The story is so good it's worth hearing a hundred times.; One never tires of hearing good new.
好汉做事好汉当好漢做事好漢當hao3 han4 zuo4 shi4 hao3 han4 dang1
daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it (idiom); a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions; the buck stops here
好人好事好人好事hao3 ren2 hao3 shi4
admirable people and exemplary deeds
好事好事hao3 shi4
good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing indeed"); charity; happy occasion; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead
timely handling doubles the effect and halves the effort; the right approach saves effort and leads to better results; a stitch in time saves nine
吉事吉事ji2 shi4
auspicious event
吉事果吉事果ji2 shi4 guo3
既成事实既成事實ji4 cheng2 shi4 shi2
fait accompli
记事記事ji4 shi4
to keep a record of events; record; to start to form memories (after one's infancy)
济事濟事ji4 shi4
(usually used in the negative) to be of help or use
记事本記事本ji4 shi4 ben3
notebook; paper notepad; laptop computer
记事簿記事簿ji4 shi4 bu4
a memo book (recording events)
记事册記事冊ji4 shi4 ce4
notebook containing a record
家和万事兴家和萬事興jia1 he2 wan4 shi4 xing1
if the family lives in harmony all affairs will prosper (idiom)
家事家事jia1 shi4
family matters; domestic affairs; housework
见机行事見機行事jian4 ji1 xing2 shi4
see the opportunity and act (idiom); to act according to circumstances; to play it by ear; to use one's discretion
交通肇事罪交通肇事罪jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4 zui4
culpable driving causing serious damage or injury
街道办事处街道辦事處jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4
sub-district office; neighborhood official; an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities
今日事今日毕今日事今日畢jin1 ri4 shi4 jin1 ri4 bi4
never put off until tomorrow what you can do today (idiom)
紧急事件緊急事件jin3 ji2 shi4 jian4
九一八事变九一八事變jiu3 yi1 ba1 shi4 bian4
the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Incident of 18th September 1931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria; also known as Liutiaogou incident 柳條溝事變|柳条沟事变
旧事舊事jiu4 shi4
old affair; former matter
就事论事就事論事jiu4 shi4 lun4 shi4
to discuss sth on its own merits; to judge the matter as it stands
军事軍事jun1 shi4
military affairs; military matters; military
军事部门軍事部門jun1 shi4 bu4 men2
military branch
军事法庭軍事法庭jun1 shi4 fa3 ting2
court-martial; military tribunal
军事核大国軍事核大國jun1 shi4 he2 da4 guo2
military nuclear power
军事化軍事化jun1 shi4 hua4
军事基地軍事基地jun1 shi4 ji1 di4
military base
军事机构軍事機構jun1 shi4 ji1 gou4
military institution
军事家軍事家jun1 shi4 jia1
military expert; general
军事科学軍事科學jun1 shi4 ke1 xue2
military science
军事力量軍事力量jun1 shi4 li4 liang5
military strength; military force(s)
军事情报軍事情報jun1 shi4 qing2 bao4
military intelligence
军事设施軍事設施jun1 shi4 she4 shi1
military installations
军事实力軍事實力jun1 shi4 shi2 li4
military strength; military power
军事体育軍事體育jun1 shi4 ti3 yu4
military sports; military fitness (curriculum etc); abbr. to 軍體|军体
军事威胁軍事威脅jun1 shi4 wei1 xie2
military threat
军事行动軍事行動jun1 shi4 xing2 dong4
military operation
军事学軍事學jun1 shi4 xue2
military science
军事训练軍事訓練jun1 shi4 xun4 lian4
military exercise; army drill
军事演习軍事演習jun1 shi4 yan3 xi2
military exercise; war game
军事援助軍事援助jun1 shi4 yuan2 zhu4
military aid
军事政变軍事政變jun1 shi4 zheng4 bian4
military coup
坎特伯雷故事集坎特伯雷故事集kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 gu4 shi4 ji2
The Canterbury Tales, collection of stories by Geoffrey Chaucer 喬叟|乔叟
看人行事看人行事kan4 ren2 xing2 shi4
to treat people according to their rank and one's relationship with them (idiom)
苦差事苦差事ku3 chai1 shi5
