
strokes 4
strokes after radical 2
G友 G友 - you3
see 基友

笔友 筆友 bi3 you3
pen pal

病友 病友 bing4 you3
a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital; wardmate

博友 博友 bo2 you3
lit. blog friend

不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友 不怕神一樣的對手,就怕豬一樣的隊友 bu4 pa4 shen2 yi1 yang4 de5 dui4 shou3 - jiu4 pa4 zhu1 yi1 yang4 de5 dui4 you3
a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent (idiom)

超友谊关系 超友誼關係 chao1 you3 yi4 guan1 xi5
relationship that is more than friendship

串亲访友 串親訪友 chuan4 qin1 fang3 you3
to call on friends and relations (idiom)

床友 床友 chuang2 you3
(slang) friend with benefits; casual sex partner

队友 隊友 dui4 you3
member of same class, team, work group etc; teammate

发烧友 發燒友 fa1 shao1 you3
fan; zealot

访亲问友 訪親問友 fang3 qin1 wen4 you3
to visit friends and relations (idiom)

冯友兰 馮友蘭 feng2 you3 lan2
Feng Youlan (1895-1990), distinguished Chinese philosopher

工友 工友 gong1 you3

够朋友 夠朋友 gou4 peng2 you5
(coll.) to be a true friend

故友 故友 gu4 you3
old friend; deceased friend

好朋友 好朋友 hao3 peng2 you5
good friend; (slang) a visit from Aunt Flo (menstrual period)

好友 好友 hao3 you3
close friend; pal; (social networking website) friend

狐朋狗友 狐朋狗友 hu2 peng2 gou3 you3
a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of scoundrels

化敌为友 化敵為友 hua4 di2 wei2 you3
to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)

会友 會友 hui4 you3
to make friends; to meet friends; member of the same organization

婚友 婚友 hun1 you3
singles seeking marriage partners; in-laws and friends

基友 基友 ji1 you3
(slang) very close same-sex friend; gay partner

见色忘友 見色忘友 jian4 se4 wang4 you3
to neglect one's friends when smitten with a new love

交朋友 交朋友 jiao1 peng2 you5
to make friends; (dialect) to start an affair with sb

交友 交友 jiao1 you3
to make friends

教友 教友 jiao4 you3
church member

教友大会 教友大會 jiao4 you3 da4 hui4
church conference

教友派 教友派 jiao4 you3 pai4
the Society of Friends; the Quakers

酒肉朋友 酒肉朋友 jiu3 rou4 peng2 you5
lit. a friend when wining and dining (idiom); fair-weather friend

旧友 舊友 jiu4 you3
old friend

聚友 聚友 ju4 you3
MySpace (social networking website)

快餐交友 快餐交友 kuai4 can1 jiao1 you3
speed dating

牢友 牢友 lao2 you3
inmate; cellmate

老朋友 老朋友 lao3 peng2 you5
old friend; (slang) period; menstruation

老友 老友 lao3 you3
old friend; sb who passed the county level imperial exam (in Ming dynasty)

良朋益友 良朋益友 liang2 peng2 yi4 you3
virtuous companions and worthy friends

良师益友 良師益友 liang2 shi1 yi4 you3
good teacher and helpful friend (idiom); mentor

良友 良友 liang2 you3
good friend; companion

驴友 驢友 lv2 you3
backpacker; travel buddy

马友友 馬友友 ma3 you3 you3
Yo-Yo Ma (1955-), French-Chinese-American cellist

盟友 盟友 meng2 you3

密友 密友 mi4 you3
close friend

面友 面友 mian4 you3
to put on a friendly face

慕道友 慕道友 mu4 dao4 you3
religious investigator

男朋友 男朋友 nan2 peng2 you5

男友 男友 nan2 you3

腻友 膩友 ni4 you3
intimate friend

年友 年友 nian2 you3
friendship of people in same year; one's contemporaries

女朋友 女朋友 nv3 peng2 you5

女友 女友 nv3 you3

炮友 炮友 pao4 you3
fuck buddy; friend with benefits

朋友 朋友 peng2 you5

朋友妻不可欺 朋友妻不可欺 peng2 you5 qi1 bu4 ke3 qi1
you should not covet your friend's wife (idiom)

朋友圈 朋友圈 peng2 you5 quan1
Moments (social networking function of smartphone app WeChat 微信)

票友 票友 piao4 you3
an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)

票友儿 票友兒 piao4 you3 er5
an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)

戚友 戚友 qi1 you3
relatives and friends

亲朋好友 親朋好友 qin1 peng2 hao3 you3
friends and family; kith and kin

亲友 親友 qin1 you3
friends and relatives

球友 球友 qiu2 you3
(ball game) enthusiast (player); golf buddy (or tennis buddy etc)

