to stand; to set up; to establish; to lay down; to draw up; at once; immediately

surname Li

strokes 5
strokes after radical 0
爱立信 愛立信 ai4 li4 xin4
Ericsson (Swedish telecommunications company)

安家立业 安家立業 an1 jia1 li4 ye4
stable household, established profession (idiom); settled and comfortably off

安身立命 安身立命 an1 shen1 li4 ming4
settle down and get on with one's pursuit

按立 按立 an4 li4

按立宪治国 按立憲治國 an4 li4 xian4 zhi4 guo2
to rule a country according to the constitution

澳大利亚国立大学 澳大利亞國立大學 ao4 da4 li4 ya4 guo2 li4 da4 xue2
Australian National University (ANU), Canberra

傲立 傲立 ao4 li4
standing proud

澳门立法会 澳門立法會 ao4 men2 li4 fa3 hui4
Legislative Council of Macao

傍户而立 傍戶而立 bang4 hu4 er2 li4
to stand close to the door

壁立 壁立 bi4 li4
(of cliffs etc) stand like a wall; rise steeply

标新立异 標新立異 biao1 xin1 li4 yi4
to make a show of being original or unconventional (idiom)

并立 並立 bing4 li4
to exist side by side; to exist simultaneously

不破不立 不破不立 bu4 po4 bu4 li4
without destruction there can be no construction

不完全中立 不完全中立 bu4 wan2 quan2 zhong1 li4
imperfect neutrality

册立 冊立 ce4 li4
to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)

成家立室 成家立室 cheng2 jia1 li4 shi4
to get married (idiom)

成家立业 成家立業 cheng2 jia1 li4 ye4
to get married and start a career (idiom); to settle down; to establish oneself

成立 成立 cheng2 li4
to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water

程门立雪 程門立雪 cheng2 men2 li4 xue3
lit. the snow piles up at Cheng Yi's door (idiom); fig. deep reverence for one's master

重足而立 重足而立 chong2 zu2 er2 li4
rooted to the spot (idiom); too terrified to move

矗立 矗立 chu4 li4
to tower; standing tall and upright (of large building)

创立 創立 chuang4 li4
to establish; to set up; to found

创立人 創立人 chuang4 li4 ren2

创立者 創立者 chuang4 li4 zhe3

篡立 篡立 cuan4 li4
to become an unlawful ruler

大破大立 大破大立 da4 po4 da4 li4
to destroy the old and establish the new (idiom); radical transformation

当机立断 當機立斷 dang1 ji1 li4 duan4
to make prompt decisions (idiom)

档案建立 檔案建立 dang4 an4 jian4 li4
file creation

倒立 倒立 dao4 li4
a handstand; to turn upside down; to stand on one's head; upside down

倒立像 倒立像 dao4 li4 xiang4
inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down)

鼎立 鼎立 ding3 li4
lit. to stand like the three legs of a tripod; tripartite confrontation or balance of forces

顶天立地 頂天立地 ding3 tian1 li4 di4
lit. able to support both heaven and earth; of indomitable spirit (idiom)

订立 訂立 ding4 li4
to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc); to set up (a rule etc)

独立 獨立 du2 li4
independent; independence; to stand alone

独立报 獨立報 du2 li4 bao4
The Independent

独立国家联合体 獨立國家聯合體 du2 li4 guo2 jia1 lian2 he2 ti3
Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)

独立门户 獨立門戶 du2 li4 men2 hu4
to live apart from parents (of married couple); to achieve independence

独立宣言 獨立宣言 du2 li4 xuan1 yan2
Declaration of Independence

独立选民 獨立選民 du2 li4 xuan3 min2
independent voter

独立战争 獨立戰爭 du2 li4 zhan4 zheng1
war of independence

独立中文笔会 獨立中文筆會 du2 li4 zhong1 wen2 bi3 hui4
Independent Chinese PEN center

独立自主 獨立自主 du2 li4 zi4 zhu3
independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determination; to act independently; to maintain control over one's own affairs

独立钻石 獨立鑽石 du2 li4 zuan4 shi2
solitaire (puzzle)

对立 對立 dui4 li4
to oppose; to set sth against; to be antagonistic to; antithetical; relative opposite; opposing; diametrical

对立面 對立面 dui4 li4 mian4
opposite; antonym; the opposite side (in a conflict)

