Ahmadinejad or Ahmadinezhad (Persian name); Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, President of Iran from 2005, famous for provocative speeches
奥康内尔奧康內爾ao4 kang1 nei4 er3
O'Connell (name); Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847), Irish nationalist and catholic activist
close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door; close in spirit although far away
海内外海內外hai3 nei4 wai4
domestic and international; at home and abroad
河内河內he2 nei4
Hanoi, capital of Vietnam
湖内湖內hu2 nei4
Hunei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan
湖内乡湖內鄉hu2 nei4 xiang1
Hunei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan
户内戶內hu4 nei4
indoors; within the home
黄帝内经黃帝內經huang2 di4 nei4 jing1
Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC
皇族内阁皇族內閣huang2 zu2 nei4 ge2
Qing emergency cabinet set up in May 1911 to confront the Xinhai rebels
鸡内金雞內金ji1 nei4 jin1
chicken gizzard lining
几内亚幾內亞ji1 nei4 ya4
几内亚比绍幾內亞比紹ji1 nei4 ya4 bi3 shao4
几内亚比索幾內亞比索ji1 nei4 ya4 bi3 suo3
Guinea-Bissau (Tw)
几内亚湾幾內亞灣ji3 nei4 ya4 wan1
Gulf of Guinea
贱内賤內jian4 nei4
my wife (humble)
界内球界內球jie4 nei4 qiu2
ball within bounds (sports); in; fair ball (baseball)
境内境內jing4 nei4
within the borders; internal (to a country, province, city etc); domestic
境内外境內外jing4 nei4 wai4
within and without the borders; domestic and foreign; home and abroad
惧内懼內ju4 nei4
卡内基卡內基ka3 nei4 ji1
Carnegie (name); Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American steel millionaire and philanthropist
卡内基梅隆大学卡內基梅隆大學ka3 nei4 ji1 mei2 long2 da4 xue2
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
李卜克内西李卜克內西li3 bo5 ke4 nei4 xi1
Wilhelm Liebknecht (1826-1900), political activist and founding member of the German Socialist Party SPD
里约热内卢里約熱內盧li3 yue1 re4 nei4 lu2
Rio de Janeiro
林内林內lin2 nei4
Linnei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
林内乡林內鄉lin2 nei4 xiang1
Linnei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
马斯内馬斯內ma3 si1 nei4
Jules Massenet (1842-1912), French composer
蒙特内哥罗蒙特內哥羅meng2 te4 nei4 ge1 luo2
Montenegro (Tw)
莫内莫內mo4 nei4
Taiwan equivalent of 莫奈
脑内啡腦內啡nao3 nei4 fei1
内八字脚內八字腳nei4 ba1 zi4 jiao3
intoeing; pigeon toes; knock-knees
内爆內爆nei4 bao4
to implode
内爆法原子弹內爆法原子彈nei4 bao4 fa3 yuan2 zi3 dan4
implosion atomic bomb
内比都內比都nei4 bi3 du1
Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, jungle capital of Myanmar (Burma) since November 2005, 300 km north of Rangoon and 300 km south of Mandalay; formerly called Pyinmana 彬馬那|彬马那
内宾內賓nei4 bin1
guest from the same country; internal or domestic visitor (as opposed to international guest 外賓|外宾)
内埔內埔nei4 bu4
Neipu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan
内部內部nei4 bu4
interior; inside (part, section); internal
内部斗争內部鬥爭nei4 bu4 dou4 zheng1
internal power struggle
内布拉斯加內布拉斯加nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1
Nebraska, US state
内布拉斯加州內布拉斯加州nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1 zhou1
Nebraska, US state
内部矛盾內部矛盾nei4 bu4 mao2 dun4
internal contradiction
内部缺陷內部缺陷nei4 bu4 que1 xian4
internal flaw
内部事务內部事務nei4 bu4 shi4 wu4
internal affairs
内部网內部網nei4 bu4 wang3
内埔乡內埔鄉nei4 bu4 xiang1
Neipu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县, Taiwan
内参內參nei4 can1
internal reference (within the same publication)
内层內層nei4 ceng2
internal layer
内插內插nei4 cha1
to install (hardware) internally (rather than plugging it in as a peripheral); (math.) to interpolate; interpolation
内场內場nei4 chang3
inner area (of a place that has an outer area); the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area); infield (baseball etc); (Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage
内臣內臣nei4 chen2
内衬內襯nei4 chen4
lining (of a container etc) (engineering)
内城內城nei4 cheng2
inner castle; donjon
内出血內出血nei4 chu1 xue4
internal bleeding; internal hemorrhage
内存內存nei4 cun2
internal storage; computer memory; random access memory (RAM)
内袋內袋nei4 dai4
inner pocket
内丹內丹nei4 dan1
Taoist internal alchemy
内地內地nei4 di4
inland; interior; hinterland
内弟內弟nei4 di4
wife's younger brother
内地內地nei4 di4
mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Kong and Macau, but including islands such as Hainan); Japan (used in Taiwan during Japanese colonization)
内定內定nei4 ding4
to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later; to decide behind closed doors; all cut and dried
内斗內鬥nei4 dou4
internal strife; power struggle
内耳內耳nei4 er3
inner ear
内耳道內耳道nei4 er3 dao4
internal auditory meatus (canal in temporal bone of skull housing auditory nerves)
内啡素內啡素nei4 fei1 su4
内啡肽內啡肽nei4 fei1 tai4
内分泌內分泌nei4 fen1 mi4
endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)
内分泌腺內分泌腺nei4 fen1 mi4 xian4
endocrine gland; gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone
内稃內稃nei4 fu1
inner husk
内服內服nei4 fu2
to take medicine orally (as opposed to applying externally)
内阁內閣nei4 ge2
(government) cabinet
内阁总理大臣內閣總理大臣nei4 ge2 zong3 li3 da4 chen2
formal title of the Japanese prime minister
内购內購nei4 gou4
buying direct from your company at preferential prices; (gaming) in-app purchase
内鬼內鬼nei4 gui3
mole; spy; rat; traitor
内涵內涵nei4 han2
meaningful content; implication; connotation (semantics); inner qualities (of a person)
内含体內含體nei4 han2 ti3
inclusion bodies
内涵意义內涵意義nei4 han2 yi4 yi4
(semantics) connotative meaning; connotation
内行內行nei4 hang2
expert; adept; experienced; an expert; a professional
while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show
内耗內耗nei4 hao4
internal friction; internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics); fig. waste or discord within an organization
内核內核nei4 he2
kernel (computer science)
内讧內訌nei4 hong4
internal strife
内哄內鬨nei4 hong4
variant of 內訌|内讧
内湖內湖nei4 hu2
Neihu district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan
内湖区內湖區nei4 hu2 qu1
Neihu district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan
内华达內華達nei4 hua2 da2
Nevada, US state
内华达州內華達州nei4 hua2 da2 zhou1
Nevada, US state
内化內化nei4 hua4
internalization; to internalize
内踝內踝nei4 huai2
medial malleolus
内黄內黃nei4 huang2
Neihuang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳, Henan
内黄县內黃縣nei4 huang2 xian4
Neihuang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳, Henan
内积內積nei4 ji1
inner product; the dot product of two vectors
内急內急nei4 ji2
to need to answer the call of nature
内贾德內賈德nei4 jia3 de2
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, President of Iran from 2005, famous for provocative speeches; abbr. for 艾哈邁迪內賈德|艾哈迈迪内贾德
内奸內奸nei4 jian1
undiscovered traitor; enemy within one's own ranks
内建內建nei4 jian4
内江內江nei4 jiang1
Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan
内江地区內江地區nei4 jiang1 di4 qu1
Neijiang prefecture in Sichuan
内江市內江市nei4 jiang1 shi4
Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan
内经內經nei4 jing1
abbr. for 黃帝內經|黄帝内经, Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC
内径內徑nei4 jing4
internal diameter
内疚內疚nei4 jiu4
guilty conscience; to feel a twinge of guilt
内眷內眷nei4 juan4
the females in a family; womenfolk
内卡河內卡河nei4 ka3 he2
Neckar River in Germany
内科內科nei4 ke1
internal medicine; general medicine
内科学內科學nei4 ke1 xue2
internal medicine
内科医生內科醫生nei4 ke1 yi1 sheng1
medical doctor; physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科醫生|外科医生