surname Shuang

two; double; pair; both; even (number)

strokes 4
strokes after radical 2
比翼双飞 比翼雙飛 bi3 yi4 shuang1 fei1
lit. a pair of birds flying close together (idiom); fig. two hearts beating as one; name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish

才貌双全 才貌雙全 cai2 mao4 shuang1 quan2
talented and good-looking (idiom)

唱双簧 唱雙簧 chang4 shuang1 huang2
lit. to sing a duet; fig. to collaborate with sb; also used satirically: to play second fiddle to

成双成对 成雙成對 cheng2 shuang1 cheng2 dui4
to form pairs; to be in couples

成双作对 成雙作對 cheng2 shuang1 zuo4 dui4
see 成雙成對|成双成对

单叶双曲面 單葉雙曲面 dan1 ye4 shuang1 qu1 mian4
hyperboloid of one sheet (math.)

当世无双 當世無雙 dang1 shi4 wu2 shuang1
unequalled in his time

肺炎双球菌 肺炎雙球菌 fei4 yan2 shuang1 qiu2 jun1
Diplococcus pneumoniae

福无双至 福無雙至 fu2 wu2 shuang1 zhi4
blessings never come in pairs (idiom)

父母双亡 父母雙亡 fu4 mu3 shuang1 wang2
to have lost both one's parents

寡二少双 寡二少雙 gua3 er4 shao3 shuang1
peerless; second to none (idiom)

双斑绿柳莺 雙斑綠柳鶯 huang1 ban1 lv4 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) two-barred warbler (Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus)

举世无双 舉世無雙 ju3 shi4 wu2 shuang1
unrivaled (idiom); world number one; unique; unequaled

连体双胞胎 連體雙胞胎 lian2 ti3 shuang1 bao1 tai1
conjoined twins; Siamese twins

名利双收 名利雙收 ming2 li4 shuang1 shou1
both fame and fortune (idiom); both virtue and reward

男双 男雙 nan2 shuang1
men's doubles (in tennis, badminton etc)

女双 女雙 nv3 shuang1
women's doubles (in tennis, badminton etc)

双柏 雙柏 shuang1 bai3
Shuangbai county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州, Yunnan

双摆 雙擺 shuang1 bai3
double pendulum (math.)

双百方针 雙百方針 shuang1 bai3 fang1 zhen1
refers to 百花運動|百花运动 with its slogan 百花齊放,百家爭鳴|百花齐放,百家争鸣

双柏县 雙柏縣 shuang1 bai3 xian4
Shuangbai county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州, Yunnan

双胞胎 雙胞胎 shuang1 bao1 tai1

双倍 雙倍 shuang1 bei4
twofold; double

双倍体 雙倍體 shuang1 bei4 ti3
diploid (doubled chromosomes)

双臂 雙臂 shuang1 bi4
arms; both arms; two arms

双边 雙邊 shuang1 bian1

双边贸易 雙邊貿易 shuang1 bian1 mao4 yi4
bilateral trade

双辫八色鸫 雙辮八色鶇 shuang1 bian4 ba1 se4 dong1
(bird species of China) eared pitta (Hydrornis phayrei)

双侧 雙側 shuang1 ce4
two-sided; bilateral

双层 雙層 shuang1 ceng2
double tier; double decker

双层巴士 雙層巴士 shuang1 ceng2 ba1 shi4
double-decker bus

双层公共汽车 雙層公共汽車 shuang1 ceng2 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1
double-decker bus

双程 雙程 shuang1 cheng2
return-trip; two-way; bidirectional; double-pass

双城 雙城 shuang1 cheng2
Suangcheng county level city in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang

双城记 雙城記 shuang1 cheng2 ji4
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 查爾斯·狄更斯|查尔斯·狄更斯

双城市 雙城市 shuang1 cheng2 shi4
Suangcheng county level city in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang

双城子 雙城子 shuang1 cheng2 zi5
Shuangchengzi, former name of Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Primorsky region

