(Buddhism) the pain of parting with what (or whom) one loves, one of the eight distresses 八苦
巴别塔巴別塔ba1 bie2 ta3
Tower of Babel, in Genesis 11:5-foll.
霸王别姬霸王別姬ba4 wang2 bie2 ji1
Xiang Yu bids farewell to his favorite concubine (classic subject); Farewell my concubine (film by Chen Kaige)
拜别拜別bai4 bie2
to take leave
币别幣別bi4 bie2
specific currency
辩别辯別bian4 bie2
to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate; also written 辨別|辨别
辨别辨別bian4 bie2
to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate
辨别力辨別力bian4 bie2 li4
discrimination; power of discrimination
别称別稱bie2 cheng1
another name; alternative name
别出心裁別出心裁bie2 chu1 xin1 cai2
to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality; to adopt an original approach
别处別處bie2 chu4
别的別的bie2 de5
else; other
别动队別動隊bie2 dong4 dui4
special detachment; commando; an armed secret agent squad
别管別管bie2 guan3
no matter (who, what etc)
别号別號bie2 hao4
别赫捷列夫別赫捷列夫bie2 he4 jie2 lie4 fu1
Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist
别具別具bie2 ju4
see 獨具|独具
别具一格別具一格bie2 ju4 yi1 ge2
having a unique or distinctive style
别具只眼別具隻眼bie2 ju4 zhi1 yan3
see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼
别开生面別開生面bie2 kai1 sheng1 mian4
to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path; to break fresh ground
别克別克bie2 ke4
别客气別客氣bie2 ke4 qi5
don't mention it; no formalities, please
别来无恙別來無恙bie2 lai2 wu2 yang4
(literary) I trust you have been well since we last met
别离別離bie2 li2
to take leave of; to leave; separation
别理別理bie2 li3
don't get involved; ignore it!; don't have anything to do with (him, her etc); don't speak to
别脸別臉bie2 lian3
to turn one's face away
别论別論bie2 lun4
a different matter; another story; (old) objection
别名別名bie2 ming2
alias; alternative name
别人別人bie2 ren5
other people; others; other person
别墅別墅bie2 shu4
别树一旗別樹一旗bie2 shu4 yi1 qi2
lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own
别树一帜別樹一幟bie2 shu4 yi1 zhi4
lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own
别太客气別太客氣bie2 tai4 ke4 qi5
lit. no excessive politeness; Don't mention it!; You're welcome!; Please don't stand on ceremony.
别提了別提了bie2 ti2 le5
say no more; don't bring it up; drop the subject
别无別無bie2 wu2
to have no other... (used in fixed expressions)
别无他法別無他法bie2 wu2 ta1 fa3
there is no alternative
别无他物別無他物bie2 wu2 ta1 wu4
nothing else
别无他用別無他用bie2 wu2 ta1 yong4
to have no other use or purpose (idiom)
别无选择別無選擇bie2 wu2 xuan3 ze2
to have no other choice
别绪別緒bie2 xu4
emotions at time of parting
别筵別筵bie2 yan2
farewell banquet
别有別有bie2 you3
to have other...; to have a special ...
别有洞天別有洞天bie2 you3 dong4 tian1
place of charm and beauty; scenery of exceptional charm; completely different world
别有天地別有天地bie2 you3 tian1 di4
enchanting scenery; beautiful surroundings; world of its own
别有用心別有用心bie2 you3 yong4 xin1
to have an ulterior motive (idiom); a hidden agenda
别有韵味別有韻味bie2 you3 yun4 wei4
to have quite a lasting charm
别着急別著急bie2 zhao2 ji2
Don't worry!
