front; forward; ahead; first; top (followed by a number); future; ago; before; BC (e.g. 前293年); former; formerly

strokes 9
strokes after radical 7
鞍前马后 鞍前馬後 an1 qian2 ma3 hou4
to follow everywhere; to always be there for sb at their beck and call

巴前算后 巴前算後 ba1 qian2 suan4 hou4
thinking and pondering (idiom); to turn sth over in one's mind; to consider repeatedly

跋前踬后 跋前躓後 ba2 qian2 zhi4 hou4
to trip forwards or stumble back (idiom, from Book of Songs); can't get anything right

彼得前书 彼得前書 bi3 de2 qian2 shu1
First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)

冰释前嫌 冰釋前嫌 bing1 shi4 qian2 xian2
to forget previous differences; to bury the hatchet

不顾前后 不顧前後 bu4 gu4 qian2 hou4
regardless of what's before or after (idiom); rushing blindly into sth

不久前 不久前 bu4 jiu3 qian2
not long ago

察哈尔右翼前旗 察哈爾右翼前旗 cha2 ha1 er3 you4 yi4 qian2 qi2
Chahar Right Front banner or Caxar Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia

产前 產前 chan3 qian2
prenatal; antenatal

产前检查 產前檢查 chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2
prenatal examination; antenatal examination

长江后浪催前浪 長江後浪催前浪 chang2 jiang1 hou4 lang4 cui1 qian2 lang4
see 長江後浪推前浪|长江后浪推前浪

长江后浪推前浪 長江後浪推前浪 chang2 jiang1 hou4 lang4 tui1 qian2 lang4
lit. the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before (idiom); fig. the new is constantly replacing the old; each new generation excels the previous; (of things) to be constantly evolving

超前 超前 chao1 qian2
to be ahead of one's time; to surpass or outdo one's predecessors; to be ahead of the pack; to take the lead; advanced

超前瞄准 超前瞄準 chao1 qian2 miao2 zhun3
to aim in front of a moving target

超前消费 超前消費 chao1 qian2 xiao1 fei4
excessive consumption; overspending on luxuries

超前意识 超前意識 chao1 qian2 yi4 shi2

朝前 朝前 chao2 qian2
facing forwards

车到山前必有路 車到山前必有路 che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.; cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直

车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直 che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4 - chuan2 dao4 qiao2 tou2 zi4 ran2 zhi2
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on

车到山前自有路 車到山前自有路 che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 zi4 you3 lu4
lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.; cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直

车前草 車前草 che1 qian2 cao3
plantain herb (Plantago asiatica)

惩前毖后 懲前毖後 cheng2 qian2 bi4 hou4
lit. to punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again

承前启后 承前啟後 cheng2 qian2 qi3 hou4
to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages

踟蹰不前 踟躕不前 chi2 chu2 bu5 qian2
hesitant to take action

此前 此前 ci3 qian2
before this; before then; previously

此时以前 此時以前 ci3 shi2 yi3 qian2

从前 從前 cong2 qian2
previously; formerly; once upon a time

打前站 打前站 da3 qian2 zhan4
to set out in advance to make arrangements (board, lodging etc); (military) to dispatch an advance party

大敌当前 大敵當前 da4 di2 dang1 qian2
facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties; Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud

大前年 大前年 da4 qian2 nian2
three years ago

大前提 大前提 da4 qian2 ti2
major premise

大前天 大前天 da4 qian2 tian1
three days ago

当前 當前 dang1 qian2
current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)

到目前 到目前 dao4 mu4 qian2
up until now; to date

到目前为止 到目前為止 dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3
until now; so far

鄂托克前旗 鄂托克前旗 e4 tuo1 ke4 qian2 qi2
Otog Front banner or Otgiin Ömnöd khoshuu in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯, Inner Mongolia

赶前不赶后 趕前不趕後 gan3 qian2 bu4 gan3 hou4
it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (idiom)

哥林多前书 哥林多前書 ge1 lin2 duo1 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians

各奔前程 各奔前程 ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2
each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead

各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 各人自掃門前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 ge4 ren2 zi4 sao3 men2 qian2 xue3 - mo4 guan3 ta1 jia1 wa3 shang4 shuang1
sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)

跟前 跟前 gen1 qian2
the front (of); (in) front; (in) sb's presence; just before (a date)

跟前 跟前 gen1 qian5
(of children, parents etc) at one's side; living with one

公元前 公元前 gong1 yuan2 qian2
BCE (before the Common Era); BC (before Christ)

光前裕后 光前裕後 guang1 qian2 yu4 hou4
to bring honor to one's ancestors and benefit future generations (idiom)

裹足不前 裹足不前 guo3 zu2 bu4 qian2
to stand still without advancing (idiom); to hesitate and hold back

好汉不吃眼前亏 好漢不吃眼前虧 hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1
a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him (idiom)

花前月下 花前月下 hua1 qian2 yue4 xia4
see 月下花前

婚前 婚前 hun1 qian2
premarital; prenuptial

婚前财产公证 婚前財產公證 hun1 qian2 cai2 chan3 gong1 zheng4
prenuptial agreement; dowry contract

婚前性行为 婚前性行為 hun1 qian2 xing4 xing2 wei2
premarital sex

纪元前 紀元前 ji4 yuan2 qian2
before the common era (BC)

锦绣前程 錦繡前程 jin3 xiu4 qian2 cheng2
bright future; bright prospects

近前 近前 jin4 qian2
to come close; to get near to; front

尽释前嫌 盡釋前嫌 jin4 shi4 qian2 xian2
to forget former enmity (idiom)

近在眼前 近在眼前 jin4 zai4 yan3 qian2
right under one's nose; right in front of one's eyes; close at hand; imminent

经济前途 經濟前途 jing1 ji4 qian2 tu2
economic future; economic outlook

旧前 舊前 jiu4 qian2
in the past; formerly

开始以前 開始以前 kai1 shi3 yi3 qian2
before the beginning (of sth)

科尔沁右翼前旗 科爾沁右翼前旗 ke1 er3 qin4 you4 yi4 qian2 qi2
Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟, east Inner Mongolia

科右前旗 科右前旗 ke1 you4 qian2 qi2
Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟, east Inner Mongolia

空前 空前 kong1 qian2

空前绝后 空前絕後 kong1 qian2 jue2 hou4
unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique

黎明前的黑暗 黎明前的黑暗 li2 ming2 qian2 de5 hei1 an4
darkness comes before dawn; things can only get better (idiom)

马前卒 馬前卒 ma3 qian2 zu2
lackey; errand boy; lit. runner before a carriage

马失前蹄 馬失前蹄 ma3 shi1 qian2 ti2
lit. the horse loses its front hooves; fig. sudden failure through miscalculation or inattentiveness

门前 門前 men2 qian2
in front of the door

面前 面前 mian4 qian2
in front of; facing; (in the) presence (of)

名列前茅 名列前茅 ming2 lie4 qian2 mao2
to rank among the best

目前 目前 mu4 qian2
at the present time; currently

年前 年前 nian2 qian2
before the end of the year; before the new year

欧车前 歐車前 ou1 che1 qian2
psyllium (genus Plantago)

蹒跚不前 蹣跚不前 pan2 shan1 bu4 qian2
to falter; to stall

匍匐前进 匍匐前進 pu2 fu2 qian2 jin4
to crawl forward

前摆 前擺 qian2 bai3
last time

前半晌 前半晌 qian2 ban4 shang3
morning; a.m.; first half of the day

前半晌儿 前半晌兒 qian2 ban4 shang3 er5
erhua variant of 前半晌

前半天 前半天 qian2 ban4 tian1
morning; a.m.; first half of the day

前半天儿 前半天兒 qian2 ban4 tian1 er5
erhua variant of 前半天

前半夜 前半夜 qian2 ban4 ye4
first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)

前辈 前輩 qian2 bei4
senior; older generation; precursor

前鼻音 前鼻音 qian2 bi2 yin1
alveolar nasal; consonant n produced in the nose with the tongue against the alveolar ridge