双翅目 雙翅目 shuang1 chi4 mu4
Diptera (insect order including flies)

双重 雙重 shuang1 chong2

双重标准 雙重標準 shuang1 chong2 biao1 zhun3
double standard

双重国籍 雙重國籍 shuang1 chong2 guo2 ji2
dual citizenship

双抽 雙抽 shuang1 chou1
black soy sauce

双唇音 雙唇音 shuang1 chun2 yin1
bilabial consonant (b, p, or m)

双打 雙打 shuang1 da3
doubles (in sports)

双独 雙獨 shuang1 du2
double and single; allowed dispensation to have second child

双独夫妇 雙獨夫婦 shuang1 du2 fu1 fu4
a married couple allowed dispensation to have second child

双方 雙方 shuang1 fang1
bilateral; both sides; both parties involved

双方同意 雙方同意 shuang1 fang1 tong2 yi4
bilateral agreement

双非 雙非 shuang1 fei1
a couple where both spouses are not Hong Kong citizens

双飞 雙飛 shuang1 fei1
flying in pairs; close union as husband and wife; round-trip flight; (slang) threesome

双峰 雙峰 shuang1 feng1
Shuangfeng county in Loudi 婁底|娄底, Hunan; (Tw) Twin Peaks, US television drama series 1990-1991

双峰 雙峰 shuang1 feng1

双峰县 雙峰縣 shuang1 feng1 xian4
Twin peaks county; Shuangfeng county in Loudi 婁底|娄底, Hunan

双峰镇 雙峰镇 shuang1 feng1 zhen4
Twin Peaks, US television drama series 1990-1991

双复磷 雙復磷 shuang1 fu4 lin2
obidoxime chloride; toxogonin

双杠 雙槓 shuang1 gang4
parallel bars (gymnastics event)

双拐 雙拐 shuang1 guai3

双关 雙關 shuang1 guan1
pun; play on words

双关语 雙關語 shuang1 guan1 yu3
pun; play on words; a phrase with a double meaning

双管 雙管 shuang1 guan3

双管齐下 雙管齊下 shuang1 guan3 qi2 xia4
lit. to paint holding two brushes (idiom); fig. to work on two tasks at the same time; to attack one problem from two angles at the same time

双光气 雙光氣 shuang1 guang1 qi4

双规 雙規 shuang1 gui1
shuanggui, an extralegal system within the CCP for detaining and interrogating cadres who fall from grace

双轨 雙軌 shuang1 gui3
double-track; parallel tracks; dual-track (system)

双号 雙號 shuang1 hao4
even number (on a ticket, house etc)

双核 雙核 shuang1 he2
dual core (computing)

双后前兵开局 雙后前兵開局 shuang1 hou4 qian2 bing1 kai1 ju2
Double Queen Pawn Opening; Closed Game (chess); same as 封閉性開局|封闭性开局

双湖 雙湖 shuang1 hu2
two lakes; Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区, central Tibet

双湖特别区 雙湖特別區 shuang1 hu2 te4 bie2 qu1
Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区, central Tibet

双簧 雙簧 shuang1 huang2
a form or theatrical double act, popular since Qing times, with one player seated stage front and acting out the poem or song of the second player hidden at the back (also written 雙黄|双黄); double reed (as used in oboe or bassoon); an oboe or bassoon

双簧管 雙簧管 shuang1 huang2 guan3
double reed wind instrument (such as oboe or bassoon)

双击 雙擊 shuang1 ji1

双极 雙極 shuang1 ji2

双髻鲨 雙髻鯊 shuang1 ji4 sha1
hammerhead shark

双肩包 雙肩包 shuang1 jian1 bao1

双键 雙鍵 shuang1 jian4
double bond (chemistry)

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县 雙江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治縣 shuang1 jiang1 la1 hu4 zu2 wa3 zu2 bu4 lang3 zu2 dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧, Yunnan

双江县 雙江縣 shuang1 jiang1 xian4
Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧, Yunnan