厄立特里亚 厄立特里亞 e4 li4 te4 li3 ya4

而立之年 而立之年 er2 li4 zhi1 nian2
aged thirty (see 三十而立)

放下屠刀,立地成佛 放下屠刀,立地成佛 fang4 xia4 tu2 dao1 - li4 di4 cheng2 fo2
lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes

非独立 非獨立 fei1 du2 li4

腓立比 腓立比 fei2 li4 bi3
Philip; Philippi

腓立比书 腓立比書 fei2 li4 bi3 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians

分立 分立 fen1 li4
to establish as separate entities; to divide (a company etc) into independent entities; discrete; separate; separation (of powers etc)

傅立叶 傅立葉 fu4 li4 ye4
Francois-Maire Charles Fourier (French sociologist and socialist, 1772-1837)

傅立叶变换 傅立葉變換 fu4 li4 ye4 bian4 huan4
(math.) Fourier transform

膏立 膏立 gao4 li4
to annoint

公立 公立 gong1 li4
public (e.g. school, hospital)

公立学校 公立學校 gong1 li4 xue2 xiao4
public school

孤孑特立 孤孑特立 gu1 jie2 te4 li4
to be all alone in the world

孤立 孤立 gu1 li4
isolate; isolated

孤立无援 孤立無援 gu1 li4 wu2 yuan2
isolated and without help

孤立子 孤立子 gu1 li4 zi3
soliton (physics)

孤立子波 孤立子波 gu1 li4 zi3 bo1
instanton (math.)

孤证不立 孤證不立 gu1 zheng4 bu4 li4
unacceptable as uncorroborated evidence (in law or in textual criticism)

骨立 骨立 gu3 li4
thin; emaciated

国立 國立 guo2 li4
national; state-run; public

国立首尔大学 國立首爾大學 guo2 li4 shou3 er3 da4 xue2
Seoul National University SNU

国立台北科技大学 國立臺北科技大學 guo2 li4 tai2 bei3 ke1 ji4 da4 xue2
National Taipei University of Technology

国立台湾技术大学 國立臺灣技術大學 guo2 li4 tai2 wan1 ji4 shu4 da4 xue2
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

国立西南联合大学 國立西南聯合大學 guo2 li4 xi1 nan2 lian2 he2 da4 xue2
National Southwest Combined University (Peking, Tsinghua and Nankai Universities in exile in Kunming 1937-1945)

国立显忠院 國立顯忠院 guo2 li4 xian3 zhong1 yuan4
Korean national memorial cemetery at Dongjak-dong, Seoul

汉贼不两立 漢賊不兩立 han4 zei2 bu4 liang3 li4
lit. Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉 and Cao Wei 曹魏 cannot coexist (idiom); fig. two enemies cannot live under the same sky; (former KMT slogan against CPC) "gentlemen and thieves cannot coexist"

好立克 好立克 hao3 li4 ke4
Horlicks milk drink (popular in Hong Kong)

鹤立鸡群 鶴立雞群 he4 li4 ji1 qun2
a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom); way above the common; manifestly superior

横眉立目 橫眉立目 heng2 mei2 li4 mu4
to scowl and stare down; to defy

既要当婊子又要立牌坊 既要當婊子又要立牌坊 ji4 yao4 dang1 biao3 zi5 you4 yao4 li4 pai2 fang1
see 又想當婊子又想立牌坊|又想当婊子又想立牌坊

建功立业 建功立業 jian4 gong1 li4 ye4
to achieve or accomplish goals

建立 建立 jian4 li4
to establish; to set up; to found

建立者 建立者 jian4 li4 zhe3

建立正式外交关系 建立正式外交關係 jian4 li4 zheng4 shi4 wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4
formally establish diplomatic relations

孑立 孑立 jie2 li4
to be alone; to stand in isolation

孑立无依 孑立無依 jie2 li4 wu2 yi1
to stand alone; to have no one to rely on

矜功不立 矜功不立 jin1 gong1 bu4 li4
boasts a lot, but nothing comes of it (idiom)

金鸡独立 金雞獨立 jin1 ji1 du2 li4
golden rooster stands on one leg (tai chi posture); standing on one leg

局外中立 局外中立 ju2 wai4 zhong1 li4

崛立 崛立 jue2 li4
to tower over; rising (to a dominant position)