前臂 前臂 qian2 bi4

前边 前邊 qian2 bian5
front; the front side; in front of

前边儿 前邊兒 qian2 bian5 er5
erhua variant of 前邊|前边

前部 前部 qian2 bu4
front part; front section

前不巴村,后不巴店 前不巴村,後不巴店 qian2 bu4 ba1 cun1 - hou4 bu4 ba1 dian4
see 前不著村,後不著店|前不着村,后不着店

前不见古人,后不见来者 前不見古人,後不見來者 qian2 bu4 jian4 gu3 ren2 - hou4 bu4 jian4 lai2 zhe3
unique; unprecedented (idiom)

前不久 前不久 qian2 bu4 jiu3
not long ago; not long before

前部皮层下损伤 前部皮層下損傷 qian2 bu4 pi2 ceng2 xia4 sun3 shang1
anterior subcortical lesions

前不着村,后不着店 前不著村,後不著店 qian2 bu4 zhao2 cun1 - hou4 bu4 zhao2 dian4
lit. no village ahead and no inn behind (idiom); fig. to be stranded in the middle of nowhere; to be in a predicament

前舱 前艙 qian2 cang1
fore hold (on ship); bow cabin

前朝 前朝 qian2 chao2
the previous dynasty

前车之覆,后车之鉴 前車之覆,後車之鑒 qian2 che1 zhi1 fu4 - hou4 che1 zhi1 jian4
lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy

前车之鉴 前車之鑒 qian2 che1 zhi1 jian4
to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)

前车主 前車主 qian2 che1 zhu3
previous owner (of a car for sale)

前尘 前塵 qian2 chen2
the past; impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (Buddhism)

前程 前程 qian2 cheng2
future (career etc) prospects

前程远大 前程遠大 qian2 cheng2 yuan3 da4
to have a future full of promise

前齿龈 前齒齦 qian2 chi3 yin2
alveolar; front part of the alveolar ridge

前翅 前翅 qian2 chi4
front wing (of insect)

前传 前傳 qian2 chuan2
forward pass (sport)

前此 前此 qian2 ci3
before today

前大灯 前大燈 qian2 da4 deng1

前导 前導 qian2 dao3
to precede; to guide

前灯 前燈 qian2 deng1

前敌 前敵 qian2 di2
front line (military)

前端 前端 qian2 duan1
front; front end; forward part of sth

前端总线 前端總線 qian2 duan1 zong3 xian4
(computing) front-side bus (FSB)

前段 前段 qian2 duan4
first part; front end; forepart; front segment; the preceding section

前额 前額 qian2 e2

前儿 前兒 qian2 er5
before; day before yesterday

前方 前方 qian2 fang1
ahead; the front

前房角 前房角 qian2 fang2 jiao3
anterior chamber (the front chamber of the eye)

前锋 前鋒 qian2 feng1
vanguard; front line; a forward (sports)

前夫 前夫 qian2 fu1
former husband

前俯后仰 前俯後仰 qian2 fu3 hou4 yang3
to rock one's body backward and forward; to be convulsed (with laughter etc)

前赴后继 前赴後繼 qian2 fu4 hou4 ji4
to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)

前功尽弃 前功盡棄 qian2 gong1 jin4 qi4
to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom); all that has been achieved goes down the drain

前冠 前冠 qian2 guan1
heading; prefix

前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县 前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣 qian2 guo1 er3 luo2 si1 meng3 gu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin

前郭县 前郭縣 qian2 guo1 xian4
Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin

前郭镇 前郭鎮 qian2 guo1 zhen4
Qian Gorlos township, capital of Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county 前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣|前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县, Songyuan, Jilin

前寒武纪 前寒武紀 qian2 han2 wu3 ji4
pre-Cambrian, geological period before c. 540m years ago

前汉 前漢 qian2 han4
Former Han dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 西漢|西汉, Western Han dynasty

前汉书 前漢書 qian2 han4 shu1
History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, composed by Ban Gu 班固 in 82 during Eastern Han (later Han), 100 scrolls

前后 前後 qian2 hou4
around; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear

前后文 前後文 qian2 hou4 wen2
context; the surrounding words; same as 上下文

前几天 前幾天 qian2 ji3 tian1
a few days before

前甲板 前甲板 qian2 jia3 ban3
forward deck (of a boat)

前件 前件 qian2 jian4
antecedent (logic)

前脚 前腳 qian2 jiao3
one moment ..., (the next ...); leading foot (in walking)

前揭 前揭 qian2 jie1
(the item) named above; aforementioned; cited above; op. cit.

