cool; cold

the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼|南凉 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)

to let sth cool down

strokes 10
strokes after radical 8
拔凉拔凉 拔涼拔涼 ba2 liang2 ba2 liang2
(dialect) very cold; chilled

悲凉 悲涼 bei1 liang2
sorrowful; dismal

北凉 北涼 bei3 liang2
Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-439)

冰凉 冰涼 bing1 liang2

苍凉 蒼涼 cang1 liang2
desolate; bleak

乘凉 乘涼 cheng2 liang2
to cool off in the shade

冲凉 沖涼 chong1 liang2
(dialect) to take a shower

大树底下好乘凉 大樹底下好乘涼 da4 shu4 di3 xia4 hao3 cheng2 liang2
lit. under a big tree the shade is plentiful (idiom); fig. to benefit by proximity to an influential person

风凉话 風涼話 feng1 liang2 hua4
sneering; sarcasm; cynical remarks

喝凉水都塞牙 喝涼水都塞牙 he1 liang2 shui3 dou1 sai1 ya2
(coll.) to be out of luck

后凉 後涼 hou4 liang2
Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (386-403)

荒凉 荒涼 huang1 liang2

黄花菜都凉了 黃花菜都涼了 huang2 hua1 cai4 dou1 liang2 le5
lit. the dishes are cold (idiom); fig. to arrive late; to take one's sweet time

凉拌 涼拌 liang2 ban4
salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)

凉茶 涼茶 liang2 cha2
Chinese herb tea

凉城 涼城 liang2 cheng2
Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia

凉城县 涼城縣 liang2 cheng2 xian4
Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia

凉粉 涼粉 liang2 fen3
liangfen (Chinese dish); grass jelly (Chinese dish)

凉快 涼快 liang2 kuai5
nice and cold; pleasantly cool

凉了半截 涼了半截 liang2 le5 ban4 jie2
felt a chill (in one's heart); (one's heart) sank

凉面 涼麵 liang2 mian4
cold noodles

凉棚 涼棚 liang2 peng2
mat awning; arbor

凉皮 涼皮 liang2 pi2
liangpi (noodle-like dish)

凉山彝族自治州 涼山彞族自治州 liang2 shan1 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1
Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

凉爽 涼爽 liang2 shuang3
cool and refreshing

凉水 涼水 liang2 shui3
cool water; unboiled water

凉亭 涼亭 liang2 ting2

凉席 涼席 liang2 xi2
summer sleeping mat (e.g. of woven split bamboo)

凉鞋 涼鞋 liang2 xie2

凉意 涼意 liang2 yi4
a slight chill

凉州 涼州 liang2 zhou1
Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市, Gansu

凉州区 涼州區 liang2 zhou1 qu1
Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市, Gansu

纳凉 納涼 na4 liang2
to enjoy the cool air

南凉 南涼 nan2 liang2
Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (397-414)

平凉 平涼 ping2 liang2
Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu

平凉地区 平涼地區 ping2 liang2 di4 qu1
Pingliang prefecture in Gansu

平凉市 平涼市 ping2 liang2 shi4
Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu

凄凉 悽涼 qi1 liang2
mournful; miserable

凄凉 淒涼 qi1 liang2
desolate (place)

前凉 前涼 qian2 liang2
Former Liang, one of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)

前人栽树,后人乘凉 前人栽樹,後人乘涼 qian2 ren2 zai1 shu4 - hou4 ren2 cheng2 liang2
to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors. (idiom)

清补凉 清補涼 qing1 bu3 liang2
ching bo leung, an icy, sweet dessert soup

清凉 清涼 qing1 liang2
cool; refreshing; (of clothing) skimpy; revealing

清凉油 清涼油 qing1 liang2 you2
soothing ointment; balm

秋凉 秋涼 qiu1 liang2
the cool of autumn

渗凉 滲涼 shen4 liang2
to feel cold (as symptom); permeated by cold

世态炎凉 世態炎涼 shi4 tai4 yan2 liang2
the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)

手搭凉棚 手搭涼棚 shou3 da1 liang2 peng2
to shade one's eyes with one's hand

受凉 受涼 shou4 liang2
to catch cold

说风凉话 說風涼話 shuo1 feng1 liang2 hua4
to sneer; to make cynical remarks; sarcastic talk

五凉 五涼 wu3 liang2
the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|後凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)

西凉 西涼 xi1 liang2
Western Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (400-421)

心静自然凉 心靜自然涼 xin1 jing4 zi4 ran2 liang2
a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom)

阴凉 陰涼 yin1 liang2

阴凉处 陰涼處 yin1 liang2 chu4
shady place

荫凉 蔭涼 yin4 liang2
shady and cool

着凉 著涼 zhao2 liang2
to catch cold; Taiwan pr.