surname Ye

line of business; industry; occupation; job; employment; school studies; enterprise; property; (Buddhism) karma; deed; to engage in; already

strokes 5
strokes after radical 4
阿亨工业大学 阿亨工業大學 a1 heng1 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
RWTH Aachen University

爱岗敬业 愛崗敬業 ai4 gang3 jing4 ye4
industrious and hard-working; conscientious and meticulous

安徽建筑工业学院 安徽建築工業學院 an1 hui1 jian4 zhu4 gong1 ye4 xue2 yuan4
Anhui University of Architecture

安家立业 安家立業 an1 jia1 li4 ye4
stable household, established profession (idiom); settled and comfortably off

安居乐业 安居樂業 an1 ju1 le4 ye4
to live in peace and work happily (idiom)

八大工业国组织 八大工業國組織 ba1 da4 gong1 ye4 guo2 zu3 zhi1
G8 (group of eight major industrialized nations)

霸业 霸業 ba4 ye4
the business of hegemony; toiling to become master of the universe

半失业 半失業 ban4 shi1 ye4
semi-employed; partly employed; underemployed

北方工业 北方工業 bei3 fang1 gong1 ye4
Norinco, PRC state-run conglomerate

北京工业大学 北京工業大學 bei3 jing1 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
Beijing University of Technology

北京林业大学 北京林業大學 bei3 jing1 lin2 ye4 da4 xue2
Beijing Forestry University

本业 本業 ben3 ye4
business in which a company has traditionally engaged (e.g. before diversifying); original business; core business; (literary) agriculture

毕业 畢業 bi4 ye4
graduation; to graduate; to finish school

毕业典礼 畢業典禮 bi4 ye4 dian3 li3
graduation ceremony; commencement exercises

毕业生 畢業生 bi4 ye4 sheng1

毕业证书 畢業證書 bi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1

编结业 編結業 bian1 jie2 ye4
weaving industry

柏林工业大学 柏林工業大學 bo2 lin2 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Technische Universitaet zu Berlin)

不务正业 不務正業 bu4 wu4 zheng4 ye4
not to engage in honest work; to ignore one's proper occupation; not to attend to one's proper duties

采矿业 採礦業 cai3 kuang4 ye4

产业 產業 chan3 ye4
industry; estate; property; industrial

产业工人 產業工人 chan3 ye4 gong1 ren2
industrial worker

产业化 產業化 chan3 ye4 hua4
to industrialize; industrialization

产业集群 產業集群 chan3 ye4 ji2 qun2
industrial cluster

产业链 產業鏈 chan3 ye4 lian4
supply chain

成家立业 成家立業 cheng2 jia1 li4 ye4
to get married and start a career (idiom); to settle down; to establish oneself

充分就业 充分就業 chong1 fen4 jiu4 ye4
full employment

重操旧业 重操舊業 chong2 cao1 jiu4 ye4
to resume one's old trade (idiom)

重温旧业 重溫舊業 chong2 wen1 jiu4 ye4
to resume one's old trade (idiom)

传道受业 傳道受業 chuan2 dao4 shou4 ye4
to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practical instruction

船运业 船運業 chuan2 yun4 ye4

创业 創業 chuang4 ye4
to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship

创业板上市 創業板上市 chuang4 ye4 ban3 shang4 shi4
Growth Enterprise Markets (GEM)

创业精神 創業精神 chuang4 ye4 jing1 shen2
enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

创业投资 創業投資 chuang4 ye4 tou2 zi1
venture capital

创业者 創業者 chuang4 ye4 zhe3

辍业 輟業 chuo4 ye4
to give up work; to give up one's profession

词汇判断作业 詞彙判斷作業 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 zuo4 ye4
lexical decision task

从业 從業 cong2 ye4
to practice (a trade)

从业人员 從業人員 cong2 ye4 ren2 yuan2
employee; person employed in a trade or profession

大业 大業 da4 ye4
great cause; great undertaking

待业 待業 dai4 ye4
to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)

