to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before

strokes 9
strokes after radical 8
背山临水 背山臨水 bei4 shan1 lin2 shui3
with back to the mountain and facing the water (favored location)

贲临 賁臨 bi4 lin2
(of distinguished guest) honor my house (firm etc) with your presence

濒临 瀕臨 bin1 lin2
on the edge of; (fig.) on the verge of; close to

兵临城下 兵臨城下 bing1 lin2 cheng2 xia4
soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture

超临界 超臨界 chao1 lin2 jie4

大祸临头 大禍臨頭 da4 huo4 lin2 tou2
facing imminent catastrophe; calamity looms; all hell will break loose

大驾光临 大駕光臨 da4 jia4 guang1 lin2
we are honored by your presence

大限临头 大限臨頭 da4 xian4 lin2 tou2
facing the end (idiom); at the end of one's life; with one foot in the grave

登临 登臨 deng1 lin2
to visit places famous for their scenery

光临 光臨 guang1 lin2
(formal) to honor with one's presence; to attend

阖第光临 闔第光臨 he2 di4 guang1 lin2
the whole family is invited (idiom)

欢迎光临 歡迎光臨 huan1 ying2 guang1 lin2

即将来临 即將來臨 ji2 jiang1 lai2 lin2

驾临 駕臨 jia4 lin2
to grace sb with one's presence; your arrival (honorific); your esteemed presence

降临 降臨 jiang4 lin2
to descend; to arrive; to come

降临节 降臨節 jiang4 lin2 jie2
Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks before Christmas)

居高临下 居高臨下 ju1 gao1 lin2 xia4
to live high and look down (idiom); to overlook; to tower above; to occupy the high ground; fig. arrogance based on one's social position

瞰临 瞰臨 kan4 lin2
to overlook; to watch from above

来临 來臨 lai2 lin2
to approach; to come closer

莅临 蒞臨 li4 lin2
to arrive (esp. of notable person); to visit (more formal than 光臨|光临)

莅临指导 蒞臨指導 li4 lin2 zhi3 dao3
(of a notable person etc) to honor with one's presence and offer guidance (idiom)

临安 臨安 lin2 an1
Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang

临安市 臨安市 lin2 an1 shi4
Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang

临安县 臨安縣 lin2 an1 xian4
Lin'an county in Zhejiang, west of Hangzhou

临别 臨別 lin2 bie2
on parting; facing separation

临别赠言 臨別贈言 lin2 bie2 zeng4 yan2
words of advice on parting

临沧 臨滄 lin2 cang1
Lincang prefecture level city in Yunnan

临沧地区 臨滄地區 lin2 cang1 di4 qu1
Lincang prefecture in Yunnan

临沧市 臨滄市 lin2 cang1 shi4
Lincang prefecture level city in Yunnan

临产 臨產 lin2 chan3
to face childbirth; about to give birth; refers esp. to the onset of regular contractions

临场 臨場 lin2 chang3
to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc); firsthand (experience); impromptu (remarks etc)

临场感 臨場感 lin2 chang3 gan3
the feeling of actually being there

临朝 臨朝 lin2 chao2
to hold a court audience; to govern from the imperial throne (applies esp. to Empress Dowager or Regent)

临城 臨城 lin2 cheng2
Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei

临城县 臨城縣 lin2 cheng2 xian4
Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei

临川 臨川 lin2 chuan1
Linchuan district of Fuzhou city 撫州市|抚州市, Jiangxi

临川区 臨川區 lin2 chuan1 qu1
Linchuan district of Fuzhou city 撫州市|抚州市, Jiangxi

临川羡鱼 臨川羨魚 lin2 chuan1 xian4 yu2
see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网

临床 臨床 lin2 chuang2

临床特征 臨床特徵 lin2 chuang2 te4 zheng1
clinical characteristic; diagnostic trait

临到 臨到 lin2 dao4
to befall

临汾 臨汾 lin2 fen2
Linfen prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西

临汾地区 臨汾地區 lin2 fen2 di4 qu1
Linfen prefecture in Shanxi

临汾市 臨汾市 lin2 fen2 shi4
Linfen prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西