see 苦差
苦事苦事ku3 shi4
hard job; arduous task
会计准则理事会會計準則理事會kuai4 ji4 zhun3 ze2 li3 shi4 hui4
accounting standards council
亏心事虧心事kui1 xin1 shi4
shameful deed
乐事樂事le4 shi4
乐事樂事le4 shi4
Lay's (brand)
理监事理監事li3 jian1 shi4
member of a board of directors
理事理事li3 shi4
member of council
理事会理事會li3 shi4 hui4
理事长理事長li3 shi4 zhang3
director general
历史事件歷史事件li4 shi3 shi4 jian4
historical incident
利事利事li4 shi4
(Cantonese) same as 紅包|红包
莅事者蒞事者li4 shi4 zhe3
an official; person holding post; local functionary
two quite different things; another kettle of fish
了事了事liao3 shi4
to dispose of a matter; to be done with it
料事如神料事如神liao4 shi4 ru2 shen2
to prophesy with supernatural accuracy (idiom); to have an incredible foresight
领事領事ling3 shi4
领事馆領事館ling3 shi4 guan3
柳条沟事件柳條溝事件liu3 tiao2 gou1 shi4 jian4
see 柳條湖事件|柳条湖事件
柳条湖事件柳條湖事件liu3 tiao2 hu2 shi4 jian4
the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Incident of 18th September 1931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria; also known as 9-18 incident 九一八事變|九一八事变
六二五事变六二五事變liu4 er4 wu3 shi4 bian4
Korean war (dating from North Korean invasion on 25th Jun 1950)
六四事件六四事件liu4 si4 shi4 jian4
Tiananmen Incident of June 4, 1989
卢沟桥事变盧溝橋事變lu2 gou1 qiao2 shi4 bian4
Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争
芦沟桥事变蘆溝橋事變lu2 gou1 qiao2 shi4 bian4
the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2 between Japan and China
律师事务所律師事務所lv4 shi1 shi4 wu4 suo3
law firm
卖本事賣本事mai4 ben3 shi4
to flaunt a skill; to give display to one's ability; to show off a feat; to vaunt one's tricks
He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.; Rest with a clear conscience.
评事評事ping2 shi4
to discuss and evaluate; to appraise
破事破事po4 shi4
trivial matter; trifle; annoying thing
七七事变七七事變qi1 qi1 shi4 bian4
Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争
七事七事qi1 shi4
the Seven Duties of a sovereign, namely: offering sacrifice 祭祀, giving audience 朝覲|朝觐, administering jointly 會同|会同, receiving guests 賓客|宾客, running army 軍旅|军旅, attending to farm work 田役, mourning ceremonial 喪荒|丧荒
奇事奇事qi2 shi4
启事啟事qi3 shi4
announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website); to post information; a notice
汽车炸弹事件汽車炸彈事件qi4 che1 zha4 dan4 shi4 jian4
car bombing
钱多事少离家近錢多事少離家近qian2 duo1 shi4 shao3 li2 jia1 jin4
lots of money, less work, and close to home; ideal job
a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom); don't repeat the same mistake again and again; bad things don't happen more than three times
事不宜迟事不宜遲shi4 bu4 yi2 chi2
the matter should not be delayed; there's no time to lose
事到今日事到今日shi4 dao4 jin1 ri4
under the circumstances; the matter having come to that point
事到临头事到臨頭shi4 dao4 lin2 tou2
when things come to a head (idiom)
事到如今事到如今shi4 dao4 ru2 jin1
as matters stand; things having reached this stage
事典事典shi4 dian3
事端事端shi4 duan1
disturbance; incident
事儿事兒shi4 er5
one's employment; business; matter that needs to be settled; (northern dialect) (of a person) demanding; trying; troublesome; erhua variant of 事
事儿B事兒Bshi4 er5 -
(coll.) fussbudget; pain in the ass
事儿妈事兒媽shi4 er5 ma1
(coll.) fussbudget; pain in the ass
事发地点事發地點shi4 fa1 di4 dian3
the scene of the incident
事发时事發時shi4 fa1 shi2
the time of the incident
事奉事奉shi4 feng4
to serve
事故事故shi4 gu4
事故照射事故照射shi4 gu4 zhao4 she4
accidental exposure
事关事關shi4 guan1
to concern; on (some topic); about; concerning; to have importance for
事过境迁事過境遷shi4 guo4 jing4 qian1
The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom).; It is water under the bridge.
