abbr. for Canada 加拿大; surname Jia

to add; plus; (used after an adverb such as 不, 大, 稍 etc, and before a disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned); to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb); to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth

strokes 5
strokes after radical 3
阿尔加维 阿爾加維 a1 er3 jia1 wei2
the Algarve (southern region of Portugal)

阿非利加 阿非利加 a1 fei1 li4 jia1

阿非利加洲 阿非利加洲 a1 fei1 li4 jia1 zhou1
Africa; abbr. to 非洲

阿加迪尔 阿加迪爾 a1 jia1 di2 er3
Agadir, city in southwest Morocco

阿加莎·克里斯蒂 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 a1 jia1 sha1 - ke4 li3 si1 di4
Agatha Christie

阿加维 阿加維 a1 jia1 wei2
see 阿爾加維|阿尔加维

阿空加瓜 阿空加瓜 a1 kong1 jia1 gua1
Cerro Aconcagua, mountain in the Americas

阿空加瓜山 阿空加瓜山 a1 kong1 jia1 gua1 shan1
Mount Aconcagua, Argentina, the highest point in the Western Hemisphere

阿拉斯加 阿拉斯加 a1 la1 si1 jia1
Alaska, US state

阿拉斯加大学 阿拉斯加大學 a1 la1 si1 jia1 da4 xue2
University of Alaska

阿拉斯加雪橇犬 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 a1 la1 si1 jia1 xue3 qiao1 quan3
Alaskan malamute

阿拉斯加州 阿拉斯加州 a1 la1 si1 jia1 zhou1
Alaska, US state

埃德加 埃德加 ai1 de2 jia1
Edgar (name)

埃德加·爱伦·坡 埃德加·愛倫·坡 ai1 de2 jia1 - ai4 lun2 - po1
Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849), American poet and novelist

埃德加·斯诺 埃德加·斯諾 ai1 de2 jia1 - si1 nuo4
Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journalist, reported from China 1928-1941, author of Red Star Over China

埃加迪群岛 埃加迪群島 ai1 jia1 di2 qun2 dao3
Aegadian Islands near Sicily, Italy

班加罗尔 班加羅爾 ban1 jia1 luo2 er3
Bangalore, capital of southwest Indian state Karnataka 卡納塔克邦|卡纳塔克邦

保加利亚 保加利亞 bao3 jia1 li4 ya4

贝加尔湖 貝加爾湖 bei4 jia1 er3 hu2
Lake Baikal

贝加莱 貝加萊 bei4 jia1 lai2
B&R Industrial Automation International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

毕加索 畢加索 bi4 jia1 suo3

变本加厉 變本加厲 bian4 ben3 jia1 li4
lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming); to aggravate; to intensify

不加 不加 bu4 jia1
without; not; un-

布加迪 布加迪 bu4 jia1 di2
Bugatti (name); Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. (French car company)

不加拘束 不加拘束 bu4 jia1 ju1 shu4

布加勒斯特 布加勒斯特 bu4 jia1 le4 si1 te4
Bucharest, capital of Romania

不加理睬 不加理睬 bu4 jia1 li3 cai3
without giving due consideration; to ignore; to overlook

不加牛奶 不加牛奶 bu4 jia1 niu2 nai3
without milk; black (of tea, coffee etc)

不加区别 不加區別 bu4 jia1 qu1 bie2

不加思索 不加思索 bu4 jia1 si1 suo3
see 不假思索

不加修饰 不加修飾 bu4 jia1 xiu1 shi4
undecorated; unvarnished; no frills

不加选择 不加選擇 bu4 jia1 xuan3 ze2

不加掩饰 不加掩飾 bu4 jia1 yan3 shi4

参加 參加 can1 jia1
to participate; to take part; to join

参加者 參加者 can1 jia1 zhe3

层层加码 層層加碼 ceng2 ceng2 jia1 ma3
to increase bit by bit; repeated increments

查加斯病 查加斯病 cha2 jia1 si1 bing4
Chagas disease; American trypanosomiasis

昌迪加尔 昌迪加爾 chang1 di2 jia1 er3
Chandighar, capital of Punjab state of northwest India

刺五加 刺五加 ci4 wu3 jia1
manyprickle (Acanthopanax senticosus), root used in TCM

大加那利岛 大加那利島 da4 jia1 na4 li4 dao3
Gran Canaria (in the Canary islands)

德古西加巴 德古西加巴 de2 gu3 xi1 jia1 ba1
Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras (Tw)

