to cram (Taiwan, from Taiwanese khè su 齧書, lit. to gnaw a book); to study; see also 啃書|啃书
阿摩司书阿摩司書a1 mo2 si1 shu1
Book of Amos, one of the books of the Nevi'im and of the Christian Old Testament
哀的美敦书哀的美敦書ai1 di4 mei3 dun1 shu1
ultimatum (loanword)
八行书八行書ba1 hang2 shu1
formal recommendation letter in eight columns
白面书生白面書生bai2 mian4 shu1 sheng1
lit. pale-faced scholar (idiom); young and inexperienced person without practical experience; still wet behind the ears
白皮书白皮書bai2 pi2 shu1
white paper (e.g. containing proposals for new legislation); white book
白银书白銀書bai2 yin2 shu1
valuable book decorated with silver, gold and jewels etc, commonly regarded as a disguised form of bribe
百科全书百科全書bai3 ke1 quan2 shu1
板书板書ban3 shu1
to write on the blackboard; writing on the blackboard
包书皮包書皮bao1 shu1 pi2
book cover
宝书寶書bao3 shu1
treasured book
报告书報告書bao4 gao4 shu1
written report
北齐书北齊書bei3 qi2 shu1
History of Qi of the Northern Dynasties, eleventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Li Baiyao 李百藥|李百药 in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 50 scrolls
北宋四大部书北宋四大部書bei3 song4 si4 da4 bu4 shu1
Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華
背书背書bei4 shu1
to repeat a lesson; to learn by heart; to endorse a check
彼得后书彼得後書bi3 de2 hou4 shu1
Second Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)
彼得前书彼得前書bi3 de2 qian2 shu1
First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)
毕业证书畢業證書bi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1
标书標書biao1 shu1
bid or tender submission or delivery; bid or tender document
to burn the books (one of the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC)
焚书坑儒焚書坑儒fen2 shu1 keng1 ru2
to burn the books and bury alive the Confucian scholars (one of the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC)
奋笔疾书奮筆疾書fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1
to write at a tremendous speed
佛书佛書fo2 shu1
Buddhist texts; scripture
福音书福音書fu2 yin1 shu1
副秘书长副秘書長fu4 mi4 shu1 zhang3
副书记副書記fu4 shu1 ji5
deputy secretary
哥林多后书哥林多後書ge1 lin2 duo1 hou4 shu1
Second epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
哥林多前书哥林多前書ge1 lin2 duo1 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
歌罗西书歌羅西書ge1 luo2 xi1 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians
工具书工具書gong1 ju4 shu1
reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc)
购书券購書券gou4 shu1 quan4
book token
古书古書gu3 shu1
ancient book; old book
国家图书馆國家圖書館guo2 jia1 tu2 shu1 guan3
national library
国书國書guo2 shu1
credentials (of a diplomat); documents exchanged between nations; national or dynastic history book
哈巴谷书哈巴谷書ha1 ba1 gu3 shu1
Book of Habakkuk
哈该书哈該書ha1 gai1 shu1
Book of Haggai
海淀图书城海澱圖書城hai3 dian4 tu2 shu1 cheng2
Haidian Book City, Beijing bookstore
海上奇书海上奇書hai3 shang4 qi2 shu1
literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆 featuring serialized novels in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular
汉书漢書han4 shu1
History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, composed by Ban Gu 班固 in 82 during Eastern Han (later Han), 100 scrolls
何西阿书何西阿書he2 xi1 a1 shu1
Book of Hosea
红宝书紅寶書hong2 bao3 shu1
the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录)
后汉书後漢書hou4 han4 shu1
History of Eastern Han (later Han), third of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, composed by Fan Ye 範曄|范晔 in 445 during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋, 120 scrolls
户部尚书戶部尚書hu4 bu4 shang4 shu1
Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
还书還書huan2 shu1
return books
黄色书刊黃色書刊huang2 se4 shu1 kan1
pornographic book
黄书黃書huang2 shu1
pornographic book
悔过书悔過書hui3 guo4 shu1
written repentance
婚书婚書hun1 shu1
(old) marriage contract
疾书疾書ji2 shu1
to scribble rapidly
加拉太书加拉太書jia1 la1 tai4 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians
教书教書jiao1 shu1
to teach (in a school)