事后事後shi4 hou4
after the event; in hindsight; in retrospect
事后聪明事後聰明shi4 hou4 cong1 ming5
wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, one should have predicted it
事后诸葛亮事後諸葛亮shi4 hou4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
a genius in retrospect (idiom); hindsight is 20-20
事机事機shi4 ji1
confidential aspects of a matter; secrets; key moment for action
事迹事跡shi4 ji4
deed; past achievement; important event of the past
事假事假shi4 jia4
leave of absence
事件事件shi4 jian4
event; happening; incident
事件相关电位事件相關電位shi4 jian4 xiang1 guan1 dian4 wei4
event-related potential
事界事界shi4 jie4
event horizon
事理事理shi4 li3
reason; logic
事例事例shi4 li4
example; exemplar; typical case
事略事略shi4 lve4
biographical sketch
事怕行家事怕行家shi4 pa4 hang2 jia1
an expert always produces the best work (idiom)
事前事前shi4 qian2
in advance; before the event
事情要做事情要做shi4 qing2 yao4 zuo4
work that needs to be done; business that needs to be attended to
事情事情shi4 qing5
affair; matter; thing; business
事求是事求是shi4 qiu2 shi4
to seek the truth from facts
事权事權shi4 quan2
position; authority; responsibility
事实事實shi4 shi2
事实婚事實婚shi4 shi2 hun1
common-law marriage; de facto marriage
事实求是事實求是shi4 shi2 qiu2 shi4
to seek the truth from facts
事实上事實上shi4 shi2 shang4
in fact; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact; de facto; ipso facto
事实胜于雄辩事實勝於雄辯shi4 shi2 sheng4 yu2 xiong2 bian4
Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)
事事事事shi4 shi4
世事世事shi4 shi4
affairs of life; things of the world
事势事勢shi4 shi4
state of affairs
事态事態shi4 tai4
situation; existing state of affairs
事态发展事態發展shi4 tai4 fa1 zhan3
course of events
事体事體shi4 ti3
things; affairs; decorum
事危累卵事危累卵shi4 wei1 lei3 luan3
lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
事无大小事無大小shi4 wu2 da4 xiao3
see 事無巨細|事无巨细
事无巨细事無巨細shi4 wu2 ju4 xi4
lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom); fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance
事务事務shi4 wu4
(political, economic etc) affairs; work; transaction (as in a computer database)
事物事物shi4 wu4
thing; object
事务繁忙事務繁忙shi4 wu4 fan2 mang2
busy; bustling
事务律师事務律師shi4 wu4 lv4 shi1
solicitor (law)
事务所事務所shi4 wu4 suo3
business office
事务所律师事務所律師shi4 wu4 suo3 lv4 shi1
office lawyer
事先事先shi4 xian1
in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior
事先通知事先通知shi4 xian1 tong1 zhi1
preliminary notification; to announce in advance
事项事項shi4 xiang4
matter; item
事业事業shi4 ye4
undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation
事业线事業線shi4 ye4 xian4
(slang) cleavage; (palmistry) business line
事业心事業心shi4 ye4 xin1
devotion to one's work; professional ambition
事业有成事業有成shi4 ye4 you3 cheng2
to be successful in business; professional success
事宜事宜shi4 yi2
matters; arrangements
事由事由shi4 you2
main content; matter; work; origin of an incident; cause; purpose; subject (of business letter)
事与愿违事與願違shi4 yu3 yuan4 wei2
things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)
事在人为事在人為shi4 zai4 ren2 wei2
the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort; With effort, one can achieve anything.