邓加 鄧加 deng4 jia1
Dunga (1963-), former Brazilian soccer player

迪戈·加西亚岛 迪戈·加西亞島 di2 ge1 - jia1 xi1 ya4 dao3
Diego Garcia tropical island and US military base in the Indian Ocean, main island of Chago archipelago 查戈斯群島|查戈斯群岛

递加 遞加 di4 jia1
progressively increasing

点对点加密 點對點加密 dian3 dui4 dian3 jia1 mi4
(Tw) end-to-end encryption

叠加 疊加 die2 jia1
superposition; layering; overlay

丁加奴 丁加奴 ding1 jia1 nu2
Terengganu, northeast state of mainland Malaysia

东加 東加 dong1 jia1
Tonga, south Pacific archipelago kingdom (Tw)

端到端加密 端到端加密 duan1 dao4 duan1 jia1 mi4
end-to-end encryption

多米尼加 多米尼加 duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1
Dominica; Dominican Republic

多米尼加共和国 多米尼加共和國 duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1 gong4 he2 guo2
Dominican Republic

多米尼加联邦 多米尼加聯邦 duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1 lian2 bang1
Dominican Republic

多明尼加 多明尼加 duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1
Dominica; Dominican Republic; also written 多米尼加

多明尼加共和国 多明尼加共和國 duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1 gong4 he2 guo2
Dominican Republic (Tw)

费加罗报 費加羅報 fei4 jia1 luo2 bao4
Le Figaro

伏尔加格勒 伏爾加格勒 fu2 er3 jia1 ge2 le4
Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河

伏尔加河 伏爾加河 fu2 er3 jia1 he2
Volga River

伏特加 伏特加 fu2 te4 jia1
vodka (loanword)

附加 附加 fu4 jia1
additional; annex

附加费 附加費 fu4 jia1 fei4

附加赛 附加賽 fu4 jia1 sai4
additional competition; play-off; decider

附加物 附加物 fu4 jia1 wu4

附加元件 附加元件 fu4 jia1 yuan2 jian4
additional element; (computing) add-on; plug-in

附加值 附加值 fu4 jia1 zhi2
added-value (accountancy)

概念驱动加工 概念驅動加工 gai4 nian4 qu1 dong4 jia1 gong1
concept-driven processing

高加索 高加索 gao1 jia1 suo3
Caucasus; Caucasian (people)

高加索山 高加索山 gao1 jia1 suo3 shan1
Caucasus mountain

哥斯达黎加 哥斯達黎加 ge1 si1 da2 li2 jia1
Costa Rica

哥斯大黎加 哥斯大黎加 ge1 si1 da4 li2 jia1
Costa Rica (Tw)

更加 更加 geng4 jia1
more (than sth else); even more

瓜拉丁加奴 瓜拉丁加奴 gua1 la1 ding1 jia1 nu2
Kuala Terengganu, capital of Terengganu state, Malaysia

黑加仑 黑加崙 hei1 jia1 lun2

横加 橫加 heng2 jia1
violently; flagrantly

恒加速度 恆加速度 heng2 jia1 su4 du4
constant acceleration

横加指责 橫加指責 heng2 jia1 zhi3 ze2
to blame unscrupulously

后词汇加工 後詞彙加工 hou4 ci2 hui4 jia1 gong1
post-lexical access

后加 後加 hou4 jia1
postposition (grammar)

皇家加勒比海游轮公司 皇家加勒比海遊輪公司 huang2 jia1 jia1 le4 bi3 hai3 you2 lun2 gong1 si1
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines

黄袍加身 黃袍加身 huang2 pao2 jia1 shen1
lit. to take the yellow gown (idiom); fig. to be made emperor; to take the crown

回旋加速器 回旋加速器 hui2 xuan2 jia1 su4 qi4
cyclotron (particle accelerator)

悔恨交加 悔恨交加 hui3 hen4 jiao1 jia1
to feel remorse and shame (idiom)

火上加油 火上加油 huo3 shang4 jia1 you2
to add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation; to enrage people and make matters worse

霍加狓 霍加狓 huo4 jia1 pi1
okapi (Okapia johnstoni)

基加利 基加利 ji1 jia1 li4
Kigali, capital of Rwanda

基桑加尼 基桑加尼 ji1 sang1 jia1 ni2
Kisangani (city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo)

加百列 加百列 jia1 bai3 lie4
Gabriel (name); Archangel Gabriel of the Annunciation

加班 加班 jia1 ban1
to work overtime

加倍 加倍 jia1 bei4
to double; to redouble

加冰 加冰 jia1 bing1
on the rocks (a drink)