双脚 雙腳 shuang1 jiao3
two legs; both feet

双脚架 雙腳架 shuang1 jiao3 jia4
bipod (supporting a machine gun etc)

双角犀 雙角犀 shuang1 jiao3 xi1
two-horned rhinoceros; Dicerorhinini

双角犀鸟 雙角犀鳥 shuang1 jiao3 xi1 niao3
(bird species of China) great hornbill (Buceros bicornis)

双绞线 雙絞線 shuang1 jiao3 xian4
unshielded twisted pair; UTP

双截棍 雙截棍 shuang1 jie2 gun4
variant of 雙節棍|双节棍

双节棍 雙節棍 shuang1 jie2 gun4

双节棍道 雙節棍道 shuang1 jie2 gun4 dao4
nunchaku martial arts

双进双出 雙進雙出 shuang1 jin4 shuang1 chu1
to be together constantly (idiom)

双开 雙開 shuang1 kai1
to strip sb of their Party membership and government job (開除黨籍,開除公職|开除党籍,开除公职)

双壳类 雙殼類 shuang1 ke2 lei4
bivalve; Lamellibranchia

双立人 雙立人 shuang1 li4 ren2
J. A. Henckels (brand)

双连接站 雙連接站 shuang1 lian2 jie1 zhan4
dual attachment station

双链 雙鏈 shuang1 lian4
double stranded

双链核酸 雙鏈核酸 shuang1 lian4 he2 suan1
double chain nucleic acid (refer to the double helix DNA as opposed to single chain RNA 單鏈|单链)

双辽 雙遼 shuang1 liao2
Shuangliao county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin

双辽市 雙遼市 shuang1 liao2 shi4
Shuangliao county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin

双流 雙流 shuang1 liu2
Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan; Chengdu's main airport

双流县 雙流縣 shuang1 liu2 xian4
Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan

双龙大裂谷 雙龍大裂谷 shuang1 long2 da4 lie4 gu3
Shuanglong ravine in Mt Xiong'er national geological park 熊耳山, Zaozhuang 棗莊|枣庄, Shandong

双龙镇 雙龍鎮 shuang1 long2 zhen4
Shuanglong town in Xixia county 西峽縣|西峡县, Nanyang, Henan

双陆棋 雙陸棋 shuang1 lu4 qi2

双滦 雙灤 shuang1 luan2
Shuangluan district of Chengde city 承德市, Hebei

双滦区 雙灤區 shuang1 luan2 qu1
Shuangluan district of Chengde city 承德市, Hebei

双氯醇胺 雙氯醇胺 shuang1 lv4 chun2 an4

双氯芬酸钠 雙氯芬酸鈉 shuang1 lv4 fen1 suan1 na4
diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as painkiller; also called voltaren 扶他林

双氯灭痛 雙氯滅痛 shuang1 lv4 mie4 tong4
diclofenac painkiller; also called 扶他林

双盲 雙盲 shuang1 mang2
double-blind (scientific experiment)

双面 雙面 shuang1 mian4
double-sided; two-faced; double-edged; reversible

双名法 雙名法 shuang1 ming2 fa3
binomial nomenclature (taxonomy)

双眸 雙眸 shuang1 mou2
one's pair of eyes

双牌 雙牌 shuang1 pai2
Shuangpai county in Yongzhou 永州, Hunan

双牌县 雙牌縣 shuang1 pai2 xian4
Shuangpai county in Yongzhou 永州, Hunan

双拼 雙拼 shuang1 pin1
double pinyin

双栖双宿 雙棲雙宿 shuang1 qi1 shuang1 su1
see 雙宿雙飛|双宿双飞

双桥 雙橋 shuang1 qiao2
Shuangqia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

双桥区 雙橋區 shuang1 qiao2 qu1
Shuangqia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan; Shuangqia district of Chengde city 承德市, Hebei

双亲 雙親 shuang1 qin1

双清 雙清 shuang1 qing1
Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市, Hunan