第二产业 第二產業 di4 er4 chan3 ye4
secondary industry

第二职业 第二職業 di4 er4 zhi2 ye4
second job

第三产业 第三產業 di4 san1 chan3 ye4
tertiary sector of industry

第一产业 第一產業 di4 yi1 chan3 ye4
primary sector of industry

电脑企业 電腦企業 dian4 nao3 qi3 ye4
computer company; computer firm

电脑业者 電腦業者 dian4 nao3 ye4 zhe3
software developer

电子工业 電子工業 dian4 zi3 gong1 ye4
electronics industry

电子化营业 電子化營業 dian4 zi3 hua4 ying2 ye4
e-commerce (computing)

电子业 電子業 dian4 zi3 ye4
electronics industry

定点企业 定點企業 ding4 dian3 qi3 ye4
a specialized enterprise

多工作业 多工作業 duo1 gong1 zuo4 ye4

纺织工业 紡織工業 fang3 zhi1 gong1 ye4
textile industry

福利事业 福利事業 fu2 li4 shi4 ye4
welfare services

服务业 服務業 fu2 wu4 ye4
service industry

副业 副業 fu4 ye4
sideline; side occupation

改业 改業 gai3 ye4
to change profession or business

钢铁工业 鋼鐵工業 gang1 tie3 gong1 ye4
steel industry

高空作业 高空作業 gao1 kong1 zuo4 ye4
to work high above the ground

各行各业 各行各業 ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4
every trade; all professions; all walks of life

公共事业 公共事業 gong1 gong4 shi4 ye4
public utility; state-run enterprise; public foundation or enterprise, often charitable

工农业 工農業 gong1 nong2 ye4
industry and agriculture

工商业 工商業 gong1 shang1 ye4

工业 工業 gong1 ye4

功业 功業 gong1 ye4
achievement; outstanding work; glorious deed

工业大学 工業大學 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
technical university; engineering college

工业革命 工業革命 gong1 ye4 ge2 ming4
Industrial Revolution, c. 1750-1830

工业国 工業國 gong1 ye4 guo2
industrialized countries

工业化 工業化 gong1 ye4 hua4
to industrialize; industrialization

工业化国家 工業化國家 gong1 ye4 hua4 guo2 jia1
industrialized country

工业品 工業品 gong1 ye4 pin3
manufactured goods

工业七国集团 工業七國集團 gong1 ye4 qi1 guo2 ji2 tuan2
G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)

工业区 工業區 gong1 ye4 qu1
industrial zone

工业设计 工業設計 gong1 ye4 she4 ji4
industrial design

工业现代化 工業現代化 gong1 ye4 xian4 dai4 hua4
modernization of industry, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations

工业学校 工業學校 gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4
technical or industrial school

工业园区 工業園區 gong1 ye4 yuan2 qu1
industrial park

公益事业 公益事業 gong1 yi4 shi4 ye4
service to the public; public welfare undertaking; charity; social facility

公营企业 公營企業 gong1 ying2 qi3 ye4
public enterprise, as opposed to private enterprise 私營企業|私营企业

共业 共業 gong4 ye4
collective karma (Buddhism); consequences that all must suffer

故业 故業 gu4 ye4
old estate; former empire; former occupation

关店歇业 關店歇業 guan1 dian4 xie1 ye4
to close up shop and cease business temporarily; closed for business

广东科学技术职业学院 廣東科學技術職業學院 guang3 dong1 ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 zhi2 ye4 xue2 yuan4
Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology

国防工业 國防工業 guo2 fang2 gong1 ye4
defense industry

国防科学技术工业委员会 國防科學技術工業委員會 guo2 fang2 ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 gong1 ye4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND); abbr. to 國防科工委|国防科工委

国际商业机器 國際商業機器 guo2 ji4 shang1 ye4 ji1 qi4
International Business Machines; IBM

国营企业 國營企業 guo2 ying2 qi3 ye4
nationalized industry

国有企业 國有企業 guo2 you3 qi3 ye4
nationalized business; state-owned business

哈尔滨工业大学 哈爾濱工業大學 ha1 er3 bin1 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
Harbin Institute of Technology

航空事业 航空事業 hang2 kong1 shi4 ye4
aviation industry

航空业 航空業 hang2 kong1 ye4
aviation industry

行业 行業 hang2 ye4
industry; business

河北工业大学 河北工業大學 he2 bei3 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
Hebei University of Technology

合肥工业大学 合肥工業大學 he2 fei2 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
Hefei University of Technology