加冰块 加冰塊 jia1 bing1 kuai4
on the rocks; with ice; iced

加餐 加餐 jia1 can1
to have an extra meal; snack

加查 加查 jia1 cha2
Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区, Tibet

加查县 加查縣 jia1 cha2 xian4
Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区, Tibet

加长 加長 jia1 chang2
to lengthen

加车 加車 jia1 che1
extra bus or train

加达里 加達里 jia1 da2 li3
Guattari (philosopher)

加大 加大 jia1 da4
to increase (e.g. one's effort)

加大力度 加大力度 jia1 da4 li4 du4
to try harder; to redouble one's efforts

加大努力 加大努力 jia1 da4 nu3 li4
to try harder; to redouble one's efforts

加大油门 加大油門 jia1 da4 you2 men2
to accelerate; to step on the gas

加德满都 加德滿都 jia1 de2 man3 du1
Kathmandu, capital of Nepal

加德纳 加德納 jia1 de2 na4
Gardner (name)

加德士 加德士 jia1 de2 shi4
Caltex (petroleum brand name)

加德西 加德西 jia1 de2 xi1
Gardasil (HPV vaccine)

加的夫 加的夫 jia1 de5 fu1

加的斯 加的斯 jia1 di4 si1
Cádiz, Spain

加点 加點 jia1 dian3
to work extra hours; to do overtime

加多宝 加多寶 jia1 duo1 bao3
JDB (Chinese beverage company)

加尔各答 加爾各答 jia1 er3 ge4 da2
Calcutta (India)

加尔文 加爾文 jia1 er3 wen2
Calvin (1509-1564), French protestant reformer

加法 加法 jia1 fa3

加菲猫 加菲貓 jia1 fei1 mao1
Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)

加分 加分 jia1 fen1
extra credit (on a test); bonus point

加封 加封 jia1 feng1
to seal up (a door with a paper seal, or a document); to confer an additional title on a nobleman

加封官阶 加封官階 jia1 feng1 guan1 jie1
to confer additional titles on a nobleman

加俸 加俸 jia1 feng4
to raise one's pay

加盖 加蓋 jia1 gai4
to seal (with official stamp); to stamp; fig. to ratify; to put lid on (cooking pot); to cap; to build an extension or additional storey

加格达奇 加格達奇 jia1 ge2 da2 qi2
Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia

加格达奇区 加格達奇區 jia1 ge2 da2 qi2 qu1
Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia

加工 加工 jia1 gong1
to process; processing; working (of machinery)

加工厂 加工廠 jia1 gong1 chang3
processing plant

加工成本 加工成本 jia1 gong1 cheng2 ben3
processing cost

加工贸易 加工貿易 jia1 gong1 mao4 yi4
process trade; trade involving assembly

加工时序 加工時序 jia1 gong1 shi2 xu4
time course

加工效率 加工效率 jia1 gong1 xiao4 lv4
processing efficiency

加固 加固 jia1 gu4
to reinforce (a structure); to strengthen

加官 加官 jia1 guan1
promotion; to take additional post

加冠 加冠 jia1 guan1
(in former times) coming-of-age ceremony at 20 years

加官晋级 加官晉級 jia1 guan1 jin4 ji2
new post and promotion

加官进爵 加官進爵 jia1 guan1 jin4 jue2
promotion to the nobility (idiom)

加官晋爵 加官晉爵 jia1 guan1 jin4 jue2
to confer a title an official position

加官进禄 加官進祿 jia1 guan1 jin4 lu4
promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)

加官进位 加官進位 jia1 guan1 jin4 wei4
promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)

加国 加國 jia1 guo2

加害 加害 jia1 hai4
to injure

加航 加航 jia1 hang2
Air Canada

加号 加號 jia1 hao4
plus sign + (math.)

