to hit; to strike; to break; Taiwan pr.

strokes 5
strokes after radical 3
避其锐气,击其惰归 避其銳氣,擊其惰歸 bi4 qi2 rui4 qi4 - ji1 qi2 duo4 gui1
avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws (idiom)

搏击 搏擊 bo2 ji1
to fight, esp. with hands; wrestling (as a sport); to wrestle; to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc); to capture prey

不堪一击 不堪一擊 bu4 kan1 yi1 ji1
to be unable to withstand a single blow; to collapse at the first blow

沉重打击 沉重打擊 chen2 zhong4 da3 ji1
to hit hard

乘胜追击 乘勝追擊 cheng2 sheng4 zhui1 ji1
to follow up a victory and press home the attack; to pursue retreating enemy

笞击 笞擊 chi1 ji1
to cudgel

冲击 衝擊 chong1 ji1
to attack; to batter; (of waves) to pound against; shock; impact

冲击波 衝擊波 chong1 ji1 bo1
shock wave; blast wave

冲击力 衝擊力 chong1 ji1 li4
force of impact or thrust

冲击钻 衝擊鑽 chong1 ji1 zuan4
impact drill; hammer drill

出击 出擊 chu1 ji1
to sally; to attack

触击 觸擊 chu4 ji1
to touch; to tap; to contact; (baseball) to bunt

捶击 捶擊 chui2 ji1
to beat; to thump

打击 打擊 da3 ji1
to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; blow; (psychological) shock; percussion (music)

打击报复 打擊報復 da3 ji1 bao4 fu4
to retaliate

打击军事力量 打擊軍事力量 da3 ji1 jun1 shi4 li4 liang5

打击率 打擊率 da3 ji1 lv4
batting average (baseball etc)

打击社会财富 打擊社會財富 da3 ji1 she4 hui4 cai2 fu4

打击乐器 打擊樂器 da3 ji1 yue4 qi4
percussion instrument

打游击 打游擊 da3 you2 ji1
to fight as a guerilla; (fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place

大肆攻击 大肆攻擊 da4 si4 gong1 ji1
to vilify sb wantonly; unrestrained attack (on sb)

单击 單擊 dan1 ji1
to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)

点击 點擊 dian3 ji1
to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button)

点击付费广告 點擊付費廣告 dian3 ji1 fu4 fei4 guang3 gao4
pay-per-click advertising

点击率 點擊率 dian3 ji1 lv4
click-through rate (CTR) (Internet)

点击数 點擊數 dian3 ji1 shu4
number of clicks; number of hits (on a website)

电击 電擊 dian4 ji1
electric shock

电击棒 電擊棒 dian4 ji1 bang4
stun baton

钓鱼式攻击 釣魚式攻擊 diao4 yu2 shi4 gong1 ji1
phishing attack (computing)

堵击 堵擊 du3 ji1
to intercept and attack (military)

对空射击 對空射擊 dui4 kong1 she4 ji1
anti-aircraft fire; to shoot at enemy planes

反击 反擊 fan3 ji1
to strike back; to beat back; to counterattack

伏击 伏擊 fu2 ji1
ambush; to ambush

攻击 攻擊 gong1 ji1
to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military)

攻击机 攻擊機 gong1 ji1 ji1
ground attack aircraft

攻击力 攻擊力 gong1 ji1 li4
potential for attack; firepower

攻击线 攻擊線 gong1 ji1 xian4
the front line; the attack (e.g. football forwards)

攻击型核潜艇 攻擊型核潛艇 gong1 ji1 xing2 he2 qian2 ting3
nuclear-powered attack submarine

核反击 核反擊 he2 fan3 ji1
nuclear counter strike

合击 合擊 he2 ji1
combined assault; to mount a joint attack

轰击 轟擊 hong1 ji1

还击 還擊 huan2 ji1
to hit back; to return fire

回击 回擊 hui2 ji1
to fight back; to return fire; to counterattack

击败 擊敗 ji1 bai4
to defeat; to beat

击毙 擊斃 ji1 bi4
to kill; to shoot dead

击沉 擊沉 ji1 chen2
to attack and sink (a ship)

