contrary; in reverse; inside out or upside down; to reverse; to return; to oppose; opposite; against; anti-; to rebel; to use analogy; instead; abbr. for 反切 phonetic system
bring order out of chaos; set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
策反策反ce4 fan3
to instigate (rebellion etc); incitement (e.g. to desertion within opposing camp)
唱反调唱反調chang4 fan3 diao4
to express a different view; to take a different position
超敏反应超敏反應chao1 min3 fan3 ying4
成反比成反比cheng2 fan3 bi3
to vary inversely; inversely proportional to
出尔反尔出爾反爾chu1 er3 fan3 er3
old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word; to blow hot and cold; to contradict oneself; inconsistent
to ask (a question) in reply; to answer a question with a question; rhetorical question
反诘问反詰問fan3 jie2 wen4
to cross-examine
反锯齿反鋸齒fan3 ju4 chi3
反角反角fan3 jue2
bad guy (in a story); villain
反抗反抗fan3 kang4
to resist; to rebel
反抗者反抗者fan3 kang4 zhe3
反科学反科學fan3 ke1 xue2
anti-science; anti-scientific
反客为主反客為主fan3 ke4 wei2 zhu3
lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior
反空降反空降fan3 kong1 jiang4
anti-aircraft defense
反恐反恐fan3 kong3
anti-terrorism; to fight against terrorism
反恐战争反恐戰爭fan3 kong3 zhan4 zheng1
war on terrorism
反口反口fan3 kou3
to correct oneself; to renege; to break one's word
反酷刑折磨公约反酷刑折磨公約fan3 ku4 xing2 zhe2 mo2 gong1 yue1
UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)
反馈反饋fan3 kui4
to send back information; feedback
反例反例fan3 li4
反粒子反粒子fan3 li4 zi3
antiparticle (physics)
反脸无情反臉無情fan3 lian3 wu2 qing2
to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend
反垄断反壟斷fan3 long3 duan4
anti-trust legislation; anti-monopoly
反垄断法反壟斷法fan3 long3 duan4 fa3
anti-trust law; legislation again monopolies
反录病毒反錄病毒fan3 lu4 bing4 du2
reverse transcription virus; retrovirus
反美反美fan3 mei3
反密码子反密碼子fan3 mi4 ma3 zi5
反面反面fan3 mian4
reverse side; backside; the other side (of a problem etc); negative; bad
反面儿反面兒fan3 mian4 er5
erhua variant of 反面
反面人物反面人物fan3 mian4 ren2 wu4
negative character; bad guy (in a story)
反目反目fan3 mu4
to quarrel; to fall out with sb
反目成仇反目成仇fan3 mu4 cheng2 chou2
to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb
反派反派fan3 pai4
villain (of a drama etc)
反叛反叛fan3 pan4
to rebel; to revolt
反叛分子反叛份子fan3 pan4 fen4 zi3
insurgent; rebel
反批评反批評fan3 pi1 ping2
反聘反聘fan3 pin4
to re-hire retired personnel
反扑反撲fan3 pu1
to counterattack; to come back after a defeat; to retrieve lost ground
反其道而行之反其道而行之fan3 qi2 dao4 er2 xing2 zhi1
to do the very opposite; to act in a diametrically opposite way
反气旋反氣旋fan3 qi4 xuan2
反潜反潛fan3 qian2
anti-submarine; antisubmarine
反切反切fan3 qie4
traditional system expressing the phonetic value of a Chinese character using two other characters, the first for the initial consonant, the second for the rhyme and tone
反清反清fan3 qing1
anti-Qing; refers to the revolutionary movements in late 19th and early 20th century leading up to 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命
反倾销反傾銷fan3 qing1 xiao1
反裘负刍反裘負芻fan3 qiu2 fu4 chu2
lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom); fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work; fig. to act stupidly
反求诸己反求諸己fan3 qiu2 zhu1 ji3
to seek the cause in oneself rather than sb else
反人道罪反人道罪fan3 ren2 dao4 zui4
a crime against humanity
反人道罪行反人道罪行fan3 ren2 dao4 zui4 xing2
crime against humanity
反人类反人類fan3 ren2 lei4
反人类罪反人類罪fan3 ren2 lei4 zui4
crimes against humanity