核工业 核工業 he2 gong1 ye4
nuclear industry

核工业部 核工業部 he2 gong1 ye4 bu4
Ministry of Nuclear Industry

恒生中资企业指数 恆生中資企業指數 heng2 sheng1 zhong1 zi1 qi3 ye4 zhi3 shu4
Hang Seng China affiliated index

化学工业 化學工業 hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4
chemical industry, abbr. to 化工

汇业财经集团 匯業財經集團 hui4 ye4 cai2 jing1 ji2 tuan2
Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)

汇业银行 匯業銀行 hui4 ye4 yin2 hang2
Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau

基业 基業 ji1 ye4
foundation; base; family estate

计算机工业 計算機工業 ji4 suan4 ji1 gong1 ye4
computer industry

家庭作业 家庭作業 jia1 ting2 zuo4 ye4

家业 家業 jia1 ye4
family property

建功立业 建功立業 jian4 gong1 li4 ye4
to achieve or accomplish goals

建业 建業 jian4 ye4
an old name for Nanjing, called Jiankang 建康 or Jianye during the Eastern Jin (317-420)

建筑业 建築業 jian4 zhu4 ye4
building industry

结业 結業 jie2 ye4
to finish school, esp. a short course; to complete a course

金融业 金融業 jin1 rong2 ye4
financial sector; the banking business

兢兢业业 兢兢業業 jing1 jing1 ye4 ye4
cautious and conscientious

敬业 敬業 jing4 ye4
to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work

敬业乐群 敬業樂群 jing4 ye4 le4 qun2
diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one's colleagues

酒店业 酒店業 jiu3 dian4 ye4
the catering industry; the hotel and restaurant business

就业 就業 jiu4 ye4
looking for employment; getting a job; to start a career

旧业 舊業 jiu4 ye4
one's old profession; trade of one's forebears

就业安定费 就業安定費 jiu4 ye4 an1 ding4 fei4
Employment Stability Fee (Taiwan), a minimum monthly fee for employing foreign workers

就业机会 就業機會 jiu4 ye4 ji1 hui4
employment opportunity; job opening

就业率 就業率 jiu4 ye4 lv4
employment rate

就业培训 就業培訓 jiu4 ye4 pei2 xun4
employment training

举业 舉業 ju3 ye4
preparatory literary studies for imperial examination

开业 開業 kai1 ye4
to open a business; to open a practice; open (for business)

开业大吉 開業大吉 kai1 ye4 da4 ji2
celebration on opening a business

课业 課業 ke4 ye4
lesson; schoolwork

矿业 礦業 kuang4 ye4
mining industry

酪农业 酪農業 lao4 nong2 ye4

乐业 樂業 le4 ye4
Leye county in Baise 百色, Guangxi

乐业县 樂業縣 le4 ye4 xian4
Leye county in Baise 百色, Guangxi

林业 林業 lin2 ye4
forest industry; forestry

龙头企业 龍頭企業 long2 tou2 qi3 ye4
key enterprises; leading enterprises

旅游业 旅遊業 lv3 you2 ye4
tourism industry

民族工业 民族工業 min2 zu2 gong1 ye4
national industry; industry run by Chinese nationals or ethnic Chinese

命名作业 命名作業 ming4 ming2 zuo4 ye4
naming task

目标匹配作业 目標匹配作業 mu4 biao1 pi3 pei4 zuo4 ye4
target matching task

牧业 牧業 mu4 ye4
livestock husbandry; animal product industry

南京农业大学 南京農業大學 nan2 jing1 nong2 ye4 da4 xue2
Nanjing Agricultural University

酿酒业 釀酒業 niang4 jiu3 ye4
brewing industry; wine industry

农业 農業 nong2 ye4
agriculture; farming

农业部 農業部 nong2 ye4 bu4
Ministry of Agriculture; Department of Agriculture

农业合作化 農業合作化 nong2 ye4 he2 zuo4 hua4
collectivization of agriculture (in Marxist theory)

农业机械 農業機械 nong2 ye4 ji1 xie4
agricultural machinery

农业集体化 農業集體化 nong2 ye4 ji2 ti3 hua4
collectivization of agriculture (under communism)

农业区 農業區 nong2 ye4 qu1
agricultural region

农业生产合作社 農業生產合作社 nong2 ye4 sheng1 chan3 he2 zuo4 she4
agricultural producers' cooperative