君主立宪制 君主立憲制 jun1 zhu3 li4 xian4 zhi4
constitutional monarchy

开立 開立 kai1 li4
to found or start

快可立 快可立 kuai4 ke3 li4
Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise

立案 立案 li4 an4
to register (to an official organism); to file a case (for investigation)

立案侦查 立案偵查 li4 an4 zhen1 cha2
to file for investigation; to prosecute (a case)

立百病毒 立百病毒 li4 bai3 bing4 du2
Nipah virus

立场 立場 li4 chang3
position; standpoint

立春 立春 li4 chun1
Lichun or Beginning of Spring, 1st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 4th-18th February

立刀旁 立刀旁 li4 dao1 pang2
name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到, 利, 别 etc; see also 刂

立地成佛 立地成佛 li4 di4 cheng2 fo2
to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes

立定跳远 立定跳遠 li4 ding4 tiao4 yuan3
standing long jump

立冬 立冬 li4 dong1
Lidong or Start of Winter, 19th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st November

立顿 立頓 li4 dun4
Lipton (name)

立法 立法 li4 fa3
to enact laws; to legislate; legislation

立法会 立法會 li4 fa3 hui4
legislative council; LegCo (Hong Kong)

立法机关 立法機關 li4 fa3 ji1 guan1

立法委员 立法委員 li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2
member of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)

立法委员会 立法委員會 li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2 hui4
legislative committee

立法院 立法院 li4 fa3 yuan4
Legislative Yuan, the legislative branch of government under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan

立方 立方 li4 fang1
cube (math.); abbr. for 立方體|立方体; abbr. for 立方米

立方根 立方根 li4 fang1 gen1
cubic root (math)

立方公尺 立方公尺 li4 fang1 gong1 chi3
cubic meter m^3

立方厘米 立方釐米 li4 fang1 li2 mi3
cubic centimeter

立方米 立方米 li4 fang1 mi3
cubic meter (unit of volume)

立方体 立方體 li4 fang1 ti3
cube; cubic

立竿见影 立竿見影 li4 gan1 jian4 ying3
lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect; quick results

立杆见影 立杆見影 li4 gan1 jian4 ying3
lit. put up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); to expect instant results

立国 立國 li4 guo2
to found a country

立即 立即 li4 ji2

立交 立交 li4 jiao1
abbr. for 立體交叉|立体交叉 overpass

立交桥 立交橋 li4 jiao1 qiao2
overpass; flyover

立可白 立可白 li4 ke3 bai2
correction fluid (loanword from "Liquid Paper") (Tw)

立刻 立刻 li4 ke4
forthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly; straightway; thereupon; at once

立克次体 立克次體 li4 ke4 ci4 ti3
Rickettsia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)

立论 立論 li4 lun4
proposition; argument

立马 立馬 li4 ma3
at once; immediately; promptly; swiftly

立面图 立面圖 li4 mian4 tu2
elevation (architectural drawing)

立秋 立秋 li4 qiu1
Liqiu or Start of Autumn, 13th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd August

立绒 立絨 li4 rong2

立山区 立山區 li4 shan1 qu1
Lishan district of Anshan city 鞍山市, Liaoning

立身处世 立身處世 li4 shen1 chu3 shi4
the way of one's conduct and interaction in society (idiom)

立时 立時 li4 shi2
right away; quickly; immediately

立氏立克次体 立氏立克次體 li4 shi4 li4 ke4 ci4 ti3
Rickettsia rickettsii

立陶宛 立陶宛 li4 tao2 wan3
Lithuania; the Lithuanian republic, former Baltic Soviet republic

立陶宛人 立陶宛人 li4 tao2 wan3 ren2
Lithuanian (person)

立体 立體 li4 ti3
three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic

立体电影院 立體電影院 li4 ti3 dian4 ying3 yuan4
stereoscopic cinema; 3D cinema

立体几何 立體幾何 li4 ti3 ji3 he2
solid geometry

立体交叉 立體交叉 li4 ti3 jiao1 cha1
three-dimensional road junction (i.e. involving flyover bridges or underpass tunnels); overpass