事证事證shi4 zheng4
事主事主shi4 zhu3
victim (of a criminal); party involved (in a dispute etc); main instigator
a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)
虚应故事虛應故事xu1 ying4 gu4 shi4
to go through the motions
虚应了事虛應了事xu1 ying4 liao3 shi4
see 虛應故事|虚应故事
酗酒滋事酗酒滋事xu4 jiu3 zi1 shi4
drunken fighting; to get drunk and quarrel
叙事敘事xu4 shi4
叙事诗敘事詩xu4 shi4 shi1
narrative poem
寻事生非尋事生非xun2 shi4 sheng1 fei1
to look for trouble
寻衅滋事罪尋釁滋事罪xun2 xin4 zi1 shi4 zui4
disorderly behavior (PRC law)
雅事雅事ya3 shi4
refined activities of the intellectuals (regarding literature, paintings etc)
亚罗号事件亞羅號事件ya4 luo2 hao4 shi4 jian4
the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)
要事要事yao4 shi4
important matter
一二八事变一二八事變yi1 er4 ba1 shi4 bian4
Shanghai Incident of 28th January 1932, Chinese uprising against Japanese quarters of Shanghai
一回事一回事yi1 hui2 shi4
one thing; the same as
依计行事依計行事yi1 ji4 xing2 shi4
to act according to plan
一切事物一切事物yi1 qie4 shi4 wu4
一事无成一事無成yi1 shi4 wu2 cheng2
to have achieved nothing; to be a total failure; to get nowhere
意气用事意氣用事yi4 qi4 yong4 shi4
to let emotions affect one's decisions
逸事逸事yi4 shi4
anecdote; lost or apocryphal story about famous person
议事議事yi4 shi4
to discuss official business
轶事軼事yi4 shi4
variant of 逸事
异事異事yi4 shi4
sth else; a separate matter; not the same thing; with different jobs (not colleagues); a remarkable thing; sth special; an odd thing; sth strange or incomprehensible
逸事遗闻逸事遺聞yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2
variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻
轶事遗闻軼事遺聞yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2
anecdote (about historical person); lost or apocryphal story
意外事故意外事故yi4 wai4 shi4 gu4
意中事意中事yi4 zhong1 shi4
sth that is expected or wished for
因人成事因人成事yin1 ren2 cheng2 shi4
to get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends
隐事隱事yin3 shi4
a secret
有事有事you3 shi4
to be occupied with sth; to have sth on one's mind; there is something the matter
有志者事竟成有志者事竟成you3 zhi4 zhe3 shi4 jing4 cheng2
a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, there's a way
To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job
遇事生风遇事生風yu4 shi4 sheng1 feng1
to stir up trouble at every opportunity (idiom)
月事月事yue4 shi4
menses; menstruation; a woman's periods
韵人韵事韻人韻事yun4 ren2 yun4 shi4
a charming man enjoys charming pursuits (idiom)
韵事韻事yun4 shi4
poetic occasion; elegant situation; in literature, the cue for a poem
造谣生事造謠生事zao4 yao2 sheng1 shi4
to start rumours and create trouble
责任事故責任事故ze2 ren4 shi4 gu4
accident occurring due to negligence
怎么回事怎麼回事zen3 me5 hui2 shi4
what's the matter?; what's going on?; how could that be?; how did that come about?; what's it all about?
战事戰事zhan4 shi4
war; hostilities; fighting
找事找事zhao3 shi4
to look for employment; to pick a quarrel
肇事肇事zhao4 shi4
to cause an accident; to be responsible for an incident; to provoke a disturbance
肇事逃逸肇事逃逸zhao4 shi4 tao2 yi4
肇事者肇事者zhao4 shi4 zhe3
offender; culprit
真人真事真人真事zhen1 ren2 zhen1 shi4
genuine people and true events
真事真事zhen1 shi4
reality; veracity; the real thing
枕边故事枕邊故事zhen3 bian1 gu4 shi5
bedtime story
正事正事zheng4 shi4
one's proper business
政事政事zheng4 shi4
politics; government affairs
郑重其事鄭重其事zheng4 zhong4 qi2 shi4
serious about the matter
芝麻小事芝麻小事zhi1 ma5 xiao3 shi4
trivial matter; trifle
执事執事zhi2 shi4
to perform one's job; attendant; job; duties; (respectful appellation for the addressee) you; your Excellency; (Church) deacon
执事執事zhi2 shi5
paraphernalia of a guard of honor
指事指事zhi3 shi4
ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down; also known as self-explanatory character
指事字指事字zhi3 shi4 zi4
ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down; also known as self-explanatory character
置身事外置身事外zhi4 shen1 shi4 wai4
not to get involved; to stay out of it
中国海事局中國海事局zhong1 guo2 hai3 shi4 ju2
PRC Maritime Safety Agency
终身大事終身大事zhong1 shen1 da4 shi4
major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)