前金 前金 qian2 jin1
Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan

前金区 前金區 qian2 jin1 qu1
Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan

前进 前進 qian2 jin4
to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward

前进区 前進區 qian2 jin4 qu1
Qianjin district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯, Heilongjiang

前景 前景 qian2 jing3
foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective

前景可期 前景可期 qian2 jing3 ke3 qi1
to have a promising future; to have bright prospects

前臼齿 前臼齒 qian2 jiu4 chi3
premolar tooth (immediately behind canine teeth in some mammals)

前倨后恭 前倨後恭 qian2 ju4 hou4 gong1
to switch from arrogance to deference (idiom)

前锯肌 前鋸肌 qian2 ju4 ji1
serratus anterior muscle (upper sides of the chest)

前科 前科 qian2 ke1
criminal record; previous convictions

前空翻 前空翻 qian2 kong1 fan1
forward somersault; front flip

前来 前來 qian2 lai2
to come (formal); before; previously

前廊 前廊 qian2 lang2
front porch

前例 前例 qian2 li4

前凉 前涼 qian2 liang2
Former Liang, one of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)

前列 前列 qian2 lie4
the very front

前列腺 前列腺 qian2 lie4 xian4

前列腺素 前列腺素 qian2 lie4 xian4 su4

前列腺炎 前列腺炎 qian2 lie4 xian4 yan2

前轮 前輪 qian2 lun2
front wheel

前掠翼 前掠翼 qian2 lve4 yi4
swept-forward wing (on jet fighter)

前茅 前茅 qian2 mao2
forward patrol (military) (old); (fig.) the top ranks

前门 前門 qian2 men2
Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2

前门 前門 qian2 men2
front door; main entrance; honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter)

前门打虎,后门打狼 前門打虎,後門打狼 qian2 men2 da3 hu3 - hou4 men2 da3 lang2
to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another

前门拒虎,后门进狼 前門拒虎,後門進狼 qian2 men2 ju4 hu3 - hou4 men2 jin4 lang2
to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another

前面 前面 qian2 mian4
ahead; in front; preceding; above; also pr.

前磨齿 前磨齒 qian2 mo2 chi3
premolar tooth

前年 前年 qian2 nian2
the year before last

前怕狼后怕虎 前怕狼後怕虎 qian2 pa4 lang2 hou4 pa4 hu3
lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom); fig. needless fears; scare mongering; reds under the beds

前仆后继 前仆後繼 qian2 pu1 hou4 ji4
one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades; advancing wave upon wave

前妻 前妻 qian2 qi1
ex-wife; late wife

前期 前期 qian2 qi1
preceding period; early stage

前桥 前橋 qian2 qiao2
Maebashi (surname or place name)

前秦 前秦 qian2 qin2
Former Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (351-395)

前倾 前傾 qian2 qing1
to lean forward

前情 前情 qian2 qing2
former love; former circumstances

前人 前人 qian2 ren2
predecessor; forebears; the person facing you

前人栽树,后人乘凉 前人栽樹,後人乘涼 qian2 ren2 zai1 shu4 - hou4 ren2 cheng2 liang2
to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors. (idiom)

前任 前任 qian2 ren4
predecessor; ex-; former; ex (spouse etc)

前日 前日 qian2 ri4
day before yesterday

前三甲 前三甲 qian2 san1 jia3
top three

前晌 前晌 qian2 shang3
(dialect) morning; forenoon

前哨 前哨 qian2 shao4
outpost; (fig.) front line

前哨战 前哨戰 qian2 shao4 zhan4

前身 前身 qian2 shen1
forerunner; predecessor; precursor; previous incarnation (Buddhism); jacket front