击刺 擊刺 ji1 ci4
to stab; to hack

击打 擊打 ji1 da3
to beat; to lash

击倒 擊倒 ji1 dao3
to knock down; knocked down

击鼓传花 擊鼓傳花 ji1 gu3 chuan2 hua1
beat the drum, pass the flower (game in which players sit in a circle passing a flower around while a drum is beaten – when the drumbeat stops, the player holding the flower must sing a song, answer a question, or drink a glass of wine etc)

击鼓鸣金 擊鼓鳴金 ji1 gu3 ming2 jin1
to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back

击毁 擊毀 ji1 hui3
to attack and destroy

击剑 擊劍 ji1 jian4
fencing (sport)

击剑者 擊劍者 ji1 jian4 zhe3
fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)

击溃 擊潰 ji1 kui4
to defeat; to smash; to rout

击落 擊落 ji1 luo4
to shoot down (a plane)

击球 擊球 ji1 qiu2
to bat; to hit a ball (sport)

击球员 擊球員 ji1 qiu2 yuan2
lit. striking sportsman; striker (baseball); batsman (cricket)

击碎 擊碎 ji1 sui4
to smash to pieces

击退 擊退 ji1 tui4
to beat back; to repel

击弦贝斯 擊弦貝斯 ji1 xian2 bei4 si1
slap bass (bass guitar technique)

击弦类 擊弦類 ji1 xian2 lei4
hammered string type (of musical instrument)

击弦类乐器 擊弦類樂器 ji1 xian2 lei4 yue4 qi4
hammered string musical instrument

击掌 擊掌 ji1 zhang3
to clap one's hands; to clap each other's hands; high five

击中 擊中 ji1 zhong4
to hit (a target etc); to strike

击坠 擊墜 ji1 zhui4
to shoot down

击缶 擊缶 ji2 fou3
to beat time with a percussion instrument made of pottery

夹击 夾擊 jia1 ji1
pincer attack; attack from two or more sides; converging attack; attack on a flank; fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks

歼击 殲擊 jian1 ji1
to annihilate; to attack and destroy; Jianji, PRC fighter plane based on Soviet MiG; usually 殲擊8型|歼击8型

歼击机 殲擊機 jian1 ji1 ji1
fighter plane

截击 截擊 jie2 ji1
to intercept (military)

进击 進擊 jin4 ji1
to attack

狙击 狙擊 ju1 ji1
to snipe (shoot from hiding)

狙击手 狙擊手 ju1 ji1 shou3
sniper; marksman

抗击 抗擊 kang4 ji1
to resist (an aggressor); to oppose (a menace)

恐怖袭击 恐怖襲擊 kong3 bu4 xi2 ji1
terrorist attack

扣击 扣擊 kou4 ji1
to smash a ball

雷击 雷擊 lei2 ji1
lightning strike; thunderbolt

连击 連擊 lian2 ji1
to batter; combo (hit) (gaming); (volleyball, table tennis etc) double hit; double contact

猛击 猛擊 meng3 ji1
to slap; to smack; to punch

棉花拳击 棉花拳擊 mian2 hua1 quan2 ji1
Mianhua Quanji - "Cotton Boxing" (Chinese Martial Art)

目击 目擊 mu4 ji1
to see with one's own eyes; to witness

目击者 目擊者 mu4 ji1 zhe3

鸟击 鳥擊 niao3 ji1
bird strike (aviation)

拍击 拍擊 pai1 ji1
to smack; to beat

迫击炮 迫擊炮 pai3 ji1 pao4
mortar (weapon)

旁敲侧击 旁敲側擊 pang2 qiao1 ce4 ji1
to make insinuations; to take an indirect approach (in making inquiries) (idiom)

炮击 炮擊 pao4 ji1
to shell; to bombard; bombardment

炮击 砲擊 pao4 ji1
to shell; to bombard; bombardment

抨击 抨擊 peng1 ji1
to attack (verbally or in writing)

碰击 碰擊 peng4 ji1
to knock against; to knock together; to rattle

枪击 槍擊 qiang1 ji1
to shoot with a gun; shooting incident

枪击案 槍擊案 qiang1 ji1 an4
a shooting

敲击 敲擊 qiao1 ji1
to pound; to rap

轻击棒 輕擊棒 qing1 ji1 bang4
putter (golf)

轻击球 輕擊球 qing1 ji1 qiu2
to hit the ball lightly (sport); putt (golf)

轻击区 輕擊區 qing1 ji1 qu1
putting green (golf)

