abbr. for Ukraine 烏克蘭|乌克兰; surname Wu

crow; black

strokes 4
strokes after radical 3
爱屋及乌 愛屋及烏 ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1
lit. love the house and its crow (idiom); involvement with sb and everyone connected; Love me, love my dog.

摆乌龙 擺烏龍 bai3 wu1 long2
to mess something up; to screw up

达乌里寒鸦 達烏裡寒鴉 da2 wu1 li3 han2 ya1
(bird species of China) Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus)

大乌苏里岛 大烏蘇里島 da4 wu1 su1 li3 dao3
Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛

大乌鸦 大烏鴉 da4 wu1 ya1
a raven

大嘴乌鸦 大嘴烏鴉 da4 zui3 wu1 ya1
(bird species of China) large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)

德乌帕 德烏帕 de2 wu1 pa4
Sher Bahadur Deuba (1946-), former prime minister of Nepal

丢乌纱帽 丟烏紗帽 diu1 wu1 sha1 mao4
lit. to lose one's black hat; to be sacked from an official post

东兔西乌 東兔西烏 dong1 tu4 xi1 wu1
lit. the sun setting and the moon rising (idiom); fig. the passage of time

东乌珠穆沁旗 東烏珠穆沁旗 dong1 wu1 zhu1 mu4 qin4 qi2
East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia

搞乌龙 搞烏龍 gao3 wu1 long2
to mess something up; see also 烏龍球|乌龙球

何首乌 何首烏 he2 shou3 wu1
Chinese knotweed (Polygonum multiflorum); fleeceflower root

河乌 河烏 he2 wu1
(bird species of China) white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)

褐河乌 褐河烏 he4 he2 wu1
(bird species of China) brown dipper (Cinclus pallasii)

化为乌有 化為烏有 hua4 wei2 wu1 you3
to go up in smoke; to vanish

基希讷乌 基希訥烏 ji1 xi1 ne4 wu1
Chişinău or Chisinau, capital of Moldova

金乌 金烏 jin1 wu1
Golden Crow; the sun; the three-legged golden crow that lives in the sun

金乌西坠,玉兔东升 金烏西墜,玉兔東昇 jin1 wu1 xi1 zhui4 - yu4 tu4 dong1 sheng1
lit. the golden bird of the sun sets in the west, the jade hare of the moon rises in the east; fig. at sunset

老乌恰 老烏恰 lao3 wu1 qia4
same as 烏魯克恰提|乌鲁克恰提 in Xinjiang

类乌齐 類烏齊 lei4 wu1 qi2
Riwoqê county, Tibetan: Ri bo che rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet

类乌齐县 類烏齊縣 lei4 wu1 qi2 xian4
Riwoqê county, Tibetan: Ri bo che rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet

枪乌贼 槍烏賊 qiang1 wu1 zei2

三足金乌 三足金烏 san1 zu2 jin1 wu1
three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o

三足乌 三足烏 san1 zu2 wu1
three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o

沙乌地阿拉伯 沙烏地阿拉伯 sha1 wu1 di4 a1 la1 bo2
Saudi Arabia (Tw)

缩头乌龟 縮頭烏龜 suo1 tou2 wu1 gui1
person who refuses to face reality or confront a problem; ostrich

秃鼻乌鸦 禿鼻烏鴉 tu1 bi2 wu1 ya1
(bird species of China) rook (Corvus frugilegus)

乌拜迪 烏拜迪 wu1 bai4 di2
Ubaydi (town in Iraq)

乌鲳 烏鯧 wu1 chang1
black pomfret

乌达 烏達 wu1 da2
Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市, Inner Mongolia

乌达区 烏達區 wu1 da2 qu1
Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市, Inner Mongolia

乌当 烏當 wu1 dang1
Wudang district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市, Guizhou

乌当区 烏當區 wu1 dang1 qu1
Wudang district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市, Guizhou

乌德勒支 烏德勒支 wu1 de2 le4 zhi1

乌雕 烏鵰 wu1 diao1
(bird species of China) greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga)

乌雕鸮 烏鵰鴞 wu1 diao1 xiao1
(bird species of China) dusky eagle-owl (Bubo coromandus)

乌鸫 烏鶇 wu1 dong1
(bird species of China) common blackbird (Turdus merula)

乌冬面 烏冬麵 wu1 dong1 mian4
udon noodles

乌尔 烏爾 wu1 er3
Ur (Sumerian city c. 4500 BC in modern Iraq)

乌尔都语 烏爾都語 wu1 er3 du1 yu3
Urdu (language)