前生 前生 qian2 sheng1
previous life; previous incarnation

前生冤孽 前生冤孽 qian2 sheng1 yuan1 nie4
predestined relationship

前生召唤 前生召喚 qian2 sheng1 zhao4 huan4

前事 前事 qian2 shi4
past events; antecedent; what has happened

前世 前世 qian2 shi4
previous generations; previous incarnation (Buddhism)

前事不忘,后事之师 前事不忘,後事之師 qian2 shi4 bu4 wang4 - hou4 shi4 zhi1 shi1
don't forget past events, they can guide you in future (idiom); benefit from past experience

前世姻缘 前世姻緣 qian2 shi4 yin1 yuan2
a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom)

前首相 前首相 qian2 shou3 xiang4
former prime minister

前述 前述 qian2 shu4
aforestated; stated above; the preceding statement

前苏联 前蘇聯 qian2 su1 lian2
former Soviet Union

前所未见 前所未見 qian2 suo3 wei4 jian4
unprecedented; never seen before

前所未闻 前所未聞 qian2 suo3 wei4 wen2
unheard-of; unprecedented

前所未有 前所未有 qian2 suo3 wei4 you3

前台 前臺 qian2 tai2
stage; proscenium; foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.); front desk; reception desk; (computing) front-end; foreground

前提 前提 qian2 ti2
premise; precondition; prerequisite

前提条件 前提條件 qian2 ti2 tiao2 jian4

前体 前體 qian2 ti3

前天 前天 qian2 tian1
the day before yesterday

前田 前田 qian2 tian2
Maeda (Japanese surname)

前厅 前廳 qian2 ting1
anteroom; vestibule; lobby (of a hotel etc)

前庭 前庭 qian2 ting2
front courtyard; vestibule

前庭窗 前庭窗 qian2 ting2 chuang1
fenestra vestibuli (of inner ear)

前头 前頭 qian2 tou5
in front; at the head; ahead; above

前凸后翘 前凸後翹 qian2 tu1 hou4 qiao4
(of a woman) to have nice curves; buxom; shapely

前途 前途 qian2 tu2
prospects; future outlook; journey

前途渺茫 前途渺茫 qian2 tu2 miao3 mang2
not knowing what to do next; at a loose end

前途未卜 前途未卜 qian2 tu2 wei4 bu3
hanging in the balance; the future is hard to forecast; ¿Qué serà?; who knows what the future holds?

前途无量 前途無量 qian2 tu2 wu2 liang4
to have boundless prospects

前腿 前腿 qian2 tui3

前往 前往 qian2 wang3
to leave for; to proceed towards; to go

前桅 前桅 qian2 wei2

前卫 前衛 qian2 wei4
advanced guard; vanguard; avant-garde; forward (soccer position)

前胃 前胃 qian2 wei4
proventriculus; forestomach

前无古人后无来者 前無古人後無來者 qian2 wu2 gu3 ren2 hou4 wu2 lai2 zhe3
to surpass all others of its kind before and since; to have neither predecessors nor successors

前夕 前夕 qian2 xi1
eve; the day before

前戏 前戲 qian2 xi4

前嫌 前嫌 qian2 xian2
former hatred; bygone enmity

前线 前線 qian2 xian4
front line; military front; workface; cutting edge

前些 前些 qian2 xie1
a few (days, years etc) ago

前信号灯 前信號燈 qian2 xin4 hao4 deng1
car front indicator

前行 前行 qian2 xing2
(literary) to go forward

前胸 前胸 qian2 xiong1
human chest; breast

前胸贴后背 前胸貼後背 qian2 xiong1 tie1 hou4 bei4
(lit.) chest sticking to back; (fig.) famished; (of several persons) packed chest to back

前燕 前燕 qian2 yan1
Former Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (337-370)

前咽 前咽 qian2 yan1
prepharynx (biology)

前言 前言 qian2 yan2
preface; forward; introduction

前沿 前沿 qian2 yan2
front-line; forward position; outpost; extending ahead; frontier (of science, technology etc)