立体角 立體角 li4 ti3 jiao3
solid angle

立体派 立體派 li4 ti3 pai4

立体摄像机 立體攝像機 li4 ti3 she4 xiang4 ji1
stereoscopic camera; 3D camera

立体声 立體聲 li4 ti3 sheng1
stereo sound

立体图 立體圖 li4 ti3 tu2
three-dimensional figure; hologram; stereogram

立体异构 立體異構 li4 ti3 yi4 gou4
stereoisomerism (chemistry)

立体异构体 立體異構體 li4 ti3 yi4 gou4 ti3
stereoisomer (chemistry)

立体照片 立體照片 li4 ti3 zhao4 pian4
three-dimensional photo

立委 立委 li4 wei3
abbr. for 立法委員會|立法委员会; abbr. for 立法委員|立法委员

立委选举 立委選舉 li4 wei3 xuan3 ju3
legislative elections

立下 立下 li4 xia4
to set up; to establish

立夏 立夏 li4 xia4
Lixia or Start of Summer, 7th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 5th-20th May

立宪 立憲 li4 xian4
to set up a constitution

立项 立項 li4 xiang4
to launch a project

立像 立像 li4 xiang4
standing image (of a Buddha or saint)

立鱼 立魚 li4 yu2

立院 立院 li4 yuan4
Legislative Yuan (Tw); abbr. for 立法院

立约 立約 li4 yue1
to make a contract

立正 立正 li4 zheng4
to stand straight; attention! (order to troops)

立志 立志 li4 zhi4
to be determined; to be resolved

立轴 立軸 li4 zhou2
vertical scroll (painting or calligraphy); vertical shaft (of a machine)

立传 立傳 li4 zhuan4
to record sb's achievements in writing; to write a biography enhancing the subject's image

立足 立足 li4 zu2
to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on

立足点 立足點 li4 zu2 dian3

联立方程式 聯立方程式 lian2 li4 fang1 cheng2 shi4
simultaneous equations (math.)

两立 兩立 liang3 li4
to coexist; coexistence

林立 林立 lin2 li4
to stand in great numbers

马三立 馬三立 ma3 san1 li4
Ma Sanli (1914-2003), Chinese comedian

美国独立战争 美國獨立戰爭 mei3 guo2 du2 li4 zhan4 zheng1
American War of Independence (1775-1783)

面心立方最密堆积 面心立方最密堆積 mian4 xin1 li4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1
face-centered cubic (FCC) (math)

拍立得 拍立得 pai1 li4 de2
Polaroid (Tw)

贫无立锥 貧無立錐 pin2 wu2 li4 zhui1
not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute

贫无立锥之地 貧無立錐之地 pin2 wu2 li4 zhui1 zhi1 di4
not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute

破旧立新 破舊立新 po4 jiu4 li4 xin1
to get rid of the old to bring in the new (idiom); to innovate

普立兹奖 普立茲獎 pu3 li4 zi1 jiang3
Pulitzer Prize (Tw)

普氏立克次体 普氏立克次體 pu3 shi4 li4 ke4 ci4 ti3
Rickettsia prowazekii

起立 起立 qi3 li4
to stand; Stand up!

强硬立场 強硬立場 qiang2 ying4 li4 chang3
tough position

巧立名目 巧立名目 qiao3 li4 ming2 mu4
to fabricate excuses (idiom); to concoct various items (e.g. to pad an expense account)

茕茕孑立 煢煢孑立 qiong2 qiong2 jie2 li4
to stand all alone

确立 確立 que4 li4
to establish; to institute

日立 日立 ri4 li4
Hitachi, Ltd.

三权鼎立 三權鼎立 san1 quan2 ding3 li4
separation of powers

三权分立 三權分立 san1 quan2 fen1 li4
separation of powers

三十而立 三十而立 san1 shi2 er2 li4
thirty years old and therefore independent (idiom, from Confucius)

设立 設立 she4 li4
to set up; to establish

势不两立 勢不兩立 shi4 bu4 liang3 li4
the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences; incompatible standpoints

誓不两立 誓不兩立 shi4 bu4 liang3 li4
the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences; incompatible standpoints

市立 市立 shi4 li4
municipal; city; city-run

侍立 侍立 shi4 li4
to stand by in attendance

手倒立 手倒立 shou3 dao4 li4

首尔国立大学 首爾國立大學 shou3 er3 guo2 li4 da4 xue2
Seoul National University (SNU or Seoul National), Korea