临高 臨高 lin2 gao1
Lin'gao County, Hainan

临高县 臨高縣 lin2 gao1 xian4
Lin'gao County, Hainan

临桂 臨桂 lin2 gui4
Lingui county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi

临桂县 臨桂縣 lin2 gui4 xian4
Lingui county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi

临海 臨海 lin2 hai3
to overlook the sea; on the waterfront

临海 臨海 lin2 hai3
Linhai county level city in Taizhou 台州, Zhejiang

临海市 臨海市 lin2 hai3 shi4
Linhai county level city in Taizhou 台州, Zhejiang

临海水土志 臨海水土誌 lin2 hai3 shui3 tu3 zhi4
Seaboard geographic gazetteer (c. 275) by Shen Ying 沈瑩|沈莹

临海县 臨海縣 lin2 hai3 xian4
Linhai county in east Zhejiang

临河 臨河 lin2 he2
Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾市|巴彦淖尔市, Inner Mongolia

临河区 臨河區 lin2 he2 qu1
Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾市|巴彦淖尔市, Inner Mongolia

临河羡鱼 臨河羨魚 lin2 he2 xian4 yu2
see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网

临江 臨江 lin2 jiang1
Linjiang county level city in Baishan 白山, Jilin

临江市 臨江市 lin2 jiang1 shi4
Linjiang county level city in Baishan 白山, Jilin

临街 臨街 lin2 jie1
facing the street

临街房 臨街房 lin2 jie1 fang2
the store front; the part of a house facing the street serving as a store

临界 臨界 lin2 jie4
critical; boundary

临界点 臨界點 lin2 jie4 dian3
critical point; boundary point

临界质量 臨界質量 lin2 jie4 zhi4 liang4
critical mass

临界状态 臨界狀態 lin2 jie4 zhuang4 tai4
critical state; criticality

临近 臨近 lin2 jin4
close to; approaching

临渴穿井 臨渴穿井 lin2 ke3 chuan1 jing3
lit. face thirst and dig a well (idiom); fig. not to make adequate provision; to act when it is too late

临渴掘井 臨渴掘井 lin2 ke3 jue2 jing3
lit. not to dig a well until one is thirsty; to be unprepared and seek help at the last minute (idiom)

临魁 臨魁 lin2 kui2
Linkui (c. 2000 BC), second of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝 descended from Shennong 神農|神农 Farmer God

临澧 臨澧 lin2 li3
Linli county in Changde 常德, Hunan

临澧县 臨澧縣 lin2 li3 xian4
Linli county in Changde 常德, Hunan

临门 臨門 lin2 men2
to arrive home; facing one's home; home-coming; (soccer) facing the goalmouth

临门一脚 臨門一腳 lin2 men2 yi1 jiao3
to try to score (a goal); final push (at a critical juncture); the final leg of sth

临摹 臨摹 lin2 mo2
to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting etc)

临难 臨難 lin2 nan4
in peril; facing disaster

临盆 臨盆 lin2 pen2
at childbirth; in labor

临清 臨清 lin2 qing1
Linqing county level city in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong

临清市 臨清市 lin2 qing1 shi4
Linqing county level city in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong

临朐 臨朐 lin2 qu2
Linqu County in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊, Shandong

临朐县 臨朐縣 lin2 qu2 xian4
Linqu County in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊, Shandong

临泉 臨泉 lin2 quan2
Linquan County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳, Anhui

临泉县 臨泉縣 lin2 quan2 xian4
Linquan County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳, Anhui

临蓐 臨蓐 lin2 ru4
at childbirth; in labor

临时 臨時 lin2 shi2
as the time draws near; at the last moment; temporary; interim; ad hoc

