to make a rubbing (e.g. of an inscription)

surname Tuo

to expand; to push sth with the hand; to develop; to open up

strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
必和必拓 必和必拓 bi4 huo2 bi4 tuo4
BHP Billiton (Anglo-Australian mining corporation)

代数拓扑 代數拓撲 dai4 shu4 tuo4 pu1
algebraic topology (math.)

邓拓 鄧拓 deng4 tuo4
Deng Tuo (1912-1966), sociologist and journalist, died under persecution at the start of the Cultural Revolution; wrote under the pen name Ma Nancun 馬南邨|马南邨

几何拓扑 幾何拓撲 ji3 he2 tuo4 pu1
(math.) geometric topology

几何拓扑学 幾何拓撲學 ji3 he2 tuo4 pu1 xue2
(math.) geometric topology

开拓 開拓 kai1 tuo4
to break new ground (for agriculture); to open up (a new seam); to develop (border regions); fig. to open up (new horizons)

开拓性 開拓性 kai1 tuo4 xing4
pioneering; groundbreaking

开拓者 開拓者 kai1 tuo4 zhe3

力拓 力拓 li4 tuo4
Rio Tinto (UK-Australian mining corporation)

落拓 落拓 luo4 tuo4
down and out; in dire straits; unrestrained; unconventional

拓本 拓本 ta4 ben3
rubbing of inscription

拓片 拓片 ta4 pian4
rubbings from a tablet

拓印 拓印 ta4 yin4
stone rubbing (to copy an inscription)

拓拔 拓拔 tuo4 ba2
branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534); also written 拓跋

拓跋 拓跋 tuo4 ba2
branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534); also written 拓拔

拓跋魏 拓跋魏 tuo4 ba2 wei4
Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)

拓荒 拓荒 tuo4 huang1
to open up land (for agriculture)

拓荒者 拓荒者 tuo4 huang1 zhe3
pioneer; groundbreaker

拓宽 拓寬 tuo4 kuan1
to broaden

拓扑 拓撲 tuo4 pu1
(loanword) topology (math.); topology of a network (computing)

拓扑结构 拓撲結構 tuo4 pu1 jie2 gou4
topological structure

拓扑空间 拓撲空間 tuo4 pu1 kong1 jian1
topological space (math.)

拓扑学 拓撲學 tuo4 pu1 xue2
topology (math.)

拓展 拓展 tuo4 zhan3
to expand