前仰后合 前仰後合 qian2 yang3 hou4 he2
to sway to and fro; to rock back and forth

前夜 前夜 qian2 ye4
the eve; the night before

前一天 前一天 qian2 yi1 tian1
the day before (an event)

前一向 前一向 qian2 yi1 xiang4
lately; in the recent past

前移式叉车 前移式叉車 qian2 yi2 shi4 cha1 che1
reach truck

前意识 前意識 qian2 yi4 shi2
preconscious; preconsciousness

前因 前因 qian2 yin1

前因后果 前因後果 qian2 yin1 hou4 guo3
cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development

前缘未了 前緣未了 qian2 yuan2 wei4 liao3
one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom)

前院 前院 qian2 yuan4
front courtyard; front yard

前瞻 前瞻 qian2 zhan1
forward-looking; prescient; foresight; forethought; outlook

前瞻性 前瞻性 qian2 zhan1 xing4
farsightedness; perspicacity; prescience; forward-looking

前赵 前趙 qian2 zhao4
Former Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-329)

前兆 前兆 qian2 zhao4
omen; prior indication; first sign

前者 前者 qian2 zhe3
the former

前镇 前鎮 qian2 zhen4
Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan

前镇区 前鎮區 qian2 zhen4 qu1
Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市, south Taiwan

前肢 前肢 qian2 zhi1
forelimb; foreleg

前置词 前置詞 qian2 zhi4 ci2

前置修饰语 前置修飾語 qian2 zhi4 xiu1 shi4 yu3
premodifier (grammar)

前传 前傳 qian2 zhuan4

前缀 前綴 qian2 zhui4
prefix (linguistics)

前总理 前總理 qian2 zong3 li3
former prime minister

前总统 前總統 qian2 zong3 tong3
former president

前奏 前奏 qian2 zou4
prelude; presage

前奏曲 前奏曲 qian2 zou4 qu3
prelude (music)

逡巡不前 逡巡不前 qun1 xun2 bu4 qian2
to hesitate to move forward; to balk; to jib

日前 日前 ri4 qian2
the other day; a few days ago

蠕动前进 蠕動前進 ru2 dong4 qian2 jin4

上前 上前 shang4 qian2
to advance; to step forward

舌尖前音 舌尖前音 she2 jian1 qian2 yin1
alveolar; consonants z, c, s produced with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge

生前 生前 sheng1 qian2
(of a deceased) during one's life; while living

圣诞前夕 聖誕前夕 sheng4 dan4 qian2 xi1
Christmas eve

盛况空前 盛況空前 sheng4 kuang4 kong1 qian2
a magnificent and unprecedented event (idiom)

史前 史前 shi3 qian2

史前古器物 史前古器物 shi3 qian2 gu3 qi4 wu4
prehistoric artifacts; ancient artifacts

史前人 史前人 shi3 qian2 ren2
prehistoric man

史前石桌 史前石桌 shi3 qian2 shi2 zhuo1
menhir; prehistoric stone table

史无前例 史無前例 shi3 wu2 qian2 li4
unprecedented in history

事前 事前 shi4 qian2
in advance; before the event

双后前兵开局 雙后前兵開局 shuang1 hou4 qian2 bing1 kai1 ju2
Double Queen Pawn Opening; Closed Game (chess); same as 封閉性開局|封闭性开局

税前 稅前 shui4 qian2
pretax; before taxes

思前想后 思前想後 si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4
to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and future; to ponder over reasons and connection

踏步不前 踏步不前 ta4 bu4 bu4 qian2
to be at a standstill; to mark time

台前 台前 tai2 qian2
Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳, Henan

台前 台前 tai2 qian2
front of the stage

台前县 台前縣 tai2 qian2 xian4
Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳, Henan

提摩太前书 提摩太前書 ti2 mo2 tai4 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to Timothy

提前 提前 ti2 qian2
to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance

提前起爆 提前起爆 ti2 qian2 qi3 bao4
"fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire); preinitiation