临时澳门市政执行委员会 臨時澳門市政執行委員會 lin2 shi2 ao4 men2 shi4 zheng4 zhi2 xing2 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Provisional Municipal Council of Macau; Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória

临时保姆 臨時保姆 lin2 shi2 bao3 mu3
temporary caregiver; babysitter

临时抱佛脚 臨時抱佛腳 lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3
lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; making a hasty last-minute effort

临时贷款 臨時貸款 lin2 shi2 dai4 kuan3
bridging loan

临时分居 臨時分居 lin2 shi2 fen1 ju1
trial separation

临时工 臨時工 lin2 shi2 gong1
day laborer; temporary work

临时演员 臨時演員 lin2 shi2 yan3 yuan2
an extra (in a movie)

临时政府 臨時政府 lin2 shi2 zheng4 fu3
provisional government

临视 臨視 lin2 shi4
to observe personally

临沭 臨沭 lin2 shu4
Linshu county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂, Shandong

临沭县 臨沭縣 lin2 shu4 xian4
Linshu county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂, Shandong

临水 臨水 lin2 shui3
facing the water (favored location)

临死 臨死 lin2 si3
facing death; at death's door

临死不怯 臨死不怯 lin2 si3 bu4 qie4
equanimity in the face of death; to face dangers with assurance

临潭 臨潭 lin2 tan2
Lintan county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu

临潭县 臨潭縣 lin2 tan2 xian4
Lintan county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu

临洮 臨洮 lin2 tao2
Lintao county in Dingxi 定西, Gansu

临洮县 臨洮縣 lin2 tao2 xian4
Lintao county in Dingxi 定西, Gansu

临眺 臨眺 lin2 tiao4
to observe from afar; to look into the distance from a high place

临帖 臨帖 lin2 tie4
to practice calligraphy from a model

临潼 臨潼 lin2 tong2
Lintong District of Xi’an 西安市, Shaanxi

临潼区 臨潼區 lin2 tong2 qu1
Lintong District of Xi’an 西安市, Shaanxi

临头 臨頭 lin2 tou2
to befall; to be imminent

临屯郡 臨屯郡 lin2 tun2 jun4
Lintun commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea

临危 臨危 lin2 wei1
dying (from illness); facing death; on one's deathbed

临危授命 臨危授命 lin2 wei1 shou4 ming4
to sacrifice one's life in a crisis

临渭 臨渭 lin2 wei4
Linwei District of Weinan City 渭南市, Shaanxi

临渭区 臨渭區 lin2 wei4 qu1
Linwei District of Weinan City 渭南市, Shaanxi

临问 臨問 lin2 wen4
to go personally to consult subordinates (of a high official)

临武 臨武 lin2 wu3
Linwu county in Chenzhou 郴州, Hunan

临武县 臨武縣 lin2 wu3 xian4
Linwu county in Chenzhou 郴州, Hunan

临西 臨西 lin2 xi1
Lingxi county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei

临西县 臨西縣 lin2 xi1 xian4
Lingxi county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei

临夏 臨夏 lin2 xia4
Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州, Gansu; also Linxia city and Linxia county

临夏回族自治州 臨夏回族自治州 lin2 xia4 hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1
Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture in Gansu

临夏市 臨夏市 lin2 xia4 shi4
Linxia county level city in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州, Gansu

临夏县 臨夏縣 lin2 xia4 xian4
Linxia county city in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州, Gansu

临夏州 臨夏州 lin2 xia4 zhou1
Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture; abbr. for 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州

临县 臨縣 lin2 xian4
Lin county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西

临湘 臨湘 lin2 xiang1
Linxiang county-level city in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳, Hunan

临湘市 臨湘市 lin2 xiang1 shi4
Linxiang county-level city in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳, Hunan

临翔 臨翔 lin2 xiang2
Linxiang district of Lincang city 臨滄市|临沧市, Yunnan

临翔区 臨翔區 lin2 xiang2 qu1
Linxiang district of Lincang city 臨滄市|临沧市, Yunnan

临写 臨寫 lin2 xie3
to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)