加护 加護 jia1 hu4
intensive care (in hospital)

加急 加急 jia1 ji2
to become more urgent; more rapid; urgent; to handle a matter urgently

加吉鱼 加吉魚 jia1 ji2 yu2
porgy (Pagrosomus major)

加加林 加加林 jia1 jia1 lin2
Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), Russian cosmonaut, first human in space

加价 加價 jia1 jia4
to increase price

加减乘除 加減乘除 jia1 jian3 cheng2 chu2
four rules of arithmetic; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

加减号 加減號 jia1 jian3 hao4
plus-minus sign (±); plus and minus signs (+ and -)

加紧 加緊 jia1 jin3
to intensify; to speed up; to step up

加进 加進 jia1 jin4
to add; to mix in; to incorporate

加劲 加勁 jia1 jin4
to increase efforts; to make extra efforts

加劲儿 加勁兒 jia1 jin4 er5
erhua variant of 加勁|加劲

加剧 加劇 jia1 ju4
to intensify; to sharpen; to accelerate; to aggravate; to exacerbate; to embitter

加快 加快 jia1 kuai4
to accelerate; to speed up

加宽 加寬 jia1 kuan1

加拉巴哥斯 加拉巴哥斯 jia1 la1 ba1 ge1 si1

加拉巴哥斯群岛 加拉巴哥斯群島 jia1 la1 ba1 ge1 si1 qun2 dao3
Galapagos islands

加拉罕 加拉罕 jia1 la1 han3
Leo Karakhan (1889-1937), Soviet ambassador to China 1921-26, executed in Stalin's 1937 purge

加拉加斯 加拉加斯 jia1 la1 jia1 si1
Caracas, capital of Venezuela

加拉帕戈斯群岛 加拉帕戈斯群島 jia1 la1 pa4 ge1 si1 qun2 dao3
Galapagos Islands

加拉太书 加拉太書 jia1 la1 tai4 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians

加来海峡 加來海峽 jia1 lai2 hai3 xia2
Strait of Calais in the English channel; Strait of Dover; Pas-de-Calais, département of France

加勒比 加勒比 jia1 le4 bi3

加勒比国家联盟 加勒比國家聯盟 jia1 le4 bi3 guo2 jia1 lian2 meng2
Association of Caribbean States

加勒比海 加勒比海 jia1 le4 bi3 hai3
Caribbean Sea

加里 加里 jia1 li3
Gary (name)

加里 加里 jia1 li3
potassium (loanword)

加哩 加哩 jia1 li3
curry (loanword)

加里波第 加里波第 jia1 li3 bo1 di4
Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), Italian military commander and politician

加里肋亚 加里肋亞 jia1 li3 lei4 ya4

加里肋亚海 加里肋亞海 jia1 li3 lei4 ya4 hai3
Sea of Galilee

加里曼丹 加里曼丹 jia1 li3 man4 dan1
Kalimantan (Indonesian part of the island of Borneo)

加里曼丹岛 加里曼丹島 jia1 li3 man4 dan1 dao3
Kalimantan island (Indonesian name for Borneo island)

加里宁格勒 加里寧格勒 jia1 li3 ning2 ge2 le4
Kaliningrad, town on Baltic now in Russian republic; formerly Königsberg, capital of East Prussia

加里宁格勒州 加里寧格勒州 jia1 li3 ning2 ge2 le4 zhou1
Kaliningrad Oblast

加利福尼亚 加利福尼亞 jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4

加利福尼亚大学 加利福尼亞大學 jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 da4 xue2
University of California

加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校 jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 da4 xue2 luo4 shan1 ji1 fen1 xiao4

加利福尼亚理工学院 加利福尼亞理工學院 jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 li3 gong1 xue2 yuan4
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

加利福尼亚州 加利福尼亞州 jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 zhou1

加利肋亚 加利肋亞 jia1 li4 lei4 ya4
Galilee (in biblical Palestine)

加利利 加利利 jia1 li4 li4
Galilee (in biblical Palestine)

加利西亚 加利西亞 jia1 li4 xi1 ya4
Galicia, province and former kingdom of northwest Spain

加料 加料 jia1 liao4
to feed in; to load (raw material, supplies, fuel etc); to supply; fortified (with added material)

加料钢琴 加料鋼琴 jia1 liao4 gang1 qin2
prepared piano

加仑 加崙 jia1 lun2
gallon (loanword)

加罗林群岛 加羅林群島 jia1 luo2 lin2 qun2 dao3
Caroline Islands

加码 加碼 jia1 ma3
to ratchet up; to raise (expectations etc); to increase (a quota, a position in the market etc); to up the ante; (computing) to encode

加满 加滿 jia1 man3
to top up; to fill to the brim

加盟 加盟 jia1 meng2
to become a member of an alliance or union; to align; to join; participate

加密 加密 jia1 mi4
to encrypt; encryption; to protect with a password

加密货币 加密貨幣 jia1 mi4 huo4 bi4
cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcoin)

加密套接字协议层 加密套接字協議層 jia1 mi4 tao4 jie1 zi4 xie2 yi4 ceng2
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing)

