(bird species of China) hair-crested drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus)
发卷髮捲fa4 juan3
hair roller; curl (of hair)
翻卷翻卷fan1 juan3
to spin; to whirl around
古铜色卷尾古銅色卷尾gu3 tong2 se4 juan3 wei3
(bird species of China) bronzed drongo (Dicrurus aeneus)
黑卷尾黑卷尾hei1 juan3 wei3
(bird species of China) black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)
花卷花卷hua1 juan3
Chinese steamed twisted bread roll
画卷畫卷hua4 juan3
picture scroll
灰卷尾灰卷尾hui1 juan3 wei3
(bird species of China) ashy drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus)
煎蛋卷煎蛋卷jian1 dan4 juan3
胶卷膠捲jiao1 juan3
film; roll of film
胶卷膠卷jiao1 juan3
film; roll of film; also written 膠捲|胶卷
交卷交卷jiao1 juan4
to hand in one's examination script
经卷經卷jing1 juan4
volumes of classics; volumes of scriptures; ancient scrolls
卷巴卷巴juan3 ba1
to bundle up
卷笔刀卷筆刀juan3 bi3 dao1
pencil sharpener (blade-only type)
卷边捲邊juan3 bian1
to hem; hem; to curl (at the edge)
卷饼捲餅juan3 bing3
rolled-up pastry; roll; turnover (patisserie)
卷层云卷層雲juan3 ceng2 yun2
cirrostratus (cloud); also written 捲層雲|卷层云
卷层云捲層雲juan3 ceng2 yun2
cirrostratus (cloud); also written 卷層雲|卷层云
卷尺卷尺juan3 chi3
tape measure; tape rule
卷带捲帶juan3 dai4
卷地皮卷地皮juan3 di4 pi2
to plunder the land and extort from the peasant; corrupt practice
卷发捲髮juan3 fa4
to curl hair
卷发器捲髮器juan3 fa4 qi4
hair curler
卷风捲風juan3 feng1
see 龍捲風|龙卷风
卷腹捲腹juan3 fu4
crunch (physical exercise)
卷裹卷裹juan3 guo3
to wrap up; (fig.) to envelop; to swallow up
卷积云捲積雲juan3 ji1 yun2
cirrocumulus (cloud)
卷帘门卷簾門juan3 lian2 men2
roll-up door
卷帘门捲帘門juan3 lian2 men2
roll-up door
卷铺盖捲鋪蓋juan3 pu1 gai4
to pack and quit; to be sacked
卷铺盖走人捲鋪蓋走人juan3 pu1 gai4 zou3 ren2
to pack one's things and leave
卷起卷起juan3 qi3
variant of 捲起|卷起
卷起捲起juan3 qi3
to roll up; to curl up; (of dust etc) to swirl up
卷曲捲曲juan3 qu1
to curl (hair); to crimp; to roll up; curly
卷绕卷繞juan3 rao4
to wind; to coil; to spool; to loop around; winding
卷刃卷刃juan3 ren4
curved blade
卷入捲入juan3 ru4
to be drawn into; to be involved in
卷舌元音捲舌元音juan3 she2 yuan2 yin1
retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)
卷舌元音卷舌元音juan3 she2 yuan2 yin1
retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)
卷逃捲逃juan3 tao2
to bundle up valuables and abscond
卷土重来卷土重來juan3 tu3 chong2 lai2
lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom); fig. to regroup and come back even stronger; to make a comeback
卷尾猴卷尾猴juan3 wei3 hou2
white-headed capuchin (Cebus capucinus)
卷线器捲線器juan3 xian4 qi4
fishing reel
卷心菜捲心菜juan3 xin1 cai4
variant of 卷心菜
卷心菜卷心菜juan3 xin1 cai4
卷须卷鬚juan3 xu1
卷须捲鬚juan3 xu1
卷烟卷煙juan3 yan1
cigarette; cigar
卷扬捲揚juan3 yang2
a whirlwind
卷扬机捲揚機juan3 yang2 ji1
a capstan
卷羽鹈鹕卷羽鵜鶘juan3 yu3 ti2 hu2
(bird species of China) Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
卷云卷雲juan3 yun2
cirrus (cloud)
卷子卷子juan3 zi5
steamed roll; spring roll
卷帙卷帙juan4 zhi4
卷帙浩繁卷帙浩繁juan4 zhi4 hao4 fan2
a huge amount (of books and papers)
卷轴卷軸juan4 zhou2
scroll (book or painting)
卷子卷子juan4 zi5
test paper; examination paper
卷宗卷宗juan4 zong1
file; folder; dossier
开卷開卷kai1 juan4
to open a book; open-book (exam)
开卷有益開卷有益kai1 juan4 you3 yi4
lit. opening a book is profitable (idiom); the benefits of education
考卷考卷kao3 juan4
exam paper
考试卷考試卷kao3 shi4 juan4
exam paper; test paper
考试卷子考試卷子kao3 shi4 juan4 zi5
see 考試卷|考试卷
龙卷龍捲long2 juan3
tornado; waterspout; twister
龙卷风龍捲風long2 juan3 feng1
tornado; hurricane; twister; cyclone
批卷批卷pi1 juan4
to correct student papers; to grade exam papers
飘卷飄卷piao1 juan3
to flutter
铺盖卷儿鋪蓋卷兒pu1 gai4 juan3 er5
千经万卷千經萬卷qian1 jing1 wan4 juan3
lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; fig. the vast Buddhist canon
瑞士卷瑞士捲rui4 shi4 juan3
Swiss roll
试卷試卷shi4 juan4
examination paper; test paper
释卷釋卷shi4 juan4
to stop reading
收旗卷伞收旗卷傘shou1 qi2 juan3 san3
lit. to furl up flags and umbrellas (idiom); fig. to stop what one is doing
手不释卷手不釋卷shou3 bu4 shi4 juan4
lit. always with a book in hand (idiom); fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent and hardworking
手卷手捲shou3 juan3
hand scroll (horizontal format for Chinese landscape painting); hand roll (Japanese: temaki, style of fish cuisine); hand rolled cigarette; hand roll (many contexts); roll up
书卷書卷shu1 juan4
volume; scroll
书卷奖書卷獎shu1 juan4 jiang3
presidential award (received by university students in Taiwan for academic excellence)