教书匠教書匠jiao1 shu1 jiang4
hack teacher; pedagogue
教科书教科書jiao4 ke1 shu1
借书单借書單jie4 shu1 dan1
book slip
借书证借書證jie4 shu1 zheng4
library card
禁书禁書jin4 shu1
banned book
晋书晉書jin4 shu1
History of the Jin Dynasty, fifth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Fang Xuanling 房玄齡|房玄龄 in 648 during Tang Dynasty 唐朝, 130 scrolls
经书經書jing1 shu1
classic books in Confucianism; scriptures; sutras
旧书舊書jiu4 shu1
second-hand book; old book; ancient book
旧唐书舊唐書jiu4 tang2 shu1
History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Liu Xu 劉昫|刘昫 in 945 during Later Jin 後晉|后晋 of the Five Dynasties, 200 scrolls
旧约全书舊約全書jiu4 yue1 quan2 shu1
Old Testament
绝命书絕命書jue2 ming4 shu1
suicide note
楷书楷書kai3 shu1
regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
看书看書kan4 shu1
to read; to study
啃书啃書ken3 shu1
lit. to gnaw a book; to study; to cram
蓝皮书藍皮書lan2 pi2 shu1
an official report (e.g. governmental)
类书類書lei4 shu1
book by category
礼部尚书禮部尚書li3 bu4 shang4 shu1
Director of Board of Rites (Confucian)
隶书隸書li4 shu1
clerical script; official script (Chinese calligraphic style)
联合国秘书处聯合國秘書處lian2 he2 guo2 mi4 shu1 chu4
United Nations Secretariat
连书連書lian2 shu1
to write without lifting one's pen from the paper; (in the Romanization of Chinese) to write two or more syllables together as a single word (not separated by spaces)
脸书臉書lian3 shu1
梁书梁書liang2 shu1
History of Liang of the Southern Dynasties, eighth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Yao Silian 姚思廉 in 636 during Tang dynasty, 56 scrolls
梁唐晋汉周书梁唐晉漢周書liang2 tang2 jin4 han4 zhou1 shu1
another name for History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史|旧五代史
林书豪林書豪lin2 shu1 hao2
Jeremy Lin (1988-), Taiwanese-American professional basketball player (NBA)
六书六書liu4 shu1
Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictionary Shuowen 說文|说文 - namely, two primary methods: 象形 (pictogram), 指事 (ideogram), two compound methods: 會意|会意 (combined ideogram), 形聲|形声 (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer methods: 假
录取通知书錄取通知書lu4 qu3 tong1 zhi1 shu1
admission notice (delivered by a university)
罗马书羅馬書luo2 ma3 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Romans
绿皮书綠皮書lv4 pi2 shu1
green paper
玛拉基书瑪拉基書ma3 la1 ji1 shu1
Book of Malachi
弥迦书彌迦書mi2 jia1 shu1
Book of Micah
秘书秘書mi4 shu1
秘书长秘書長mi4 shu1 zhang3
默书默書mo4 shu1
to write from memory
那鸿书那鴻書na4 hong2 shu1
Book of Nahum
南齐书南齊書nan2 qi2 shu1
History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显 in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁, 59 scrolls
念书念書nian4 shu1
to read; to study
鸟虫书鳥蟲書niao3 chong2 shu1
bird writing, a calligraphic style based on seal script 篆书, but with characters decorated as birds and insects
牛角挂书牛角掛書niu2 jiao3 gua4 shu1
lit. to hang one's books on cow horns (idiom); fig. to be diligent in one's studies
女书女書nv3 shu1
Nü Shu writing, a phonetic syllabary for Yao ethnic group 瑶族 瑤族 dialect designed and used by women in Jiangyong county 江永縣|江永县 in southern Hunan
聘书聘書pin4 shu1
letter of appointment; contract
评书評書ping2 shu1
pingshu, a folk art where a single performer narrates stories from history or fiction
齐书齊書qi2 shu1
History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显 in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁, 59 scrolls; usually 南齊書|南齐书 to distinguish from Northern Qi
起诉书起訴書qi3 su4 shu1
indictment (law); statement of charges (law)
前汉书前漢書qian2 han4 shu1
History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, composed by Ban Gu 班固 in 82 during Eastern Han (later Han), 100 scrolls
钱钟书錢鐘書qian2 zhong1 shu1
Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998), literary academic and novelist, author of the 1947 novel Fortress Beseiged 圍城|围城
切结书切結書qie4 jie2 shu1
affidavit; written pledge
琴棋书画琴棋書畫qin2 qi2 shu1 hua4
the four arts (zither, Go, calligraphy, painting); the accomplishments of a well-educated person