双清区 雙清區 shuang1 qing1 qu1
Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市, Hunan

双球菌 雙球菌 shuang1 qiu2 jun1

双曲 雙曲 shuang1 qu1
hyperbola; hyperbolic (function)

双曲拱桥 雙曲拱橋 shuang1 qu1 gong3 qiao2
double arched bridge

双曲几何 雙曲幾何 shuang1 qu1 ji3 he2
hyperbolic geometry

双曲抛物面 雙曲拋物面 shuang1 qu1 pao1 wu4 mian4
hyperbolic paraboloid (math.)

双曲线 雙曲線 shuang1 qu1 xian4

双曲线正弦 雙曲線正弦 shuang1 qu1 xian4 zheng4 xian2
hyperbolic sine or sinh (math)

双曲余割 雙曲餘割 shuang1 qu1 yu2 ge1
hyperbolic cosecant, i.e. function cosech(x)

双曲余弦 雙曲餘弦 shuang1 qu1 yu2 xian2
hyperbolic cosine or cosh (math)

双曲正弦 雙曲正弦 shuang1 qu1 zheng4 xian2
hyperbolic sine or sinh (math)

双人 雙人 shuang1 ren2
two-person; double; pair; tandem

双人包夹 雙人包夾 shuang1 ren2 bao1 jia1
double team (sports)

双人床 雙人床 shuang1 ren2 chuang2
double bed

双人房 雙人房 shuang1 ren2 fang2
double room

双人滑 雙人滑 shuang1 ren2 hua2
pair skating

双人间 雙人間 shuang1 ren2 jian1
double room (hotel)

双刃 雙刃 shuang1 ren4
double-edged blade

双刃剑 雙刃劍 shuang1 ren4 jian4
double-edged sword (both lit. and fig.)

双乳 雙乳 shuang1 ru3

双蕊兰 雙蕊蘭 shuang1 rui3 lan2
double-stamen orchid (Diplandrorchis sinica S.C. Chen), an endangered species

双射 雙射 shuang1 she4
bijection (math.)

双生 雙生 shuang1 sheng1
twin (attributive); twins

双生兄弟 雙生兄弟 shuang1 sheng1 xiong1 di4
twin brothers

双十节 雙十節 shuang1 shi2 jie2
Double Tenth, the anniversary of the Wuchang Uprising 武昌起義|武昌起义 of October 10th, 1911; (Taiwan) National Day

双手 雙手 shuang1 shou3
both hands

双数 雙數 shuang1 shu4
even number

双宿双飞 雙宿雙飛 shuang1 su4 shuang1 fei1
lit. to rest and fly together (idiom); fig. to live in each other's pockets; to be inseparable

双塔 雙塔 shuang1 ta3
Shuangta district of Chaoyang city 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning

双塔区 雙塔區 shuang1 ta3 qu1
Shuangta district of Chaoyang city 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning

双台子 雙臺子 shuang1 tai2 zi5
Shuangtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning

双台子区 雙臺子區 shuang1 tai2 zi5 qu1
Shuangtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning

双糖 雙糖 shuang1 tang2

双套 雙套 shuang1 tao4
double set; diploid

双体船 雙體船 shuang1 ti3 chuan2

双瞳剪水 雙瞳翦水 shuang1 tong2 jian3 shui3
clear, bright eyes (idiom)

双筒望远镜 雙筒望遠鏡 shuang1 tong3 wang4 yuan3 jing4

双凸面 雙凸面 shuang1 tu1 mian4
convex on both sides (of lens); biconvex

双腿 雙腿 shuang1 tui3
legs; both legs; two legs

双稳 雙穩 shuang1 wen3

双误 雙誤 shuang1 wu4
double fault (in tennis)

双膝 雙膝 shuang1 xi1
both knees

双溪 雙溪 shuang1 xi1
Shuangxi or Shuanghsi township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