临刑 臨刑 lin2 xing2
facing execution

临行 臨行 lin2 xing2
on leaving; on the point of departure

临幸 臨幸 lin2 xing4
to go in person (of emperor); to copulate with a concubine (of emperor)

临猗 臨猗 lin2 yi1
Linyi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi

临猗县 臨猗縣 lin2 yi1 xian4
Linyi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi

临沂 臨沂 lin2 yi2
Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong

临沂地区 臨沂地區 lin2 yi2 di4 qu1
Linyi prefecture in Shandong

临沂市 臨沂市 lin2 yi2 shi4
Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong

临邑 臨邑 lin2 yi4
Linyi county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong

临邑县 臨邑縣 lin2 yi4 xian4
Linyi county in Dezhou 德州, Shandong

临颍 臨潁 lin2 ying3
Lingying county in Luohe 漯河, Henan

临颍县 臨潁縣 lin2 ying3 xian4
Lingying county in Luohe 漯河, Henan

临渊羡鱼 臨淵羨魚 lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2
see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网

临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網 lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 - bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3
better to go home and weave a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish (idiom); one should take practical steps to achieve one's aim

临月儿 臨月兒 lin2 yue4 er5
the month childbirth is due

临泽 臨澤 lin2 ze2
Linze county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖, Gansu

临泽县 臨澤縣 lin2 ze2 xian4
Linze county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖, Gansu

临战 臨戰 lin2 zhan4
just before the contest; on the eve of war

临漳 臨漳 lin2 zhang1
Linzhang county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸, Hebei

临漳县 臨漳縣 lin2 zhang1 xian4
Linzhang county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸, Hebei

临阵 臨陣 lin2 zhen4
just before the battle; to approach the front line

临阵退缩 臨陣退縮 lin2 zhen4 tui4 suo1
to shrink back as the time for battle approaches (idiom); to get cold feet

临阵脱逃 臨陣脫逃 lin2 zhen4 tuo1 tao2
see 臨陣退縮|临阵退缩

临终 臨終 lin2 zhong1
approaching one's end; with one foot in the grave

临终关怀 臨終關懷 lin2 zhong1 guan1 huai2
palliative care

临淄 臨淄 lin2 zi1
Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市, Shandong

临淄区 臨淄區 lin2 zi1 qu1
Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市, Shandong

临走 臨走 lin2 zou3
before leaving; on departure

面临 面臨 mian4 lin2
to face sth; to be confronted with

面临困难 面臨困難 mian4 lin2 kun4 nan2
to be faced with problems

平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 平時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳 ping2 shi2 bu4 shao1 xiang1 - lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3
lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams)

迫临 迫臨 po4 lin2
to approach; to press in

亲临 親臨 qin1 lin2
to go in person

亲临其境 親臨其境 qin1 lin2 qi2 jing4
to travel to a place personally (idiom)

圣灵降临 聖靈降臨 sheng4 ling2 jiang4 lin2

圣神降临 聖神降臨 sheng4 shen2 jiang4 lin2
Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celebrating the Holy Spirit)

圣神降临周 聖神降臨週 sheng4 shen2 jiang4 lin2 zhou1

事到临头 事到臨頭 shi4 dao4 lin2 tou2
when things come to a head (idiom)

双喜临门 雙喜臨門 shuang1 xi3 lin2 men2
two simultaneous happy events in the family

死到临头 死到臨頭 si3 dao4 lin2 tou2
Death is near at hand. (idiom)

五福临门 五福臨門 wu3 fu2 lin2 men2
lit. (may the) five blessings descend upon this home (namely: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death); (an auspicious saying for the Lunar New Year)

亚临界 亞臨界 ya4 lin2 jie4

耶稣降临节 耶穌降臨節 ye1 su1 jiang4 lin2 jie2
Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks before Christmas)

夜幕降临 夜幕降臨 ye4 mu4 jiang4 lin2

再临 再臨 zai4 lin2
to come again