Chengkou county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
城口县城口縣cheng2 kou3 xian4
Chengkou county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
逞其口舌逞其口舌cheng3 qi2 kou3 she2
to boast of one's quarrels to others (idiom)
赤口日赤口日chi4 kou3 ri4
third day of the lunar year (inauspicious for visits because arguments happen easily on that day)
冲口而出衝口而出chong1 kou3 er2 chu1
to blurt out without thinking (idiom)
出风口出風口chu1 feng1 kou3
air vent; air outlet
出口出口chu1 kou3
an exit; to speak; to export; (of a ship) to leave port
出口产品出口產品chu1 kou3 chan3 pin3
export product
出口成章出口成章chu1 kou3 cheng2 zhang1
to speak like a printed book; quick and clever talking; the gift of the gab
出口调查出口調查chu1 kou3 diao4 cha2
exit poll
出口额出口額chu1 kou3 e2
export amount
出口货出口貨chu1 kou3 huo4
exports; goods for export
出口气出口氣chu1 kou3 qi4
to take one's revenge; to score off sb
出口商出口商chu1 kou3 shang1
exporter; export business
出口商品出口商品chu1 kou3 shang1 pin3
export product; export goods
出气口出氣口chu1 qi4 kou3
gas or air outlet; emotional outlet
出入口出入口chu1 ru4 kou3
出水口出水口chu1 shui3 kou3
water outlet; drainage outlet
串口串口chuan4 kou3
serial port (computing)
串行口串行口chuan4 xing2 kou3
serial port (computing)
疮口瘡口chuang1 kou3
wound; open sore
创口創口chuang1 kou3
a wound; a cut
窗口窗口chuang1 kou3
window; opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window); computer operating system window; fig. medium; intermediary; showpiece; testing ground
吹口哨吹口哨chui1 kou3 shao4
to whistle
雌性接口雌性接口ci2 xing4 jie1 kou3
female connector
粗口粗口cu1 kou3
swear words; obscene language; foul language
寸口寸口cun4 kou3
location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM
寸口脉寸口脈cun4 kou3 mai4
pulse taken at the wrist (TCM)
打口打口da3 kou3
(of CDs, videos etc) surplus (or "cut-out") stock from Western countries, sometimes marked with a notch in the disc or its case, sold cheaply in China (beginning in the 1990s), as well as Eastern Europe etc
大饱口福大飽口福da4 bao3 kou3 fu2
to eat one's fill; to have a good meal
大渡口大渡口da4 du4 kou3
Dadukou district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
大渡口区大渡口區da4 du4 kou3 qu1
Dadukou district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
大沽口炮台大沽口砲臺da4 gu1 kou3 pao4 tai2
Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)
大口大口da4 kou3
big mouthful (of food, drink, smoke etc); open mouth; gulping; gobbling; gaping
大口径大口徑da4 kou3 jing4
large caliber
大汶口文化大汶口文化da4 wen4 kou3 wen2 hua4
Dawenkou culture (c. 4100-2600 BC), Neolithic culture based in today's Shandong area 山東|山东
大武口大武口da4 wu3 kou3
Dawukou district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市, Ningxia
大武口区大武口區da4 wu3 kou3 qu1
Dawukou district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市, Ningxia
丹江口丹江口dan1 jiang1 kou3
Danjiangkou county level city in Shiyan 十堰, Hubei
丹江口市丹江口市dan1 jiang1 kou3 shi4
Danjiangkou county level city in Shiyan 十堰, Hubei
单口相声單口相聲dan1 kou3 xiang4 sheng1
comic monologue; one-person comic sketch
当口當口dang1 kou3
at that moment; just then
档口檔口dang4 kou3
stall; booth
刀口刀口dao1 kou3
the edge of a knife; cut; incision
倒胃口倒胃口dao3 wei4 kou3
to spoil one's appetite; fig. to get fed up with sth
倒抽一口气倒抽一口氣dao4 chou1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)
登机口登機口deng1 ji1 kou3
departure gate (aviation)
登机入口登機入口deng1 ji1 ru4 kou3
boarding gate
磴口磴口deng4 kou3
Dengkou county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia
磴口县磴口縣deng4 kou3 xian4
Dengkou county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔, Inner Mongolia
低领口低領口di1 ling3 kou3
low-cut neckline
吊胃口吊胃口diao4 wei4 kou3
(coll.) to keep sb in suspense; to tantalize; to keep on tenterhooks
洞口洞口dong4 kou3
cave mouth; tunnel entrance
动口動口dong4 kou3
to use one's mouth (to say sth)
洞口洞口dong4 kou3
Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳, Hunan
洞口县洞口縣dong4 kou3 xian4
Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳, Hunan
斗口齿鬥口齒dou4 kou3 chi3