加冕 加冕 jia1 mian3
to crown; coronation

加拿大 加拿大 jia1 na2 da4
Canada; Canadian

加拿大皇家 加拿大皇家 jia1 na2 da4 huang2 jia1
HMCS (Her Majesty's Canadian Ship); prefix for Canadian Navy Vessels

加拿大皇家海军 加拿大皇家海軍 jia1 na2 da4 huang2 jia1 hai3 jun1
Royal Canadian Navy RCN

加拿大太平洋铁路 加拿大太平洋鐵路 jia1 na2 da4 tai4 ping2 yang2 tie3 lu4
Canadian Pacific railway

加拿大雁 加拿大雁 jia1 na2 da4 yan4
(bird species of China) cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii)

加纳 加納 jia1 na4

加那利群岛 加那利群島 jia1 na4 li4 qun2 dao3
Canary Islands

加农 加農 jia1 nong2
cannon (loanword)

加农炮 加農炮 jia1 nong2 pao4
cannon (loanword)

加派 加派 jia1 pai4
to reinforce; to dispatch troops

加彭 加彭 jia1 peng2
Gabon (Tw)

加蓬 加蓬 jia1 peng2

加气 加氣 jia1 qi4
to aerate; to ventilate

加强 加強 jia1 qiang2
to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase

加强管制 加強管制 jia1 qiang2 guan3 zhi4
to tighten control (over sth)

加氢油 加氫油 jia1 qing1 you2
hydrogenated oil

加权 加權 jia1 quan2
(math.) to weight; weighting; weighted (average, index etc)

加权平均 加權平均 jia1 quan2 ping2 jun1
weighted average

加热 加熱 jia1 re4
to heat

加人一等 加人一等 jia1 ren2 yi1 deng3
a cut above; top quality

加入 加入 jia1 ru4
to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in

加塞儿 加塞兒 jia1 sai1 er5
to push into a line out of turn; to cut in line; to queue-jump

加赛 加賽 jia1 sai4
a play-off; replay

加沙 加沙 jia1 sha1
Gaza; same as 加沙地帶|加沙地带, the Gaza strip

加沙地带 加沙地帶 jia1 sha1 di4 dai4
Gaza strip

加上 加上 jia1 shang4
plus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that

加深 加深 jia1 shen1
to deepen

加深理解 加深理解 jia1 shen1 li3 jie3
to get a better grasp of sth

加深印象 加深印象 jia1 shen1 yin4 xiang4
to make a deeper impression on sb

加湿器 加濕器 jia1 shi1 qi4

加时 加時 jia1 shi2

加试 加試 jia1 shi4
to add material to an exam; supplementary exam

加速 加速 jia1 su4
to speed up; to expedite

加速度 加速度 jia1 su4 du4

加速器 加速器 jia1 su4 qi4
accelerator (computing); particle accelerator

加速踏板 加速踏板 jia1 su4 ta4 ban3
accelerator pedal

加索尔 加索爾 jia1 suo3 er3
Gasol (name); Pau Gasol (1980-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA); Marc Gasol (1985-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)

加泰罗尼亚 加泰羅尼亞 jia1 tai4 luo2 ni2 ya4

加特林 加特林 jia1 te4 lin2
Gatling (name); Richard J. Gatling (1818-1903), inventor of the Gatling gun

加特林机枪 加特林機槍 jia1 te4 lin2 ji1 qiang1
Gatling gun

加藤 加藤 jia1 teng2
Katō (Japanese surname)

加添 加添 jia1 tian1
augment; add

加甜 加甜 jia1 tian2

加委 加委 jia1 wei3
to ratify (an election, by higher authority); confirmation (by higher committee)

加温 加溫 jia1 wen1
to heat; to add warmth; to raise temperature; fig. to stimulate

加沃特 加沃特 jia1 wo4 te4
gavotte, French dance popular in 18th century (loanword)

加息 加息 jia1 xi1
to raise interest rates

加西亚 加西亞 jia1 xi1 ya4
Garcia (person name)

加薪 加薪 jia1 xin1
to raise salary

加压 加壓 jia1 ya1
to pressurize; to pile on pressure

加压釜 加壓釜 jia1 ya1 fu3
pressure chamber; pressurized cauldron

加演 加演 jia1 yan3
encore; to give an extra performance

加央 加央 jia1 yang1
Kangar city, capital of Perlis state 玻璃市, Malaysia

加以 加以 jia1 yi3
in addition; moreover; (used before a disyllabic verb to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned); to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb); to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)