乌尔格 烏爾格 wu1 er3 ge2
ancient name of Ulan Bator

乌尔禾 烏爾禾 wu1 er3 he2
Urho district (Uighur: Orqu Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市, Xinjiang

乌尔禾区 烏爾禾區 wu1 er3 he2 qu1
Urho district (Uighur: Orqu Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市, Xinjiang

乌尔姆 烏爾姆 wu1 er3 mu3
Ulm (city in Germany)

乌饭果 烏飯果 wu1 fan4 guo3

乌干达 烏干達 wu1 gan1 da2

乌骨鸡 烏骨雞 wu1 gu3 ji1
black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson

乌龟 烏龜 wu1 gui1
tortoise; cuckold

乌龟壳 烏龜殼 wu1 gui1 ke2
tortoise shell

乌海 烏海 wu1 hai3
Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

乌海市 烏海市 wu1 hai3 shi4
Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia

乌合之众 烏合之眾 wu1 he2 zhi1 zhong4

乌黑 烏黑 wu1 hei1
jet-black; dark

乌黑色 烏黑色 wu1 hei1 se4
black; crow-black

乌桓 烏桓 wu1 huan2
Wuhuan (nomadic tribe)

乌灰鸫 烏灰鶇 wu1 hui1 dong1
(bird species of China) Japanese thrush (Turdus cardis)

乌灰鹞 烏灰鷂 wu1 hui1 yao4
(bird species of China) Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus)

乌灰银鸥 烏灰銀鷗 wu1 hui1 yin2 ou1
(bird species of China) lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus)

乌鸡 烏雞 wu1 ji1
black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson

乌节路 烏節路 wu1 jie2 lu4
Orchard Road, Singapore (shopping and tourist area)

乌桕 烏桕 wu1 jiu4
Tallow tree; Sapium sebiferum

乌鹃 烏鵑 wu1 juan1
(bird species of China) fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo (Surniculus dicruroides)

乌克兰 烏克蘭 wu1 ke4 lan2

乌克兰人 烏克蘭人 wu1 ke4 lan2 ren2
Ukrainian (person)

乌克丽丽 烏克麗麗 wu1 ke4 li4 li4
ukulele; simplified form also written 尤克里里琴

乌拉尔 烏拉爾 wu1 la1 er3
the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia

乌拉尔山 烏拉爾山 wu1 la1 er3 shan1
the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia

乌拉尔山脉 烏拉爾山脈 wu1 la1 er3 shan1 mai4
Ural Mountains

乌拉圭 烏拉圭 wu1 la1 gui1

乌拉特 烏拉特 wu1 la1 te4
Urat plain in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia; also Urat Front, Center and Rear banners

乌拉特草原 烏拉特草原 wu1 la1 te4 cao3 yuan2
Urat plain in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia

乌拉特后旗 烏拉特後旗 wu1 la1 te4 hou4 qi2
Urat Rear banner or Urdyn Xoit khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia

乌拉特前旗 烏拉特前旗 wu1 la1 te4 qian2 qi2
Urat Front banner or Urdyn Ömnöd khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia

乌拉特中旗 烏拉特中旗 wu1 la1 te4 zhong1 qi2
Urat Center banner or Urdyn Dund khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia

乌来 烏來 wu1 lai2
Wulai township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

乌来乡 烏來鄉 wu1 lai2 xiang1
Wulai township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

乌蓝 烏藍 wu1 lan2
dark blue

乌兰 烏蘭 wu1 lan2
Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

乌兰巴托 烏蘭巴托 wu1 lan2 ba1 tuo1
Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia

乌兰察布 烏蘭察布 wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4
Ulaanchab prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

乌兰察布市 烏蘭察布市 wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4 shi4
Ulaanchab prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

乌兰夫 烏蘭夫 wu1 lan2 fu1
Ulanhu (1906-1988), Soviet trained Mongolian communist who became important PRC military leader

乌兰浩特 烏蘭浩特 wu1 lan2 hao4 te4
Wulanhaote county level city, Mongolian Ulaan xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟, east Inner Mongolia

乌兰浩特市 烏蘭浩特市 wu1 lan2 hao4 te4 shi4
Wulanhaote county level city, Mongolian Ulaan xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟, east Inner Mongolia

乌兰县 烏蘭縣 wu1 lan2 xian4
Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai

乌榄 烏欖 wu1 lan3
black olive (Canarium tramdenum)

乌黎雅 烏黎雅 wu1 li2 ya3
Uriah (name)