别针別針bie2 zhen1
pin; safety pin; clip; brooch
别致別緻bie2 zhi4
unusual; unique
别致別致bie2 zhi4
variant of 別緻|别致
别传別傳bie2 zhuan4
supplementary biography
别庄別莊bie2 zhuang1
别字別字bie2 zi4
mispronounced or wrongly written character
别子別子bie2 zi5
hasp; pendant
别扭彆扭bie4 niu5
awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche
别嘴彆嘴bie4 zui3
mouthful (awkward speech); tongue-twister
不辞而别不辭而別bu4 ci2 er2 bie2
to leave without saying good-bye
不加区别不加區別bu4 jia1 qu1 bie2
差别差別cha1 bie2
difference; distinction; disparity
辞别辭別ci2 bie2
to take leave
错别字錯別字cuo4 bie2 zi4
incorrectly written or mispronounced characters
大别山大別山da4 bie2 shan1
Dabie mountain range on the borders of Henan, Anhui and Hubei provinces
道别道別dao4 bie2
leave taking; to say goodbye
杜尚别杜尚別du4 shang4 bie2
Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan
分别分別fen1 bie2
to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually
分门别类分門別類fen1 men2 bie2 lei4
to organize by categories; to classify
告别告別gao4 bie2
to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to
告别式告別式gao4 bie2 shi4
parting ceremony; funeral
各别各別ge4 bie2
distinct; characteristic; in different ways; different
个别個別ge4 bie2
individual; specific; respective; just one or two
股东特别大会股東特別大會gu3 dong1 te4 bie2 da4 hui4
special shareholders' meeting
光学字符识别光學字符識別guang1 xue2 zi4 fu2 shi2 bie2
optical character recognition, OCR
汉城特别市漢城特別市han4 cheng2 te4 bie2 shi4
Hanseong Metropolitan City, old name for Seoul, capital of Korea; adopted new Chinese spelling 首爾|首尔 in 2005
话别話別hua4 bie2
to say good-bye; to bid sb farewell
级别級別ji2 bie2
(military) rank; level; grade
济州特别自治道濟州特別自治道ji4 zhou1 te4 bie2 zi4 zhi4 dao4
Jeju island special autonomous province, South Korea, a World Heritage site
饯别餞別jian4 bie2
to give a farewell dinner
鉴别鑑別jian4 bie2
to differentiate; to distinguish
界别界別jie4 bie2
kingdom (taxonomy)
久别久別jiu3 bie2
a long period of separation
久别重逢久別重逢jiu3 bie2 chong2 feng2
to meet again after a long period of separation
诀别訣別jue2 bie2
to bid farewell; to part (usually with little hope of meeting again)
阔别闊別kuo4 bie2
separated for a long time
类别類別lei4 bie2
classification; category
离别離別li2 bie2
to leave (on a long journey); to part from sb
离家别井離家別井li2 jia1 bie2 jing3
to leave home; to abandon one's family
离情别绪離情別緒li2 qing2 bie2 xu4
sad feeling at separation (idiom)
联体别墅聯體別墅lian2 ti3 bie2 shu4
列别杰夫列別傑夫lie4 bie4 jie2 fu1
Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)
临别臨別lin2 bie2
on parting; facing separation
临别赠言臨別贈言lin2 bie2 zeng4 yan2
words of advice on parting
另当别论另當別論ling4 dang1 bie2 lun4
to treat differently; another cup of tea
流别流別liu2 bie2
tributary; branch of river
留别留別liu2 bie2
a departing gift; a souvenir on leaving; a poem to mark one's departure
没有差别沒有差別mei2 you3 cha1 bie2
there is no difference; it makes no difference
闹别扭鬧彆扭nao4 bie4 niu5
to be difficult with sb; to provoke disagreement; at loggerheads; to fall out with
派别派別pai4 bie2
denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought
判别判別pan4 bie2
to differentiate; to discriminate
判别式判別式pan4 bie2 shi4
discriminant (e.g. b^2-4ac in the formula for the root of a quadratic equation)
评审团特别奖評審團特別獎ping2 shen3 tuan2 te4 bie2 jiang3
Special Jury Prize
千差万别千差萬別qian1 cha1 wan4 bie2
manifold diversity
请别见怪請別見怪qing3 bie2 jian4 guai4
please don't be upset; no hard feelings; absit iniuria verbis; let injury by words be absent
区别區別qu1 bie2
difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction
曲别针曲別針qu1 bie2 zhen1
人种差别人種差別ren2 zhong3 cha1 bie2
racial differences; racial discrimination
伤别傷別shang1 bie2
sorrowful farewell; sad goodbye
射频识别射頻識別she4 pin2 shi2 bie2
radio-frequency identification (RFID)
身份识别卡身份識別卡shen1 fen4 shi2 bie2 ka3