双溪乡 雙溪鄉 shuang1 xi1 xiang1
Shuangxi or Shuanghsi township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

双喜 雙喜 shuang1 xi3
double happiness; the combined symmetric character 囍 (similar to 喜喜) as symbol of good luck, esp. marriage

双喜临门 雙喜臨門 shuang1 xi3 lin2 men2
two simultaneous happy events in the family

双向 雙向 shuang1 xiang4
bidirectional; two-way; interactive

双星 雙星 shuang1 xing1
double star

双性恋 雙性戀 shuang1 xing4 lian4
bisexual; bisexuality

双休日 雙休日 shuang1 xiu1 ri4
two-day weekend

双学位 雙學位 shuang1 xue2 wei4
dual degree (academic)

双鸭山 雙鴨山 shuang1 ya1 shan1
Shuangyashan prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江 in northeast China

双鸭山市 雙鴨山市 shuang1 ya1 shan1 shi4
Shuangyashan prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江 in northeast China

双眼 雙眼 shuang1 yan3
the two eyes

双眼皮 雙眼皮 shuang1 yan3 pi2
double eyelid

双眼视觉 雙眼視覺 shuang1 yan3 shi4 jue2
binocular vision

双阳 雙陽 shuang1 yang2
Shuangyang district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin

双阳区 雙陽區 shuang1 yang2 qu1
Shuangyang district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin

双氧水 雙氧水 shuang1 yang3 shui3
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution

双翼飞机 雙翼飛機 shuang1 yi4 fei1 ji1

双音节 雙音節 shuang1 yin1 jie2

双赢 雙贏 shuang1 ying2
profitable to both sides; a win-win situation

双鱼 雙魚 shuang1 yu2
Pisces (star sign)

双鱼座 雙魚座 shuang1 yu2 zuo4
Pisces (constellation and sign of the zodiac)

双语 雙語 shuang1 yu3

双元音 雙元音 shuang1 yuan2 yin1

双月刊 雙月刊 shuang1 yue4 kan1
bimonthly publication

双周期性 雙週期性 shuang1 zhou1 qi1 xing4
(math.) double periodicity

双子 雙子 shuang1 zi3
Gemini (star sign)

双子叶 雙子葉 shuang1 zi3 ye4
dicotyledon (plant family distinguished by two embryonic leaves, includes daisies, broadleaved trees, herbaceous plants)

双子座 雙子座 shuang1 zi3 zuo4
Gemini (constellation and sign of the zodiac)

双足 雙足 shuang1 zu2
both feet; two-legged

双唑泰栓 雙唑泰栓 shuang1 zuo4 tai4 shuan1
metronidazole, clotrimazole and chlorhexidine acetate (as suppository)

同卵双胞胎 同卵雙胞胎 tong2 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1
identical twins

退休金双轨制 退休金雙軌制 tui4 xiu1 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4
see 養老金雙軌制|养老金双轨制

文武双全 文武雙全 wen2 wu3 shuang1 quan2
well versed in letters and military technology (idiom); fine scholar and soldier; master of pen and sword

无双 無雙 wu2 shuang1
incomparable; matchless; unique

西双版纳 西雙版納 xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4
abbr. for 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州 Xishuangbanna, Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan

西双版纳粗榧 西雙版納粗榧 xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 cu1 fei3
Cephalotaxus mannii (botany)

西双版纳傣族自治州 西雙版納傣族自治州 xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1
Xishuangbanna Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan 雲南|云南

西双版纳州 西雙版納州 xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 zhou1
Xishuangbanna Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan 雲南|云南

养老金双轨制 養老金雙軌制 yang3 lao3 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4
dual pension scheme (PRC)

一箭双雕 一箭雙鵰 yi1 jian4 shuang1 diao1
lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom); to kill two birds with one stone

一语双关 一語雙關 yi1 yu3 shuang1 guan1
to make a pun; to have a double meaning; double entendre

异卵双胞胎 異卵雙胞胎 yi4 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1
fraternal twins