琴书琴書qin2 shu1
traditional art form, consisting of sung story telling with musical accompaniment
情书情書qing2 shu1
love letter
请愿书請願書qing3 yuan4 shu1
罄笔难书罄筆難書qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1
too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) (idiom); see also 罄竹難書|罄竹难书
罄竹难书罄竹難書qing4 zhu2 nan2 shu1
so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted; innumerable crimes (idiom); see also 罄筆難書|罄笔难书
to write a letter (to the authorities); to present a petition
尚书经尚書經shang4 shu1 jing1
Book of History; a compendium of documents in various styles, making up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the times of Confucius
the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经 and the Book of History 書經|书经
史书史書shi3 shu1
history book
手书手書shou3 shu1
to write personally; personal letter
书案書案shu1 an4
writing desk; official record
书板書板shu1 ban3
(writing) tablet
书包書包shu1 bao1
schoolbag; satchel
书报書報shu1 bao4
papers and books
书本書本shu1 ben3
书不尽言書不盡言shu1 bu4 jin4 yan2
I have much more to say than can be written in this letter (conventional letter ending) (idiom)
书虫書蟲shu1 chong2
书橱書櫥shu1 chu2
书呆子書呆子shu1 dai1 zi5
bookworm; pedant; bookish fool
书档書檔shu1 dang4
书店書店shu1 dian4
书牍書牘shu1 du2
letter; wooden writing strips (arch.); general term for letters and documents
书蠹書蠹shu1 du4
bookworm (literal and figurative); book louse; pedant
书法書法shu1 fa3
calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship
书法家書法家shu1 fa3 jia1
书房書房shu1 fang2
study (room); studio
书风書風shu1 feng1
calligraphic style
书稿書稿shu1 gao3
manuscript of a book
书馆書館shu1 guan3
teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers; (attached to name of publishing houses); (in former times) private school; library (of classic texts)
书馆儿書館兒shu1 guan3 er5
teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers
书柜書櫃shu1 gui4
书函書函shu1 han2
letter; correspondence; slipcase
书画書畫shu1 hua4
painting and calligraphy
书画家書畫家shu1 hua4 jia1
calligrapher and painter
书画毡書畫氈shu1 hua4 zhan1
felt desk pad for calligraphy
书会書會shu1 hui4
calligraphy society; village school (old); literary society (old)
书籍書籍shu1 ji2
books; works
书脊書脊shu1 ji3
spine of a book
书迹書跡shu1 ji4
extant work of a calligrapher
书记書記shu1 ji5
secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party); clerk; scribe
书记处書記處shu1 ji5 chu4
书记官書記官shu1 ji5 guan1
clerk of a law court
书架書架shu1 jia4
书柬書柬shu1 jian3
variant of 書簡|书简
书简書簡shu1 jian3
(literary) letter
书角書角shu1 jiao3
corner of a page
书经書經shu1 jing1
the Book of History, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism 五經|五经, a compendium of documents which make up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the time of Confucius, also known as 尚書經|尚书经, 尚書|尚书, 書|书
书局書局shu1 ju2
bookstore; publishing house
书卷書卷shu1 juan4
volume; scroll
书卷奖書卷獎shu1 juan4 jiang3
presidential award (received by university students in Taiwan for academic excellence)
书卷气書卷氣shu1 juan4 qi4
scholarly flavor; educated appearance
书刊書刊shu1 kan1
books and publications
书库書庫shu1 ku4
a store room for books; fig. an erudite person; the Bibliotheca and Epitome of pseudo-Apollodorus
书眉書眉shu1 mei2
header; top margin on a page
书面書面shu1 mian4
in writing; written
书面许可書面許可shu1 mian4 xu3 ke3
written permission; written authorization
书面语書面語shu1 mian4 yu3
written language
书名書名shu1 ming2
name of a book; reputation as calligrapher
书名号書名號shu1 ming2 hao4
Chinese guillemet 《》(punct. used for names of books etc)
书目書目shu1 mu4
booklist; bibliography; title catalogue
书皮書皮shu1 pi2
book cover; book jacket
书皮儿書皮兒shu1 pi2 er5
erhua variant of 書皮|书皮
书评書評shu1 ping2
book review; book notice
书签書籤shu1 qian1
书箧書篋shu1 qie4
书社書社shu1 she4
a reading group; press (i.e. publishing house)
书生書生shu1 sheng1
scholar; intellectual; egghead
书圣書聖shu1 sheng4