to quarrel; to bicker; glib repartee
杜口杜口du4 kou3
to remain silent
渡口渡口du4 kou3
ferry crossing
杜口裹足杜口裹足du4 kou3 guo3 zu2
too frightened to move or speak
端口端口duan1 kou3
interface; port
对口對口dui4 kou3
(of two performers) to speak or sing alternately; to be fit for the purposes of a job or task; (of food) to suit sb's taste
对口词對口詞dui4 kou3 ci2
dialog (for stage performance)
对口径對口徑dui4 kou3 jing4
to arrange to give the same story
对口相声對口相聲dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1
comic crosstalk; formalized comic dialog between two stand-up comics: leading role 逗哏 and fall-guy 捧哏
对口型對口型dui4 kou3 xing2
lip synching
对胃口對胃口dui4 wei4 kou3
to one's taste; tasty; fig. sth one enjoys
垛口垛口duo3 kou3
恶口惡口e4 kou3
bad language; foul mouth
工口工口ei1 luo2
erotic (loanword mimicking the shape of Japanese katakana エロ, pronounced "ero")
发脱口齿發脫口齒fa1 tuo1 kou3 chi3
diction; enunciation
反口反口fan3 kou3
to correct oneself; to renege; to break one's word
反咬一口反咬一口fan3 yao3 yi1 kou3
to make a false countercharge
贩卖人口販賣人口fan4 mai4 ren2 kou3
trafficking in human beings
放焰口放焰口fang4 yan4 kou3
to feed the starving ghosts (i.e. offer sacrifice to protect the departed spirit)
费口舌費口舌fei4 kou3 she2
to argue needlessly; waste time explaining
封口封口feng1 kou3
to close up; to heal (of wound); to keep one's lips sealed
风口風口feng1 kou3
air vent; drafty place; wind gap (geology); tuyere (furnace air nozzle)
封口费封口費feng1 kou3 fei4
hush money
风口浪尖風口浪尖feng1 kou3 lang4 jian1
where the wind and the waves are the fiercest; at the heart of the struggle
佛口蛇心佛口蛇心fo2 kou3 she2 xin1
words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (idiom); two-faced; malicious and duplicitous
改口改口gai3 kou3
to correct oneself; to withdraw or modify one's previous remark
改口费改口費gai3 kou3 fei4
a gift of money given by parents on both sides after a wedding, to their new daughter-in-law or son-in-law
港口港口gang3 kou3
port; harbor
港口城市港口城市gang3 kou3 cheng2 shi4
port city
港口区港口區gang3 kou3 qu1
Gangkou district of Fangchenggang city 防城港市, Guangxi
to return to one's original trade; to put (a business etc) under the administration of the relevant central authority; (the) relevant (department in charge of sth)
海口海口hai3 kou3
Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 海南省
海口海口hai3 kou3
estuary; coastal inlet; river mouth; seaport; see also 誇海口|夸海口
海口市海口市hai3 kou3 shi4
Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 海南省
害口害口hai4 kou3
morning sickness during pregnancy; to be pregnant
汉口漢口han4 kou3
Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the junction of Han river and Changjiang in Hubei
核出口控制核出口控制he2 chu1 kou3 kong4 zhi4
nuclear export control
河口河口he2 kou3
estuary; the mouth of a river
河口区河口區he2 kou3 qu1
Hekou district of Dongying city 東營市|东营市, Shandong
河口瑶族自治县河口瑤族自治縣he2 kou3 yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Hekou Yaozu autonomous county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州, Yunnan
黑顶蛙口鸱黑頂蛙口鴟hei1 ding3 wa1 kou3 chi1
(bird species of China) Hodgson's frogmouth (Batrachostomus hodgsoni)
虹口区虹口區hong2 kou3 qu1
Hongkou district, central Shanghai
湖口湖口hu2 kou3
Hukou County in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi; Hukou township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县, northwest Taiwan
糊口餬口hu2 kou3
variant of 糊口
糊口糊口hu2 kou3
to scrape a meager living; to get by with difficulty
湖口县湖口縣hu2 kou3 xian4
Hukou county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi
湖口乡湖口鄉hu2 kou3 xiang1
Hukou township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县, northwest Taiwan
虎口虎口hu3 kou3
tiger's den; dangerous place; the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand
虎口余生虎口餘生hu3 kou3 yu2 sheng1
to escape from the tiger's mouth (idiom); to have a narrow escape
户口戶口hu4 kou3
population (counted as number of households for census or taxation); registered residence; residence permit; (in Hong Kong and Macau) bank account
