戎车戎車rong2 che1
military vehicle
洒水车灑水車sa3 shui3 che1
sprinkler truck
塞车塞車sai1 che1
traffic jam
赛车賽車sai4 che1
auto race; cycle race; race car
赛车场賽車場sai4 che1 chang3
motor racetrack; cycle racetrack
赛车场赛賽車場賽sai4 che1 chang3 sai4
stadium cycle race
赛车女郎賽車女郎sai4 che1 nv3 lang2
pit babe; paddock girl; grid girl
赛车手賽車手sai4 che1 shou3
racing driver
三驾马车三駕馬車san1 jia4 ma3 che1
三轮车三輪車san1 lun2 che1
pedicab; tricycle
三轮车夫三輪車夫san1 lun2 che1 fu1
pedicab driver
扫雪车掃雪車sao3 xue3 che1
煞车煞車sha1 che1
to brake (when driving)
莎车莎車sha1 che1
Yeken nahiyisi (Yarkand county or Shache) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区, west Xinjiang
刹车剎車sha1 che1
to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch off; to check (bad habits); a brake
刹车灯剎車燈sha1 che1 deng1
brake light
莎车县莎車縣sha1 che1 xian4
Yeken nahiyisi (Yarkand county or Shache) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区, west Xinjiang