great calligraphy master; the Sage of Calligraphy, traditional reference to Wang Xizhi 王羲之 (303-361)
书坛書壇shu1 tan2
the calligraphic community
书题書題shu1 ti2
book title
书体書體shu1 ti3
calligraphic style; font
书亭書亭shu1 ting2
book kiosk
书香書香shu1 xiang1
literary reputation
书香门第書香門第shu1 xiang1 men2 di4
family with a literary reputation (idiom); literary family
书写書寫shu1 xie3
to write
书写不能症書寫不能症shu1 xie3 bu4 neng2 zheng4
书写符号書寫符號shu1 xie3 fu2 hao4
writing symbol
书写语言書寫語言shu1 xie3 yu3 yan2
written language
书信書信shu1 xin4
letter; epistle
书信集書信集shu1 xin4 ji2
collected letters
书页書頁shu1 ye4
page of a book
书院書院shu1 yuan4
academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)
lit. in books are sumptuous houses and graceful ladies (proverb); fig. be diligent in your studies, success and glory will follow
书桌書桌shu1 zhuo1
说明书說明書shuo1 ming2 shu1
(technical) manual; (book of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film); specification (patent)
说书說書shuo1 shu1
folk art consisting of storytelling to music
四库全书四庫全書si4 ku4 quan2 shu1
Siku Quanshu (collection of books compiled during Qing dynasty)
四书四書si4 shu1
Four Books, namely: the Great Learning 大學|大学, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, the Analects of Confucius 論語|论语, and Mencius 孟子
宋书宋書song4 shu1
History of Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋 or Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋, sixth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Shen Yue 沈約|沈约 in 488 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁, 100 scrolls; (not to be confused with 宋史)
宋四大书宋四大書song4 si4 da4 shu1
Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華
隋书隋書sui2 shu1
History of the Sui Dynasty, thirteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Wei Zheng 魏徵|魏征 in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 85 scrolls
唐书唐書tang2 shu1
same as 舊唐書|旧唐书, History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Liu Xu 劉昫|刘昫 in 945 during Later Jin 後晉|后晋 of the Five Dynasties, 200 scrolls
提多书提多書ti2 duo1 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to Titus
提摩太后书提摩太後書ti2 mo2 tai4 hou4 shu1
Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy
提摩太前书提摩太前書ti2 mo2 tai4 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to Timothy
体书體書ti3 shu1
calligraphic style
天书天書tian1 shu1
imperial edict; heavenly book (superstition); obscure or illegible writing; double dutch
listening to the words of a wise man can be superior to studying ten years of books (proverb)
听书聽書ting1 shu1
to listen to stories; to listen to performance of 說書|说书 storytelling
通书通書tong1 shu1
投书投書tou2 shu1
to deliver; to send a letter; a letter (of complaint, opinion etc)
图书圖書tu2 shu1
books (in a library or bookstore)
图书馆圖書館tu2 shu1 guan3
图书管理员圖書管理員tu2 shu1 guan3 li3 yuan2
图书馆员圖書館員tu2 shu1 guan3 yuan2
推荐书推薦書tui1 jian4 shu1
recommendation letter
委任书委任書wei3 ren4 shu1
letter of appointment
伪书偽書wei3 shu1
forged book; book of dubious authenticity; misattributed book; Apocrypha
委托书委託書wei3 tuo1 shu1
commission; proxy; power of attorney; authorization; warrant
魏书魏書wei4 shu1
History of Wei of the Northern Dynasties, tenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Wei Shou 魏收 in 554 during Northern Qi Dynasty 北齊|北齐, 114 scrolls
文书文書wen2 shu1
document; official correspondence; secretary; secretariat
文书处理文書處理wen2 shu1 chu3 li3
dealing with red tape; paperwork; (Tw) word processing
无巧不成书無巧不成書wu2 qiao3 bu4 cheng2 shu1
curious coincidence
武经七书武經七書wu3 jing1 qi1 shu1
Seven Military Classics of ancient China viz "Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬, "Methods of Sima" 司馬法|司马法, "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法, "Wuzi" 吳子|吴子, "Wei Liaozi" 尉繚子|尉缭子, "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 黃石公三略|黄石公三略 and "Duke Li of Wei Answering E
希伯来书希伯來書xi1 bo2 lai2 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews
西番雅书西番雅書xi1 fan1 ya3 shu1
Book of Zephaniah
闲书閒書xian2 shu1
light reading
小百科全书小百科全書xiao3 bai3 ke1 quan2 shu1
小人书小人書xiao3 ren2 shu1
children's picture story book
协议书協議書xie2 yi4 shu1
contract; protocol
新华书店新華書店xin1 hua2 shu1 dian4
Xinhua Bookstore, China's largest bookstore chain
新唐书新唐書xin1 tang2 shu1
History of the Later Tang Dynasty, seventeenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修 and Song Qi 宋祁 in 1060 during Northern Song 北宋, 225 scrolls
to travel a thousand miles beats reading a thousand books
续书續書xu4 shu1
sequel; continuation of a book
宣誓书宣誓書xuan1 shi4 shu1
学位证书學位證書xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1
血书血書xue4 shu1
letter written in one's own blood, expressing determination, hatred, last wishes etc
雅各书雅各書ya3 ge4 shu1
Epistle of St James (in New Testament)
仰屋著书仰屋著書yang3 wu1 zhu4 shu1
lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book (idiom); to put one's whole body and soul into a book
耶利米书耶利米書ye1 li4 mi3 shu1
Book of Jeremiah
医书醫書yi1 shu1
medical book
遗书遺書yi2 shu1
posthumous writing; testament; suicide note; ancient literature
以弗所书以弗所書yi3 fu2 suo3 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians
以赛亚书以賽亞書yi3 sai4 ya4 shu1
Book of Isaiah
以西结书以西結書yi3 xi1 jie2 shu1
Book of Ezekiel
议定书議定書yi4 ding4 shu1
protocol; treaty
意向书意向書yi4 xiang4 shu1
letter of intent (LOI) (commerce)
肄业证书肄業證書yi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1
certificate of partial completion; certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate)
淫书淫書yin2 shu1
obscene book; pornography
郢书燕说郢書燕說ying3 shu1 yan1 shuo1
lit. Ying writes a letter and Yan reads it; fig. to misinterpret the original meaning; to pile up errors; refers to the letter from capital 郢 of 楚 in which the inadvertent words "hold up the candle" are mistaken by the minister of 燕 as "promote the wise"
犹大书猶大書you2 da4 shu1
Epistle of St Jude (in New Testament)
有声书有聲書you3 sheng1 shu1
约珥书約珥書yue1 er3 shu1
Book of Joel
约翰参书約翰參書yue1 han4 can1 shu1
Third epistle of St John; also written 約翰三書|约翰三书
约翰贰书約翰貳書yue1 han4 er4 shu1
Second epistle of St John; also written 約翰二書|约翰二书
约翰二书約翰二書yue1 han4 er4 shu1
Second epistle of St John
约翰三书約翰三書yue1 han4 san1 shu1
Third epistle of St John
约翰壹书約翰壹書yue1 han4 yi1 shu1
First epistle of St John; also written 約翰一書|约翰一书
约翰一书約翰一書yue1 han4 yi1 shu1
First epistle of St John
约拿书約拿書yue1 na2 shu1
Book of Jonah
约书亚約書亞yue1 shu1 ya4
Joshua (name)
约书亚记約書亞記yue1 shu1 ya4 ji4
Book of Joshua
岳麓书院嶽麓書院yue4 lu4 shu1 yuan4
Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan, famous ancient academy
韵书韻書yun4 shu1
rhyming dictionary; traditional Chinese phonetic dictionary with words ordered first by four tones 四聲|四声 then rhyme 韻|韵 (i.e. medial consonant and final)
债务证书債務證書zhai4 wu4 zheng4 shu1
debt instrument
战书戰書zhan4 shu1
written war challenge
招股书招股書zhao1 gu3 shu1
prospectus (setting out share offer); offering circular
招股说明书招股說明書zhao1 gu3 shuo1 ming2 shu1
诏书詔書zhao4 shu1
edict; written imperial order
折节读书折節讀書zhe2 jie2 du2 shu1
to start reading furiously, contrary to previous habit (idiom)
真书真書zhen1 shu1
regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
证明书證明書zheng4 ming2 shu1
证书證書zheng4 shu1
credentials; certificate
正书正書zheng4 shu1
regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
支书支書zhi1 shu1
branch secretary; secretary of a branch of the Communist Party or the Communist Youth League; abbr. for 支部書記|支部书记
History of Zhou of the Northern Dynasties, twelfth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Linghu Defen 令狐德棻 in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 50 scrolls
籀书籀書zhou4 shu1
seal script used throughout the pre-Han period
竺书竺書zhu2 shu1
Buddhist texts (archaic); scripture
竹书纪年竹書紀年zhu2 shu1 ji4 nian2
Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chinese ancient history, written c. 300 BC