树碑立传 樹碑立傳 shu4 bei1 li4 zhuan4
lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idiom); to monumentalize; to glorify; to sing the praises of

树立 樹立 shu4 li4
to set up; to establish

竖立 豎立 shu4 li4
to erect; to set upright; to stand

双立人 雙立人 shuang1 li4 ren2
J. A. Henckels (brand)

水立方 水立方 shui3 li4 fang1
Water Cube, nickname of Beijing national aquatics center 北京國家游泳中心|北京国家游泳中心, swimming venue of Beijing 2008 Olympic games

司法独立 司法獨立 si1 fa3 du2 li4
judicial independence

私立 私立 si1 li4
private (company, school etc)

私立学校 私立學校 si1 li4 xue2 xiao4
private school

斯托肯立石圈 斯托肯立石圈 si1 tuo1 ken3 li4 shi2 quan1
Stonehenge stone circle

耸立 聳立 song3 li4
to stand tall; to tower aloft

肃立 肅立 su4 li4
standing tall and majestic (of physical object such as trees)

特立独行 特立獨行 te4 li4 du2 xing2
to be unconventional; independence of action

特立尼达 特立尼達 te4 li4 ni2 da2

特立尼达和多巴哥 特立尼達和多巴哥 te4 li4 ni2 da2 he2 duo1 ba1 ge1
Trinidad and Tobago

天桥立 天橋立 tian1 qiao2 li4
Ama-no-hashidate in north of Kyōto prefecture 京都府 on the Sea of Japan

亭亭玉立 亭亭玉立 ting2 ting2 yu4 li4
slender and elegant (of a woman)

挺立 挺立 ting3 li4
to stand erect; to stand upright

巍然屹立 巍然屹立 wei1 ran2 yi4 li4
to stand tall and rock-solid (idiom); towering majestically; (of a person) to stand up against sb

兀立 兀立 wu4 li4
to stand upright and motionless

新加坡国立大学 新加坡國立大學 xin1 jia1 po1 guo2 li4 da4 xue2
National University of Singapore

屹立 屹立 yi4 li4
to tower; to stand straight (of person's bearing)

应机立断 應機立斷 ying4 ji1 li4 duan4
to act on an opportunity (idiom); to take prompt advantage of a situation

又想当婊子又想立牌坊 又想當婊子又想立牌坊 you4 xiang3 dang1 biao3 zi5 you4 xiang3 li4 pai2 fang1
lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom); fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation; to want to have one's cake and eat it too

站立 站立 zhan4 li4
to stand; standing; on one's feet

政治立场 政治立場 zheng4 zhi4 li4 chang3
political position

直立 直立 zhi2 li4
erect; upright; vertical

直立人 直立人 zhi2 li4 ren2
Homo erectus

中立 中立 zhong1 li4

中立国 中立國 zhong1 li4 guo2
neutral country

中立派 中立派 zhong1 li4 pai4
centrist; the centrist faction

中立性 中立性 zhong1 li4 xing4
impartiality; neutrality

州立 州立 zhou1 li4

周立波 周立波 zhou1 li4 bo1
Zhou Libo (1908-1979), left-wing journalist, translator and novelist; Zhou Libo (1967-), Chinese stand-up comedian

州立大学 州立大學 zhou1 li4 da4 xue2
State University (US)

朱立伦 朱立倫 zhu1 li4 lun2
Eric Chu (1961-), Taiwanese KMT politician

伫立 佇立 zhu4 li4
to stand for a long time

著书立说 著書立說 zhu4 shu1 li4 shuo1
to write a book advancing one's theory (idiom)

转变立场 轉變立場 zhuan3 bian4 li4 chang3
to change positions; to shift one's ground

自立 自立 zi4 li4
independent; self-reliant; self-sustaining; to stand on one's own feet; to support oneself

自立门户 自立門戶 zi4 li4 men2 hu4
to form one's own group or school of thought; to set up one's own business; to establish oneself

自立自强 自立自強 zi4 li4 zi4 qiang2
to strive for self-improvement

自强自立 自強自立 zi4 qiang2 zi4 li4
to strive for self-improvement

坐立不安 坐立不安 zuo4 li4 bu4 an1
lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom); restless; fidgety

坐立难安 坐立難安 zuo4 li4 nan2 an1
unable to sit or stand still (out of nervousness etc) (idiom)