加意 加意 jia1 yi4
paying special care; with particular attention

加油 加油 jia1 you2
to add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; to step on the gas; (fig.) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb on

加油工 加油工 jia1 you2 gong1
gas station attendant

加油添醋 加油添醋 jia1 you2 tian1 cu4
to add interest (to a story); to sex up

加油站 加油站 jia1 you2 zhan4
gas station

加载 加載 jia1 zai4
(of cargo etc) to load

加之 加之 jia1 zhi1
moreover; in addition to that

加值 加值 jia1 zhi2
to recharge (money onto a card) (Tw)

加值型网路 加值型網路 jia1 zhi2 xing2 wang3 lu4
value added network; VAN

加重 加重 jia1 zhong4
to make heavier; to emphasize; (of an illness etc) to become more serious; to aggravate (a bad situation); to increase (a burden, punishment etc)

加重语气 加重語氣 jia1 zhong4 yu3 qi4
to give emphasis; with emphasis

加州 加州 jia1 zhou1

加州大学 加州大學 jia1 zhou1 da4 xue2
University of California; abbr. for 加利福尼亞大學|加利福尼亚大学

加州技术学院 加州技術學院 jia1 zhou1 ji4 shu4 xue2 yuan4
California Institute of Technology (Caltech); also written 加州理工學院|加州理工学院

加州理工学院 加州理工學院 jia1 zhou1 li3 gong1 xue2 yuan4
California Institute of Technology (Caltech); abbr. for 加利福尼亞理工學院|加利福尼亚理工学院

加注 加注 jia1 zhu4
to increase a bet; to raise (poker); to raise the stakes

加兹尼 加茲尼 jia1 zi1 ni2
Ghazni (Afghan province)

加兹尼省 加茲尼省 jia1 zi1 ni2 sheng3
Ghazni or Ghaznah province of Afghanistan

加总 加總 jia1 zong3
sum (result of addition); addition; total; to add up a number of items; to accumulate

加足马力 加足馬力 jia1 zu2 ma3 li4
to go at full throttle; (fig.) to go all out; to kick into high gear

交加 交加 jiao1 jia1
to occur at the same time (of two things); to be mingled; to accompany each other

精诚所加,金石为开 精誠所加,金石為開 jing1 cheng2 suo3 jia1 - jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.

经济增加值 經濟增加值 jing1 ji4 zeng1 jia1 zhi2
Economic value added, EVA

卡尔加里 卡爾加里 ka3 er3 jia1 li3
Calgary, largest city of Alberta, Canada

勘察加 勘察加 kan1 cha2 jia1
Kamchatka (far eastern province of Russia)

堪察加 堪察加 kan1 cha2 jia1
Kamchatka (peninsula of Russian Pacific)

勘察加半岛 勘察加半島 kan1 cha2 jia1 ban4 dao3
Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia

堪察加半岛 堪察加半島 kan1 cha2 jia1 ban4 dao3
Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia

堪察加柳莺 堪察加柳鶯 kan1 cha2 jia1 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) Kamchatka leaf warbler (Phylloscopus examinandus)

抗核加固 抗核加固 kang4 he2 jia1 gu4
nuclear hardening

可加 可加 ke3 jia1
(botany) coca (loanword)

快马加鞭 快馬加鞭 kuai4 ma3 jia1 bian1
to spur the horse to full speed (idiom); to go as fast as possible

拉什卡尔加 拉什卡爾加 la1 shi2 ka3 er3 jia1
Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province in south Afghanistan

拉斯维加斯 拉斯維加斯 la1 si1 wei2 jia1 si1
Las Vegas, Nevada

累加器 累加器 lei3 jia1 qi4
accumulator (computing)

累加总数 累加總數 lei3 jia1 zong3 shu4
cumulative total

里加 里加 li3 jia1
Riga, capital of Latvia

粒子加速器 粒子加速器 li4 zi3 jia1 su4 qi4
particle accelerator

另加 另加 ling4 jia1
to add to; supplementary

路加 路加 lu4 jia1
Luke; St Luke the evangelist

路加福音 路加福音 lu4 jia1 fu2 yin1
Gospel according to St Luke

屡加 屢加 lv3 jia1

马达加斯加 馬達加斯加 ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1

马达加斯加岛 馬達加斯加島 ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1 dao3

马拉加 馬拉加 ma3 la1 jia1
Málaga, Spain; Malaga city in Iranian East Azerbaijan

麦加 麥加 mai4 jia1
Mecca, Saudi Arabia

满剌加 滿剌加 man3 la4 jia1
Ming Dynasty name for modern day Malacca; see also 馬六甲|马六甲

美加 美加 mei3 jia1
US and Canada (abbr.)