to be able to read aloud fluently; to be suitable (easy enough) for reading aloud
上口齿上口齒shang4 kou3 chi3
supraoral tooth
牲口牲口sheng1 kou5
animals used for their physical strength (mules, oxen etc); beast of burden
失口失口shi1 kou3
slip of the tongue; indiscretion; to blurt out a secret
十字路口十字路口shi2 zi4 lu4 kou3
crossroads; intersection
矢口否认矢口否認shi3 kou3 fou3 ren4
to deny flatly
收口收口shou1 kou3
to cast off (in knitting); to sew a finishing hem; to close up (of wound); to heal
守口如瓶守口如瓶shou3 kou3 ru2 ping2
lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped; reticent; not breathing a word
手足口病手足口病shou3 zu2 kou3 bing4
hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children
手足口症手足口症shou3 zu2 kou3 zheng4
human hand foot and mouth disease, a viral infection
售票口售票口shou4 piao4 kou3
ticket window
舒一口气舒一口氣shu1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to heave a sigh of relief
数据接口數據接口shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3
data interface
漱口漱口shu4 kou3
to rinse one's mouth; to gargle
爽口爽口shuang3 kou3
fresh and tasty
水道口水道口shui3 dao4 kou3
mouth of sewer
顺口順口shun4 kou3
to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)
顺口溜順口溜shun4 kou3 liu1
popular piece of doggerel; common phrase repeated as a jingle
松口鬆口song1 kou3
to let go of sth held in one's mouth; (fig.) to relent; to yield
松口蘑松口蘑song1 kou3 mo2
matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a great delicacy in Japan
松一口气鬆一口氣song1 yi1 kou3 qi4
to heave a sigh of relief
俗谚口碑俗諺口碑su2 yan4 kou3 bei1
common sayings (idiom); widely circulated proverbs
随口隨口sui2 kou3
(speak) without thinking the matter through
随口胡诌隨口胡謅sui2 kou3 hu2 zhou1
to talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever comes into one's head
探口风探口風tan4 kou3 feng1
to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning
探口气探口氣tan4 kou3 qi4
to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning; also written 探口風|探口风
淌口水淌口水tang3 kou3 shui3
to let saliva dribble from the mouth; to slobber
套口供套口供tao4 kou3 gong4
to trap a suspect into a confession
挑口板挑口板tiao1 kou3 ban3
fascia; eaves board
通风口通風口tong1 feng1 kou3
air vent; opening for ventilation
通商口岸通商口岸tong1 shang1 kou3 an4
treaty port, forced on Qing China by the 19th century Great Powers
桶口桶口tong3 kou3
bunghole; see 桶孔
统一口径統一口徑tong3 yi1 kou3 jing4
lit. one-track path; fig. to adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue; to sing from the same hymn-sheet
投币口投幣口tou2 bi4 kou3
coin slot
吐口吐口tu3 kou3
to spit; fig. to spit out (a request, an agreement etc)
拖家带口拖家帶口tuo1 jia1 dai4 kou3
dragged down by having a family to feed
脱口脫口tuo1 kou3
to blurt out
脱口而出脫口而出tuo1 kou3 er2 chu1
to blurt out; to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
脱口秀脫口秀tuo1 kou3 xiu4
talk show (loanword)
网管接口網管接口wang3 guan3 jie1 kou3
network management interface
胃口胃口wei4 kou3
appetite; liking
五道口五道口wu3 dao4 kou3
Wudaokou neighborhood of Beijing
五口通商五口通商wu3 kou3 tong1 shang1
the five treaty ports forced on Qing China by the 1842 treaty of Nanjing 南京條約|南京条约 that concluded the First Opium War, namely: Guangzhou 廣州|广州, Fuzhou 福州, Ningbo 寧波|宁波, Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门 and Shanghai 上海
溪口溪口xi1 kou3
Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
吸口吸口xi1 kou3
sucker mouth
溪口乡溪口鄉xi1 kou3 xiang1
Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
闲口閒口xian2 kou3
idle talk
香口胶香口膠xiang1 kou3 jiao1
chewing gum
小两口小兩口xiao3 liang3 kou3
(coll.) young married couple
小两口儿小兩口兒xiao3 liang3 kou3 er5
erhua variant of 小兩口|小两口
笑口弥勒笑口彌勒xiao4 kou3 mi2 le4
laughing Maitreya
携家带口攜家帶口xie2 jia1 dai4 kou3
to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family; tied down by family obligations
心服口服心服口服xin1 fu2 kou3 fu2
to accept wholeheartedly; to embrace; to be won over
心口心口xin1 kou3
pit of the stomach; solar plexus; words and thoughts
心口不一心口不一xin1 kou3 bu4 yi1
