the present age; in office; the current office holder
当世冠當世冠dang1 shi4 guan4
the foremost person of his age; unequalled; a leading light
当世无双當世無雙dang1 shi4 wu2 shuang1
unequalled in his time
当世之冠當世之冠dang1 shi4 zhi1 guan4
the foremost person of his age; unequalled; a leading light
邓世昌鄧世昌deng4 shi4 chang1
Deng Shichang (1849-1894), Qing dynasty naval specialist, founded naval dockyards and two naval colleges, died heroically in action against the Japanese
第二次世界大战第二次世界大戰di4 er4 ci4 shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4
World War II
第二世界第二世界di4 er4 shi4 jie4
Second World (Cold War-era term referring to communist nations as a bloc)
第三世界第三世界di4 san1 shi4 jie4
Third World
第一次世界大战第一次世界大戰di4 yi1 ci4 shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4
World War One
对世权對世權dui4 shi4 quan2
(law) absolute rights; erga omnes rights
二次世界大战二次世界大戰er4 ci4 shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4
World War Two
二人世界二人世界er4 ren2 shi4 jie4
world with only two people (usually refers to a romantic couple); romantic couple's world
二十世纪二十世紀er4 shi2 shi4 ji4
20th century
二十一世纪二十一世紀er4 shi2 yi1 shi4 ji4
21st century
二世二世er4 shi4
the Second (of numbered kings); second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
凡世通凡世通fan2 shi4 tong1
Firestone (Tire and Rubber Company)
蜚声世界蜚聲世界fei1 sheng1 shi4 jie4
famous throughout the world
愤世嫉俗憤世嫉俗fen4 shi4 ji2 su2
to be cynical; to be embittered
浮世浮世fu2 shi4
(Buddhism) the world of the living
浮世绘浮世繪fu2 shi4 hui4
盖世蓋世gai4 shi4
unrivalled; matchless
盖世太保蓋世太保gai4 shi4 tai4 bao3
隔世隔世ge2 shi4
separated by a generation; a lifetime ago
更新世更新世geng1 xin1 shi4
Pleistocene (geological epoch from 2m years ago, covering the most recent ice ages)
公之于世公之于世gong1 zhi1 yu2 shi4
to announce to the world (idiom); to make public; to let everyone know
公诸于世公諸於世gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4
to announce to the world (idiom); to make public; to let everyone know
孤独于世孤獨於世gu1 du2 yu2 shi4
alone in the world (idiom)
古新世古新世gu3 xin1 shi4
Palaeocene (geological epoch from 65m-55m years ago)
故世故世gu4 shi4
to die; to pass away
观世音觀世音guan1 shi4 yin1
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
观世音菩萨觀世音菩薩guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
过世過世guo4 shi4
to die; to pass away
哈拉尔五世哈拉爾五世ha1 la1 er3 wu3 shi4
Harald V of Norway
韩世昌韓世昌han2 shi4 chang1
Han Shichang (1897-1977), actor specializing in Kunqu opera 昆曲
亨利五世亨利五世heng1 li4 wu3 shi4
Henry V (1387-1422), English warrior king, victor of Agincourt; History of Henry V by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚
宏观世界宏觀世界hong2 guan1 shi4 jie4
macrocosm; the world in the large
后世後世hou4 shi4
later generations
花花世界花花世界hua1 hua1 shi4 jie4
the teeming world; the world of sensual pleasures
恍如隔世恍如隔世huang3 ru2 ge2 shi4
like a thing of the previous generation; as if it were a lifetime ago
Man has but one life, grass but one spring (idiom). fig. the brevity of human existence
人世人世ren2 shi4
the world; this world; the world of the living
人世间人世間ren2 shi4 jian1
the secular world
入世入世ru4 shi4
to join the WTO; to enter the world; secular
三个世界三個世界san1 ge5 shi4 jie4
the Three Worlds (as proposed by Mao Zedong), i.e. the superpowers (USA and USSR), other wealthy countries (UK, France, Japan etc), and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
三世三世san1 shi4
the Third (of numbered kings)
上新世上新世shang4 xin1 shi4
Pliocene (geological epoch from 5m-2m years ago)
涉世涉世she4 shi4
to see the world; to go out into society; to gain experience
the situation (e.g. political); the state of the world
世爵世爵shi4 jue2
世禄世祿shi4 lu4
hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth
世禄之家世祿之家shi4 lu4 zhi1 jia1
family with hereditary emoluments
世贸世貿shi4 mao4
World Trade Organization (WTO); abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织
世贸大厦世貿大廈shi4 mao4 da4 sha4
World Trade Center
世贸中心大楼世貿中心大樓shi4 mao4 zhong1 xin1 da4 lou2
World Trade Center (the twin towers destroyed by the 9-11 terrorists)
世贸组织世貿組織shi4 mao4 zu3 zhi1
WTO (World Trade Organization)
世面世面shi4 mian4
aspects of society; the world
世情世情shi4 qing2
worldly affairs; the ways of the world
世人世人shi4 ren2
people (in general); people around the world; everyone
世上世上shi4 shang4
on earth
世世世世shi4 shi4
from age to age
逝世逝世shi4 shi4
to pass away; to die
世事世事shi4 shi4
affairs of life; things of the world
世世代代世世代代shi4 shi4 dai4 dai4
for many generations
世说新语世說新語shi4 shuo1 xin1 yu3
A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆
世俗世俗shi4 su2
profane; secular; worldly
世态世態shi4 tai4
the ways of the world; social behavior
世态炎凉世態炎涼shi4 tai4 yan2 liang2
the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)
世外桃花源世外桃花源shi4 wai4 tao2 hua1 yuan2
see 桃花源
世外桃源世外桃源shi4 wai4 tao2 yuan2
see 桃花源
世维会世維會shi4 wei2 hui4
abbr. for 世界維吾爾代表大會|世界维吾尔代表大会; World Uighur Congress
世卫世衛shi4 wei4
World Health Organization (WHO); abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织
世卫组织世衛組織shi4 wei4 zu3 zhi1
World Health Organization (WHO); abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织
世务世務shi4 wu4
worldly affairs
世袭世襲shi4 xi2
succession; inheritance; hereditary
世袭君主国世襲君主國shi4 xi2 jun1 zhu3 guo2
hereditary monarchy
世袭之争世襲之爭shi4 xi2 zhi1 zheng1
succession struggle; dispute over inheritance
世系世系shi4 xi4
lineage; genealogy; family tree
世相世相shi4 xiang4
the ways of the world
世银世銀shi4 yin2
World Bank; abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行
世运世運shi4 yun4
World Games; abbr. for 世界運動會|世界运动会
世职世職shi4 zhi2
hereditary office
世胄世胄shi4 zhou4
hereditary house; noble or official family
世子世子shi4 zi3
crown prince; heir of a noble house
世宗世宗shi4 zong1
Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented
世宗大王世宗大王shi4 zong1 da4 wang2
Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented
世尊世尊shi4 zun1
World Honored One; Revered One of the World (Buddha)
淑世淑世shu1 shi4
to make the world a better place
属世屬世shu3 shi4
of this world
四世同堂四世同堂si4 shi4 tong2 tang2
Four Generations Under One Roof, novel by Lao She 老舍