拳击 拳擊 quan2 ji1

拳击比赛 拳擊比賽 quan2 ji1 bi3 sai4
boxing match

拳击手 拳擊手 quan2 ji1 shou3

拳击台 拳擊臺 quan2 ji1 tai2
boxing ring

拳击选手 拳擊選手 quan2 ji1 xuan3 shou3

人身攻击 人身攻擊 ren2 shen1 gong1 ji1
personal attack

闪击 閃擊 shan3 ji1
lightning attack; Blitzkrieg

闪击战 閃擊戰 shan3 ji1 zhan4
lightning war; Blitzkrieg

射击 射擊 she4 ji1
to shoot; to fire (a gun)

射击学 射擊學 she4 ji1 xue2

神风突击队 神風突擊隊 shen2 feng1 tu1 ji1 dui4
kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)

声东击西 聲東擊西 sheng1 dong1 ji1 xi1
to threaten the east and strike to the west (idiom); to create a diversion

双击 雙擊 shuang1 ji1

痛击 痛擊 tong4 ji1
to deliver a punishing attack; to deal a heavy blow

突击 突擊 tu1 ji1
sudden and violent attack; assault; fig. rushed job; concentrated effort to finish a job quickly

突击步枪 突擊步槍 tu1 ji1 bu4 qiang1
assault rifle

突击队 突擊隊 tu1 ji1 dui4
commando unit

突击队员 突擊隊員 tu1 ji1 dui4 yuan2

突击检查 突擊檢查 tu1 ji1 jian3 cha2
sudden unannounced investigation; on-the-spot inspection; to search without notification

围击 圍擊 wei2 ji1
to besiege

尾击 尾擊 wei3 ji1
attack from the rear

文化冲击 文化衝擊 wen2 hua4 chong1 ji1
culture shock

无懈可击 無懈可擊 wu2 xie4 ke3 ji1

袭击 襲擊 xi2 ji1
attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack

袭击者 襲擊者 xi2 ji1 zhe3

相向突击 相向突擊 xiang1 xiang4 tu1 ji1
sudden attack from the opposite direction (idiom)

星流电击 星流電擊 xing1 liu2 dian4 ji1
meteor shower and violent thunderclaps (idiom); omens of violent development; portentous signs

星流霆击 星流霆擊 xing1 liu2 ting2 ji1
meteor shower and violent thunderclaps (idiom); omens of violent development; portentous signs

严厉打击 嚴厲打擊 yan2 li4 da3 ji1
to strike a severe blow; to crack down; to take strong measures

要击 要擊 yao1 ji1
to intercept; to ambush

邀击 邀擊 yao1 ji1
to intercept; to waylay; to ambush

一击入洞 一擊入洞 yi1 ji1 ru4 dong4
hole in one (golf)

以卵击石 以卵擊石 yi3 luan3 ji1 shi2
lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible; to invite disaster by overreaching oneself

易受攻击 易受攻擊 yi4 shou4 gong1 ji1

鹰击长空 鷹擊長空 ying1 ji1 chang2 kong1
the eagle soars in the sky (citation from Mao Zedong)

迎击 迎擊 ying2 ji1
to face an attack; to repulse the enemy

迎头打击 迎頭打擊 ying2 tou2 da3 ji1
to hit head on

迎头痛击 迎頭痛擊 ying2 tou2 tong4 ji1
to deliver a frontal assault; to meet head-on (idiom)

游击 游擊 you2 ji1
guerrilla warfare

游击队 遊擊隊 you2 ji1 dui4
guerrilla band

游击战 遊擊戰 you2 ji1 zhan4
guerrilla warfare

有攻击性 有攻擊性 you3 gong1 ji1 xing4

掌击 掌擊 zhang3 ji1
to slap

质子轰击 質子轟擊 zhi4 zi3 hong1 ji1
proton bombardment

重击 重擊 zhong4 ji1
bang; thump

撞击 撞擊 zhuang4 ji1
to strike; to hit; to ram

撞击式打印机 撞擊式打印機 zhuang4 ji1 shi4 da3 yin4 ji1
impact printer

撞击式印表机 撞擊式印表機 zhuang4 ji1 shi4 yin4 biao3 ji1
impact printer

追击 追擊 zhui1 ji1
to pursue and attack

阻击 阻擊 zu3 ji1
to check; to stop