example; precedent; rule; case; instance

strokes 8
strokes after radical 6
案例 案例 an4 li4
case (law)

案例法 案例法 an4 li4 fa3
case law

比例 比例 bi3 li4
proportion; scale

比例尺 比例尺 bi3 li4 chi3
scale; architect's scale; engineer's scale

病例 病例 bing4 li4
(medical) case; occurrence of illness

出席表决比例 出席表決比例 chu1 xi2 biao3 jue2 bi3 li4
proportion of those present and voting

第一例 第一例 di4 yi1 li4
first case; first instance; first time (sth is done)

定例 定例 ding4 li4
usual practice; routine

凡例 凡例 fan2 li4
notes on the use of a book; guide to the reader

反例 反例 fan3 li4

范例 範例 fan4 li4
example; model case

个例 個例 ge4 li4
specific example; rare instance

惯例 慣例 guan4 li4
convention; usual practice

规例 規例 gui1 li4

脚违例 腳違例 jiao3 wei2 li4
foot fault (tennis etc)

经典案例 經典案例 jing1 dian3 an4 li4
case study; classic example

旧例 舊例 jiu4 li4
old rules; example from the past; former practices

举例 舉例 ju3 li4
to give an example

举例来说 舉例來說 ju3 li4 lai2 shuo1
for example

开例 開例 kai1 li4
to create a precedent

肯定并例句 肯定並例句 ken3 ding4 bing4 li4 ju4
active conjoined sentence

例会 例會 li4 hui4
regular meeting

例假 例假 li4 jia4
legal holiday; menstrual period

例句 例句 li4 ju4
example sentence

例如 例如 li4 ru2
for example; for instance; such as

例示 例示 li4 shi4
to exemplify

例题 例題 li4 ti2
problem or question solved for illustrative purposes in the classroom; practice question (used in preparation for an exam); sample question

例外 例外 li4 wai4
exception; to be an exception

例外字 例外字 li4 wai4 zi4

例行 例行 li4 xing2
routine (task, procedure etc); as usual

例行公事 例行公事 li4 xing2 gong1 shi4
routine business; usual practice; mere formality

例言 例言 li4 yan2
introductory remarks

例语 例語 li4 yu3
example sentence

例证 例證 li4 zheng4
example; case in point

例子 例子 li4 zi5
case; (for) instance; example

破例 破例 po4 li4
to make an exception

前例 前例 qian2 li4

实例 實例 shi2 li4
an actual example; living example; an illustration; a demonstration

实施例 實施例 shi2 shi1 li4
(patent) implementation; embodiment

史无前例 史無前例 shi3 wu2 qian2 li4
unprecedented in history

事例 事例 shi4 li4
example; exemplar; typical case

示例 示例 shi4 li4
to illustrate; typical example

示例代码 示例代碼 shi4 li4 dai4 ma3
sample code (computing)

首例 首例 shou3 li4
first case; first instance

特例 特例 te4 li4
special case; isolated example

体例 體例 ti3 li4
style (of literature); form

条例 條例 tiao2 li4
regulations; rules; code of conduct; ordinances; statutes

通例 通例 tong1 li4
general rule; standard practice

图例 圖例 tu2 li4
legend (of a map, etc); diagram; illustration; graphical symbol

往例 往例 wang3 li4
(usual) practice of the past; precedent

为例 為例 wei2 li4
used in the construction 以...為例|以...为例, "to take ... as an example"

违例 違例 wei2 li4
to break the rules

下不为例 下不為例 xia4 bu4 wei2 li4
not to be repeated; not to be taken as a precedent; just this once

先例 先例 xian1 li4
antecedent; precedent

向例 向例 xiang4 li4
custom; usual practice; convention up to now

沿例 沿例 yan2 li4
following the model; according to precedent

样例 樣例 yang4 li4
sample; model; example

照例 照例 zhao4 li4
as a rule; as usual; usually

正比例 正比例 zheng4 bi3 li4
direct proportionality