农业生技 農業生技 nong2 ye4 sheng1 ji4

农业厅 農業廳 nong2 ye4 ting1
(provincial) department of agriculture

农业现代化 農業現代化 nong2 ye4 xian4 dai4 hua4
modernization of agriculture, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations

派拉蒙影业 派拉蒙影業 pai4 la1 meng2 ying3 ye4
Paramount Pictures (US movie company)

批发业 批發業 pi1 fa1 ye4
wholesale business; bulk trade

批踢踢实业坊 批踢踢實業坊 pi1 ti1 ti1 shi2 ye4 fang1
PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw)

七大工业国集团 七大工業國集團 qi1 da4 gong1 ye4 guo2 ji2 tuan2
G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)

启动作业 啟動作業 qi3 dong4 zuo4 ye4
priming task

企业 企業 qi3 ye4
company; firm; enterprise; corporation

企业管理 企業管理 qi3 ye4 guan3 li3
business management (as a study)

企业管理硕士 企業管理碩士 qi3 ye4 guan3 li3 shuo4 shi4
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

企业集团 企業集團 qi3 ye4 ji2 tuan2
business conglomerate

企业家 企業家 qi3 ye4 jia1

企业间网路 企業間網路 qi3 ye4 jian1 wang3 lu4
extranet; company-external network

企业联合组织 企業聯合組織 qi3 ye4 lian2 he2 zu3 zhi1
syndicate (group of businesses)

企业内网路 企業內網路 qi3 ye4 nei4 wang3 lu4
intranet; company-internal network

企业社会责任 企業社會責任 qi3 ye4 she4 hui4 ze2 ren4
corporate social responsibility (CSR)

企业主 企業主 qi3 ye4 zhu3
owner of enterprise

勤俭办企业 勤儉辦企業 qin2 jian3 ban4 qi3 ye4
to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily

轻工业 輕工業 qing1 gong1 ye4
light industry

清算业务 清算業務 qing1 suan4 ye4 wu4
clearing bank

穷家薄业 窮家薄業 qiong2 jia1 bo2 ye4
poor and with few means of subsistance (idiom); destitute

软件企业 軟件企業 ruan3 jian4 qi3 ye4
software company

软体业 軟體業 ruan3 ti3 ye4
the software industry

三资企业 三資企業 san1 zi1 qi3 ye4
foreign, private and joint ventures

色情业 色情業 se4 qing2 ye4
porn business

商业 商業 shang1 ye4
business; trade; commerce

商业版本 商業版本 shang1 ye4 ban3 ben3
commercial version (of software)

商业发票 商業發票 shang1 ye4 fa1 piao4
commercial invoice

商业管理 商業管理 shang1 ye4 guan3 li3
business administration

商业化 商業化 shang1 ye4 hua4
to commercialize

商业机构 商業機構 shang1 ye4 ji1 gou4
commercial organization

商业计划 商業計劃 shang1 ye4 ji4 hua4
business plan

商业模式 商業模式 shang1 ye4 mo2 shi4
business model

商业区 商業區 shang1 ye4 qu1
business district; downtown

商业行为 商業行為 shang1 ye4 xing2 wei2
business activity; commercial activity

商业银行 商業銀行 shang1 ye4 yin2 hang2
commercial bank

商业应用 商業應用 shang1 ye4 ying4 yong4
business application

商业中心 商業中心 shang1 ye4 zhong1 xin1
business center; commerce center

上海汽车工业 上海汽車工業 shang4 hai3 qi4 che1 gong1 ye4
Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)

上海汽车工业集团 上海汽車工業集團 shang4 hai3 qi4 che1 gong1 ye4 ji2 tuan2
Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)

社会事业 社會事業 she4 hui4 shi4 ye4
social enterprise

生产企业 生產企業 sheng1 chan3 qi3 ye4

生存农业 生存農業 sheng1 cun2 nong2 ye4
subsistence farming; subsistence agriculture

失业 失業 shi1 ye4
unemployment; to lose one's job

失业率 失業率 shi1 ye4 lv4
unemployment rate

失业者 失業者 shi1 ye4 zhe3
an unemployed person

实业 實業 shi2 ye4
industry; commercial enterprise

实业家 實業家 shi2 ye4 jia1

事业 事業 shi4 ye4
undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation

事业线 事業線 shi4 ye4 xian4
(slang) cleavage; (palmistry) business line

事业心 事業心 shi4 ye4 xin1
devotion to one's work; professional ambition

事业有成 事業有成 shi4 ye4 you3 cheng2
to be successful in business; professional success