heart and mouth at variance (idiom); keeping one's real intentions to oneself; saying one thing but meaning sth different
心口如一心口如一xin1 kou3 ru2 yi1
lit. heart and mouth as one (idiom); to say what you think; honest and straightforward
心直口快心直口快xin1 zhi2 kou3 kuai4
frank and outspoken (idiom); straight speaking; to say what one thinks
心拙口笨心拙口笨xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4
dull-witted and tongue-tied
心拙口夯心拙口夯xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4
variant of 心拙口笨
信口信口xin4 kou3
to blurt sth out; to open one's mouth without thinking
信口雌黄信口雌黃xin4 kou3 ci2 huang2
to speak off the cuff; to casually opine
信口胡说信口胡說xin4 kou3 hu2 shuo1
to speak without thinking; to blurt sth out
信口开河信口開河xin4 kou3 kai1 he2
to speak without thinking (idiom); to blurt sth out
信口开合信口開合xin4 kou3 kai1 he2
variant of 信口開河|信口开河
胸口胸口xiong1 kou3
pit of the stomach
羞口难开羞口難開xiu1 kou3 nan2 kai1
to be too embarrassed for words (idiom)
袖口袖口xiu4 kou3
血口血口xue4 kou3
bloody mouth (from devouring freshly killed prey)
血口喷人血口噴人xue4 kou3 pen1 ren2
to spit blood (idiom); venomous slander; malicious attacks
血盆大口血盆大口xue4 pen2 da4 kou3
bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl (idiom); ferocious mouth of beast of prey; fig. greedy exploiter; rapacious aggressor
巡回分析端口巡迴分析端口xun2 hui2 fen1 xi1 duan1 kou3
Roving Analysis Port; RAP
垭口埡口ya1 kou3
(dialect) narrow mountain pass
哑口啞口ya3 kou3
as if dumb; speechless
哑口无言啞口無言ya3 kou3 wu2 yan2
dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words
羊入虎口羊入虎口yang2 ru4 hu3 kou3
lit. a lamb in a tiger's den (idiom); fig. to tread dangerous ground
养家糊口養家糊口yang3 jia1 hu2 kou3
to support one's family (idiom); to have difficulty feeding a family
养家活口養家活口yang3 jia1 huo2 kou3
to support one's family (idiom)
野口野口ye3 kou3
Noguchi (Japanese surname)
叶口蝠科葉口蝠科ye4 kou3 fu2 ke1
Phyllostomatidae (zoology)
一口一口yi1 kou3
readily; flatly (deny, admit and so on); a mouthful; a bite
一口吃不成胖子一口吃不成胖子yi1 kou3 chi1 bu4 cheng2 pang4 zi5
lit. you cannot get fat with only one mouthful (proverb); fig. learn to walk before you run
一口吃个胖子一口吃個胖子yi1 kou3 chi1 ge5 pang4 zi5
lit. to want to get fat with only one mouthful (proverb); fig. to try to achieve one's goal in the shortest time possible; to be impatient for success
一口气一口氣yi1 kou3 qi4
one breath; in one breath; at a stretch
一口气儿一口氣兒yi1 kou3 qi4 er5
erhua variant of 一口氣|一口气
一口咬定一口咬定yi1 kou3 yao3 ding4
to arbitrarily assert; to allege; to stick to one's statement; to cling to one's view
贻人口实貽人口實yi2 ren2 kou3 shi2
to make oneself an object of ridicule
以免借口以免藉口yi3 mian3 jie4 kou3
to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idiom)
以太网络端口以太網絡端口yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 duan1 kou3
Ethernet port
异口同声異口同聲yi4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (idiom)
阴道口陰道口yin1 dao4 kou3
female external genitalia (anatomy); vulva
樱桃小口櫻桃小口ying1 tao2 xiao3 kou3
see 櫻桃小嘴|樱桃小嘴
营口營口ying2 kou3
Yingkou prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
营口市營口市ying2 kou3 shi4
Yingkou prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC)
众口皆碑眾口皆碑zhong4 kou3 jie1 bei1
to be praised by everyone
众口铄金眾口鑠金zhong4 kou3 shuo4 jin1
lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom); fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth; mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong
众口同声眾口同聲zhong4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
(of people) to be of one voice (idiom); unanimous
重口味重口味zhong4 kou3 wei4
(slang) intense; hardcore
众口一词眾口一詞zhong4 kou3 yi1 ci2
all of one voice; unanimous
周口周口zhou1 kou3
prefecture level city in east Henan 河南
周口地区周口地區zhou1 kou3 di4 qu1
Zhoukou prefecture in Henan
周口店周口店zhou1 kou3 dian4
Zhoukoudian in Fanshan district 房山區|房山区, Beijing
周口市周口市zhou1 kou3 shi4
Zhoukou prefecture level city in east Henan 河南
住口住口zhu4 kou3
shut up; shut your mouth; stop talking
转口轉口zhuan3 kou3
entrepot; transit (of goods); (coll.) to deny; to go back on one's word