孟加拉 孟加拉 meng4 jia1 la1
Bengal; Bangladesh

孟加拉国 孟加拉國 meng4 jia1 la1 guo2
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)

孟加拉人民共和国 孟加拉人民共和國 meng4 jia1 la1 ren2 min2 gong4 he2 guo2
People's Republic of Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)

孟加拉湾 孟加拉灣 meng4 jia1 la1 wan1
Bay of Bengal

孟加拉语 孟加拉語 meng4 jia1 la1 yu3
Bengali (language)

摩加迪沙 摩加迪沙 mo2 jia1 di2 sha1
Mogadishu, Indian ocean seaport and capital of Somalia

摩加迪休 摩加迪休 mo2 jia1 di2 xiu1
Mogadishu, capital of Somalia (Tw)

摩鹿加群岛 摩鹿加群島 mo2 lu4 jia1 qun2 dao3
Maluku Islands, Indonesia

穆加贝 穆加貝 mu4 jia1 bei4
Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, President of Zimbabwe 1987-

内布拉斯加 內布拉斯加 nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1
Nebraska, US state

内布拉斯加州 內布拉斯加州 nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1 zhou1
Nebraska, US state

尼加拉瓜 尼加拉瓜 ni2 jia1 la1 gua1

尼加拉瀑布 尼加拉瀑布 ni2 jia1 la1 pu4 bu4
Niagara Falls (Tw)

尼亚加拉瀑布 尼亞加拉瀑布 ni2 ya4 jia1 la1 pu4 bu4
Niagara Falls

年功加俸 年功加俸 nian2 gong1 jia1 feng4
increase in salary according to one's service record for the year (idiom)

庞加莱 龐加萊 pang2 jia1 lai2
Henri Poincaré (1854-1912), French mathematician, physician and philosopher

贫病交加 貧病交加 pin2 bing4 jiao1 jia1
poverty compounded by ill health (idiom)

普加乔夫 普加喬夫 pu3 jia1 qiao2 fu1
Yemelyan Ivanovich Pugachov (1742-1775), Russian Cossack, leader of peasant rebellion 1773-1775 against Catherine the Great

强加 強加 qiang2 jia1
to impose; to force upon

日益增加 日益增加 ri4 yi4 zeng1 jia1
to increase daily

塞内加尔 塞內加爾 sai4 nei4 jia1 er3

僧加罗语 僧加羅語 seng1 jia1 luo2 yu3
Sinhalese (language)

沙加缅度 沙加緬度 sha1 jia1 mian3 duo2

施加 施加 shi1 jia1
to exert (effort or pressure)

食品加工机 食品加工機 shi2 pin3 jia1 gong1 ji1
food processor

斯里巴加湾港 斯里巴加灣港 si1 li3 ba1 jia1 wan1 gang3
Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of Brunei

斯图加特 斯圖加特 si1 tu2 jia1 te4
Stuttgart city in southwest Germany and capital of Baden-Württemberg 巴登·符騰堡州|巴登·符腾堡州

他加禄语 他加祿語 ta1 jia1 lu4 yu3
Tagalog (language)

塔加路族语 塔加路族語 ta3 jia1 lu4 zu2 yu3
Tagalog (language)

态叠加 態疊加 tai4 die2 jia1
superposition of states (quantum mechanics)

泰加林 泰加林 tai4 jia1 lin2
taiga (loanword)

汤加 湯加 tang1 jia1
Tonga, south pacific archipelago kingdom

汤加里罗 湯加里羅 tang1 jia1 li3 luo2
Tongariro, volcanic area on North Island, New Zealand

汤加群岛 湯加群島 tang1 jia1 qun2 dao3

特古西加尔巴 特古西加爾巴 te4 gu3 xi1 jia1 er3 ba1
Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras

特拉法尔加 特拉法爾加 te4 la1 fa3 er3 jia1

特拉法尔加广场 特拉法爾加廣場 te4 la1 fa3 er3 jia1 guang3 chang3
Trafalgar Square (London)

特拉法加广场 特拉法加廣場 te4 la1 fa3 jia1 guang3 chang3
Trafalgar Square (London)