手工业 手工業 shou3 gong1 ye4

守业 守業 shou3 ye4
to preserve one's heritage; to defend the accomplishments of previous generations; to carry on the good work; to keep one's business going

授业 授業 shou4 ye4
to teach; to bequeath

受业 受業 shou4 ye4
to study; to learn from a master; (pupil's first person pronoun) I, your student

水产业 水產業 shui3 chan3 ye4

私营企业 私營企業 si1 ying2 qi3 ye4
private business; opposite: state-owned enterprise 國有企業|国有企业

饲养业 飼養業 si4 yang3 ye4
stock farming; animal husbandry

松下电气工业 松下電氣工業 song1 xia4 dian4 qi4 gong1 ye4
Matsushita Electronics Industry

天佑吾人基业 天佑吾人基業 tian1 you4 wu2 ren2 ji1 ye4
annuit coeptis

停业 停業 ting2 ye4
to cease trading (temporarily or permanently); to close down

通讯行业 通訊行業 tong1 xun4 hang2 ye4
communications industry

同业 同業 tong2 ye4
same trade or business; person in the same trade or business

同业拆借 同業拆借 tong2 ye4 chai1 jie4
call loan; short-term loan within banking

同业公会 同業公會 tong2 ye4 gong1 hui4
trade association

托业 托業 tuo1 ye4
TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

外商独资企业 外商獨資企業 wai4 shang1 du2 zi1 qi3 ye4
wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) (form of legal entity in China); abbr. to 外資企業|外资企业

外资企业 外資企業 wai4 zi1 qi3 ye4
abbr. for 外商獨資企業|外商独资企业

网路作业系统 網路作業系統 wang3 lu4 zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3
network operating system

伟业 偉業 wei3 ye4
exploit; great undertaking

未来业绩 未來業績 wei4 lai2 ye4 ji4
future yield (of investment)

文创产业 文創產業 wen2 chuang4 chan3 ye4
creative industries (design, music, publishing etc); abbr. for 文化創意產業|文化创意产业

无业 無業 wu2 ye4
unemployed; jobless; out of work

无业闲散 無業閑散 wu2 ye4 xian2 san3
unemployed and idle

无业游民 無業遊民 wu2 ye4 you2 min2
unemployed person; vagrant; rogue

物业 物業 wu4 ye4
property; real estate; abbr. for 物業管理|物业管理, property management

物业管理 物業管理 wu4 ye4 guan3 li3
property management

物业税 物業稅 wu4 ye4 shui4
property tax

西北工业大学 西北工業大學 xi1 bei3 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
Northwestern Polytechnical University

夕阳产业 夕陽產業 xi1 yang2 chan3 ye4
sunset industry; declining industry

小企业 小企業 xiao3 qi3 ye4
small enterprise

小型企业 小型企業 xiao3 xing2 qi3 ye4
small business

歇业 歇業 xie1 ye4
to close down (temporarily or permanently); to go out of business

新兴产业 新興產業 xin1 xing1 chan3 ye4
emerging industry

兴业 興業 xing1 ye4
Xingye county in Yulin 玉林, Guangxi

兴业县 興業縣 xing1 ye4 xian4
Xingye county in Yulin 玉林, Guangxi

兴业银行 興業銀行 xing1 ye4 yin2 hang2
Société Générale

性产业 性產業 xing4 chan3 ye4
the sex industry

性服务产业 性服務產業 xing4 fu2 wu4 chan3 ye4
sex service industry

修业 修業 xiu1 ye4
to study at school

畜牧业 畜牧業 xu4 mu4 ye4
animal husbandry; stock raising; livestock raising

学业 學業 xue2 ye4
studies; schoolwork

学业有成 學業有成 xue2 ye4 you3 cheng2
to be successful in one's studies; academic success