反日反日fan3 ri4
反散射反散射fan3 san4 she4
反射反射fan3 she4
to reflect; reflection (from a mirror etc); reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
反射动作反射動作fan3 she4 dong4 zuo4
reflex action
反射光反射光fan3 she4 guang1
to reflect light; reflection; reflected light
反射弧反射弧fan3 she4 hu2
reflex arc
反社会反社會fan3 she4 hui4
antisocial (behavior)
反社会行为反社會行為fan3 she4 hui4 xing2 wei2
antisocial behavior
反射镜反射鏡fan3 she4 jing4
反射疗法反射療法fan3 she4 liao2 fa3
reflexology (alternative medicine)
反射面反射面fan3 she4 mian4
reflecting surface
反射区治疗反射區治療fan3 she4 ou1 zhi4 liao2
reflexology (alternative medicine)
反射星云反射星雲fan3 she4 xing1 yun2
reflection nebula
反射作用反射作用fan3 she4 zuo4 yong4
reflex; reflection
反身反身fan3 shen1
to turn around
反身代词反身代詞fan3 shen1 dai4 ci2
reflexive pronoun
反生物战反生物戰fan3 sheng1 wu4 zhan4
biological (warfare) defense
反圣婴反聖嬰fan3 sheng4 ying1
La Niña (counterpart of El Niño in meteorology)
反诗反詩fan3 shi1
verse criticizing officials; satirical verse
反时势反時勢fan3 shi2 shi4
反时针反時針fan3 shi2 zhen1
反式反式fan3 shi4
trans- (isomer) (chemistry); see also 順式|顺式
反式脂肪反式脂肪fan3 shi4 zhi1 fang2
trans fat; trans-isomer fatty acid
反式脂肪酸反式脂肪酸fan3 shi4 zhi1 fang2 suan1
see 反式脂肪
反手反手fan3 shou3
to turn a hand over; to put one's hand behind one's back; fig. easily done
反水反水fan3 shui3
turncoat; traitor
反思反思fan3 si1
to think back over sth; to review; to revisit; to rethink; reflection; reassessment
反诉反訴fan3 su4
counterclaim; countercharge (law)
反诉状反訴狀fan3 su4 zhuang4
反酸反酸fan3 suan1
acid reflux; regurgitation
反锁反鎖fan3 suo3
locked in (with the door locked from the outside)
反贪反貪fan3 tan1
anti-corruption (policy)
反贪腐反貪腐fan3 tan1 fu3
反贪污反貪污fan3 tan1 wu1
反弹反彈fan3 tan2
to bounce; to bounce back; to boomerang; to ricochet; rebound (of stock market etc); bounce; backlash; negative repercussions
反坦克反坦克fan3 tan3 ke4
反特反特fan3 te4
to thwart enemy espionage; to engage in counterespionage
反托拉斯反托拉斯fan3 tuo1 la1 si1
antitrust (loanword)
反围剿反圍剿fan3 wei2 jiao3
communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign
反胃反胃fan3 wei4
retching; vomiting
反文旁反文旁fan3 wen2 pang2
(colloquial) grapheme 攵 (variant form of Kangxi radical 66, 攴)
反问反問fan3 wen4
to ask (a question) in reply; to answer a question with a question; rhetorical question
反问句反問句fan3 wen4 ju4
rhetorical question
反问语气反問語氣fan3 wen4 yu3 qi4
tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical question
反污反污fan3 wu1
to accuse the victim (while being the guilty party)
反诬反誣fan3 wu1
to make a false countercharge
反物质反物質fan3 wu4 zhi4
反响反響fan3 xiang3
repercussions; reaction; echo
反向反向fan3 xiang4
opposite direction; reverse
反斜杠反斜杠fan3 xie2 gang4
backslash (computing)
反斜线反斜線fan3 xie2 xian4
backslash (computing); reversed diagonal
反兴奋剂反興奮劑fan3 xing1 fen4 ji4
anti-doping; anti-stimulant; policy against drugs in sports
反省反省fan3 xing3
to reflect upon oneself; to examine one's conscience; to question oneself; to search one's soul
反演反演fan3 yan3
inversion (geometry)
反咬一口反咬一口fan3 yao3 yi1 kou3
to make a false countercharge
反义反義fan3 yi4
antonymous; (genetic) antisense
反义词反義詞fan3 yi4 ci2
反义字反義字fan3 yi4 zi4
character with opposite meaning; antonym; opposite characters
反英反英fan3 ying1
反应时间反應時間fan3 ying1 shi2 jian1
response time (technology)
反英雄反英雄fan3 ying1 xiong2
反映反映fan3 ying4
to mirror; to reflect; mirror image; reflection; (fig.) to report; to make known; to render
反应反應fan3 ying4
to react; to respond; reaction; response; reply; chemical reaction