三朋四友 三朋四友 san1 peng2 si4 you3
friends; cronies

色友 色友 se4 you3
photography enthusiast

晒友 曬友 shai4 you3
see 曬客|晒客

舍友 舍友 she4 you3
dormitory roommate

生态友好型 生態友好型 sheng1 tai4 you3 hao3 xing2
eco-friendly; ecologically sustainable

师友 師友 shi1 you3
friend from whom you can seek advice

室友 室友 shi4 you3

苏联之友社 蘇聯之友社 su1 lian2 zhi1 you3 she4
Soviet Union friendly society

损友 損友 sun3 you3
bad friend

谈朋友 談朋友 tan2 peng2 you5
to be dating sb

糖友 糖友 tang2 you3
diabetes sufferer

悌友 悌友 ti4 you3
to show brotherly love for friends

网友 網友 wang3 you3
online friend; Internet user

畏友 畏友 wei4 you3
revered friend

小朋友 小朋友 xiao3 peng2 you3

校友 校友 xiao4 you3
schoolmate; alumnus; alumna

燮友 燮友 xie4 you3
gentle; good-natured

血友病 血友病 xue4 you3 bing4

砚友 硯友 yan4 you3
classmate; fellow student

益友 益友 yi4 you3
helpful friend; wise companion

友爱 友愛 you3 ai4
friendly affection; fraternal love

友邦 友邦 you3 bang1
friendly state; ally

友邦保险公司 友邦保險公司 you3 bang1 bao3 xian3 gong1 si1
American International Group (AIG), insurance company

友好 友好 you3 hao3
friendly; amicable; close friend

友好 友好 you3 hao3
Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

友好关系 友好關係 you3 hao3 guan1 xi4
good relations

友好区 友好區 you3 hao3 qu1
Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

友尽 友盡 you3 jin4
(Internet slang) end of friendship; friendship over!

友军 友軍 you3 jun1
friendly forces; allies

友情 友情 you3 qing2
friendly feelings; friendship

友人 友人 you3 ren2

友善 友善 you3 shan4

友悌 友悌 you3 ti4
brotherly bond

友谊 友誼 you3 yi4
companionship; fellowship; friendship

友谊地久天长 友誼地久天長 you3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2
Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯, sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell; also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁 or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久

友谊峰 友誼峰 you3 yi4 feng1
Mt Friendship, the highest peak of the Altai mountains

友谊赛 友誼賽 you3 yi4 sai4
friendly match; friendly competition

友谊商店 友誼商店 you3 yi4 shang1 dian4
Friendship Store, PRC state-run store originally intended for foreigners, diplomats etc, specializing in selling imported Western goods and quality Chinese crafts

友谊天长地久 友誼天長地久 you3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3
see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长

友谊万岁 友誼萬歲 you3 yi4 wan4 sui4
see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长

友谊县 友誼縣 you3 yi4 xian4
Youyi county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山, Heilongjiang

在家靠父母,出门靠朋友 在家靠父母,出門靠朋友 zai4 jia1 kao4 fu4 mu3 - chu1 men2 kao4 peng2 you5
one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)

在家靠父母,出外靠朋友 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友 zai4 jia1 kao4 fu4 mu3 - chu1 wai4 kao4 peng2 you5
one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)

战友 戰友 zhan4 you3
comrade-in-arms; battle companion

张学友 張學友 zhang1 xue2 you3
Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-), cantopop and film star

征友 徵友 zheng1 you3
to seek new friends through personal ads, dating apps etc

诤友 諍友 zheng4 you3
a friend capable of direct admonition

挚友 摯友 zhi4 you3
intimate friend; close friend

挚友良朋 摯友良朋 zhi4 you3 liang2 peng2
intimate friend and companion (idiom)

中国人民对外友好协会 中國人民對外友好協會 zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 dui4 wai4 you3 hao3 xie2 hui4
Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)

重色轻友 重色輕友 zhong4 se4 qing1 you3
paying more attention to a lover than friends (idiom); to value sex over friendship

猪朋狗友 豬朋狗友 zhu1 peng2 gou3 you3
dissolute companions; disreputable comrades

竹马之友 竹馬之友 zhu2 ma3 zhi1 you3
see 竹馬之交|竹马之交

住友 住友 zhu4 you3
Sumitomo, Japanese company

自然之友 自然之友 zi4 ran2 zhi1 you3
Friends of Nature (Chinese environmental NGO)

走亲访友 走親訪友 zou3 qin1 fang3 you3
to visit one's friends and relations