提前投票 提前投票 ti2 qian2 tou2 piao4
early vote

天前配 天前配 tian1 qian2 pei4
soul mates; before heaven match

帖撒罗尼迦前书 帖撒羅尼迦前書 tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians

停滞不前 停滯不前 ting2 zhi4 bu4 qian2
stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant; in a rut; at a standstill

痛改前非 痛改前非 tong4 gai3 qian2 fei1
completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf; a reformed character

头向前 頭向前 tou2 xiang4 qian2

万圣节前夕 萬聖節前夕 wan4 sheng4 jie2 qian2 xi1
All Saints' Eve; Halloween

往前 往前 wang3 qian2
to move forwards

畏缩不前 畏縮不前 wei4 suo1 bu4 qian2
to shrink back in fear (idiom); too cowardly to advance

稳步不前 穩步不前 wen3 bu4 bu4 qian2
to mark time and make no advances (idiom)

乌拉特前旗 烏拉特前旗 wu1 la1 te4 qian2 qi2
Urat Front banner or Urdyn Ömnöd khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia

五百年前是一家 五百年前是一家 wu3 bai3 nian2 qian2 shi4 yi1 jia1
five hundred years ago we were the same family (idiom) (said of persons with the same surname)

午前 午前 wu3 qian2
morning; a.m.

西元前 西元前 xi1 yuan2 qian2
BCE (before the Common Era); BC (before Christ)

先前 先前 xian1 qian2
before; previously

向前 向前 xiang4 qian2
forward; onward

向前翻腾 向前翻騰 xiang4 qian2 fan1 teng2
forward somersault

新年前夕 新年前夕 xin1 nian2 qian2 xi1
New Year's eve

胸前 胸前 xiong1 qian2
(on the) chest; bosom

旋前肌 旋前肌 xuan2 qian2 ji1
pronator teres muscle (below the elbow)

眼前 眼前 yan3 qian2
before one's eyes; now; at present

一往无前 一往無前 yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2
to advance courageously (idiom); to press forward

一往直前 一往直前 yi1 wang3 zhi2 qian2
see 一往無前|一往无前

一直往前 一直往前 yi1 zhi2 wang3 qian2
straight ahead

以前 以前 yi3 qian2
before; formerly; previous; ago

勇往前进 勇往前進 yong3 wang3 qian2 jin4
see 勇往直前

勇往直前 勇往直前 yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2
to advance bravely

有宝何必人前夸 有寶何必人前誇 you3 bao3 he2 bi4 ren2 qian2 kua1
There is no need to boast about one's treasures. (idiom)

右前卫 右前衛 you4 qian2 wei4
right forward (soccer position)

月下花前 月下花前 yue4 xia4 hua1 qian2
lit. amidst the flowers under the moonlight (idiom); fig. romantic surroundings

在此之前 在此之前 zai4 ci3 zhi1 qian2
before that; beforehand; previously

在前 在前 zai4 qian2
ahead; formerly; in the past

在眼前 在眼前 zai4 yan3 qian2
now; at the present

在这之前 在這之前 zai4 zhe4 zhi1 qian2
before then; up until that point

早前 早前 zao3 qian2

瞻前顾后 瞻前顧後 zhan1 qian2 gu4 hou4
to look forward and back; to consider prudently; overcautious

站前区 站前區 zhan4 qian2 qu1
Zhanqian district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning

正向前看 正向前看 zheng4 xiang4 qian2 kan4
look-ahead assertion

支前 支前 zhi1 qian2
to support the front (military)

之前 之前 zhi1 qian2
before; prior to; ago; previously; beforehand

中前卫 中前衛 zhong1 qian2 wei4
center forward (soccer position)

专美于前 專美於前 zhuan1 mei3 yu2 qian2
to monopolize the limelight (idiom); to get all the glory; to rank highest

趑趄不前 趑趄不前 zi1 ju1 bu4 qian2
hesitant and not daring to move forward (idiom)

子癫前症 子癲前症 zi3 dian1 qian2 zheng4
pre-eclampsia, toxaemia of pregnancy (medicine)

左前卫 左前衛 zuo3 qian2 wei4
left forward (soccer position)