勋业 勛業 xun1 ye4
meritorious achievement

验光配镜业 驗光配鏡業 yan4 guang1 pei4 jing4 ye4
optometry; eyesight testing

杨业 楊業 yang2 ye4
famous Song dynasty family of warriors (c. 10th century AD), resisted the Liao 遼|辽 and defended the Song; the subject of the popular fiction Yang Saga 楊家將|杨家将

养蚕业 養蠶業 yang3 can2 ye4
silk industry

养蜂业 養蜂業 yang3 feng1 ye4
beekeeping; apiculture

养殖业 養殖業 yang3 zhi2 ye4
cultivation industry

业大 業大 ye4 da4
part-time college (abbr. for 業余大學|业余大学)

业根 業根 ye4 gen1
the root cause (of evil); bane (Buddhism)

业海 業海 ye4 hai3
sea of evil; endless crime

业荒于嬉 業荒於嬉 ye4 huang1 yu2 xi1
to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results (idiom)

业绩 業績 ye4 ji4
achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results

业界 業界 ye4 jie4

业界标准 業界標準 ye4 jie4 biao1 zhun3
industry standard

业经 業經 ye4 jing1

业精于勤 業精於勤 ye4 jing1 yu2 qin2
mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect.

业龙 業龍 ye4 long2
evil dragon

业满 業滿 ye4 man3
to have paid one's karmic debts (Buddhism)

业师 業師 ye4 shi1
teacher; one's teacher

业态 業態 ye4 tai4
(retail industry) format

业务 業務 ye4 wu4
business; professional work; service

业务过失 業務過失 ye4 wu4 guo4 shi1
professional negligence

业务模式 業務模式 ye4 wu4 mo2 shi4
business model

业务员 業務員 ye4 wu4 yuan2

业已 業已 ye4 yi3

业余 業餘 ye4 yu2
in one's spare time; outside working hours; amateur (historian etc)

业余爱好者 業餘愛好者 ye4 yu2 ai4 hao4 zhe3
hobbyist; amateur

业余大学 業餘大學 ye4 yu2 da4 xue2
college for people who attend after work (lit.: spare-time college)

业余教育 業餘教育 ye4 yu2 jiao4 yu4
spare-time education; evening classes

业余者 業餘者 ye4 yu2 zhe3

业障 業障 ye4 zhang4
karmic hindrance (buddhism); karmic consequences that stand in the way of enlightenment; (term of abuse, especially toward the younger generation) devil spawn; (fig.) money

业者 業者 ye4 zhe3
dealer; trader; person engaged in some industry or trade

业主 業主 ye4 zhu3
owner; proprietor

肄业 肄業 yi4 ye4
to attend (a school); to drop out (of college etc)

肄业生 肄業生 yi4 ye4 sheng1
dropout student

肄业证书 肄業證書 yi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1
certificate of partial completion; certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate)

银行业 銀行業 yin2 hang2 ye4

银行业务 銀行業務 yin2 hang2 ye4 wu4

印刷业 印刷業 yin4 shua1 ye4
typography; printing business

应届毕业生 應屆畢業生 ying1 jie4 bi4 ye4 sheng1
student graduating in the current year; recent graduate

营业 營業 ying2 ye4
to do business; to trade

营业额 營業額 ying2 ye4 e2
sum or volume of business; turnover

营业时候 營業時候 ying2 ye4 shi2 hou5
opening hours (shop, bank, restaurant)

营业时间 營業時間 ying2 ye4 shi2 jian1
time of business; opening hours (of shop); working time

营业收入 營業收入 ying2 ye4 shou1 ru4

营业税 營業稅 ying2 ye4 shui4
tax on turnover; sales tax

营业员 營業員 ying2 ye4 yuan2
clerk; shop assistant

影业 影業 ying3 ye4
film industry

渔业 漁業 yu2 ye4
fishing industry; fishery

冤业 冤業 yuan1 ye4
sin (in Buddhism); enmity leading to sin; also written 冤孽

再造业 再造業 zai4 zao4 ye4
recycling industry

朝阳产业 朝陽產業 zhao1 yang2 chan3 ye4
sunrise industry

正业 正業 zheng4 ye4
one's regular job

支柱产业 支柱產業 zhi1 zhu4 chan3 ye4
mainstay industry

执业 執業 zhi2 ye4
to work in a profession (e.g. doctor, lawyer); practitioner; professional