添加 添加 tian1 jia1
to add; to increase

添加剂 添加劑 tian1 jia1 ji4
additive; food additive

添加物 添加物 tian1 jia1 wu4

添油加醋 添油加醋 tian1 you2 jia1 cu4
lit. to add oil and vinegar; fig. adding details while telling a story (to make it more interesting)

添砖加瓦 添磚加瓦 tian1 zhuan1 jia1 wa3
lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom); fig. to do one's bit to help

同步加速器 同步加速器 tong2 bu4 jia1 su4 qi4

瓦加杜古 瓦加杜古 wa3 jia1 du4 gu3
Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso

外高加索 外高加索 wai4 gao1 jia1 suo3
South Caucasus

外加 外加 wai4 jia1
in addition; extra

外加附件 外加附件 wai4 jia1 fu4 jian4
add-on (software); plug-in (software)

外加剂 外加劑 wai4 jia1 ji4

微细加工 微細加工 wei1 xi4 jia1 gong1
microminiature technology

文不加点 文不加點 wen2 bu4 jia1 dian3
to write a flawless essay in one go (idiom); to be quick-witted and skilled at writing compositions

无以复加 無以復加 wu2 yi3 fu4 jia1
in the extreme (idiom); incapable of further increase

五加 五加 wu3 jia1
Acanthopanax gracilistylus

西孟加拉邦 西孟加拉邦 xi1 meng4 jia1 la1 bang1
West Bengal

相加性的 相加性的 xiang1 jia1 xing4 de5

辛迪加 辛迪加 xin1 di2 jia1
syndicate (loanword)

新加坡 新加坡 xin1 jia1 po1

新加坡国立大学 新加坡國立大學 xin1 jia1 po1 guo2 li4 da4 xue2
National University of Singapore

新加坡人 新加坡人 xin1 jia1 po1 ren2
Singaporean person; Singaporean

选民参加率 選民參加率 xuan3 min2 can1 jia1 lv4
voter participation rate

雪上加霜 雪上加霜 xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1
to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation

牙买加 牙買加 ya2 mai3 jia1

牙买加胡椒 牙買加胡椒 ya2 mai3 jia1 hu2 jiao1
Jamaican pepper; all-spice (Pimenta dioica)

雅加达 雅加達 ya3 jia1 da2
Jakarta, capital of Indonesia

亚尔发和奥米加 亞爾發和奧米加 ya4 er3 fa1 he2 ao4 mi3 jia1
Alpha and Omega

亚美利加 亞美利加 ya4 mei3 li4 jia1

亚美利加洲 亞美利加洲 ya4 mei3 li4 jia1 zhou1
America; abbr. to 美洲

亚氏保加 亞氏保加 ya4 shi4 bao3 jia1
see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔

严加 嚴加 yan2 jia1
sternly; strictly; harshly; stringently; rigorously

要加牛奶 要加牛奶 yao4 jia1 niu2 nai3
with milk; white (of tea, coffee etc)

益加 益加 yi4 jia1
increasingly; more and more; all the more

油加利 油加利 you2 jia1 li4
variant of 尤加利

尤加利 尤加利 you2 jia1 li4
eucalyptus (loanword)

有加 有加 you3 jia1
extremely (placed after verb or adjective)

有则改之,无则加勉 有則改之,無則加勉 you3 ze2 gai3 zhi1 - wu2 ze2 jia1 mian3
correct any mistakes you made, but maintain your good record if you did not make them (idiom)

愈加 愈加 yu4 jia1
all the more; even more; further

欲加之罪,何患无辞 欲加之罪,何患無辭 yu4 jia1 zhi1 zui4 - he2 huan4 wu2 ci2
If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb; Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.

匝加利亚 匝加利亞 za1 jia1 li4 ya4

增加 增加 zeng1 jia1
to raise; to increase

增加值 增加值 zeng1 jia1 zhi2
value added (accountancy)

芝加哥 芝加哥 zhi1 jia1 ge1
Chicago, USA

芝加哥大学 芝加哥大學 zhi1 jia1 ge1 da4 xue2
University of Chicago

直线加速器 直線加速器 zhi2 xian4 jia1 su4 qi4
linear accelerator

直线性加速器 直線性加速器 zhi2 xian4 xing4 jia1 su4 qi4
linear accelerator

逐渐增加 逐漸增加 zhu2 jian4 zeng1 jia1
to increase gradually; to build up

追加 追加 zhui1 jia1
to add something extra; an additional increment; addendum; to append; an additional posthumous title

酌加 酌加 zhuo2 jia1
to make considered additions