乌鳢 烏鱧 wu1 li3
Channa argus; snakehead fish

乌里雅苏台 烏里雅蘇台 wu1 li3 ya3 su1 tai2
Uliastai, the Qing name for outer Mongolia

乌良哈 烏良哈 wu1 liang2 ha3
Mongol surname

乌梁海 烏梁海 wu1 liang2 hai3
Mongol surname

乌亮 烏亮 wu1 liang4
lustrous and black; jet-black

乌林鸮 烏林鴞 wu1 lin2 xiao1
(bird species of China) great grey owl (Strix nebulosa)

乌龙 烏龍 wu1 long2
black dragon; unexpected mistake or mishap; oolong (tea); udon (loanword from Japanese)

乌龙茶 烏龍茶 wu1 long2 cha2
oolong tea

乌龙面 烏龍麵 wu1 long2 mian4
udon (thick Japanese-style) wheat-flour noodles

乌龙球 烏龍球 wu1 long2 qiu2
own goal (football); a goal in a sports match where the player accidentally puts the ball into his own goal

乌龙指 烏龍指 wu1 long2 zhi3
fat finger error (finance)

乌鲁克恰提 烏魯克恰提 wu1 lu3 ke4 qia4 ti2
Wuqia county in Xinjiang; name of county in Xinjiang from early 20th century now called Wuqia 烏恰縣|乌恰县

乌鲁克恰提县 烏魯克恰提縣 wu1 lu3 ke4 qia4 ti2 xian4
Wuqia county in Xinjiang; name of county in Xinjiang from early 20th century now called Wuqia 烏恰縣|乌恰县

乌鲁鲁 烏魯魯 wu1 lu3 lu3
Uluru, massive sandstone outcrop in central Australia

乌鲁木齐 烏魯木齊 wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2
Ürümqi or Urumqi prefecture level city and capital of Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区 in west China

乌鲁木齐市 烏魯木齊市 wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 shi4
Ürümqi or Urumqi prefecture level city and capital of Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区 in west China

乌鲁木齐县 烏魯木齊縣 wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 xian4
Urumqi county (Uighur: Ürümchi Nahiyisi) in Urumqi 烏魯木齊|乌鲁木齐, Xinjiang

乌鲁汝 烏魯汝 wu1 lu3 ru3
Uluru, iconic large rock formation in central Australia, sacred to Aboriginals, a World Heritage Site; also known as Ayers Rock

乌伦古河 烏倫古河 wu1 lun2 gu3 he2
Ulungur River in Xinjiang

乌伦古湖 烏倫古湖 wu1 lun2 gu3 hu2
Ulungur Lake in Xinjiang

乌洛托品 烏洛托品 wu1 luo4 tuo1 pin3
hexamine (CH2)6N4

乌马河 烏馬河 wu1 ma3 he2
Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

乌马河区 烏馬河區 wu1 ma3 he2 qu1
Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

乌木 烏木 wu1 mu4

乌讷楚 烏訥楚 wu1 ne4 chu3
Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯, Inner Mongolia

乌鸟私情 烏鳥私情 wu1 niao3 si1 qing2
lit. the solicitude of the crow (who provides for his old parent)(idiom); fig. filial piety

乌普萨拉 烏普薩拉 wu1 pu3 sa4 la1
Uppsala, Swedish university city just north of Stockholm

乌七八糟 烏七八糟 wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1
everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess; obscene; dirty; filthy

乌漆抹黑 烏漆抹黑 wu1 qi1 ma1 hei1
see 烏漆墨黑|乌漆墨黑

乌漆墨黑 烏漆墨黑 wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1
jet-black; pitch-dark

乌齐雅 烏齊雅 wu1 qi2 ya3
Uzziah son of Amaziah, king of Judah c. 750 BC

乌恰 烏恰 wu1 qia4
Wuqia county in Xinjiang

乌恰县 烏恰縣 wu1 qia4 xian4
Wuqia county in Xinjiang

乌青 烏青 wu1 qing1
bluish black; bruise; bruising

乌丘 烏坵 wu1 qiu1
Wuchiu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan

乌丘乡 烏坵鄉 wu1 qiu1 xiang1
Wuchiu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan

乌日 烏日 wu1 ri4
Wujih township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan

乌日乡 烏日鄉 wu1 ri4 xiang1
Wujih township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan

乌纱帽 烏紗帽 wu1 sha1 mao4
black hat (worn by feudal official); fig. official post

乌什塔拉 烏什塔拉 wu1 shen2 ta3 la1
Wushentala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang

乌什塔拉回族乡 烏什塔拉回族鄉 wu1 shen2 ta3 la1 hui2 zu2 xiang1
Wushentala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang

乌什塔拉乡 烏什塔拉鄉 wu1 shen2 ta3 la1 xiang1
Wushentala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang

乌审 烏審 wu1 shen3
Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯, Inner Mongolia

乌审旗 烏審旗 wu1 shen3 qi2
Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯, Inner Mongolia

乌什 烏什 wu1 shi2
Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang

乌什县 烏什縣 wu1 shi2 xian4
Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang

乌苏 烏蘇 wu1 su1
Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区, Xinjiang

乌苏里江 烏蘇里江 wu1 su1 li3 jiang1
Ussuri River

乌苏里斯克 烏蘇里斯克 wu1 su1 li3 si1 ke4
Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Primorsky region; previous names include 雙城子|双城子 and Voroshilov 伏羅希洛夫|伏罗希洛夫

乌苏市 烏蘇市 wu1 su1 shi4
Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区, Xinjiang

乌孙国 烏孫國 wu1 sun1 guo2
Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)

乌塌菜 烏塌菜 wu1 ta1 cai4
rosette bok choy (Brassica rapa var. rosularis)

乌特列支 烏特列支 wu1 te4 lie4 zhi1
Utrecht, city in Netherlands

乌托邦 烏托邦 wu1 tuo1 bang1
utopia (loanword)

乌鹟 烏鶲 wu1 weng1
(bird species of China) dark-sided flycatcher (Muscicapa sibirica)

乌西亚 烏西亞 wu1 xi1 ya4
Uzziah (son of Joram)

乌鸦 烏鴉 wu1 ya1
crow; raven

乌压压 烏壓壓 wu1 ya1 ya1
forming a dense mass

乌鸦嘴 烏鴉嘴 wu1 ya1 zui3
lit. crow's beak; fig. person who has made an inauspicious remark

乌鸦座 烏鴉座 wu1 ya1 zuo4
Corvus (constellation)

乌烟瘴气 烏煙瘴氣 wu1 yan1 zhang4 qi4
billowing smoke (idiom); foul atmosphere; (fig.) murky atmosphere; in a turmoil

乌燕鸥 烏燕鷗 wu1 yan4 ou1
(bird species of China) sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus)

乌泱乌泱 烏泱烏泱 wu1 yang1 wu1 yang1
in great number

乌伊岭 烏伊嶺 wu1 yi1 ling3
Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

乌伊岭区 烏伊嶺區 wu1 yi1 ling3 qu1
Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

乌有 烏有 wu1 you3
not to exist; nonexistent; illusory

乌鱼 烏魚 wu1 yu2
gray mullet (Mugil cephalus); snakehead fish (family Channidae)

乌语 烏語 wu1 yu3
Uzbek language

乌芋 烏芋 wu1 yu4
see 荸薺|荸荠

乌云 烏雲 wu1 yun2
black cloud

乌贼 烏賊 wu1 zei2

乌孜别克 烏孜別克 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4
Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang

乌兹别克 烏茲別克 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4
Uzbek; abbr. for Uzbekistan

乌滋别克 烏滋別克 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4

乌兹别克人 烏茲別克人 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 ren2
Uzbek (person)

乌兹别克斯坦 烏茲別克斯坦 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3

乌滋别克斯坦 烏滋別克斯坦 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3

乌孜别克语 烏孜別克語 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 yu3
Uzbek language

乌孜别克族 烏孜別克族 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 zu2
Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang

乌兹别克族 烏茲別克族 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 zu2
the Uzbek people (race)

乌兹冲锋枪 烏茲衝鋒槍 wu1 zi1 chong1 feng1 qiang1
Uzi (submachine gun)

乌嘴柳莺 烏嘴柳鶯 wu1 zui3 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) large-billed leaf warbler (Phylloscopus magnirostris)

西乌珠穆沁旗 西烏珠穆沁旗 xi1 wu1 zhu1 mu4 qin4 qi2
West Ujimqin banner or Baruun Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia

小嘴乌鸦 小嘴烏鴉 xiao3 zui3 wu1 ya1
(bird species of China) carrion crow (Corvus corone)

寻乌 尋烏 xun2 wu1
Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

寻乌县 尋烏縣 xun2 wu1 xian4
Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

燕雀乌鹊 燕雀烏鵲 yan4 que4 wu1 que4
lit. sparrow and swallow, crow and magpie; fig. any Tom, Dick or Harry; a bunch of nobodies

义乌 義烏 yi4 wu1
Yiwu county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华, Zhejiang

义乌市 義烏市 yi4 wu1 shi4
Yiwu county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华, Zhejiang