职业 職業 zhi2 ye4
occupation; profession; vocation; professional

职业病 職業病 zhi2 ye4 bing4
occupational disease

职业高尔夫球协会 職業高爾夫球協會 zhi2 ye4 gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2 xie2 hui4
Professional Golfer's Association (PGA)

职业化 職業化 zhi2 ye4 hua4

职业教育 職業教育 zhi2 ye4 jiao4 yu4
vocational training

职业倦怠症 職業倦怠症 zhi2 ye4 juan4 dai4 zheng4
professional boredom syndrome

职业素质 職業素質 zhi2 ye4 su4 zhi4

职业运动员 職業運動員 zhi2 ye4 yun4 dong4 yuan2
professional (athlete); pro

职业中学 職業中學 zhi2 ye4 zhong1 xue2
vocational high school

制药企业 製藥企業 zhi4 yao4 qi3 ye4
pharmaceutical company

制药业 制藥業 zhi4 yao4 ye4
pharmaceutical industry

置业 置業 zhi4 ye4
to buy real estate

制造业 制造業 zhi4 zao4 ye4
manufacturing industry

制造业者 製造業者 zhi4 zao4 ye4 zhe3

中等专业教育 中等專業教育 zhong1 deng3 zhuan1 ye4 jiao4 yu4
technical middle school education

中等专业学校 中等專業學校 zhong1 deng3 zhuan1 ye4 xue2 xiao4
specialized middle school

中国北方工业公司 中國北方工業公司 zhong1 guo2 bei3 fang1 gong1 ye4 gong1 si1
China North Industries Corporation (Norinco)

中国长城工业公司 中國長城工業公司 zhong1 guo2 chang2 cheng2 gong1 ye4 gong1 si1
China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC)

中国船舶工业集团 中國船舶工業集團 zhong1 guo2 chuan2 bo2 gong1 ye4 ji2 tuan2
China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)

中国航空工业公司 中國航空工業公司 zhong1 guo2 hang2 kong1 gong1 ye4 gong1 si1
Aviation Industries of China (AVIC)

中国航天工业公司 中國航天工業公司 zhong1 guo2 hang2 tian1 gong1 ye4 gong1 si1
China Aerospace Corporation, forerunner of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 中國航天科技集團公司|中国航天科技集团公司

中国农业银行 中國農業銀行 zhong1 guo2 nong2 ye4 yin2 hang2
Agricultural Bank of China

中国石油和化学工业协会 中國石油和化學工業協會 zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 he2 hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4 xie2 hui4
China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)

中国银行业监督管理委员会 中國銀行業監督管理委員會 zhong1 guo2 yin2 hang2 ye4 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4
China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

中企业 中企業 zhong1 qi3 ye4
medium sized enterprise

中小企业 中小企業 zhong1 xiao3 qi3 ye4
small and medium enterprise

中小型企业 中小型企業 zhong1 xiao3 xing2 qi3 ye4
small or medium size enterprise (SME)

重工业 重工業 zhong4 gong1 ye4
heavy industry; manufacturing

种植业 種植業 zhong4 zhi2 ye4

主业 主業 zhu3 ye4
main business

专业 專業 zhuan1 ye4
specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; professional

专业户 專業戶 zhuan1 ye4 hu4
family firm producing a special product; cottage industry

专业化 專業化 zhuan1 ye4 hua4

专业教育 專業教育 zhuan1 ye4 jiao4 yu4
specialized education; technical school

专业人才 專業人才 zhuan1 ye4 ren2 cai2
expert (in a field)

专业人士 專業人士 zhuan1 ye4 ren2 shi4
a professional

专业性 專業性 zhuan1 ye4 xing4
professionalism; expertise

转业 轉業 zhuan3 ye4
to change one's profession; to transfer to civilian work

自由企业 自由企業 zi4 you2 qi3 ye4
free enterprise (in capitalist theory)

自由职业 自由職業 zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4
self-employed; profession

综合业务数字网 綜合業務數字網 zong1 he2 ye4 wu4 shu4 zi4 wang3
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (computing)

卒业 卒業 zu2 ye4
to complete a course of study (old); to graduate

作业 作業 zuo4 ye4
school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; to operate

作业环境 作業環境 zuo4 ye4 huan2 jing4
operating environment

作业系统 作業系統 zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3
operating system