identification card; ID card
生离死别生離死別sheng1 li2 si3 bie2
separated in life and death; to part for ever
识别識別shi2 bie2
to distinguish; to discern
识别号識別號shi2 bie2 hao4
识别码識別碼shi2 bie2 ma3
首尔特别市首爾特別市shou3 er3 te4 bie2 shi4
Seoul Metropolitan City, capital of South Korea (Chinese spelling adopted in 2005)
手写识别手寫識別shou3 xie3 shi2 bie2
handwriting recognition
双湖特别区雙湖特別區shuang1 hu2 te4 bie2 qu1
Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区, central Tibet
死别死別si3 bie2
to be parted by death
送别送別song4 bie2
特别特別te4 bie2
especially; special; particular; unusual
特别待遇特別待遇te4 bie2 dai4 yu4
special treatment
特别感谢特別感謝te4 bie2 gan3 xie4
special thanks; particular thanks
特别护理特別護理te4 bie2 hu4 li3
intensive care
特别客串特別客串te4 bie2 ke4 chuan4
special guest performer (in a show); special guest appearance (in film credits)
特别任务连特別任務連te4 bie2 ren4 wu5 lian2
Special Duties Unit, Hong Kong special police
特别提款权特別提款權te4 bie2 ti2 kuan3 quan2
special drawing rights (SDR), international currency of the IMF
特别行政区特別行政區te4 bie2 xing2 zheng4 qu1
special administrative region (SAR), of which there are two in the PRC: Hong Kong 香港 and Macau 澳門|澳门; refers to many different areas during late Qing, foreign occupation, warlord period and Nationalist government; refers to special zones in North Korea an
天壤之别天壤之別tian1 rang3 zhi1 bie2
lit. as different as sky and earth (idiom); fig. night and day difference; opposite extremes; a world of difference; a far cry from
天渊之别天淵之別tian1 yuan1 zhi1 bie2
a complete contrast; totally different
违别違別wei2 bie2
to leave; to depart; to go against
吻别吻別wen3 bie2
to kiss goodbye
握别握別wo4 bie2
to shake hands
乌兹别克烏茲別克wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4
Uzbek; abbr. for Uzbekistan
乌孜别克烏孜別克wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4
Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang
乌滋别克烏滋別克wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4
乌兹别克人烏茲別克人wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 ren2
Uzbek (person)
乌兹别克斯坦烏茲別克斯坦wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3
乌滋别克斯坦烏滋別克斯坦wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3
乌孜别克语烏孜別克語wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 yu3
Uzbek language
乌兹别克族烏茲別克族wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 zu2
the Uzbek people (race)
乌孜别克族烏孜別克族wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 zu2
Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang
无期别無期別wu2 qi1 bie2
to part for an unspecified period; to take leave from indefinitely
武器级别材料武器級別材料wu3 qi4 ji2 bie2 cai2 liao4
weapons-grade material
惜别惜別xi1 bie2
reluctant to part
霄壤之别霄壤之別xiao1 rang3 zhi1 bie2
huge difference
性别性別xing4 bie2
gender; sex; distinguishing between the sexes
性别比性別比xing4 bie2 bi3
sex ratio
性别角色性別角色xing4 bie2 jue2 se4
gender role
性别歧视性別歧視xing4 bie2 qi2 shi4
sex discrimination; sexism
性别认同障碍性別認同障礙xing4 bie2 ren4 tong2 zhang4 ai4
gender identity disorder (GID); gender dysphoria
耶洗别耶洗別ye1 xi3 bie2
Jezebel, wife of Ahab and mother of Ahaziah, major character in 1 Kings 16:31, 19:1, 21 and 2 Kings 9, killed by Jehu 耶戶|耶户
移情别恋移情別戀yi2 qing2 bie2 lian4
change of affection, shift of love (idiom); to change one's feelings to another love; to fall in love with sb else
遗体告别式遺體告別式yi2 ti3 gao4 bie2 shi4
引别引別yin3 bie2
to leave; to say goodbye
永别永別yong3 bie2
to part forever; eternal parting (i.e. death)
有别有別you3 bie2
different; distinct; unequal; variable
与世永别與世永別yu3 shi4 yong3 bie2
to die
语音识别語音識別yu3 yin1 shi2 bie2
speech recognition
甄别甄別zhen1 bie2
to screen; to discriminate; to reexamine a case; screening (of applicants etc)
甄别考试甄別考試zhen1 bie2 kao3 shi4
to screen; to grade by examination; screening; placement test